path: root/tensorflow/python/framework/tensor_util.py
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authorGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
committerGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
commitf41959ccb2d9d4c722fe8fc3351401d53bcf4900 (patch)
treeef0ca22cb2a5ac4bdec9d080d8e0788a53ed496d /tensorflow/python/framework/tensor_util.py
TensorFlow: Initial commit of TensorFlow library.
TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Base CL: 107276108
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/python/framework/tensor_util.py')
1 files changed, 511 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/python/framework/tensor_util.py b/tensorflow/python/framework/tensor_util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81ed54c473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/python/framework/tensor_util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+"""Utilities to create TensorProtos."""
+import numbers
+import tensorflow.python.platform
+import numpy as np
+from tensorflow.core.framework import tensor_pb2
+from tensorflow.core.framework import tensor_shape_pb2
+# TODO(opensource): Add support for pyx_library in the open-source build.
+# For now, we use the slow versions that fast_tensor_util replaces.
+# pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
+ from tensorflow.python.framework import fast_tensor_util
+except ImportError:
+from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
+from tensorflow.python.framework import types
+# pylint: enable=g-import-not-at-top
+ np.float32: fast_tensor_util.AppendFloat32ArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.float64: fast_tensor_util.AppendFloat64ArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.int32: fast_tensor_util.AppendInt32ArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.int64: fast_tensor_util.AppendInt64ArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.uint8: fast_tensor_util.AppendUInt8ArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.int16: fast_tensor_util.AppendInt16ArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.int8: fast_tensor_util.AppendInt8ArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.complex64: fast_tensor_util.AppendComplex64ArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.complex128: fast_tensor_util.AppendComplex128ArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.object: fast_tensor_util.AppendObjectArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.bool: fast_tensor_util.AppendBoolArrayToTensorProto,
+ types.qint8.as_numpy_dtype:
+ fast_tensor_util.AppendInt8ArrayToTensorProto,
+ types.quint8.as_numpy_dtype:
+ fast_tensor_util.AppendUInt8ArrayToTensorProto,
+ types.qint32.as_numpy_dtype:
+ fast_tensor_util.AppendInt32ArrayToTensorProto,
+ # NOTE(mdevin): Intentionally no way to feed a DT_BFLOAT16.
+ }
+ def SlowAppendFloat32ArrayToTensorProto(tensor_proto, proto_values):
+ tensor_proto.float_val.extend([np.asscalar(x) for x in proto_values])
+ def SlowAppendFloat64ArrayToTensorProto(tensor_proto, proto_values):
+ tensor_proto.double_val.extend([np.asscalar(x) for x in proto_values])
+ def SlowAppendIntArrayToTensorProto(tensor_proto, proto_values):
+ tensor_proto.int_val.extend([np.asscalar(x) for x in proto_values])
+ def SlowAppendInt64ArrayToTensorProto(tensor_proto, proto_values):
+ tensor_proto.int64_val.extend([np.asscalar(x) for x in proto_values])
+ def SlowAppendComplexArrayToTensorProto(tensor_proto, proto_values):
+ tensor_proto.scomplex_val.extend([np.asscalar(v)
+ for x in proto_values
+ for v in [x.real, x.imag]])
+ def SlowAppendObjectArrayToTensorProto(tensor_proto, proto_values):
+ tensor_proto.string_val.extend([str(x) for x in proto_values])
+ def SlowAppendBoolArrayToTensorProto(tensor_proto, proto_values):
+ tensor_proto.bool_val.extend([np.asscalar(x) for x in proto_values])
+ np.float32: SlowAppendFloat32ArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.float64: SlowAppendFloat64ArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.int32: SlowAppendIntArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.int64: SlowAppendInt64ArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.uint8: SlowAppendIntArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.int16: SlowAppendIntArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.int8: SlowAppendIntArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.complex64: SlowAppendComplexArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.complex128: SlowAppendComplexArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.object: SlowAppendObjectArrayToTensorProto,
+ np.bool: SlowAppendBoolArrayToTensorProto,
+ types.qint8.as_numpy_dtype: SlowAppendIntArrayToTensorProto,
+ types.quint8.as_numpy_dtype: SlowAppendIntArrayToTensorProto,
+ types.qint32.as_numpy_dtype: SlowAppendIntArrayToTensorProto,
+ # NOTE(mdevin): Intentionally no way to feed a DT_BFLOAT16.
