path: root/tensorflow/core/graph/costmodel.cc
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authorGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
committerGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
commitf41959ccb2d9d4c722fe8fc3351401d53bcf4900 (patch)
treeef0ca22cb2a5ac4bdec9d080d8e0788a53ed496d /tensorflow/core/graph/costmodel.cc
TensorFlow: Initial commit of TensorFlow library.
TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Base CL: 107276108
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/core/graph/costmodel.cc')
1 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/core/graph/costmodel.cc b/tensorflow/core/graph/costmodel.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89bc41acfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/core/graph/costmodel.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+#include "tensorflow/core/graph/costmodel.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/step_stats.pb.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/graph/graph.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
+namespace tensorflow {
+namespace {
+const Microseconds kDefaultTimeEstimate(1);
+const Microseconds kMinTimeEstimate(1);
+} // namespace
+void CostModel::SuppressInfrequent() {
+ // Find the median of the non-zero counts, and use half of its value
+ // as the cutoff for a "normal" execution mode node.
+ if (count_.empty()) return;
+ std::vector<int32> non_zero;
+ for (auto v : count_) {
+ if (v > 0) non_zero.push_back(v);
+ }
+ const size_t sz = non_zero.size();
+ if (sz > 0) {
+ std::nth_element(non_zero.begin(), non_zero.begin() + sz / 2,
+ non_zero.end());
+ int32 median_value = non_zero[sz / 2];
+ min_count_ = median_value / 2;
+ VLOG(1) << "num non_zero vals: " << non_zero.size() << " median_value "
+ << median_value;
+ } else {
+ min_count_ = 1;
+ }
+void CostModel::MergeFromLocal(const Graph& g, const CostModel& cm) {
+ CHECK(is_global_);
+ CHECK(!cm.is_global());
+ for (const Node* n : g.nodes()) {
+ const int local_id = cm.Id(n);
+ const int global_id = Id(n);
+ if (local_id < 0 || global_id < 0) continue;
+ Ensure(global_id);
+ count_[global_id] += cm.count_[local_id];
+ time_[global_id] += cm.time_[local_id];
+ int num_slots = cm.slot_bytes_[local_id].size();
+ if (num_slots > 0) {
+ if (slot_bytes_[global_id].size() == 0) {
+ slot_bytes_[global_id].resize(num_slots);
+ } else {
+ CHECK_EQ(num_slots, slot_bytes_[global_id].size());
+ }
+ for (int s = 0; s < num_slots; ++s) {
+ slot_bytes_[global_id][s] += cm.slot_bytes_[local_id][s];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CostModel::MergeFromGlobal(const CostModel& cm) {
+ CHECK(is_global_);
+ CHECK_EQ(true, cm.is_global());
+ const int num_nodes = cm.count_.size();
+ Ensure(num_nodes);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_nodes; ++i) {
+ count_[i] += cm.count_[i];
+ time_[i] += cm.time_[i];
+ int num_slots = cm.slot_bytes_[i].size();
+ if (num_slots > 0) {
+ if (slot_bytes_[i].size() == 0) {
+ slot_bytes_[i].resize(num_slots);
+ } else {
+ CHECK_EQ(num_slots, slot_bytes_[i].size());
+ }
+ for (int s = 0; s < num_slots; ++s) {
+ slot_bytes_[i][s] += cm.slot_bytes_[i][s];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CostModel::MergeFromStats(const NodeNameToCostIdMap& map,
+ const StepStats& ss) {
+ CHECK(is_global_);
+ for (auto& ds : ss.dev_stats()) {
+ for (auto& ns : ds.node_stats()) {
+ NodeNameToCostIdMap::const_iterator iter = map.find(ns.node_name());
+ // We don't keep stats for nodes not in the global graph, i.e.
+ // copy/send/recv nodes, feed/fetch, etc.
