path: root/tensorflow/stream_executor/stream_executor_pimpl.cc
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authorGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
committerGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
commitf41959ccb2d9d4c722fe8fc3351401d53bcf4900 (patch)
treeef0ca22cb2a5ac4bdec9d080d8e0788a53ed496d /tensorflow/stream_executor/stream_executor_pimpl.cc
TensorFlow: Initial commit of TensorFlow library.
TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Base CL: 107276108
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/stream_executor/stream_executor_pimpl.cc')
1 files changed, 642 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/stream_executor/stream_executor_pimpl.cc b/tensorflow/stream_executor/stream_executor_pimpl.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22b7a50b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/stream_executor/stream_executor_pimpl.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+// Implements the StreamExecutor interface by passing through to its
+// implementation_ value (in pointer-to-implementation style), which
+// implements StreamExecutorInterface.
+#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/stream_executor_pimpl.h"
+#include <atomic>
+#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/blas.h"
+#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/fft.h"
+#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/lib/env.h"
+#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/lib/error.h"
+#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/lib/notification.h"
+#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/lib/stringprintf.h"
+#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/lib/threadpool.h"
+#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/port.h"
+#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/rng.h"
+#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/stream_executor_internal.h"
+namespace {
+bool FLAGS_check_gpu_leaks = false;
+} // namespace
+namespace perftools {
+namespace gputools {
+namespace {
+// Maximum stack depth to report when generating backtrace on mem allocation
+// (for GPU memory leak checker)
+static const int kMaxStackDepth = 256;
+// Make sure the executor is done with its work; we know (because this isn't
+// publicly visible) that all enqueued work is quick.
+void BlockOnThreadExecutor(port::ThreadPool *executor) {
+ port::Notification n;
+ executor->Schedule([&n]() { n.Notify(); });
+ n.WaitForNotification();
+internal::StreamExecutorInterface *StreamExecutorImplementationFromPlatformKind(
+ PlatformKind platform_kind, const PluginConfig &plugin_config) {
+ // Note: we use this factory-assignment-in-switch pattern instead of just
+ // invoking the callable in case linkage is messed up -- instead of invoking a
+ // nullptr std::function (due to failed registration) we give a nice
+ // LOG(FATAL) message.
+ internal::StreamExecutorFactory factory;
+ switch (platform_kind) {
+ case PlatformKind::kCuda:
+ factory = *internal::MakeCUDAExecutorImplementation();
+ break;
+ case PlatformKind::kOpenCL:
+ factory = *internal::MakeOpenCLExecutorImplementation();
+ break;
+ case PlatformKind::kOpenCLAltera:
+ factory = *internal::MakeOpenCLAlteraExecutorImplementation();
+ break;
+ case PlatformKind::kHost:
+ factory = internal::MakeHostExecutorImplementation;
+ break;
+ default:
+ factory = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (factory == nullptr) {
+ << "cannot create GPU executor implementation for platform kind: "
+ << PlatformKindString(platform_kind);
+ }
+ return factory(plugin_config);
+std::atomic_int_fast64_t correlation_id_generator(0);
+} // namespace
+template <typename BeginCallT, typename CompleteCallT,
+ typename ReturnT, typename... BeginArgsT>
+class ScopedTracer {
+ public:
+ ScopedTracer(StreamExecutor *stream_exec, BeginCallT begin_call,
+ CompleteCallT complete_call, const ReturnT *result,
+ BeginArgsT... begin_args)
+ : stream_exec_(stream_exec),
+ complete_call_(complete_call),
+ result_(result) {
+ if (stream_exec_->tracing_enabled_) {
+ correlation_id_ =
+ correlation_id_generator.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed) - 1;
+ Trace(begin_call, begin_args...);
+ }
+ }
+ ~ScopedTracer() {
+ if (stream_exec_->tracing_enabled_) {
+ Trace(complete_call_, result_);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ template <typename CallbackT, typename... TraceArgsT>
+ void Trace(CallbackT callback, TraceArgsT... args) {
+ {
+ // Instance tracers held in a block to limit the lock lifetime.
