path: root/tensorflow/core/kernels/variable_ops.h
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authorGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
committerGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
commitf41959ccb2d9d4c722fe8fc3351401d53bcf4900 (patch)
treeef0ca22cb2a5ac4bdec9d080d8e0788a53ed496d /tensorflow/core/kernels/variable_ops.h
TensorFlow: Initial commit of TensorFlow library.
TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Base CL: 107276108
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/core/kernels/variable_ops.h')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/core/kernels/variable_ops.h b/tensorflow/core/kernels/variable_ops.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77d2da0ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/core/kernels/variable_ops.h
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/register_types.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/resource_mgr.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/errors.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/port.h"
+namespace tensorflow {
+class VariableOp : public OpKernel {
+ public:
+ explicit VariableOp(OpKernelConstruction* context) : OpKernel(context) {
+ OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, context->GetAttr("shape", &shape_));
+ dtype_ = RemoveRefType(context->output_type(0));
+ }
+ ~VariableOp() override {
+ if (var_) var_->Unref();
+ }
+ void Compute(OpKernelContext* ctx) override {
+ mutex_lock l(init_mu_);
+ if (var_ == nullptr) {
+ OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, cinfo_.Init(ctx->resource_manager(), def(),
+ true /* use name() */));
+ auto creator = [this](Var** var) {
+ *var = new Var(dtype_);
+ (*var)->tensor()->set_shape(shape_);
+ return Status::OK();
+ };
+ cinfo_.resource_manager()->LookupOrCreate<Var>(
+ cinfo_.container(), cinfo_.name(), &var_, creator));
+ }
+ // Output a reference to our tensor, so it may be updated.
+ //
+ // As long as *this is alive, the ref we return here is valid
+ // because *this owns a ref on var_.
+ ctx->set_output_ref(0, var_->mu(), var_->tensor());
+ }
+ private:
+ class Var : public ResourceBase {
+ public:
+ explicit Var(DataType dtype) : tensor_(dtype) {}
+ mutex* mu() { return &mu_; }
+ Tensor* tensor() { return &tensor_; }
+ string DebugString() override {
+ return strings::StrCat(DataTypeString(tensor_.dtype()), "/",
+ tensor_.shape().ShortDebugString());
+ }
+ private:
+ mutex mu_;
+ Tensor tensor_;
+ ~Var() override {}
+ };
+ DataType dtype_;
+ TensorShape shape_;
+ mutex init_mu_;
+ ContainerInfo cinfo_ GUARDED_BY(init_mu_);
+ Var* var_ GUARDED_BY(init_mu_) = nullptr;
+class TemporaryVariableOp : public OpKernel {
+ public:
+ explicit TemporaryVariableOp(OpKernelConstruction* context)
+ : OpKernel(context) {
+ OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, context->GetAttr("shape", &shape_));
+ OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, context->GetAttr("dtype", &dtype_));
+ OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, context->GetAttr("var_name", &var_name_));
+ // Variable name defaults to op name if not specified explicitly.
+ if (var_name_ == "") var_name_ = name();
+ }
+ void Compute(OpKernelContext* context) override {
+ Status s;
+ ResourceMgr* rm = context->step_resource_manager();
+ OP_REQUIRES(context, rm, errors::Internal("No per-step resource manager."));
+ auto* tmp_var = new TmpVar;
+ OP_REQUIRES(context, tmp_var,
+ errors::ResourceExhausted("Could not allocate TmpVar."));
+ tmp_var->name = var_name_;
+ s = context->allocate_temp(dtype_, shape_, &tmp_var->val);
+ if (!s.ok()) tmp_var->Unref();
+ OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, s);
+ OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, rm->Create("tmp_var", var_name_, tmp_var));
+ context->set_output_ref(0, &tmp_var->mu, &tmp_var->val);
+ }
+ private:
+ // Refcounted temporary variable resource.
+ friend class DestroyTemporaryVariableOp;
+ struct TmpVar : public ResourceBase {
+ mutex mu;
+ Tensor val;
+ string name;
+ string DebugString() override { return name; }
+ ~TmpVar() override { VLOG(3) << "TmpVar " << name << " deleted"; }
+ };
+ TensorShape shape_;
+ DataType dtype_;
+ string var_name_;
+class DestroyTemporaryVariableOp : public OpKernel {
+ public:
+ explicit DestroyTemporaryVariableOp(OpKernelConstruction* context)
+ : OpKernel(context) {
+ OP_REQUIRES(context, IsRefType(context->input_type(0)),
+ errors::InvalidArgument("lhs input needs to be a ref type"))
+ OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, context->GetAttr("var_name", &var_name_));
+ OP_REQUIRES(context, var_name_ != "",
+ errors::InvalidArgument("Missing var_name attribute"));
+ }
+ void Compute(OpKernelContext* context) override {
+ // NOTE(pbar): All other mutators of the Tensor Ref *must* have completed
+ // their execution before this DestroyTemporaryVariable op executes.
+ // This is typically achieved using control dependencies.
+ CHECK(IsRefType(context->input_dtype(0)));
+ Tensor tmpvar = context->mutable_input(0, false);
+ context->set_output(0, tmpvar);
+ ResourceMgr* rm = context->step_resource_manager();
+ OP_REQUIRES(context, rm, errors::Internal("No per-step resource manager."));
+ context, rm->Delete<TemporaryVariableOp::TmpVar>("tmp_var", var_name_));
+ }
+ private:
+ string var_name_;
+} // namespace tensorflow