path: root/tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers
diff options
authorGravatar Rachel Lim <rachelim@google.com>2018-10-09 14:36:33 -0700
committerGravatar TensorFlower Gardener <gardener@tensorflow.org>2018-10-09 14:46:11 -0700
commit950cf87104bfee28e2165fe368f66337b8a1336d (patch)
tree59ace2e229776b79897c54b4be0705231d5ac9f2 /tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers
parent35caff957424a60bd7d7e4e92a1ec87f617781c6 (diff)
[tf.data vectorization] Add vectorizer for `Add` op
PiperOrigin-RevId: 216424512
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers')
4 files changed, 278 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/data/vectorization/BUILD b/tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/data/vectorization/BUILD
index 985d6c6c3a..09018d0124 100644
--- a/tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/data/vectorization/BUILD
+++ b/tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/data/vectorization/BUILD
@@ -9,7 +9,11 @@ load("//tensorflow/core:platform/default/build_config.bzl", "tf_protos_all")
+ "//tensorflow/cc:ops",
+ "//tensorflow/core:core_cpu",
+ "//tensorflow/cc:scope_internal",
+ "//tensorflow/cc:cc_ops",
] + tf_protos_all()
@@ -42,6 +46,24 @@ cc_library(
+ name = "vectorizer_registry_test",
+ srcs = ["vectorizer_registry_test.cc"],
+ deps = [
+ ":vectorizer_registry",
+ "//tensorflow/core:test",
+ "//tensorflow/core:test_main",
+ "//tensorflow/core:testlib",
+ ] + tf_protos_all(),
+ name = "add_vectorizer",
+ srcs = ["add_vectorizer.cc"],
+ alwayslink = 1,
name = "cast_vectorizer",
srcs = ["cast_vectorizer.cc"],
@@ -61,20 +83,10 @@ cc_library(
hdrs = ["vectorizer_registry.h"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
+ ":add_vectorizer",
- name = "vectorizer_registry_test",
- srcs = ["vectorizer_registry_test.cc"],
- deps = [
- ":vectorizer_registry",
- "//tensorflow/core:test",
- "//tensorflow/core:test_main",
- "//tensorflow/core:testlib",
- ] + tf_protos_all(),
diff --git a/tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/data/vectorization/add_vectorizer.cc b/tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/data/vectorization/add_vectorizer.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d90a51b01a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/data/vectorization/add_vectorizer.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+/* Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include "tensorflow/cc/framework/ops.h"
+#include "tensorflow/cc/framework/scope_internal.h"
+#include "tensorflow/cc/ops/array_ops.h"
+#include "tensorflow/cc/ops/math_ops.h"
+#include "tensorflow/cc/ops/standard_ops.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/graph/node_builder.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/data/vectorization/vectorizer_registry.h"
+namespace tensorflow {
+namespace grappler {
+namespace {
+const char* const kExpandDimsPrefix = "vectorized/expanddims/";
+// Reshapes stacked inputs for broadcast. Stacked inputs have an extra leading
+// dimension, which may cause automatic broadcasting rules to expand the
+// input dimensions wrongly when the unstacked shapes have different ranks.
+// To avoid that, we reshape stacked inputs to the maximum rank they need
+// to be broadcasted to.
+// For example, suppose we have inputs A and B, where A is a stacked tensor with
+// shape [n, 5] (where n is the stack size) and B is an unstacked tensor with
+// shape [12, 7, 5]. If we added them directly, tensorflow broadcasting rules
+// would expand the dimensions of A to [1, n, 5], then (incorrectly) check that
+// the dimensions n and 7 are compatible, and if so, create an output of shape
+// [12, 7, 5]. However, correct addition of these inputs would create an output
+// with shape [n, 12, 7, 5]: we need to manually expand the dimensions of A
+// *after* the leading dimension, i.e. expand A to the shape [n, 1, 1, 5] before
+// broadcasting.
