path: root/tensorflow/python/estimator/inputs/queues/feeding_functions.py
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authorGravatar Jianwei Xie <xiejw@google.com>2017-02-25 13:31:27 -0800
committerGravatar TensorFlower Gardener <gardener@tensorflow.org>2017-02-25 14:02:04 -0800
commit0431511cedec7b3173576399de951c7e11360c4a (patch)
treefe74210504bdb414867d38275025d05b1278492f /tensorflow/python/estimator/inputs/queues/feeding_functions.py
parent07427d1b51713a085f06c62b203799490591ed80 (diff)
Move numpy_input_fn and pandas_input_fn from contrib to core.
Change: 148560715
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/python/estimator/inputs/queues/feeding_functions.py')
1 files changed, 345 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/python/estimator/inputs/queues/feeding_functions.py b/tensorflow/python/estimator/inputs/queues/feeding_functions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa39958559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/python/estimator/inputs/queues/feeding_functions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ==============================================================================
+"""Helper functions for enqueuing data from arrays and pandas `DataFrame`s."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import collections
+import random
+import numpy as np
+from tensorflow.python.estimator.inputs.pandas_import import HAS_PANDAS
+from tensorflow.python.estimator.inputs.queues import feeding_queue_runner as fqr
+from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
+from tensorflow.python.framework import errors
+from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import data_flow_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
+from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging as logging
+from tensorflow.python.summary import summary
+from tensorflow.python.training import queue_runner
+ # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
+ import pandas as pd
+def _get_integer_indices_for_next_batch(
+ batch_indices_start, batch_size, epoch_end, array_length,
+ current_epoch, total_epochs):
+ """Returns the integer indices for next batch.
+ If total epochs is not None and current epoch is the final epoch, the end
+ index of the next batch should not exceed the `epoch_end` (i.e., the final
+ batch might not have size `batch_size` to avoid overshooting the last epoch).
+ Args:
+ batch_indices_start: Integer, the index to start next batch.
+ batch_size: Integer, size of batches to return.
+ epoch_end: Integer, the end index of the epoch. The epoch could start from a
+ random position, so `epoch_end` provides the end index for that.
+ array_length: Integer, the length of the array.
+ current_epoch: Integer, the epoch number has been emitted.
+ total_epochs: Integer or `None`, the total number of epochs to emit. If
+ `None` will run forever.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple of a list with integer indices for next batch and `current_epoch`
+ value after the next batch.
+ Raises:
+ OutOfRangeError if `current_epoch` is not less than `total_epochs`.
+ """
+ if total_epochs is not None and current_epoch >= total_epochs:
+ raise errors.OutOfRangeError(None, None,
+ "Already emitted %s epochs." % current_epoch)
+ batch_indices_end = batch_indices_start + batch_size
+ batch_indices = [j % array_length for j in
+ range(batch_indices_start, batch_indices_end)]
+ epoch_end_indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(batch_indices) if x == epoch_end]
+ current_epoch += len(epoch_end_indices)
+ if total_epochs is None or current_epoch < total_epochs:
+ return (batch_indices, current_epoch)
+ # Now we might have emitted more data for expected epochs. Need to trim.
+ final_epoch_end_inclusive = epoch_end_indices[
+ -(current_epoch - total_epochs + 1)]
+ batch_indices = batch_indices[:final_epoch_end_inclusive + 1]
+ return (batch_indices, total_epochs)
+class _ArrayFeedFn(object):
+ """Creates feed dictionaries from numpy arrays."""
+ def __init__(self,
+ placeholders,
+ array,
+ batch_size,
+ random_start=False,
+ seed=None,
+ num_epochs=None):
+ if len(placeholders) != 2:
+ raise ValueError("_array_feed_fn expects 2 placeholders; got {}.".format(
+ len(placeholders)))
+ self._placeholders = placeholders
+ self._array = array
+ self._max = len(array)
+ self._batch_size = batch_size
+ self._num_epochs = num_epochs
+ self._epoch = 0
+ random.seed(seed)
+ self._trav = random.randrange(self._max) if random_start else 0
+ self._epoch_end = (self._trav - 1) % self._max
+ def __call__(self):
+ integer_indexes, self._epoch = _get_integer_indices_for_next_batch(
+ batch_indices_start=self._trav,
+ batch_size=self._batch_size,
+ epoch_end=self._epoch_end,
+ array_length=self._max,
+ current_epoch=self._epoch,
+ total_epochs=self._num_epochs)
+ self._trav = (integer_indexes[-1] + 1) % self._max
+ return {
+ self._placeholders[0]: integer_indexes,
+ self._placeholders[1]: self._array[integer_indexes]
+ }
+class _OrderedDictNumpyFeedFn(object):
+ """Creates feed dictionaries from `OrderedDict`s of numpy arrays."""