+ }
+def GetFromNumpyDTypeDict(dtype_dict, dtype):
+ # NOTE: dtype_dict.get(dtype) always returns None.
+ for key, val in dtype_dict.iteritems():
+ if key == dtype:
+ return val
+ return None
+def GetNumpyAppendFn(dtype):
+ # numpy dtype for strings are variable length. We can not compare
+ # dtype with a single constant (np.string does not exist) to decide
+ # dtype is a "string" type. We need to compare the dtype.type to be
+ # sure it's a string type.
+ if dtype.type == np.string_ or dtype.type == np.unicode_:
+ return fast_tensor_util.AppendObjectArrayToTensorProto
+ else:
+ return SlowAppendObjectArrayToTensorProto
+ return GetFromNumpyDTypeDict(_NP_TO_APPEND_FN, dtype)
+def MakeTensorShapeProto(shape):
+ """Create a TensorShapeProto.
+ Args:
+ shape: List of integers representing the dimensions of the tensor.
+ Returns:
+ A TensorShapeProto.
+ """
+ return tensor_shape_pb2.TensorShapeProto(
+ dim=[tensor_shape_pb2.TensorShapeProto.Dim(size=x) for x in shape])
+def TensorShapeProtoToList(shape):
+ """Convert a TensorShape to a list.
+ Args:
+ shape: A TensorShapeProto.
+ Returns:
+ List of integers representing the dimensions of the tensor.
+ """
+ return [dim.size for dim in shape.dim]
+def _GetDenseDimensions(list_of_lists):
+ """Returns the inferred dense dimensions of a list of lists."""
+ if not isinstance(list_of_lists, (list, tuple)):
+ return []
+ elif not list_of_lists:
+ return [0]
+ else:
+ return [len(list_of_lists)] + _GetDenseDimensions(list_of_lists[0])
+def _FlattenToStrings(nested_strings):
+ if isinstance(nested_strings, list):
+ for inner in nested_strings:
+ for flattened_string in _FlattenToStrings(inner):
+ yield flattened_string
+ else:
+ yield nested_strings
+_TENSOR_CONTENT_TYPES = frozenset([
+ types.float32, types.float64, types.int32, types.uint8, types.int16,
+ types.int8, types.int64
+def _FirstNotNone(l):
+ for x in l:
+ if x is not None:
+ return x
+ return None
+def _FilterInt(v):
+ if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
+ return _FirstNotNone([_FilterInt(x) for x in v])
+ return None if isinstance(v, numbers.Integral) else repr(v)
+def _FilterFloat(v):
+ if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
+ return _FirstNotNone([_FilterFloat(x) for x in v])
+ return None if isinstance(v, numbers.Real) else repr(v)
+def _FilterComplex(v):
+ if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
+ return _FirstNotNone([_FilterComplex(x) for x in v])
+ return None if isinstance(v, numbers.Complex) else repr(v)
+def _FilterStr(v):
+ if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
+ return _FirstNotNone([_FilterStr(x) for x in v])
+ return None if isinstance(v, basestring) else repr(v)
+def _FilterBool(v):
+ if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
+ return _FirstNotNone([_FilterBool(x) for x in v])
+ return None if isinstance(v, bool) else repr(v)
+def _FilterNotTensor(v):
+ if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
+ return _FirstNotNone([_FilterNotTensor(x) for x in v])
+ return repr(v) if isinstance(v, ops.Tensor) else None
+_TF_TO_IS_OK = {
+ types.float32: _FilterFloat,
+ types.float64: _FilterFloat,
+ types.int32: _FilterInt,
+ types.uint8: _FilterInt,
+ types.int16: _FilterInt,
+ types.int8: _FilterInt,
+ types.string: _FilterStr,
+ types.complex64: _FilterComplex,
+ types.int64: _FilterInt,
+ types.bool: _FilterBool,
+ types.qint32: _FilterInt,
+ types.quint8: _FilterInt,
+ types.qint8: _FilterInt,
+def _AssertCompatible(values, dtype):
+ fn = _TF_TO_IS_OK.get(dtype, _FilterNotTensor)
+ mismatch = fn(values)
+ if mismatch is not None:
+ if dtype is None:
+ raise TypeError("List of Tensors when single Tensor expected")
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Expected %s, got %s instead." %
+ (dtype.name, mismatch))
+def make_tensor_proto(values, dtype=None, shape=None):
+ """Create a TensorProto.