+Status ExpandDimsForBroadcast(std::vector<WrappedTensor>* inputs, Graph* g) {
+ Status status;
+ Scope parent = NewInternalScope(g, &status, nullptr);
+ Scope s = parent.NewSubScope(kExpandDimsPrefix);
+ // TODO(rachelim): We can potentially get rid of all these ops if shapes are
+ // known statically
+ Output const_0 = ops::Const(s, 0);
+ Output const_1 = ops::Const(s, 1);
+ std::vector<Output> ranks;
+ ranks.reserve(inputs->size());
+ // Get the stacked rank of each input
+ for (const auto& input : *inputs) {
+ Output rank = ops::Rank(s, Output(input.node, input.output_index));
+ if (!input.stacked) {
+ // If the input is unstacked, add 1
+ rank = ops::Add(s, rank, const_1);
+ }
+ ranks.push_back(rank);
+ }
+ // Pack the ranks into one tensor to get the max
+ Output packed_ranks = ops::Stack(s, ranks);
+ Output max_rank =
+ ops::Max(s, packed_ranks, const_0, ops::Max::Attrs().KeepDims(true));
+ std::vector<WrappedTensor> expanded_inputs;
+ expanded_inputs.reserve(inputs->size());
+ // For all inputs that are stacked, expand dimensions after dim 0.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs->size(); ++i) {
+ if (!inputs->at(i).stacked) {
+ expanded_inputs.push_back(inputs->at(i));
+ continue;
+ }
+ Output input(inputs->at(i).node, inputs->at(i).output_index);
+ // Number of dimensions to expand
+ Output rank_diff = ops::Sub(s, max_rank, ranks[i]);
+ // [1] * rank_diff
+ Output ones = ops::Tile(s, ops::Const(s, {1}), rank_diff);
+ Output const_vec_1 = ops::Const(s, {1});
+ Output shape = ops::Shape(s, input);
+ // shape[:1]
+ Output concat_pre =
+ ops::StridedSlice(s, shape, const_vec_1, const_vec_1, const_vec_1,
+ ops::StridedSlice::Attrs().BeginMask(1));
+ // shape[1:]
+ Output concat_post =
+ ops::StridedSlice(s, shape, const_vec_1, const_vec_1, const_vec_1,
+ ops::StridedSlice::Attrs().EndMask(1));
+ // tf.concat([shape[:1], ones, shape[1:]], 0)
+ Output new_shape = ops::Concat(s, {concat_pre, ones, concat_post}, const_0);
+ Output result = ops::Reshape(s, input, new_shape);
+ expanded_inputs.push_back({result.node(), 0, true});
+ }
+ inputs->swap(expanded_inputs);
+ return status;
+class AddVectorizer : public Vectorizer {
+ public:
+ Status Vectorize(const Node& node, Graph* outer_scope,
+ std::vector<WrappedTensor>&& inputs,
+ std::vector<WrappedTensor>* outputs) override {
+ if (node.num_inputs() != 2) {
+ return errors::Internal("Add op should only have two inputs.");
+ }
+ TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ExpandDimsForBroadcast(&inputs, outer_scope));
+ // Add new Add node with the same op and attrs as the original node
+ Node* new_add_node;
+ TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(NodeBuilder("Add", "Add")
+ .Input(inputs[0].node, inputs[0].output_index)
+ .Input(inputs[1].node, inputs[1].output_index)
+ .Finalize(outer_scope, &new_add_node));
+ // Add output mappings
+ outputs->push_back({new_add_node, 0, true});
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+REGISTER_VECTORIZER("Add", AddVectorizer);
+} // namespace
+} // namespace grappler
+} // namespace tensorflow
diff --git a/tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/data/vectorization_utils.cc b/tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/data/vectorization_utils.cc
index d977ff3198..8b93b1f2b8 100644
--- a/tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/data/vectorization_utils.cc
+++ b/tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/data/vectorization_utils.cc
@@ -64,9 +64,18 @@ void ReplaceEdgeSources(const TensorDesc& old_src, const TensorDesc& new_src,
+// Update node attrs to keep its properties consistent with the function
+void UpdateMapDefunAttrs(FunctionBody* map_defun_fn, Node* map_defun_node) {
+ map_defun_node->AddAttr("output_types", map_defun_fn->ret_types);
+ // TODO(rachelim): Propagate precise shapes if they're known, which may enable
+ // subsequent optimizations.