+ if (iter == map.end()) continue;
+ int32 global_id = iter->second;
+ Ensure(global_id);
+ int64 elapsed_micros = ns.op_end_rel_micros() - ns.op_start_rel_micros();
+ count_[global_id]++;
+ time_[global_id] += elapsed_micros;
+ for (auto& no : ns.output()) {
+ int si = no.slot();
+ if (static_cast<size_t>(si) >= slot_bytes_[global_id].size()) {
+ slot_bytes_[global_id].resize(1 + si);
+ }
+ slot_bytes_[global_id][si] +=
+ no.tensor_description().allocation_description().requested_bytes();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CostModel::Ensure(int id) {
+ if (slot_bytes_.size() <= static_cast<size_t>(id)) {
+ slot_bytes_.resize(id + 1);
+ count_.resize(id + 1);
+ time_.resize(id + 1);
+ }
+void CostModel::SetNumOutputs(const Node* node, int num_outputs) {
+ const int id = Id(node);
+ if (id < 0) return;
+ Ensure(id);
+ auto perslot = &slot_bytes_[id];
+ if (perslot->size() > 0) {
+ CHECK_EQ(num_outputs, perslot->size()) << "Cannot resize slot_bytes, node="
+ << node->name();
+ } else {
+ perslot->resize(num_outputs, Bytes(-1));
+ }
+void CostModel::RecordCount(const Node* node, int count) {
+ const int id = Id(node);
+ if (id < 0) return;
+ CHECK_LT(id, slot_bytes_.size());
+ count_[id] += count;
+int32 CostModel::TotalCount(const Node* node) const {
+ const int id = Id(node);
+ if (id < 0) return 0;
+ return (static_cast<size_t>(id) < slot_bytes_.size()) ? count_[id] : 0;
+void CostModel::RecordSize(const Node* node, int slot, Bytes bytes) {
+ const int id = Id(node);
+ if (id < 0) return;
+ CHECK_LT(id, slot_bytes_.size());
+ auto perslot = &slot_bytes_[id];
+ CHECK_LT(slot, perslot->size());
+ auto v = &(*perslot)[slot];
+ if (*v >= 0) {
+ *v += bytes;
+ } else {
+ *v = bytes;
+ }
+Bytes CostModel::TotalBytes(const Node* node, int slot) const {
+ const int id = Id(node);
+ if (id < 0 || static_cast<size_t>(id) >= slot_bytes_.size() ||
+ slot_bytes_[id].size() <= static_cast<size_t>(slot)) {
+ return Bytes(0);
+ }
+ return slot_bytes_[id][slot];
+Bytes CostModel::SizeEstimate(const Node* node, int slot) const {
+ int32 count = TotalCount(node);
+ if (count < min_count_) return Bytes(0);
+ return TotalBytes(node, slot) / std::max(1, TotalCount(node));
+void CostModel::RecordTime(const Node* node, Microseconds time) {
+ const int id = Id(node);
+ if (id < 0) return;
+ DCHECK(node->IsOp()) << node->DebugString();
+ Ensure(id);
+ time_[id] += time;
+Microseconds CostModel::TotalTime(const Node* node) const {
+ DCHECK(node->IsOp()) << node->DebugString();
+ const int id = Id(node);
+ if (id < 0 || static_cast<size_t>(id) >= time_.size() ||
+ time_[id] < Microseconds(0)) {
+ return Microseconds(0);
+ }
+ return time_[id];
+Microseconds CostModel::TimeEstimate(const Node* node) const {
+ int32 count = TotalCount(node);
+ if (count <= min_count_) return kMinTimeEstimate;
+ return std::max(kMinTimeEstimate, TotalTime(node) / std::max(1, count));
+void CostModel::CheckInitialized(const Graph& graph) const {
+ for (const Node* n : graph.nodes()) {
+ if (n->IsOp()) {
+ CHECK(static_cast<size_t>(n->id()) < time_.size() &&
+ time_[n->id()] >= Microseconds(0))
+ << ": no time estimate for " << n->DebugString();
+ CHECK(static_cast<size_t>(n->id()) < slot_bytes_.size())
+ << ": no size estimate for " << n->DebugString();
+ const auto& perslot = slot_bytes_[n->id()];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < perslot.size(); i++) {
+ CHECK_GE(perslot[i], Bytes(0)) << ": no size estimate for output# " << i
+ << " of " << n->DebugString();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Microseconds CostModel::CopyTimeEstimate(Bytes b, double network_latency_millis,
+ double estimated_gbps) {
+ // TODO(jeff,sanjay): estimate cost based on bandwidth along the
+ // communication path and the type of transport we are using between
+ // devices.