+ Args:
+ values: Values to put in the TensorProto.
+ dtype: Optional tensor_pb2 DataType value.
+ shape: List of integers representing the dimensions of tensor.
+ Returns:
+ A TensorProto. Depending on the type, it may contain data in the
+ "tensor_content" attribute, which is not directly useful to Python programs.
+ To access the values you should convert the proto back to a numpy ndarray
+ with tensor_util.MakeNdarray(proto).
+ Raises:
+ TypeError: if unsupported types are provided.
+ ValueError: if arguments have inappropriate values.
+ make_tensor_proto accepts "values" of a python scalar, a python list, a
+ numpy ndarray, or a numpy scalar.
+ If "values" is a python scalar or a python list, make_tensor_proto
+ first convert it to numpy ndarray. If dtype is None, the
+ conversion tries its best to infer the right numpy data
+ type. Otherwise, the resulting numpy array has a compatible data
+ type with the given dtype.
+ In either case above, the numpy ndarray (either the caller provided
+ or the auto converted) must have the compatible type with dtype.
+ make_tensor_proto then converts the numpy array to a tensor proto.
+ If "shape" is None, the resulting tensor proto represents the numpy
+ array precisely.
+ Otherwise, "shape" specifies the tensor's shape and the numpy array
+ can not have more elements than what "shape" specifies.
+ """
+ if dtype:
+ dtype = types.as_dtype(dtype)
+ # We first convert value to a numpy array or scalar.
+ if isinstance(values, (np.ndarray, np.generic)):
+ if dtype:
+ nparray = values.astype(dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
+ else:
+ nparray = values
+ else:
+ if values is None:
+ raise ValueError("None values not supported.")
+ # if dtype is provided, forces numpy array to be the type
+ # provided if possible.
+ np_dt = dtype.as_numpy_dtype if dtype else None
+ if np.prod(shape) == 0:
+ nparray = np.empty(shape, dtype=np_dt)
+ else:
+ _AssertCompatible(values, dtype)
+ nparray = np.array(values, dtype=np_dt)
+ if list(nparray.shape) != _GetDenseDimensions(values):
+ raise ValueError("Argument must be a dense tensor: %s" % values)
+ # python/numpy default float type is float64. We prefer float32 instead.
+ if (nparray.dtype == np.float64) and dtype is None:
+ nparray = nparray.astype(np.float32)
+ # python/numpy default int type is int64. We prefer int32 instead.
+ elif (nparray.dtype == np.int64) and dtype is None:
+ nparray = nparray.astype(np.int32)
+ # if dtype is provided, it must be compatible with what numpy
+ # conversion says.
+ numpy_dtype = types.as_dtype(nparray.dtype)
+ if numpy_dtype is None:
+ raise TypeError("Unrecognized data type: %s" % nparray.dtype)
+ # If dtype was specified and is a quantized type, we convert
+ # numpy_dtype back into the quantized version.