+ map_defun_node->AddAttr("output_shapes", std::vector<PartialTensorShape>(
+ map_defun_fn->ret_types.size()));
Status AddMapDefunOutput(FunctionBody* map_defun_fn, Node* map_defun_node,
const TensorDesc& output) {
- // Note that we don't update MapDefun attrs as we go, only when we are done
DataType type = output.first->output_type(output.second);
int index = map_defun_fn->ret_nodes.size();
@@ -83,13 +92,13 @@ Status AddMapDefunOutput(FunctionBody* map_defun_fn, Node* map_defun_node,
map_defun_fn->graph->AddEdge(output.first, output.second, ret_node, 0);
+ UpdateMapDefunAttrs(map_defun_fn, map_defun_node);
return s;
void RemoveMapDefunOutput(int output_position, Graph* outer_scope,
FunctionBody* map_defun_fn, Node* map_defun_node) {
- // Note that we don't update MapDefun attrs as we go, only when we are done
DCHECK_LT(output_position, map_defun_fn->ret_nodes.size())
<< "Trying to remove output that doesn't exist. Output number: "
<< output_position;
@@ -102,6 +111,7 @@ void RemoveMapDefunOutput(int output_position, Graph* outer_scope,
map_defun_fn->ret_types.erase(map_defun_fn->ret_types.begin() +
+ UpdateMapDefunAttrs(map_defun_fn, map_defun_node);
// Renumber the nodes and edges that come after
for (int i = 0; i < num_later_outputs; ++i) {
@@ -342,13 +352,6 @@ void Vectorization::VectorizeHelper() {
// need the MapDefun node and can delete it.
if (map_defun_fn_->ret_nodes.empty()) {
- } else {
- // Update MapDefun node attrs accordingly
- DCHECK_EQ(map_defun_fn_->ret_types.size(), map_defun_fn_->ret_nodes.size());
- map_defun_node_->AddAttr(
- "output_shapes",
- std::vector<PartialTensorShape>(map_defun_fn_->ret_types.size()));
- map_defun_node_->AddAttr("output_types", map_defun_fn_->ret_types);
diff --git a/tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/data/vectorization_utils_test.cc b/tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/data/vectorization_utils_test.cc
index a6020e36bb..be498d150b 100644
--- a/tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/data/vectorization_utils_test.cc
+++ b/tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/data/vectorization_utils_test.cc
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ TEST(VectorizeMapDefunTest, VectorizeDefunNoOps) {
FunctionDef* vectorized;
Status s = VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized);
LOG(ERROR) << s;
- EXPECT_TRUE(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized).ok());
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized));
!function_utils::ContainsFunctionNodeWithOp("MapDefun", *vectorized));
EXPECT_EQ(GetRetval(*vectorized, 0), "ret0");
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ TEST(VectorizeMapDefunTest, VectorizeDefunUnconvertible) {
*lib.add_function() = outer;
*lib.add_function() = inner;
FunctionDef* vectorized;
- EXPECT_TRUE(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized).ok());
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized));
auto map_defun_node = vectorized->node_def(
function_utils::FindFunctionNodeWithOp("MapDefun", *vectorized));
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ TEST(VectorizeMapDefunTest, VectorizeDefunSimpleCast) {
*lib.add_function() = outer;
*lib.add_function() = inner;
FunctionDef* vectorized;
- EXPECT_TRUE(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized).ok());
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized));
!function_utils::ContainsFunctionNodeWithOp("MapDefun", *vectorized));
const NodeDef& cast_node = vectorized->node_def(
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ TEST(VectorizeMapDefunTest, VectorizeDefunCastUsedTwice) {
*lib.add_function() = outer;
*lib.add_function() = inner;
FunctionDef* vectorized;
- EXPECT_TRUE(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized).ok());
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized));
!function_utils::ContainsFunctionNodeWithOp("MapDefun", *vectorized));
const NodeDef& cast_node = vectorized->node_def(
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ TEST(VectorizeMapDefunTest, VectorizeDefunOpWithMultipleOutputs) {
*lib.add_function() = outer;
*lib.add_function() = inner;
FunctionDef* vectorized;
- EXPECT_TRUE(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized).ok());
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized));
!function_utils::ContainsFunctionNodeWithOp("MapDefun", *vectorized));
const NodeDef& unpack_node = vectorized->node_def(
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ TEST(VectorizeMapDefunTest, VectorizeDefunChainedConvertibleOps) {
*lib.add_function() = outer;
*lib.add_function() = inner;
FunctionDef* vectorized;
- EXPECT_TRUE(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized).ok());
