path: root/tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/inlined_vector.h
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authorGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
committerGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
commitf41959ccb2d9d4c722fe8fc3351401d53bcf4900 (patch)
treeef0ca22cb2a5ac4bdec9d080d8e0788a53ed496d /tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/inlined_vector.h
TensorFlow: Initial commit of TensorFlow library.
TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Base CL: 107276108
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/inlined_vector.h')
1 files changed, 839 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/inlined_vector.h b/tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/inlined_vector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c23075129c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/inlined_vector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,839 @@
+// An InlinedVector<T,N,A> is like a std::vector<T,A>, except that storage
+// for sequences of length <= N are provided inline without requiring
+// any heap allocation. Typically N is very small (e.g., 4) so that
+// sequences that are expected to be short do not require allocations.
+// Only some of the std::vector<> operations are currently implemented.
+// Other operations may be added as needed to facilitate migrating
+// code that uses std::vector<> to InlinedVector<>.
+// NOTE: If you want an inlined version to replace use of a
+// std::vector<bool>, consider using util::bitmap::InlinedBitVector<NBITS>
+// in util/bitmap/inlined_bitvector.h
+// TODO(billydonahue): change size_t to size_type where appropriate.
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/port.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/manual_constructor.h"
+#include <initializer_list> // NOLINT(build/include_order)
+namespace tensorflow {
+namespace gtl {
+template <typename T, int N, typename A = std::allocator<T> >
+class InlinedVector {
+ public:
+ typedef A allocator_type;
+ typedef typename allocator_type::value_type value_type;
+ typedef typename allocator_type::pointer pointer;
+ typedef typename allocator_type::const_pointer const_pointer;
+ typedef typename allocator_type::reference reference;
+ typedef typename allocator_type::const_reference const_reference;
+ typedef typename allocator_type::size_type size_type;
+ typedef typename allocator_type::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef pointer iterator;
+ typedef const_pointer const_iterator;
+ // Create an empty vector
+ InlinedVector();
+ explicit InlinedVector(const allocator_type& alloc);
+ // Create a vector with n copies of value_type().
+ explicit InlinedVector(size_t n);
+ // Create a vector with n copies of elem
+ InlinedVector(size_t n, const value_type& elem,
+ const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type());
+ // Create and initialize with the elements [range_start .. range_end).
+ // The unused enable_if argument restricts this constructor so that it is
+ // elided when value_type is an integral type. This prevents ambiguous
+ // interpretation between a call to this constructor with two integral
+ // arguments and a call to the preceding (n, elem) constructor.
+ template <typename InputIterator>
+ InlinedVector(
+ InputIterator range_start, InputIterator range_end,
+ const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type(),
+ typename std::enable_if<!std::is_integral<InputIterator>::value>::type* =
+ : allocator_and_tag_(alloc) {
+ AppendRange(range_start, range_end);
+ }
+ InlinedVector(std::initializer_list<value_type> init,
+ const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type())
+ : allocator_and_tag_(alloc) {
+ AppendRange(init.begin(), init.end());
+ }
+ InlinedVector(const InlinedVector& v);
+ ~InlinedVector() { clear(); }
+ InlinedVector& operator=(const InlinedVector& v) {
+ // Optimized to avoid reallocation.
+ // Prefer reassignment to copy construction for elements.
+ if (size() < v.size()) { // grow
+ reserve(v.size());
+ std::copy(v.begin(), v.begin() + size(), begin());
+ std::copy(v.begin() + size(), v.end(), std::back_inserter(*this));
+ } else { // maybe shrink
+ erase(begin() + v.size(), end());
+ std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), begin());
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ size_t size() const {
+ return allocated() ? allocation().size() : tag().size();
+ }
+ bool empty() const { return (size() == 0); }
+ // Return number of elements that can be stored in vector
+ // without requiring a reallocation of underlying memory
+ size_t capacity() const { return allocated() ? allocation().capacity() : N; }
+ // Return a pointer to the underlying array.