+ if dtype in [types.qint8, types.quint8, types.qint32]:
+ numpy_dtype = dtype
+ if dtype is not None and not dtype.base_dtype == numpy_dtype.base_dtype:
+ raise TypeError("Incompatible types: %s vs. %s" % (dtype, nparray.dtype))
+ # If shape is not given, get the shape from the numpy array.
+ if shape is None:
+ shape = nparray.shape
+ is_same_size = True
+ shape_size = nparray.size
+ else:
+ shape = [int(dim) for dim in shape]
+ shape_size = np.prod(shape)
+ is_same_size = shape_size == nparray.size
+ if nparray.size > shape_size:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Too many elements provided. Needed at most %d, but received %d" %
+ (shape_size, nparray.size))
+ tensor_proto = tensor_pb2.TensorProto(
+ dtype=numpy_dtype.as_datatype_enum,
+ tensor_shape=MakeTensorShapeProto(shape))
+ if is_same_size and numpy_dtype in _TENSOR_CONTENT_TYPES and shape_size > 1:
+ tensor_proto.tensor_content = nparray.tostring()
+ return tensor_proto
+ # If we were not given values as a numpy array, compute the proto_values
+ # from the given values directly, to avoid numpy trimming nulls from the
+ # strings. Since values could be a list of strings, or a multi-dimensional
+ # list of lists that might or might not correspond to the given shape,
+ # we flatten it conservatively.
+ if numpy_dtype == types.string and not isinstance(values, np.ndarray):
+ proto_values = _FlattenToStrings(values)
+ tensor_proto.string_val.extend([str(x) for x in proto_values])
+ return tensor_proto
+ # TensorFlow expects C order (a.k.a., eigen row major).
+ proto_values = nparray.ravel()
+ append_fn = GetNumpyAppendFn(proto_values.dtype)
+ if append_fn is None:
+ raise TypeError("Element type not supported in TensorProto: %s" %
+ numpy_dtype.name)
+ append_fn(tensor_proto, proto_values)
+ return tensor_proto
+def MakeNdarray(tensor):
+ """Create a numpy ndarray from a tensor.
+ Create a numpy ndarray with the same shape and data as the tensor.
+ Args:
+ tensor: A TensorProto.
+ Returns:
+ A numpy array with the tensor contents.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError: if tensor has unsupported type.
+ """
+ shape = [d.size for d in tensor.tensor_shape.dim]
+ num_elements = np.prod(shape)
+ tensor_dtype = types.as_dtype(tensor.dtype)
+ dtype = tensor_dtype.as_numpy_dtype
+ if tensor.tensor_content:
+ return np.fromstring(tensor.tensor_content, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
+ elif tensor_dtype == types.float32:
+ if len(tensor.float_val) == 1:
+ return np.repeat(np.array(tensor.float_val[0], dtype=dtype),
+ num_elements).reshape(shape)
+ else:
+ return np.fromiter(tensor.float_val, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
+ elif tensor_dtype == types.float64:
+ if len(tensor.double_val) == 1:
+ return np.repeat(np.array(tensor.double_val[0], dtype=dtype),
+ num_elements).reshape(shape)
+ else:
+ return np.fromiter(tensor.double_val, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
+ elif tensor_dtype in [types.int32, types.uint8, types.int16, types.int8,
+ types.qint32, types.quint8, types.qint8,
+ types.bfloat16]:
+ if len(tensor.int_val) == 1:
+ return np.repeat(np.array(tensor.int_val[0], dtype=dtype),
+ num_elements).reshape(shape)
+ else:
+ return np.fromiter(tensor.int_val, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
+ elif tensor_dtype == types.int64:
+ if len(tensor.int64_val) == 1:
+ return np.repeat(np.array(tensor.int64_val[0], dtype=dtype),
+ num_elements).reshape(shape)
+ else:
+ return np.fromiter(tensor.int64_val, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
+ elif tensor_dtype == types.string:
+ if len(tensor.string_val) == 1:
+ return np.repeat(np.array(str(tensor.string_val[0]), dtype=dtype),
+ num_elements).reshape(shape)
+ else:
+ return np.array([str(x) for x in tensor.string_val],
+ dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
+ elif tensor_dtype == types.complex64:
+ it = iter(tensor.scomplex_val)
+ if len(tensor.scomplex_val) == 2:
+ return np.repeat(np.array(complex(tensor.scomplex_val[0],
+ tensor.scomplex_val[1]), dtype=dtype),
+ num_elements).reshape(shape)
+ else:
+ return np.array([complex(x[0], x[1]) for x in zip(it, it)],
+ dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
+ elif tensor_dtype == types.bool:
+ if len(tensor.bool_val) == 1:
+ return np.repeat(np.array(tensor.bool_val[0], dtype=dtype),
+ num_elements).reshape(shape)
+ else:
+ return np.fromiter(tensor.bool_val, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Unsupported tensor type: %s" % tensor.dtype)
+def ShapeEquals(tensor_proto, shape):
+ """Returns True if "tensor_proto" has the given "shape".
