path: root/tensorflow/core/kernels/dynamic_partition_op.cc
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authorGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
committerGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
commitf41959ccb2d9d4c722fe8fc3351401d53bcf4900 (patch)
treeef0ca22cb2a5ac4bdec9d080d8e0788a53ed496d /tensorflow/core/kernels/dynamic_partition_op.cc
TensorFlow: Initial commit of TensorFlow library.
TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Base CL: 107276108
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/core/kernels/dynamic_partition_op.cc')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/core/kernels/dynamic_partition_op.cc b/tensorflow/core/kernels/dynamic_partition_op.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1b44861b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/core/kernels/dynamic_partition_op.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// See docs in ../ops/data_flow_ops.cc.
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/register_types.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/types.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/inlined_vector.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/public/tensor.h"
+namespace tensorflow {
+// Shared code that is not dependent on the type of T. We do this to reduce
+// code size by not duplicating all this for all T (float, double, int32, etc.)
+class DynamicPartitionOp_Shared : public OpKernel {
+ public:
+ explicit DynamicPartitionOp_Shared(OpKernelConstruction* c) : OpKernel(c) {
+ OP_REQUIRES_OK(c, c->GetAttr("num_partitions", &num_partitions_));
+ // QUESTION: It'd be nice to support DT_INT16, DT_UINT8, etc.
+ // to input[1]. Should we have the framework do some sort of
+ // integer promotion automatically, or should that be something
+ // that users have to do explicitly with a conversion operator
+ // in the graph?
+ }
+ void ValidateAndAllocateOutputs(OpKernelContext* c, const Tensor** data,
+ const Tensor** partitions,
+ OpOutputList* Tout) {
+ OP_REQUIRES_OK(c, c->input("data", data));
+ OP_REQUIRES_OK(c, c->input("partitions", partitions));
+ OP_REQUIRES(c, TensorShapeUtils::StartsWith((*data)->shape(),
+ (*partitions)->shape()),
+ errors::InvalidArgument(
+ "data.shape must start with partitions.shape, ",
+ "got data.shape = ", (*data)->shape().ShortDebugString(),
+ ", partitions.shape = ",
+ (*partitions)->shape().ShortDebugString()));
+ // Count how many occurrences of each partition id we have in partitions
+ gtl::InlinedVector<int, 32> partition_count(num_partitions_);
+ auto e_partitions = (*partitions)->flat<int32>();
+ const int64 N = e_partitions.dimension(0);
+ for (int64 i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+ const int32 p = e_partitions(i);
+ OP_REQUIRES(c, p >= 0 && p < num_partitions_,
+ errors::InvalidArgument(
+ "partitions", SliceString((*partitions)->shape(), i),
+ " = ", p, " is not in [0, ", num_partitions_, ")"));
+ partition_count[p]++;
+ }
+ // Allocate output tensors of the right size
+ OP_REQUIRES_OK(c, c->output_list("outputs", Tout));
+ for (int p = 0; p < num_partitions_; p++) {
+ TensorShape shape;
+ shape.AddDim(partition_count[p]);
+ for (int i = (*partitions)->dims(); i < (*data)->dims(); i++) {
+ shape.AddDim((*data)->dim_size(i));
+ }
+ Tensor* out;
+ OP_REQUIRES_OK(c, Tout->allocate(p, shape, &out));
+ }
+ }
+ protected:
+ int num_partitions_;
+ static string SliceString(const TensorShape& shape, const int64 flat) {
+ // Special case rank 0 and 1
+ const int dims = shape.dims();
+ if (dims == 0) return "";
+ if (dims == 1) return strings::StrCat("[", flat, "]");
+ // Compute strides
+ gtl::InlinedVector<int64, 32> strides(dims);
+ strides.back() = 1;
+ for (int i = dims - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
+ strides[i] = strides[i + 1] * shape.dim_size(i + 1);
+ }
+ // Unflatten index
+ int64 left = flat;
+ string result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < dims; i++) {
+ strings::StrAppend(&result, i ? "," : "[", left / strides[i]);
+ left %= strides[i];
+ }
+ strings::StrAppend(&result, "]");
+ return result;
+ }
+template <class T>
+class DynamicPartitionOp : public DynamicPartitionOp_Shared {
+ public:
+ explicit DynamicPartitionOp(OpKernelConstruction* c)
+ : DynamicPartitionOp_Shared(c) {}
+ void Compute(OpKernelContext* c) override {
+ const Tensor* data;
+ const Tensor* partitions;
+ OpOutputList outputs;
+ ValidateAndAllocateOutputs(c, &data, &partitions, &outputs);
+ if (!c->status().ok()) return;
+ if (num_partitions_ == 0 || data->NumElements() == 0) return;
+ auto e_partitions = partitions->flat<int32>();
+ const int64 N = e_partitions.dimension(0);
+ gtl::InlinedVector<int, 32> output_index(num_partitions_);
+ if (partitions->dims() == data->dims()) {
+ // Walk through data and copy the data to the appropriate output tensor
+ const auto data_flat = data->flat<T>();
+ std::vector<Eigen::TensorMap<Eigen::Tensor<T, 1, Eigen::RowMajor>,
+ Eigen::Aligned> > out_vec;
+ for (int p = 0; p < num_partitions_; p++) {
+ out_vec.push_back(outputs[p]->vec<T>());
+ }
+ for (int64 i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+ const int32 p = e_partitions(i);
+ out_vec[p](output_index[p]) = data_flat(i);
+ output_index[p]++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If data has extra dimensions, use Eigen slices
+ std::vector<Eigen::TensorMap<Eigen::Tensor<T, 2, Eigen::RowMajor>,
+ Eigen::Aligned> > out_flat;
+ for (int p = 0; p < num_partitions_; p++) {
+ out_flat.push_back(outputs[p]->flat_outer_dims<T>());
+ }
+ // Walk through data and copy the data to the appropriate output tensor
+ const int64 slice_size = data->NumElements() / N;
+ const auto data_flat = data->shaped<T, 2>({N, slice_size});
+ Eigen::DSizes<Eigen::DenseIndex, 2> sizes(1, slice_size);
+ for (int64 i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+ const int32 p = e_partitions(i);
+ // outputs[p][output_index[p]++] = data[i]
+ Eigen::DSizes<Eigen::DenseIndex, 2> out_indices(output_index[p], 0);
+ Eigen::DSizes<Eigen::DenseIndex, 2> data_indices(i, 0);
+ out_flat[p].slice(out_indices, sizes) =
+ data_flat.slice(data_indices, sizes);
+ output_index[p]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Name("DynamicPartition").Device(DEVICE_CPU).TypeConstraint<T>("T"), \
+ DynamicPartitionOp<T>)
+} // namespace tensorflow