+ // Only result[0,size()-1] are defined.
+ const_pointer data() const {
+ return allocated() ? allocated_space() : inlined_space();
+ }
+ pointer data() { return allocated() ? allocated_space() : inlined_space(); }
+ // An older name for the more standard-friendly .data().
+ const_pointer array() const { return data(); }
+ pointer mutable_array() { return data(); }
+ // Remove all elements
+ void clear() {
+ size_t s = size();
+ if (allocated()) {
+ DestroyAllocated(allocated_space(), allocated_space() + s);
+ allocation().Dealloc(allocator());
+ } else {
+ DestroyInlined(inlined_space(), inlined_space() + s);
+ }
+ tag() = Tag();
+ }
+ // Return the ith element
+ // REQUIRES: 0 <= i < size()
+ const value_type& at(size_t i) const {
+ DCHECK_LT(i, size());
+ return array()[i];
+ }
+ const value_type& operator[](size_t i) const {
+ DCHECK_LT(i, size());
+ return array()[i];
+ }
+ // Return a non-const reference to the ith element
+ // REQUIRES: 0 <= i < size()
+ value_type& at(size_t i) {
+ DCHECK_LT(i, size());
+ return mutable_array()[i];
+ }
+ value_type& operator[](size_t i) {
+ DCHECK_LT(i, size());
+ return mutable_array()[i];
+ }
+ value_type& back() {
+ DCHECK(!empty());
+ return at(size() - 1);
+ }
+ const value_type& back() const {
+ DCHECK(!empty());
+ return at(size() - 1);
+ }
+ value_type& front() {
+ DCHECK(!empty());
+ return at(0);
+ }
+ const value_type& front() const {
+ DCHECK(!empty());
+ return at(0);
+ }
+ // Append t to the vector.
+ // Increases size() by one.
+ // Amortized complexity: O(1)
+ // Worst-case complexity: O(size())
+ void push_back(const value_type& t) {
+ size_t s = size();
+ DCHECK_LE(s, capacity());
+ if (s == capacity()) {
+ return GrowAndPushBack(t);
+ }
+ DCHECK_LT(s, capacity());
+ if (allocated()) {
+ ConstructAllocated(allocated_space() + s, t);
+ } else {
+ ConstructInlined(inlined_space() + s, t);
+ }
+ set_size_internal(s + 1);
+ }
+ void pop_back() {
+ DCHECK(!empty());
+ size_t s = size();
+ if (allocated()) {
+ DestroyAllocated(allocated_space() + s - 1, allocated_space() + s);
+ } else {
+ DestroyInlined(inlined_space() + s - 1, inlined_space() + s);
+ }
+ set_size_internal(s - 1);
+ }
+ // Resizes the vector to contain "n" elements.
+ // If "n" is smaller than the initial size, extra elements are destroyed.
+ // If "n" is larger than the initial size, enough copies of "elem"
+ // are appended to increase the size to "n". If "elem" is omitted,
+ // new elements are value-initialized.
+ void resize(size_t n);
+ void resize(size_t n, const value_type& elem);
+ iterator begin() { return mutable_array(); }
+ const_iterator begin() const { return array(); }
+ iterator end() { return mutable_array() + size(); }
+ const_iterator end() const { return array() + size(); }
+ iterator insert(iterator pos, const value_type& v);
+ iterator erase(iterator pos) {
+ DCHECK_LT(pos, end());
+ DCHECK_GE(pos, begin());
+ std::copy(pos + 1, end(), pos);
+ pop_back();
+ return pos;
+ }
+ iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last);
+ // Enlarges the underlying representation so it can hold at least
+ // "n" elements without reallocation.
+ // Does not change size() or the actual contents of the vector.
+ void reserve(size_t n) {
+ if (n > capacity()) {
+ // Make room for new elements
+ EnlargeBy(n - size());
+ }
+ }
+ // Swap the contents of *this with other.
+ // REQUIRES: value_type is swappable and copyable.