+ shared_lock lock{stream_exec_->mu_};
+ for (TraceListener *listener : stream_exec_->listeners_) {
+ (listener->*callback)(correlation_id_,
+ std::forward<TraceArgsT>(args)...);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ StreamExecutor *stream_exec_;
+ CompleteCallT complete_call_;
+ const ReturnT* result_;
+ int64 correlation_id_;
+template <typename BeginCallT, typename CompleteCallT, typename ReturnT,
+ typename... BeginArgsT>
+ScopedTracer<BeginCallT, CompleteCallT, ReturnT, BeginArgsT...>
+MakeScopedTracer(StreamExecutor *stream_exec, BeginCallT begin_call,
+ CompleteCallT complete_call, ReturnT *result,
+ BeginArgsT... begin_args) {
+ return ScopedTracer<BeginCallT, CompleteCallT, ReturnT, BeginArgsT...>(
+ stream_exec, begin_call, complete_call, result,
+ std::forward<BeginArgsT>(begin_args)...);
+#define SCOPED_TRACE(LOC, ...) \
+ auto tracer = MakeScopedTracer(this, &LOC ## Begin, \
+ &LOC ## Complete, ## __VA_ARGS__);
+/* static */ mutex StreamExecutor::static_mu_{LINKER_INITIALIZED};
+StreamExecutor::StreamExecutor(PlatformKind platform_kind,
+ const PluginConfig &plugin_config)
+ : implementation_(StreamExecutorImplementationFromPlatformKind(
+ platform_kind, plugin_config)),
+ platform_kind_(platform_kind),
+ device_ordinal_(-1),
+ background_threads_(new port::ThreadPool(
+ port::Env::Default(), "stream_executor", kNumBackgroundThreads)),
+ live_stream_count_(0),
+ tracing_enabled_(false) {
+ CheckPlatformKindIsValid(platform_kind);
+ PlatformKind platform_kind,
+ internal::StreamExecutorInterface *implementation)
+ : implementation_(implementation),
+ platform_kind_(platform_kind),
+ device_ordinal_(-1),
+ background_threads_(new port::ThreadPool(
+ port::Env::Default(), "stream_executor", kNumBackgroundThreads)),
+ live_stream_count_(0),
+ tracing_enabled_(false) {
+ CheckPlatformKindIsValid(platform_kind);
+StreamExecutor::~StreamExecutor() {
+ BlockOnThreadExecutor(background_threads_.get());
+ if (live_stream_count_.load() != 0) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Not all streams were deallocated at executor destruction "
+ << "time. This may lead to unexpected/bad behavior - "
+ << "especially if any stream is still active!";
+ }
+ if (FLAGS_check_gpu_leaks) {
+ for (auto it : mem_allocs_) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Memory alloced at executor exit: addr: "
+ << port::Printf("%p", it.first)
+ << ", bytes: " << it.second.bytes << ", trace: \n"
+ << it.second.stack_trace;
+ }
+ }
+port::Status StreamExecutor::Init(int device_ordinal,
+ DeviceOptions device_options) {
+ device_ordinal_ = device_ordinal;
+ return implementation_->Init(device_ordinal, device_options);
+port::Status StreamExecutor::Init() {
+ return Init(0, DeviceOptions::Default());
+bool StreamExecutor::GetKernel(const MultiKernelLoaderSpec &spec,
+ KernelBase *kernel) {
+ return implementation_->GetKernel(spec, kernel);
+void StreamExecutor::Deallocate(DeviceMemoryBase *mem) {
+ VLOG(1) << "Called StreamExecutor::Deallocate(mem=" << mem->opaque()
