path: root/tensorflow/stream_executor/kernel.h
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authorGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
committerGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
commitf41959ccb2d9d4c722fe8fc3351401d53bcf4900 (patch)
treeef0ca22cb2a5ac4bdec9d080d8e0788a53ed496d /tensorflow/stream_executor/kernel.h
TensorFlow: Initial commit of TensorFlow library.
TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Base CL: 107276108
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/stream_executor/kernel.h')
1 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/stream_executor/kernel.h b/tensorflow/stream_executor/kernel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da646d0f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/stream_executor/kernel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+// Suite of datatypes to represent data-parallel kernel objects (code entities).
+// Kernel is the untyped variant, whereas TypedKernel takes a type signature
+// to do some template-based helper generation and give compile-time type
+// checking for kernel launch parameters.
+// Users typically don't see KernelBase, they see typed kernels, analogous to a
+// typed function pointer. TypedKernels express their argument types via
+// template parameters like so:
+// TypedKernel<DeviceMemory<int>*, int>
+// Which expresses a data parallel kernel signature for:
+// void(int*, int);
+// And for a const memory region:
+// TypedKernel<const DeviceMemory<int>&, int>
+// Corresponds to a data parallel kernel signature for:
+// void(const int*, int)
+// Note that kernels always have a void return type, so results typically must
+// be memcpy'ied from device memory to the host.
+// Also note that a scalar integer residing in device memory and an array of
+// integers residing in device memory have the same signature: DeviceMemory<T>.
+// However, in the future, checks may be added for additional safety that arrays
+// of minimum sizes are passed when those minimum sizes are contractually
+// expected by the kernel.
+// For user-defined types whose definitions are appropriately shared between the
+// host code doing the launching and the kernel code being launched, the user
+// defined types are similarly permitted to be expressed as residing in device
+// memory:
+// TypedKernel<DeviceMemory<MyUserDefinedStructure>>
+// And, when the alignment and padding are agreed upon, POD types will also be
+// able to be passed by value; for example, it is a common idiom to specify a
+// bunch of options simultaneously with a structure:
+// TypedKernel<MyOptionsStructurePassedByValue, DeviceMemory<float>>
+// Which corresponds to a data parallel kernel signature like:
+// void(MyOptionsStructurePassedByValue value, float *result);
+// Users typically won't need to type out the TypedKernel signature in full, it
+// will be typedef'd by automatically generated code; for example, see
+// perftools::gputools::executor_sample::VecReduceAddKernel.
+#include <memory>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <vector>
+#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/device_memory.h"
+#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/kernel_cache_config.h"
+#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/lib/stringpiece.h"
+#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/port.h"
+#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/lib/inlined_vector.h"
+namespace perftools {
+namespace gputools {
+class DeviceMemoryBase;
+template <typename ElemT>
+class DeviceMemory;
+class StreamExecutor;
+namespace internal {
+class KernelInterface;
+} // namespace internal
+// KernelMetadata holds runtime-queryable attributes of a loaded kernel, such as
+// registers allocated, shared memory used, etc.
+// Not all platforms support reporting of all information, so each accessor
+// returns false if the associated field is not populated in the underlying
+// platform.
+class KernelMetadata {
+ public:
+ KernelMetadata()
+ : has_registers_per_thread_(false), has_shared_memory_bytes_(false) {}
+ // Returns the number of registers used per thread executing this kernel.
+ bool registers_per_thread(int *registers_per_thread) const;
+ // Sets the number of registers used per thread executing this kernel.
+ void set_registers_per_thread(int registers_per_thread);
+ // Returns the amount of [static] shared memory used per block executing this
+ // kernel. Note that dynamic shared memory allocations are not (and can not)
+ // be reported here (since they're not specified until kernel launch time).
+ bool shared_memory_bytes(int *shared_memory_bytes) const;
+ // Sets the amount of [static] shared memory used per block executing this
+ // kernel.
+ void set_shared_memory_bytes(int shared_memory_bytes);
+ private:
+ // Holds the value returned by registers_per_thread above.
+ bool has_registers_per_thread_;
+ int registers_per_thread_;
+ // Holds the value returned by shared_memory_bytes above.
+ bool has_shared_memory_bytes_;
+ int64 shared_memory_bytes_;
+// A data-parallel kernel (code entity) for launching via the StreamExecutor,
+// analogous to a void* device function pointer. See TypedKernel for the typed
+// variant.
+// Thread-compatible.
+class KernelBase {
+ public:
+ // Constructs an "empty" (not-yet-loaded) kernel instance.
+ //
+ // parent is the StreamExecutor that will be responsible for loading the
+ // implementation of this kernel. It must not be null.