+ void swap(InlinedVector& other);
+ allocator_type get_allocator() const { return allocator(); }
+ private:
+ struct AllocatorTraits {
+ typedef typename allocator_type::value_type value_type;
+ typedef typename allocator_type::pointer pointer;
+ typedef typename allocator_type::size_type size_type;
+ static void construct(allocator_type& a, // NOLINT(runtime/references)
+ pointer p) {
+ // Tricky: do we support non-copyable types, or support allocators
+ // that do special things with construct()? Non-copyable types are
+ // needed today, so they are more important. When we sort out the
+ // Android NDK C++11 problem, we will be able to use the proper
+ // std::allocator_traits<A>::construct(p, ...).
+ //
+ // a.construct(p, value_type());
+ new (p) value_type();
+ }
+ static void construct(allocator_type& a, // NOLINT(runtime/references)
+ pointer p, const value_type& t) {
+ a.construct(p, t);
+ }
+ static void destroy(allocator_type& a, // NOLINT(runtime/references)
+ pointer p) {
+ a.destroy(p);
+ }
+ static pointer allocate(allocator_type& a, // NOLINT(runtime/references)
+ size_type n) {
+ return a.allocate(n);
+ }
+ static void deallocate(allocator_type& a, // NOLINT(runtime/references)
+ pointer p, size_type n) {
+ a.deallocate(p, n);
+ }
+ };
+ // If the vector is inlined, holds the size of the vector.
+ // If the vector is allocated, holds the special value kAllocated,
+ // and the size is stored in the vector's Allocation.
+ class Tag {
+ public:
+ Tag() : size_(0) {}
+ size_t size() const { return size_; }
+ void set_size(size_t n) { size_ = n; }
+ bool allocated() const { return size_ == kAllocated; }
+ void set_allocated() { size_ = kAllocated; }
+ private:
+ static const size_t kAllocated = -1;
+ size_t size_;
+ };
+ // Derives from allocator_type to use the empty base class optimization.
+ // If the allocator_type is stateless, we can 'store'
+ // our instance of it for free.
+ class AllocatorAndTag : private allocator_type {
+ public:
+ explicit AllocatorAndTag(const allocator_type& a, Tag t = Tag())
+ : allocator_type(a), tag_(t) {}
+ Tag& tag() { return tag_; }
+ const Tag& tag() const { return tag_; }
+ allocator_type& allocator() { return *this; }
+ const allocator_type& allocator() const { return *this; }
+ private:
+ Tag tag_;
+ };
+ class Allocation {
+ public:
+ Allocation(allocator_type& a, // NOLINT(runtime/references)
+ size_t capacity)
+ : size_(0),
+ capacity_(capacity),
+ buffer_(AllocatorTraits::allocate(a, capacity_)) {}
+ void Dealloc(allocator_type& a) { // NOLINT(runtime/references)
+ AllocatorTraits::deallocate(a, buffer(), capacity());
+ }
+ size_t size() const { return size_; }
+ void set_size(size_t s) { size_ = s; }
+ size_t capacity() const { return capacity_; }
+ const value_type* buffer() const { return buffer_; }
+ value_type* buffer() { return buffer_; }
+ private:
+ size_t size_;
+ size_t capacity_;
+ value_type* buffer_;
+ };
+ const Tag& tag() const { return allocator_and_tag_.tag(); }
+ Tag& tag() { return allocator_and_tag_.tag(); }
+ Allocation& allocation() { return *rep_.allocation_storage.allocation.get(); }
+ const Allocation& allocation() const {
+ return *rep_.allocation_storage.allocation.get();
+ }
+ void init_allocation(const Allocation& allocation) {
+ rep_.allocation_storage.allocation.Init(allocation);
+ }
+ value_type* inlined_space() { return rep_.inlined_storage.inlined[0].get(); }
+ const value_type* inlined_space() const {
+ return rep_.inlined_storage.inlined[0].get();
+ }
+ value_type* allocated_space() { return allocation().buffer(); }
+ const value_type* allocated_space() const { return allocation().buffer(); }
+ const allocator_type& allocator() const {
+ return allocator_and_tag_.allocator();
+ }
+ allocator_type& allocator() { return allocator_and_tag_.allocator(); }
+ bool allocated() const { return tag().allocated(); }
+ void set_allocated() { return tag().set_allocated(); }
+ void set_size_internal(size_t n) {
+ if (allocated()) {
+ allocation().set_size(n);
+ } else {
+ tag().set_size(n);
+ }
+ }
+ // Enlarge the underlying representation so we can store size_ + delta elems.