+ def __init__(self,
+ placeholders,
+ ordered_dict_of_arrays,
+ batch_size,
+ random_start=False,
+ seed=None,
+ num_epochs=None):
+ if len(placeholders) != len(ordered_dict_of_arrays) + 1:
+ raise ValueError("Expected {} placeholders; got {}.".format(
+ len(ordered_dict_of_arrays), len(placeholders)))
+ self._index_placeholder = placeholders[0]
+ self._col_placeholders = placeholders[1:]
+ self._ordered_dict_of_arrays = ordered_dict_of_arrays
+ self._max = len(next(iter(ordered_dict_of_arrays.values())))
+ for _, v in ordered_dict_of_arrays.items():
+ if len(v) != self._max:
+ raise ValueError("Array lengths must match.")
+ self._batch_size = batch_size
+ self._num_epochs = num_epochs
+ self._epoch = 0
+ random.seed(seed)
+ self._trav = random.randrange(self._max) if random_start else 0
+ self._epoch_end = (self._trav - 1) % self._max
+ def __call__(self):
+ integer_indexes, self._epoch = _get_integer_indices_for_next_batch(
+ batch_indices_start=self._trav,
+ batch_size=self._batch_size,
+ epoch_end=self._epoch_end,
+ array_length=self._max,
+ current_epoch=self._epoch,
+ total_epochs=self._num_epochs)
+ self._trav = (integer_indexes[-1] + 1) % self._max
+ feed_dict = {self._index_placeholder: integer_indexes}
+ cols = [
+ column[integer_indexes]
+ for column in self._ordered_dict_of_arrays.values()
+ ]
+ feed_dict.update(dict(zip(self._col_placeholders, cols)))
+ return feed_dict
+class _PandasFeedFn(object):
+ """Creates feed dictionaries from pandas `DataFrames`."""
+ def __init__(self,
+ placeholders,
+ dataframe,
+ batch_size,
+ random_start=False,
+ seed=None,
+ num_epochs=None):
+ if len(placeholders) != len(dataframe.columns) + 1:
+ raise ValueError("Expected {} placeholders; got {}.".format(
+ len(dataframe.columns), len(placeholders)))
+ self._index_placeholder = placeholders[0]
+ self._col_placeholders = placeholders[1:]
+ self._dataframe = dataframe
+ self._max = len(dataframe)
+ self._batch_size = batch_size
+ self._num_epochs = num_epochs
+ self._epoch = 0
+ random.seed(seed)
+ self._trav = random.randrange(self._max) if random_start else 0
+ self._epoch_end = (self._trav - 1) % self._max
+ def __call__(self):
+ integer_indexes, self._epoch = _get_integer_indices_for_next_batch(
+ batch_indices_start=self._trav,
+ batch_size=self._batch_size,
+ epoch_end=self._epoch_end,
+ array_length=self._max,
+ current_epoch=self._epoch,
+ total_epochs=self._num_epochs)
+ self._trav = (integer_indexes[-1] + 1) % self._max
+ result = self._dataframe.iloc[integer_indexes]
+ cols = [result[col].values for col in result.columns]
+ feed_dict = dict(zip(self._col_placeholders, cols))
+ feed_dict[self._index_placeholder] = result.index.values
+ return feed_dict
+def _enqueue_data(data,
+ capacity,
+ shuffle=False,
+ min_after_dequeue=None,
+ num_threads=1,
+ seed=None,
+ name="enqueue_input",
+ enqueue_size=1,
+ num_epochs=None):
+ """Creates a queue filled from a numpy array or pandas `DataFrame`.
+ Returns a queue filled with the rows of the given (`OrderedDict` of) array
+ or `DataFrame`. In the case of a pandas `DataFrame`, the first enqueued
+ `Tensor` corresponds to the index of the `DataFrame`. For (`OrderedDict` of)
+ numpy arrays, the first enqueued `Tensor` contains the row number.
+ Args:
+ data: a numpy `ndarray`, `OrderedDict` of numpy arrays, or pandas
+ `DataFrame` that will be read into the queue.
+ capacity: the capacity of the queue.
+ shuffle: whether or not to shuffle the rows of the array.