+ //
+ // We assume the copy time follows a linear model:
+ // copy_time = copy_bytes / rate + min_time
+ int64 copy_bytes = b.value();
+ const double bytes_per_usec = estimated_gbps * 1000.0 / 8;
+ const double min_micros = network_latency_millis * 1000.0;
+ return Microseconds(
+ static_cast<int64>(copy_bytes / bytes_per_usec + min_micros));
+Microseconds CostModel::ComputationTimeEstimate(int64 math_ops) {
+ // TODO(jeff,sanjay): Eventually we should pass in the type of device
+ // (GPU vs. CPU) and use that to affect the estimate.
+ // We estimate the microseconds using that value. We divide
+ // by 1000 to convert the madd number into microseconds (assuming
+ // roughly 1000 madds per microsecond (~1 GHz for one core)).
+ return Microseconds(math_ops / 1000);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// InitCostModel
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace {
+static void AddNodesToCostModel(const Graph& g, CostModel* cost_model) {
+ for (Node* n : g.nodes()) {
+ const int num_outputs = n->num_outputs();
+ cost_model->SetNumOutputs(n, num_outputs);
+ for (int output = 0; output < num_outputs; output++) {
+ // Set up an initial bogus estimate for the node's outputs
+ cost_model->RecordSize(n, output, Bytes(1));
+ }
+ }
+static void AssignSizes(const Graph& g, CostModel* cost_model) {
+ for (const Edge* e : g.edges()) {
+ // Skip if it is a control edge.
+ if (e->IsControlEdge()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Node* src = e->src();
+ // TODO(josh11b): Get an estimate from the Op
+ Bytes size(1);
+ cost_model->RecordSize(src, e->src_output(), size);
+ }
+// This generates an extremely simple initial guess for the
+// computation cost of each node. For ordinary Ops, its value should quickly
+// be wiped out by the real runtime measurements. For other Ops we don't
+// actually generate measurements, so suppression of infrequent Ops ends up
+// giving them 0 costs. So, this is not of much consequence except perhaps
+// in tests.
+static Microseconds TimeEstimateForNode(CostModel* cost_model, Node* n) {
+ CHECK(n->IsOp());
+ VLOG(2) << "Node " << n->id() << ": " << n->name()
+ << " type_string: " << n->type_string();
+ if (IsConstant(n) || IsVariable(n)) {
+ return Microseconds(0);
+ }
+ return kDefaultTimeEstimate;
+static void EstimateComputationCosts(const Graph& g, CostModel* cost_model) {
+ for (Node* n : g.nodes()) {
+ if (!n->IsOp()) continue;
+ cost_model->RecordTime(n, TimeEstimateForNode(cost_model, n));
+ }
+} // namespace
+void CostModel::InitFromGraph(const Graph& g) {
+ AddNodesToCostModel(g, this);
+ AssignSizes(g, this);
+ EstimateComputationCosts(g, this);
+ CheckInitialized(g);
+void CostModel::WriteToLog() {
+ LOG(INFO) << " min_count_=" << min_count_;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < count_.size(); ++i) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Node " << i << " count " << count_[i] << " total time "
+ << time_[i] << " avg time "
+ << (time_[i] / (std::max(1, count_[i])));
+ }
+} // namespace tensorflow