+ << ") mem->size()=" << mem->size();
+ if (mem->opaque() != nullptr) {
+ EraseAllocRecord(mem->opaque());
+ }
+ implementation_->Deallocate(mem);
+ mem->Reset(nullptr, 0);
+void StreamExecutor::GetMemAllocs(std::map<void *, AllocRecord> *records_out) {
+ shared_lock lock{mu_};
+ *records_out = mem_allocs_;
+bool StreamExecutor::CanEnablePeerAccessTo(StreamExecutor *other) {
+ return implementation_->CanEnablePeerAccessTo(other->implementation_.get());
+port::Status StreamExecutor::EnablePeerAccessTo(StreamExecutor *other) {
+ return implementation_->EnablePeerAccessTo(other->implementation_.get());
+SharedMemoryConfig StreamExecutor::GetDeviceSharedMemoryConfig() {
+ return implementation_->GetDeviceSharedMemoryConfig();
+port::Status StreamExecutor::SetDeviceSharedMemoryConfig(
+ SharedMemoryConfig config) {
+ if (config != SharedMemoryConfig::kDefault &&
+ config != SharedMemoryConfig::kFourByte &&
+ config != SharedMemoryConfig::kEightByte) {
+ string error_msg = port::Printf(
+ "Invalid shared memory config specified: %d", static_cast<int>(config));
+ LOG(ERROR) << error_msg;
+ return port::Status{port::error::INVALID_ARGUMENT, error_msg};
+ }
+ return implementation_->SetDeviceSharedMemoryConfig(config);
+const DeviceDescription &StreamExecutor::GetDeviceDescription() const {
+ mutex_lock lock{mu_};
+ if (device_description_ != nullptr) {
+ return *device_description_;
+ }
+ device_description_.reset(PopulateDeviceDescription());
+ return *device_description_;
+int StreamExecutor::PlatformDeviceCount() const {
+ return implementation_->PlatformDeviceCount();
+bool StreamExecutor::SupportsBlas() const {
+ return implementation_->SupportsBlas();
+bool StreamExecutor::SupportsRng() const {
+ return implementation_->SupportsRng();
+bool StreamExecutor::SupportsDnn() const {
+ return implementation_->SupportsDnn();
+dnn::DnnSupport *StreamExecutor::AsDnn() {
+ mutex_lock lock{mu_};
+ if (dnn_ != nullptr) {
+ return dnn_.get();
+ }
+ dnn_.reset(implementation_->CreateDnn());
+ return dnn_.get();
+blas::BlasSupport *StreamExecutor::AsBlas() {
+ mutex_lock lock{mu_};
+ if (blas_ != nullptr) {
+ return blas_.get();
+ }
+ blas_.reset(implementation_->CreateBlas());
+ return blas_.get();
+fft::FftSupport *StreamExecutor::AsFft() {
+ mutex_lock lock{mu_};
+ if (fft_ != nullptr) {
+ return fft_.get();
+ }
+ fft_.reset(implementation_->CreateFft());
+ return fft_.get();
+rng::RngSupport *StreamExecutor::AsRng() {
+ mutex_lock lock{mu_};
+ if (rng_ != nullptr) {
+ return rng_.get();
+ }
+ rng_.reset(implementation_->CreateRng());
+ return rng_.get();
+bool StreamExecutor::Launch(Stream *stream, const ThreadDim &thread_dims,
+ const BlockDim &block_dims,
+ const KernelBase &kernel,
+ const std::vector<KernelArg> &args) {
+ SubmitTrace(&TraceListener::LaunchSubmit, stream, thread_dims, block_dims,
+ kernel, args);
+ return implementation_->Launch(stream, thread_dims, block_dims, kernel, args);
+bool StreamExecutor::BlockHostUntilDone(Stream *stream) {