+ // The size is not changed, and any newly added memory is not initialized.
+ void EnlargeBy(size_t delta);
+ void ResetAllocation(Allocation new_allocation) {
+ if (allocated()) {
+ DestroyAllocated(allocated_space(), allocated_space() + size());
+ DCHECK_EQ(begin(), allocated_space());
+ allocation().Dealloc(allocator());
+ allocation() = new_allocation;
+ } else {
+ DestroyInlined(inlined_space(), inlined_space() + size());
+ init_allocation(new_allocation); // bug: only init once
+ set_allocated();
+ }
+ }
+ void GrowAndPushBack(const value_type& t) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(size(), capacity());
+ const size_t s = size();
+ Allocation new_allocation(allocator(), 2 * capacity());
+ new_allocation.set_size(s + 1);
+ UninitializedCopyAllocated(array(), array() + s, new_allocation.buffer());
+ ConstructAllocated(new_allocation.buffer() + s, t);
+ ResetAllocation(new_allocation);
+ }
+ void InitAssign(size_t n);
+ void InitAssign(size_t n, const value_type& t);
+ void ConstructInlined(pointer p) { new (p) value_type(); }
+ void ConstructInlined(pointer p, const value_type& t) {
+ new (p) value_type(t);
+ }
+ void ConstructAllocated(pointer p) {
+ AllocatorTraits::construct(allocator(), p);
+ }
+ void ConstructAllocated(pointer p, const value_type& t) {
+ AllocatorTraits::construct(allocator(), p, t);
+ }
+ template <typename Iter>
+ void UninitializedCopyInlined(Iter src, Iter src_last, value_type* dst) {
+ std::uninitialized_copy(src, src_last, dst);
+ }
+ template <typename Iter>
+ void UninitializedCopyAllocated(Iter src, Iter src_last, value_type* dst) {
+ for (; src != src_last; ++dst, ++src) ConstructAllocated(dst, *src);
+ }
+ void UninitializedFillInlined(value_type* dst, value_type* dst_last) {
+ for (; dst != dst_last; ++dst) ConstructInlined(dst);
+ }
+ void UninitializedFillInlined(value_type* dst, value_type* dst_last,
+ const value_type& t) {
+ std::uninitialized_fill(dst, dst_last, t);
+ }
+ void UninitializedFillAllocated(value_type* dst, value_type* dst_last) {
+ for (; dst != dst_last; ++dst) ConstructAllocated(dst);
+ }
+ void UninitializedFillAllocated(value_type* dst, value_type* dst_last,
+ const value_type& t) {
+ for (; dst != dst_last; ++dst) ConstructAllocated(dst, t);
+ }
+ // Destroy [ptr, ptr_last) in place.
+ void DestroyInlined(value_type* ptr, value_type* ptr_last);
+ void DestroyAllocated(value_type* ptr, value_type* ptr_last);
+ template <typename Iter>
+ void AppendRange(Iter first, Iter last, std::input_iterator_tag);
+ // Faster path for forward iterators.
+ template <typename Iter>
+ void AppendRange(Iter first, Iter last, std::forward_iterator_tag);
+ template <typename Iter>
+ void AppendRange(Iter first, Iter last);
+ AllocatorAndTag allocator_and_tag_;
+ // Either the inlined or allocated representation
+ union Rep {
+ // Use struct to perform indirection that solves a bizarre compilation
+ // error on Visual Studio (all known versions).