+ explicit KernelBase(StreamExecutor *parent);
+ // Test-only constructor that can take a mock KernelInterface implementation.
+ // Takes ownership of implementation, it should not be null.
+ KernelBase(StreamExecutor *parent, internal::KernelInterface *implementation);
+ // Releases resources associated with the kernel instance (i.e.
+ // platform-specific implementation).
+ ~KernelBase();
+ // Returns the number of parameters that this kernel accepts. (Arity refers to
+ // nullary, unary, ...).
+ unsigned Arity() const;
+ // Returns the StreamExecutor that represents the platform this kernel
+ // executes upon.
+ StreamExecutor *parent() const { return parent_; }
+ // Returns a const pointer to the (opaque) platform-dependent implementation.
+ const internal::KernelInterface *implementation() const {
+ return implementation_.get();
+ }
+ // Returns a non-const pointer to the (opaque) platform-dependent
+ // implementation.
+ internal::KernelInterface *implementation() { return implementation_.get(); }
+ void set_metadata(const KernelMetadata &metadata) { metadata_ = metadata; }
+ const KernelMetadata &metadata() const { return metadata_; }
+ // Sets the preferred cache configuration for a kernel. This is just a
+ // suggestion to the runtime, and may not be honored during execution.
+ void SetPreferredCacheConfig(KernelCacheConfig config);
+ // Gets the preferred cache configuration for a kernel.
+ KernelCacheConfig GetPreferredCacheConfig() const;
+ void set_name(port::StringPiece name);
+ const string &name() const { return name_; }
+ const string &demangled_name() const { return demangled_name_; }
+ private:
+ // Implementation delegated to for platform-specific functionality.
+ std::unique_ptr<internal::KernelInterface> implementation_;
+ // The StreamExecutor that loads this kernel object.
+ StreamExecutor *parent_;
+ string name_;
+ string demangled_name_;
+ KernelMetadata metadata_;
+// Whether T is a DeviceMemory-family pointer.
+template <typename T>
+struct IsDeviceMemoryPointer {
+ static constexpr bool value = false;
+template <typename U>
+struct IsDeviceMemoryPointer<DeviceMemory<U> *> {
+ static constexpr bool value = true;
+template <>
+struct IsDeviceMemoryPointer<DeviceMemoryBase *> {
+ static constexpr bool value = true;
+// Whether T is a DeviceMemory-family value-like thing (which includes a
+// reference). This trait is useful because we pack values in the same manner as
+// references.
+template <typename T>
+struct IsDeviceMemoryValueLike {
+ static constexpr bool value = false;
+template <typename U>
+struct IsDeviceMemoryValueLike<DeviceMemory<U> &> {
+ static constexpr bool value = true;
+// We need to treat SharedDeviceMemory types differently than other DeviceMemory
+// types (since they maintain no allocations), hence these specializations.
+template <typename U>
+struct IsDeviceMemoryValueLike<SharedDeviceMemory<U> &> {
+ static constexpr bool value = false;
+template <>
+struct IsDeviceMemoryValueLike<DeviceMemoryBase &> {
+ static constexpr bool value = true;
+template <typename U>
+struct IsDeviceMemoryValueLike<DeviceMemory<U>> {
+ static constexpr bool value = true;
+template <typename U>
+struct IsDeviceMemoryValueLike<SharedDeviceMemory<U>> {
+ static constexpr bool value = false;
+template <>
+struct IsDeviceMemoryValueLike<DeviceMemoryBase> {
+ static constexpr bool value = true;
+template <typename U>
+struct IsSharedDeviceMemory {
+ static constexpr bool value = false;
+template <typename U>
+struct IsSharedDeviceMemory<SharedDeviceMemory<U> &> {
+ static constexpr bool value = true;
+template <typename U>
+struct IsSharedDeviceMemory<SharedDeviceMemory<U>> {
+ static constexpr bool value = true;
+// KernelArg encapsulates the information necessary for a back-end executor to
+// configure a kernel to launch using the given argument.
+struct KernelArg {
+ // Indicates the type of an argument: normal, to be passed to the kernel
+ // in the standard manner, or shared memory, which has distinct
+ // rules for specification per backend.
+ enum Type {
+ kNormal,
+ kSharedMemory,
+ } type;
+ // The data to pass to the kernel - either a pointer to device memory, or the
+ // argument value. compact_array is used to prevent smaller args (ex. u8, u64)
+ // from requiring heap allocation.
+ port::InlinedVector<uint8, 4> data;
+ // The size of this argument in bytes.
+ uint64 bytes;
+// Typed variant of KernelBase, like a typed device function pointer. See the
+// file comment for details and example usage.