+ bool result;
+ SCOPED_TRACE(TraceListener::BlockHostUntilDone, &result, stream);
+ result = implementation_->BlockHostUntilDone(stream);
+ return result;
+void *StreamExecutor::Allocate(uint64 size) {
+ void *buf = implementation_->Allocate(size);
+ VLOG(1) << "Called StreamExecutor::Allocate(size=" << size
+ << ") returns " << buf;
+ CreateAllocRecord(buf, size);
+ return buf;
+bool StreamExecutor::GetSymbol(const string &symbol_name, void **mem,
+ size_t *bytes) {
+ return implementation_->GetSymbol(symbol_name, mem, bytes);
+void *StreamExecutor::HostMemoryAllocate(uint64 size) {
+ void *buffer = implementation_->HostMemoryAllocate(size);
+ VLOG(1) << "Called StreamExecutor::HostMemoryAllocate(size=" << size
+ << ") returns " << buffer;
+ return buffer;
+void StreamExecutor::HostMemoryDeallocate(void *location) {
+ VLOG(1) << "Called StreamExecutor::HostMemoryDeallocate(location="
+ << location << ")";
+ return implementation_->HostMemoryDeallocate(location);
+bool StreamExecutor::HostMemoryRegister(void *location, uint64 size) {
+ VLOG(1) << "Called StreamExecutor::HostMemoryRegister(location=" << location
+ << ", size=" << size << ")";
+ if (location == nullptr || size == 0) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "attempting to register null or zero-sized memory: "
+ << location << "; size " << size;
+ }
+ return implementation_->HostMemoryRegister(location, size);
+bool StreamExecutor::HostMemoryUnregister(void *location) {
+ VLOG(1) << "Called StreamExecutor::HostMemoryUnregister(location=" << location
+ << ")";
+ return implementation_->HostMemoryUnregister(location);
+bool StreamExecutor::SynchronizeAllActivity() {
+ VLOG(1) << "Called StreamExecutor::SynchronizeAllActivity()";
+ bool ok = implementation_->SynchronizeAllActivity();
+ // This should all be quick and infallible work, so we can perform the
+ // synchronization even in the case of failure.
+ BlockOnThreadExecutor(background_threads_.get());
+ return ok;
+bool StreamExecutor::SynchronousMemZero(DeviceMemoryBase *location,
+ uint64 size) {
+ VLOG(1) << "Called StreamExecutor::SynchronousMemZero(location="
+ << location << ", size=" << size << ")";
+ return implementation_->SynchronousMemZero(location, size);
+bool StreamExecutor::SynchronousMemSet(DeviceMemoryBase *location, int value,
+ uint64 size) {
+ VLOG(1) << "Called StreamExecutor::SynchronousMemSet(location="
+ << location << ", value=" << value << ", size=" << size << ")";
+ return implementation_->SynchronousMemSet(location, value, size);
+bool StreamExecutor::SynchronousMemcpy(DeviceMemoryBase *gpu_dst,
+ const void *host_src, uint64 size) {
+ VLOG(1) << "Called StreamExecutor::SynchronousMemcpy(gpu_dst="
+ << gpu_dst->opaque() << ", host_src=" << host_src << ", size=" << size
+ << ") H2D";
+ // Tracing overloaded methods is very difficult due to issues with type
+ // inference on template args. Since use of these overloaded methods is
+ // discouraged anyway, this isn't a huge deal.