+ min_after_dequeue: minimum number of elements that can remain in the queue
+ after a dequeue operation. Only used when `shuffle` is true. If not set,
+ defaults to `capacity` / 4.
+ num_threads: number of threads used for reading and enqueueing.
+ seed: used to seed shuffling and reader starting points.
+ name: a scope name identifying the data.
+ enqueue_size: the number of rows to enqueue per step.
+ num_epochs: limit enqueuing to a specified number of epochs, if provided.
+ Returns:
+ A queue filled with the rows of the given (`OrderedDict` of) array or
+ `DataFrame`.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError: `data` is not a Pandas `DataFrame`, an `OrderedDict` of numpy
+ arrays or a numpy `ndarray`.
+ """
+ with ops.name_scope(name):
+ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
+ types = [dtypes.int64, dtypes.as_dtype(data.dtype)]
+ queue_shapes = [(), data.shape[1:]]
+ get_feed_fn = _ArrayFeedFn
+ elif isinstance(data, collections.OrderedDict):
+ types = [dtypes.int64] + [
+ dtypes.as_dtype(col.dtype) for col in data.values()
+ ]
+ queue_shapes = [()] + [col.shape[1:] for col in data.values()]
+ get_feed_fn = _OrderedDictNumpyFeedFn
+ elif HAS_PANDAS and isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
+ types = [
+ dtypes.as_dtype(dt) for dt in [data.index.dtype] + list(data.dtypes)
+ ]
+ queue_shapes = [() for _ in types]
+ get_feed_fn = _PandasFeedFn
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "data must be either a numpy array or pandas DataFrame if pandas is "
+ "installed; got {}".format(type(data).__name__))
+ # TODO(jamieas): TensorBoard warnings for all warnings below once available.
+ if num_threads > 1 and num_epochs is not None:
+ logging.warning(
+ "enqueue_data was called with num_epochs and num_threads > 1. "
+ "num_epochs is applied per thread, so this will produce more "
+ "epochs than you probably intend. "
+ "If you want to limit epochs, use one thread.")
+ if shuffle and num_threads > 1 and num_epochs is not None:
+ logging.warning(
+ "enqueue_data was called with shuffle=True, num_threads > 1, and "
+ "num_epochs. This will create multiple threads, all reading the "
+ "array/dataframe in order adding to the same shuffling queue; the "
+ "results will likely not be sufficiently shuffled.")
+ if not shuffle and num_threads > 1:
+ logging.warning(
+ "enqueue_data was called with shuffle=False and num_threads > 1. "
+ "This will create multiple threads, all reading the "
+ "array/dataframe in order. If you want examples read in order, use"
+ " one thread; if you want multiple threads, enable shuffling.")
+ if shuffle:
+ min_after_dequeue = int(capacity / 4 if min_after_dequeue is None else
+ min_after_dequeue)
+ queue = data_flow_ops.RandomShuffleQueue(
+ capacity,
+ min_after_dequeue,
+ dtypes=types,
+ shapes=queue_shapes,
+ seed=seed)
+ else:
+ min_after_dequeue = 0 # just for the summary text
+ queue = data_flow_ops.FIFOQueue(
+ capacity, dtypes=types, shapes=queue_shapes)
+ enqueue_ops = []
+ feed_fns = []
+ for i in range(num_threads):
+ # Note the placeholders have no shapes, so they will accept any
+ # enqueue_size. enqueue_many below will break them up.
+ placeholders = [array_ops.placeholder(t) for t in types]
+ enqueue_ops.append(queue.enqueue_many(placeholders))
+ seed_i = None if seed is None else (i + 1) * seed
+ feed_fns.append(
+ get_feed_fn(
+ placeholders,
+ data,
+ enqueue_size,
+ random_start=shuffle,
+ seed=seed_i,
+ num_epochs=num_epochs))
+ runner = fqr._FeedingQueueRunner( # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ queue=queue, enqueue_ops=enqueue_ops, feed_fns=feed_fns)
+ queue_runner.add_queue_runner(runner)
+ full = (math_ops.cast(
+ math_ops.maximum(0, queue.size() - min_after_dequeue),
+ dtypes.float32) * (1. / (capacity - min_after_dequeue)))
+ # Note that name contains a '/' at the end so we intentionally do not place
+ # a '/' after %s below.
+ summary_name = ("queue/%sfraction_over_%d_of_%d_full" %
+ (queue.name, min_after_dequeue,
+ capacity - min_after_dequeue))
+ summary.scalar(summary_name, full)
+ return queue