+// This class contains template metaprogramming magic to type check the
+// parameters passed to a kernel launch are acceptable, and subsequently pack
+// them into a form which can be used by the StreamExecutorInterface
+// implementation. (i.e. CUDA and OpenCL both bind void*s with associated
+// sizes as kernel arguments.)
+// Thread-compatible.
+template <typename... Params>
+class TypedKernel : public KernelBase {
+ public:
+ // Delegates to KernelBase::KernelBase(), see that constructor.
+ explicit TypedKernel(StreamExecutor *parent) : KernelBase(parent) {}
+ // Test-only constructor that can take a mock KernelInterface implementation.
+ // Takes ownership of implementation, it should not be null.
+ TypedKernel(StreamExecutor *parent, internal::KernelInterface *implementation)
+ : KernelBase(parent, implementation) {}
+ private:
+ // Stream needs access to the specific parameter-packing functionality that
+ // the TypedKernel provides for its corresponding type signature (and no other
+ // type signatures).
+ friend class Stream;
+ // This is the main entry point into the magic. Packs the parameters (which
+ // must type check against the class template) into the args and sizes
+ // arrays.
+ //
+ // Const refs are taken as parameters on all of the handlers to avoid
+ // implicit type promotion of integers.
+ void PackParams(std::vector<KernelArg> *args, Params... params) const {
+ PackOneParam(args, params...);
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename... RestOfParams>
+ void PackOneParam(std::vector<KernelArg> *args, const T &arg,
+ const RestOfParams... rest) const {
+ PackOneParam(args, arg);
+ PackOneParam(args, rest...);
+ }
+ // Packs one (non-DeviceMemoryBase) parameter into the arg and sizes array.
+ // The enable_if<> is for excluding DeviceMemoryBase args, which have a
+ // separate implementation below.
+ template <typename T>
+ void PackOneParam(
+ std::vector<KernelArg> *args, const T &arg,
+ typename std::enable_if<!IsDeviceMemoryValueLike<T>::value &&
+ !IsDeviceMemoryPointer<T>::value &&
+ !IsSharedDeviceMemory<T>::value>::type * =
+ nullptr) const {
+ static_assert(!std::is_pointer<T>::value,
+ "cannot pass raw pointer to the device");
+ static_assert(!std::is_convertible<T, DeviceMemoryBase>::value,
+ "cannot pass device memory as a normal value");
+ const uint8 *arg_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const uint8 *>(&arg);
+ args->emplace_back(KernelArg{
+ KernelArg::kNormal,
+ port::InlinedVector<uint8, 4>{arg_ptr, arg_ptr + sizeof(arg)}, sizeof(arg)});
+ }
+ // DeviceMemoryBase family reference override.
+ template <typename T>
+ void PackOneParam(
+ std::vector<KernelArg> *args, const T &arg,
+ typename std::enable_if<IsDeviceMemoryValueLike<T>::value>::type * =
+ nullptr) const {
+ args->emplace_back(parent()->DeviceMemoryToKernelArg(arg));
+ }
+ // DeviceMemoryBase family pointer override.
+ template <typename T>
+ void PackOneParam(
+ std::vector<KernelArg> *args, T arg,
+ typename std::enable_if<IsDeviceMemoryPointer<T>::value>::type * =
+ nullptr) const {
+ DeviceMemoryBase *ptr = static_cast<DeviceMemoryBase *>(arg);
+ args->emplace_back(parent()->DeviceMemoryToKernelArg(*ptr));
+ }
+ // Dynamic shared device memory has a size, but no associated allocation on
+ // the host; internally, the device will allocate storage.
+ template <typename T>
+ void PackOneParam(
+ std::vector<KernelArg> *args, T arg,
+ typename std::enable_if<IsSharedDeviceMemory<T>::value>::type * =
+ nullptr) const {
+ args->emplace_back(KernelArg{KernelArg::kSharedMemory,
+ port::InlinedVector<uint8, 4>(), arg.size()});
+ }
+ // Base case for variadic template expansion - nothing to do!
+ void PackOneParam(std::vector<KernelArg> *args) const {}
+// Template metaprogramming helper type that helps us produce better error
+// messages at compile time when the are mismatches between the parameter
+// type list and the argument type list.
+template <typename ParamTuple, typename ArgTuple>
+struct KernelInvocationChecker {
+ // Whether the parameter tuple and argument tuple match in length.
+ static constexpr bool kLengthMatches =
+ std::tuple_size<ParamTuple>::value == std::tuple_size<ArgTuple>::value;
+ // The (matching) length of the parameters and arguments type lists.
+ static constexpr int kTupleLength =
+ static_cast<int>(std::tuple_size<ArgTuple>::value);
+ // Helper trait to say whether the parameter wants a DeviceMemory-reference
+ // compatible type. This is for inexact type matches, so that it doesn't have
+ // to be precisely a const DeviceMemory<T>&, but can also be a value that
+ // represents the same.