+ return implementation_->SynchronousMemcpy(gpu_dst, host_src, size);
+bool StreamExecutor::SynchronousMemcpy(void *host_dst,
+ const DeviceMemoryBase &gpu_src,
+ uint64 size) {
+ VLOG(1) << "Called StreamExecutor::SynchronousMemcpy(host_dst="
+ << host_dst << ", gpu_src=" << gpu_src.opaque() << ", size=" << size
+ << ") D2H";
+ return implementation_->SynchronousMemcpy(host_dst, gpu_src, size);
+bool StreamExecutor::SynchronousMemcpy(DeviceMemoryBase *gpu_dst,
+ const DeviceMemoryBase &gpu_src,
+ uint64 size) {
+ VLOG(1) << "Called StreamExecutor::SynchronousMemcpy(gpu_dst="
+ << gpu_dst->opaque() << ", gpu_src=" << gpu_src.opaque() << ", size=" << size
+ << ") D2D";
+ return implementation_->SynchronousMemcpyDeviceToDevice(gpu_dst, gpu_src,
+ size);
+port::Status StreamExecutor::SynchronousMemcpyD2H(
+ const DeviceMemoryBase &gpu_src, int64 size, void *host_dst) {
+ VLOG(1) << "Called StreamExecutor::SynchronousMemcpyD2H(gpu_src="
+ << gpu_src.opaque() << ", size=" << size << ", host_dst=" << host_dst << ")";
+ port::Status result{port::Status::OK()};
+ SCOPED_TRACE(TraceListener::SynchronousMemcpyD2H,
+ &result, gpu_src, size, host_dst);
+ if (!implementation_->SynchronousMemcpy(host_dst, gpu_src, size)) {
+ return port::Status{
+ port::error::INTERNAL,
+ port::Printf(
+ "failed to synchronously memcpy device-to-host: GPU %p to host %p "
+ "size %lld",
+ gpu_src.opaque(), host_dst, size)};
+ }
+ return result;
+port::Status StreamExecutor::SynchronousMemcpyH2D(const void *host_src,
+ int64 size,
+ DeviceMemoryBase *gpu_dst) {
+ VLOG(1) << "Called StreamExecutor::SynchronousMemcpyH2D(host_src="
+ << host_src << ", size=" << size << ", gpu_dst" << gpu_dst->opaque() << ")";
+ port::Status result{port::Status::OK()};
+ SCOPED_TRACE(TraceListener::SynchronousMemcpyH2D,
+ &result, host_src, size, gpu_dst);
+ if (!implementation_->SynchronousMemcpy(gpu_dst, host_src, size)) {
+ result = port::Status{
+ port::error::INTERNAL,
+ port::Printf("failed to synchronously memcpy host-to-device: host "
+ "%p to GPU %p size %lld",
+ host_src, gpu_dst->opaque(), size)};
+ }
+ return result;
+bool StreamExecutor::Memcpy(Stream *stream, void *host_dst,
+ const DeviceMemoryBase &gpu_src, uint64 size) {
+ return implementation_->Memcpy(stream, host_dst, gpu_src, size);
+bool StreamExecutor::Memcpy(Stream *stream, DeviceMemoryBase *gpu_dst,
+ const void *host_src, uint64 size) {
+ return implementation_->Memcpy(stream, gpu_dst, host_src, size);
+bool StreamExecutor::MemcpyDeviceToDevice(Stream *stream,
+ DeviceMemoryBase *gpu_dst,
+ const DeviceMemoryBase &gpu_src,
+ uint64 size) {
+ return implementation_->MemcpyDeviceToDevice(stream, gpu_dst, gpu_src, size);
+bool StreamExecutor::MemZero(Stream *stream, DeviceMemoryBase *location,
+ uint64 size) {
+ return implementation_->MemZero(stream, location, size);
+bool StreamExecutor::Memset32(Stream *stream, DeviceMemoryBase *location,
+ uint32 pattern, uint64 size) {
+ CHECK_EQ(0, size % 4)
+ << "need 32-bit multiple size to fill with 32-bit pattern";
+ return implementation_->Memset32(stream, location, pattern, size);
+bool StreamExecutor::HostCallback(Stream *stream,
+ std::function<void()> callback) {
+ return implementation_->HostCallback(stream, callback);
+port::Status StreamExecutor::AllocateEvent(Event *event) {
+ return implementation_->AllocateEvent(event);
+port::Status StreamExecutor::DeallocateEvent(Event *event) {
+ return implementation_->DeallocateEvent(event);
+port::Status StreamExecutor::RecordEvent(Stream *stream, Event *event) {
+ return implementation_->RecordEvent(stream, event);
+port::Status StreamExecutor::WaitForEvent(Stream *stream, Event *event) {
+ return implementation_->WaitForEvent(stream, event);
+Event::Status StreamExecutor::PollForEventStatus(Event *event) {