+ Args:
+ tensor_proto: A TensorProto.
+ shape: A tensor shape, expressed as a TensorShape, list, or tuple.
+ Returns:
+ True if "tensor_proto" has the given "shape", otherwise False.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError: If "tensor_proto" is not a TensorProto, or shape is not a
+ TensorShape, list, or tuple.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(tensor_proto, tensor_pb2.TensorProto):
+ raise TypeError("tensor_proto is not a tensor_pb2.TensorProto object")
+ if isinstance(shape, tensor_shape_pb2.TensorShapeProto):
+ shape = [d.size for d in shape.dim]
+ elif not isinstance(shape, (list, tuple)):
+ raise TypeError("shape is not a list or tuple")
+ tensor_shape_list = [d.size for d in tensor_proto.tensor_shape.dim]
+ return all(x == y for x, y in zip(tensor_shape_list, shape))
+def ConstantValue(tensor):
+ """Returns the constant value of the given tensor, if efficiently calculable.
+ This function attempts to partially evaluate the given tensor, and
+ returns its value as a numpy ndarray if this succeeds.
+ TODO(mrry): Consider whether this function should use a registration
+ mechanism like gradients and ShapeFunctions, so that it is easily
+ extensible.
+ Args:
+ tensor: The Tensor to be evaluated.
+ Returns:
+ A numpy ndarray containing the constant value of the given `tensor`,
+ or None if it cannot be calculated.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError: if tensor is not an ops.Tensor.
+ """
+ # TODO(mdevin): Support Variables?
+ if not isinstance(tensor, ops.Tensor):
+ raise TypeError("tensor is not a Tensor")
+ if tensor.op.type == "Const":
+ return MakeNdarray(tensor.op.get_attr("value"))
+ elif tensor.op.type == "Shape":
+ input_shape = tensor.op.inputs[0].get_shape()
+ if input_shape.is_fully_defined():
+ return np.array([dim.value for dim in input_shape.dims])
+ else:
+ return None
+ elif tensor.op.type == "Size":
+ input_shape = tensor.op.inputs[0].get_shape()
+ if input_shape.is_fully_defined():
+ return np.array([np.prod([dim.value for dim in input_shape.dims])])
+ else:
+ return None
+ elif tensor.op.type == "Rank":
+ input_shape = tensor.op.inputs[0].get_shape()
+ if input_shape.ndims is not None:
+ return np.array([input_shape.ndims])
+ else:
+ return None
+ elif tensor.op.type == "Range":
+ start = ConstantValue(tensor.op.inputs[0])
+ if start is None:
+ return None
+ limit = ConstantValue(tensor.op.inputs[1])
+ if limit is None:
+ return None
+ delta = ConstantValue(tensor.op.inputs[2])
+ if delta is None:
+ return None
+ return np.array(range(start, limit, delta),
+ dtype=tensor.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
+ else:
+ return None