+ template <typename ParamType, typename ArgType>
+ struct IsCompatibleDeviceMemoryRef {
+ static constexpr bool value = false;
+ };
+ // See type trait definition above.
+ template <typename U>
+ struct IsCompatibleDeviceMemoryRef<const DeviceMemory<U> &, DeviceMemory<U>> {
+ static constexpr bool value = true;
+ };
+ // See type trait definition above.
+ template <typename U>
+ struct IsCompatibleDeviceMemoryRef<const SharedDeviceMemory<U> &,
+ SharedDeviceMemory<U>> {
+ static constexpr bool value = true;
+ };
+ // Returns whether ParamT and ArgT are compatible for data parallel kernel
+ // parameter packing without any assert functionality.
+ template <typename ParamT, typename ArgT>
+ static constexpr bool CompatibleNoAssert() {
+ return std::is_same<typename std::remove_const<ParamT>::type,
+ ArgT>::value ||
+ IsCompatibleDeviceMemoryRef<ParamT, ArgT>::value;
+ }
+ // Checks whether ParamT and ArgT are compatible for data parallel kernel
+ // parameter packing. kArgumentNumber is unused, it just for error display.
+ //
+ // NOTE: if you encounter an error here, you can see the mismatch by looking
+ // at the end of the last error message, which will be of the form:
+ //
+ // ...::Compatible<const perftools::gputools::DeviceMemory<OneThing> &,
+ // perftools::gputools::DeviceMemory<AnotherThing>, true,
+ // 0>'
+ // requested here
+ //
+ // This means that the 0th argument you passed to the kernel invocation should
+ // have been DeviceMemory<OneThing> but was observed to be
+ // DeviceMemory<AnotherThing>.
+ template <typename ParamT, typename ArgT, bool kShouldStaticAssert,
+ int kArgumentNumber>
+ static constexpr bool Compatible() {
+ static_assert(
+ kShouldStaticAssert ? CompatibleNoAssert<ParamT, ArgT>() : true,
+ "parameter type (LHS) is not compatible with argument type (RHS)");
+ return CompatibleNoAssert<ParamT, ArgT>();
+ }
+ // Checks the parameter/argument match at kArgumentNumber for an out of bounds
+ // argument number.
+ //
+ // This is the base case: we've run out of argument to check, so we're all
+ // good.
+ template <int kArgumentNumber, bool kShouldStaticAssert>
+ static constexpr bool CheckParam(
+ typename std::enable_if<(kArgumentNumber < 0)>::type *dummy = nullptr) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Checks the parameter/argument match at kArgumentNumber.
+ // kShouldStaticAssert determines whether to assert out on a mismatch, or just
+ // yield the constexpr boolean value.
+ template <int kArgumentNumber, bool kShouldStaticAssert>
+ static constexpr bool CheckParam(
+ typename std::enable_if<kArgumentNumber >= 0>::type *dummy = nullptr) {
+ typedef typename std::tuple_element<kArgumentNumber, ParamTuple>::type
+ ParamT;
+ typedef typename std::tuple_element<kArgumentNumber, ArgTuple>::type ArgT;
+ return Compatible<ParamT, ArgT, kShouldStaticAssert, kArgumentNumber>() &&
+ CheckParam<kArgumentNumber - 1, kShouldStaticAssert>();
+ }
+ // Checks the parameters/arguments for match, but doesn't static assert out.
+ // This is useful for testing/inspecting whether a set of parameters match in
+ // things like tests.
+ static constexpr bool CheckAllNoStaticAssert() {
+ return kLengthMatches && CheckParam<kTupleLength - 1, false>();
+ }
+ // Checks the parameters and static asserts out with a helpful error message
+ // (and useful template parameters in the instantiation stack) if there is an
+ // error.
+ static constexpr bool CheckAllStaticAssert() {
+ static_assert(kLengthMatches,
+ "argument length mismatched against typed kernel parameters");
+ return kLengthMatches && CheckParam<kTupleLength - 1, true>();
+ }
+// This is a convenience type for checking whether a typed kernel matches
+// against a type list.
+template <typename KernelT, typename... Params>
+struct KernelParamsOk {
+ static constexpr bool kResult = false;
+// See above.
+template <typename... Params, typename... Args>
+struct KernelParamsOk<TypedKernel<Params...>, Args...> {
+ static constexpr bool kResult = KernelInvocationChecker<
+ std::tuple<Params...>, std::tuple<Args...>>::CheckAllNoStaticAssert();
+} // namespace gputools
+} // namespace perftools