+ return implementation_->PollForEventStatus(event);
+bool StreamExecutor::AllocateStream(Stream *stream) {
+ live_stream_count_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ if (!implementation_->AllocateStream(stream)) {
+ auto count = live_stream_count_.fetch_sub(1);
+ CHECK_GE(count, 0) << "live stream count should not dip below zero";
+ LOG(INFO) << "failed to allocate stream; live stream count: " << count;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void StreamExecutor::DeallocateStream(Stream *stream) {
+ implementation_->DeallocateStream(stream);
+ CHECK_GE(live_stream_count_.fetch_sub(1), 0)
+ << "live stream count should not dip below zero";
+bool StreamExecutor::CreateStreamDependency(Stream *dependent, Stream *other) {
+ return implementation_->CreateStreamDependency(dependent, other);
+bool StreamExecutor::AllocateTimer(Timer *timer) {
+ return implementation_->AllocateTimer(timer);
+void StreamExecutor::DeallocateTimer(Timer *timer) {
+ return implementation_->DeallocateTimer(timer);
+bool StreamExecutor::StartTimer(Stream *stream, Timer *timer) {
+ return implementation_->StartTimer(stream, timer);
+bool StreamExecutor::StopTimer(Stream *stream, Timer *timer) {
+ return implementation_->StopTimer(stream, timer);
+DeviceDescription *StreamExecutor::PopulateDeviceDescription() const {
+ return implementation_->PopulateDeviceDescription();
+bool StreamExecutor::DeviceMemoryUsage(int64 *free, int64 *total) const {
+ return implementation_->DeviceMemoryUsage(free, total);
+KernelArg StreamExecutor::DeviceMemoryToKernelArg(
+ const DeviceMemoryBase &gpu_mem) const {
+ return implementation_->DeviceMemoryToKernelArg(gpu_mem);
+void StreamExecutor::EnqueueOnBackgroundThread(std::function<void()> task) {
+ background_threads_->Schedule(task);
+void StreamExecutor::CreateAllocRecord(void *opaque, uint64 bytes) {
+ if (FLAGS_check_gpu_leaks && opaque != nullptr && bytes != 0) {
+ mutex_lock lock{mu_};
+ mem_allocs_[opaque] = AllocRecord{
+ bytes, ""};
+ }
+void StreamExecutor::EraseAllocRecord(void *opaque) {
+ if (FLAGS_check_gpu_leaks && opaque != nullptr) {
+ mutex_lock lock{mu_};
+ if (mem_allocs_.find(opaque) == mem_allocs_.end()) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Deallocating unknown pointer: "
+ << port::Printf("0x%p", opaque);
+ } else {
+ mem_allocs_.erase(opaque);
+ }
+ }
+void StreamExecutor::EnableTracing(bool enabled) { tracing_enabled_ = enabled; }
+void StreamExecutor::RegisterTraceListener(TraceListener *listener) {
+ {
+ mutex_lock lock{mu_};
+ if (listeners_.find(listener) != listeners_.end()) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Attempt to register already-registered listener, "
+ << listener;
+ } else {
+ listeners_.insert(listener);
+ }
+ }
+ implementation_->RegisterTraceListener(listener);
+bool StreamExecutor::UnregisterTraceListener(TraceListener *listener) {
+ {
+ mutex_lock lock{mu_};
+ if (listeners_.find(listener) == listeners_.end()) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Attempt to unregister unknown listener, " << listener;
+ return false;
+ }
+ listeners_.erase(listener);
+ }
+ implementation_->UnregisterTraceListener(listener);
+ return true;
+template <typename TraceCallT, typename... ArgsT>
+void StreamExecutor::SubmitTrace(TraceCallT trace_call, ArgsT &&... args) {
+ if (tracing_enabled_) {
+ {
+ // instance tracers held in a block to limit the lock lifetime.
+ shared_lock lock{mu_};
+ for (TraceListener *listener : listeners_) {
+ (listener->*trace_call)(std::forward<ArgsT>(args)...);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+internal::StreamExecutorInterface *StreamExecutor::implementation() {
+ return implementation_->GetUnderlyingExecutor();
+} // namespace gputools
+} // namespace perftools