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized));
!function_utils::ContainsFunctionNodeWithOp("MapDefun", *vectorized));
const NodeDef& cast_node = vectorized->node_def(
@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ TEST(VectorizeMapDefunTest, VectorizeDefunWithControlInputs) {
*lib.add_function() = outer;
*lib.add_function() = inner;
FunctionDef* vectorized;
- EXPECT_TRUE(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized).ok());
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized));
// They should be unchanged
// We check this somewhat manually as the names of nodes may have changed
EXPECT_EQ(vectorized->node_def_size(), 1);
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ TEST(VectorizeMapDefunTest, VectorizeConst) {
*lib.add_function() = outer;
*lib.add_function() = inner;
FunctionDef* vectorized;
- EXPECT_TRUE(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized).ok());
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized));
!function_utils::ContainsFunctionNodeWithOp("MapDefun", *vectorized));
EXPECT_TRUE(function_utils::ContainsFunctionNodeWithOp("Const", *vectorized));
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ TEST(VectorizeMapDefunTest, VectorizeUnstackedOutput) {
*lib.add_function() = outer;
*lib.add_function() = inner;
FunctionDef* vectorized;
- EXPECT_TRUE(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized).ok());
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized));
!function_utils::ContainsFunctionNodeWithOp("MapDefun", *vectorized));
auto const_node = vectorized->node_def(
@@ -902,7 +902,7 @@ TEST(VectorizeMapDefunTest, VectorizeUnstackedControl) {
*lib.add_function() = inner;
FunctionDef* vectorized;
- EXPECT_TRUE(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized).ok());
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized));
auto find_const = [vectorized](int val) -> const NodeDef* {
for (const auto& n : vectorized->node_def()) {
@@ -924,6 +924,89 @@ TEST(VectorizeMapDefunTest, VectorizeUnstackedControl) {
EXPECT_EQ(cast_node.input(1), strings::StrCat("^", const_dep_node->name()));
+// Before:
+// +------+
+// +-----------------+ Arg0 +----------------------+
+// | +---+--+ |
+// | | |
+// | +---v--+ |
+// | +-------------+ Arg0 +------------------+ |
+// | | +---+--+ | |
+// | | | | |
+// | | | +-----+ | |
+// | | | |Const| | |
+// | | | +-+---+ | |
+// | | | | | |
+// | | | +--------+ | |
+// | | | | | |
+// | | +-v---v-+ | |
+// | | | Add | | |
+// | | +-+-----+ | |
+// | | | | |
+// | | | | |
+// | | MapDefun +-v----+ | |
+// | +---------------| Ret |----------------+ |
+// | +--v---+ |
+// | | |
+// | | |
+// | +--v---- |
+// +-------------------| Ret |--------------------+
+// +------+
+// After:
+// +------+
+// +------------+ Arg0 +----------------------+
+// | +---+--+ |
+// | | |
+// | | +-----+ |
+// | | |Const| |
+// | +-v---------+ +--+--+ |
+// | |ExpandDims*| | |
+// | +-----+-----+ | |
+// | | | |
+// | +-----+ +-----+ |
+// | | | |
+// | +-v-v-+ |
+// | | Add | |
+// | +--+--+ |
+// | | |
+// | +---v--+ |
+// +-----------------------+ Ret +-----------+
+// +------+
+TEST(VectorizeMapDefunTest, VectorizeDefunAdd) {
+ // Note that this checks that the "Add" vectorizer is successful, but does not
+ // check that the transformed function is correct (i.e. produces the same
+ // output as the unvectorized map defun). For the latter, the tests are in
+ // tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests/optimization/
+ // map_vectorization_test.py
+ FunctionDef inner = FunctionDefHelper::Create(
+ "inner_function", {"arg0: int32"}, {"ret0: int32"}, {/* attrs */},
+ {/* nodes */ FunctionDefHelper::Const("Const", 2),
+ {{"Add"}, "Add", {"arg0", "Const:output:0"}, {{"T", DT_INT32}}}},
+ {{"ret0", "Add:z:0"}});
+ FunctionDef outer = FunctionDefHelper::Create(
+ "outer_function", {"outer_arg0: int32"}, {"mapdefun: int32"},
+ {/* attrs */}, {/* nodes */}, {{"mapdefun", "MapDefun:output:0"}});
+ NodeDef* map_defun =
+ AddMapDefunNode("MapDefun", {"outer_arg0"}, {DT_INT32}, {DT_INT32}, {{}},
+ inner.signature().name(), &outer);
+ CHECK_NOTNULL(map_defun);
+ FunctionDefLibrary lib;
+ *lib.add_function() = outer;
+ *lib.add_function() = inner;
+ FunctionDef* vectorized;
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(VectorizeMapDefun(outer, *map_defun, &lib, &vectorized));
+ !function_utils::ContainsFunctionNodeWithOp("MapDefun", *vectorized));
// TODO(rachelim): More test cases when we get around to implementing them:
// [] A badly defined converter, e.g. doesn't produce nodes that have the
// same number of outputs/inputs as the nodes to be converted