+ struct {
+ tensorflow::ManualConstructor<value_type> inlined[N];
+ } inlined_storage;
+ struct {
+ tensorflow::ManualConstructor<Allocation> allocation;
+ } allocation_storage;
+ } rep_;
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+const size_t InlinedVector<T, N, A>::Tag::kAllocated;
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+inline void swap(InlinedVector<T, N, A>& a, InlinedVector<T, N, A>& b) {
+ a.swap(b);
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+inline bool operator==(const InlinedVector<T, N, A>& a,
+ const InlinedVector<T, N, A>& b) {
+ return a.size() == b.size() && std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin());
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+inline bool operator!=(const InlinedVector<T, N, A>& a,
+ const InlinedVector<T, N, A>& b) {
+ return !(a == b);
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+inline bool operator<(const InlinedVector<T, N, A>& a,
+ const InlinedVector<T, N, A>& b) {
+ return std::lexicographical_compare(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end());
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+inline bool operator>(const InlinedVector<T, N, A>& a,
+ const InlinedVector<T, N, A>& b) {
+ return b < a;
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+inline bool operator<=(const InlinedVector<T, N, A>& a,
+ const InlinedVector<T, N, A>& b) {
+ return !(b < a);
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+inline bool operator>=(const InlinedVector<T, N, A>& a,
+ const InlinedVector<T, N, A>& b) {
+ return !(a < b);
+// ========================================
+// Implementation
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+inline InlinedVector<T, N, A>::InlinedVector()
+ : allocator_and_tag_(allocator_type()) {}
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+inline InlinedVector<T, N, A>::InlinedVector(const allocator_type& alloc)
+ : allocator_and_tag_(alloc) {}
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+inline InlinedVector<T, N, A>::InlinedVector(size_t n)
+ : allocator_and_tag_(allocator_type()) {
+ InitAssign(n);
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+inline InlinedVector<T, N, A>::InlinedVector(size_t n, const value_type& elem,
+ const allocator_type& alloc)
+ : allocator_and_tag_(alloc) {
+ InitAssign(n, elem);
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+inline InlinedVector<T, N, A>::InlinedVector(const InlinedVector& v)
+ : allocator_and_tag_(v.allocator()) {
+ reserve(v.size());
+ if (allocated()) {
+ UninitializedCopyAllocated(v.begin(), v.end(), allocated_space());
+ } else {
+ UninitializedCopyInlined(v.begin(), v.end(), inlined_space());
+ }
+ set_size_internal(v.size());
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+inline void InlinedVector<T, N, A>::InitAssign(size_t n, const value_type& t) {
+ if (n > static_cast<size_t>(N)) {
+ Allocation new_allocation(allocator(), n);
+ init_allocation(new_allocation);
+ set_allocated();
+ UninitializedFillAllocated(allocated_space(), allocated_space() + n, t);
+ } else {
+ UninitializedFillInlined(inlined_space(), inlined_space() + n, t);
+ }
+ set_size_internal(n);
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+inline void InlinedVector<T, N, A>::InitAssign(size_t n) {
+ if (n > static_cast<size_t>(N)) {
+ Allocation new_allocation(allocator(), n);
+ init_allocation(new_allocation);
+ set_allocated();
+ UninitializedFillAllocated(allocated_space(), allocated_space() + n);
+ } else {
+ UninitializedFillInlined(inlined_space(), inlined_space() + n);
+ }
+ set_size_internal(n);
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+inline void InlinedVector<T, N, A>::resize(size_t n) {
+ size_t s = size();
+ if (n < s) {
+ erase(begin() + n, end());
+ return;
+ }
+ reserve(n);
+ DCHECK_GE(capacity(), n);
+ // Fill new space with elements constructed in-place.
+ if (allocated()) {
+ UninitializedFillAllocated(allocated_space() + s, allocated_space() + n);
+ } else {
+ UninitializedFillInlined(inlined_space() + s, inlined_space() + n);
+ }
+ set_size_internal(n);
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+inline void InlinedVector<T, N, A>::resize(size_t n, const value_type& elem) {
+ size_t s = size();
+ if (n < s) {
+ erase(begin() + n, end());
+ return;
+ }
+ reserve(n);
+ DCHECK_GE(capacity(), n);
+ // Fill new space with copies of 'elem'.
+ if (allocated()) {
+ UninitializedFillAllocated(allocated_space() + s, allocated_space() + n,
+ elem);
+ } else {
+ UninitializedFillInlined(inlined_space() + s, inlined_space() + n, elem);
+ }
+ set_size_internal(n);
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+typename InlinedVector<T, N, A>::iterator InlinedVector<T, N, A>::insert(
+ iterator pos, const value_type& v) {
+ DCHECK_GE(pos, begin());
+ DCHECK_LE(pos, end());
+ if (pos == end()) {
+ push_back(v);
+ return end() - 1;
+ }
+ size_t s = size();
+ size_t idx = std::distance(begin(), pos);
+ if (s == capacity()) {
+ EnlargeBy(1);
+ }
+ CHECK_LT(s, capacity());
+ pos = begin() + idx; // Reset 'pos' into a post-enlarge iterator.
+ if (allocated()) {
+ ConstructAllocated(allocated_space() + s, *(allocated_space() + s - 1));
+ std::copy_backward(pos, allocated_space() + s - 1, allocated_space() + s);
+ } else {
+ ConstructInlined(inlined_space() + s, *(inlined_space() + s - 1));
+ std::copy_backward(pos, inlined_space() + s - 1, inlined_space() + s);
+ }
+ *pos = v;
+ set_size_internal(s + 1);
+ return pos;
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+typename InlinedVector<T, N, A>::iterator InlinedVector<T, N, A>::erase(
+ iterator first, iterator last) {
+ DCHECK_LE(begin(), first);
+ DCHECK_LE(first, last);
+ DCHECK_LE(last, end());
+ size_t s = size();
+ ptrdiff_t erase_gap = std::distance(first, last);
+ if (allocated()) {
+ std::copy(last, allocated_space() + s, first);
+ DestroyAllocated(allocated_space() + s - erase_gap, allocated_space() + s);
+ } else {
+ std::copy(last, inlined_space() + s, first);
+ DestroyInlined(inlined_space() + s - erase_gap, inlined_space() + s);
+ }
+ set_size_internal(size() - erase_gap);
+ return first;
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+void InlinedVector<T, N, A>::swap(InlinedVector& other) {
+ using std::swap; // Augment ADL with std::swap.
+ if (&other == this) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (allocated() && other.allocated()) {
+ // Both out of line, so just swap the tag, allocation, and allocator.
+ swap(tag(), other.tag());
+ swap(allocation(), other.allocation());
+ swap(allocator(), other.allocator());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!allocated() && !other.allocated()) {
+ // Both inlined: swap up to smaller size, then move remaining elements.
+ InlinedVector* a = this;
+ InlinedVector* b = &other;
+ if (size() < other.size()) {
+ swap(a, b);
+ }
+ const size_t a_size = a->size();
+ const size_t b_size = b->size();
+ DCHECK_GE(a_size, b_size);
+ // 'a' is larger. Swap the elements up to the smaller array size.
+ std::swap_ranges(a->inlined_space(), a->inlined_space() + b_size,
+ b->inlined_space());
+ // Move the remaining elements: A[b_size,a_size) -> B[b_size,a_size)
+ b->UninitializedCopyInlined(a->inlined_space() + b_size,
+ a->inlined_space() + a_size,
+ b->inlined_space() + b_size);
+ a->DestroyInlined(a->inlined_space() + b_size, a->inlined_space() + a_size);
+ swap(a->tag(), b->tag());
+ swap(a->allocator(), b->allocator());
+ DCHECK_EQ(b->size(), a_size);
+ DCHECK_EQ(a->size(), b_size);
+ return;
+ }
+ // One is out of line, one is inline.
+ // We first move the elements from the inlined vector into the
+ // inlined space in the other vector. We then put the other vector's
+ // pointer/capacity into the originally inlined vector and swap
+ // the tags.
+ InlinedVector* a = this;
+ InlinedVector* b = &other;
+ if (a->allocated()) {
+ swap(a, b);
+ }
+ DCHECK(!a->allocated());
+ DCHECK(b->allocated());
+ const size_t a_size = a->size();
+ const size_t b_size = b->size();
+ // Made Local copies of size(), don't need tag() accurate anymore
+ swap(a->tag(), b->tag());
+ // Copy b_allocation out before b's union gets clobbered by inline_space.
+ Allocation b_allocation = b->allocation();
+ b->UninitializedCopyInlined(a->inlined_space(), a->inlined_space() + a_size,
+ b->inlined_space());
+ a->DestroyInlined(a->inlined_space(), a->inlined_space() + a_size);
+ a->allocation() = b_allocation;
+ if (a->allocator() != b->allocator()) {
+ swap(a->allocator(), b->allocator());
+ }
+ DCHECK_EQ(b->size(), a_size);
+ DCHECK_EQ(a->size(), b_size);
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+void InlinedVector<T, N, A>::EnlargeBy(size_t delta) {
+ const size_t s = size();
+ DCHECK_LE(s, capacity());
+ size_t target = std::max(static_cast<size_t>(N), s + delta);
+ // Compute new capacity by repeatedly doubling current capacity
+ // TODO(psrc): Check and avoid overflow?
+ size_t new_capacity = capacity();
+ while (new_capacity < target) {
+ new_capacity <<= 1;
+ }
+ Allocation new_allocation(allocator(), new_capacity);
+ new_allocation.set_size(s);
+ UninitializedCopyAllocated(array(), array() + s, new_allocation.buffer());
+ ResetAllocation(new_allocation);
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+inline void InlinedVector<T, N, A>::DestroyInlined(value_type* ptr,
+ value_type* ptr_last) {
+ for (value_type* p = ptr; p != ptr_last; ++p) {
+ p->~value_type();
+ }
+// Overwrite unused memory with 0xab so we can catch uninitialized usage.
+// Cast to void* to tell the compiler that we don't care that we might be
+// scribbling on a vtable pointer.
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ if (ptr != ptr_last) {
+ memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr), 0xab, sizeof(*ptr) * (ptr_last - ptr));
+ }
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+inline void InlinedVector<T, N, A>::DestroyAllocated(value_type* ptr,
+ value_type* ptr_last) {
+ for (value_type* p = ptr; p != ptr_last; ++p) {
+ AllocatorTraits::destroy(allocator(), p);
+ }
+// Overwrite unused memory with 0xab so we can catch uninitialized usage.
+// Cast to void* to tell the compiler that we don't care that we might be
+// scribbling on a vtable pointer.
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ if (ptr != ptr_last) {
+ memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr), 0xab, sizeof(*ptr) * (ptr_last - ptr));
+ }
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+template <typename Iter>
+inline void InlinedVector<T, N, A>::AppendRange(Iter first, Iter last,
+ std::input_iterator_tag) {
+ std::copy(first, last, std::back_inserter(*this));
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+template <typename Iter>
+inline void InlinedVector<T, N, A>::AppendRange(Iter first, Iter last,
+ std::forward_iterator_tag) {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::difference_type Length;
+ Length length = std::distance(first, last);
+ reserve(size() + length);
+ if (allocated()) {
+ UninitializedCopyAllocated(first, last, allocated_space() + size());
+ } else {
+ UninitializedCopyInlined(first, last, inlined_space() + size());
+ }
+ set_size_internal(size() + length);
+template <typename T, int N, typename A>
+template <typename Iter>
+inline void InlinedVector<T, N, A>::AppendRange(Iter first, Iter last) {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::iterator_category IterTag;
+ AppendRange(first, last, IterTag());
+} // namespace gtl
+} // namespace tensorflow