path: root/tensorflow/core/framework/unique_tensor_references.h
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authorGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower <nobody@tensorflow.org>2016-01-17 19:40:29 -0800
committerGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2016-01-18 12:22:13 -0800
commit6f62e435ab6c36dfdfdef1acd580b5f278f6723c (patch)
tree29629251dd9fef86c9849a872cfec339ad2a33ad /tensorflow/core/framework/unique_tensor_references.h
parent2e65c5c9a4a828e3fd1ee51e0965e5add433766d (diff)
Adds enough auditing to make it possible to track tensor buffers throughout an execution, and build a cost model of memory usage.
There are two main components: 1) GPU allocators now assign to each allocated tensor buffer a unique ID so its use can be tracked within and across steps. 2) The checkin cleans up the tracking of usage of Tensor buffers, and makes it work for both sync and async kernels (async kernels did not previously track gpu memory correctly). Each use is now tracked by the OpKernelContext (for allocators that need this support) in a single uniquified set of TensorReferences. When the kernel finishes, the executor retrieves the list of references, logs it if needed in the nodeexecstats, then passes it to the device, which may add an additional reference to keep the memory from being reused until the execution completes. When the tensor is logged in the nodeexecstats a flag is set if there is a single remaining reference to the buffer, which means that the memory will be freed once the Op completes. Change: 112375683
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/core/framework/unique_tensor_references.h')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/core/framework/unique_tensor_references.h b/tensorflow/core/framework/unique_tensor_references.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2bd8d6f9cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/core/framework/unique_tensor_references.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_reference.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/inlined_vector.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/public/tensor.h"
+namespace tensorflow {
+// Helper class to maintain a unique set of tensor references. In the
+// common case tehre are not many references, so an inline vector is
+// used for <= kInVector unique elements, defaulting to 4 since that
+// is the inlined size of TensorReferenceVector. To avoid N^2
+// operations when adding N items, any larger number of unique tensor
+// references switches to using an unordered set.
+class UniqueTensorReferences {
+ public:
+ UniqueTensorReferences() : frozen_(false) {}
+ ~UniqueTensorReferences() {
+ if (!frozen_) {
+ // The references were not retrieved so discard them to avoid
+ // leaking memory.
+ TensorReferenceVector refs;
+ FreezeAndReturnReferences(&refs);
+ for (auto& tensor : refs) {
+ tensor.Unref();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Adds a reference to tensor if its buffer is not already referenced.
+ void Add(const Tensor& tensor) {
+ DCHECK(!frozen_);
+ // Do nothing if the tensor has a null buffer.
+ if (tensor.IsInitialized()) {
+ if (referenced_tensors_set_.size() > 0) {
+ // There are enough tensors that we are using a hash set to
+ // de-duplicate.
+ const TensorReference tensor_ref(tensor);
+ if (!referenced_tensors_set_.insert(tensor_ref).second) {
+ // The tensor was a duplicate, so discard the reference.
+ tensor_ref.Unref();
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < referenced_tensors_vector_.size(); ++i) {
+ if (referenced_tensors_vector_[i].SharesBufferWith(tensor)) {
+ // tensor is a duplicate, so nothing to do.
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ referenced_tensors_vector_.push_back(TensorReference(tensor));
+ if (kInVector == referenced_tensors_vector_.size()) {
+ // There are too many tensors to keep using the N^2 algorithm
+ // so start de-duplicating using a set.
+ DCHECK_EQ(0, referenced_tensors_set_.size());
+ // Transfer the refs from the vector to the set.
+ referenced_tensors_set_.reserve(kInVector);
+ referenced_tensors_set_.insert(referenced_tensors_vector_.begin(),
+ referenced_tensors_vector_.end());
+ DCHECK_EQ(kInVector, referenced_tensors_set_.size());
+ referenced_tensors_vector_.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // No more references may be added after this is called. The unique
+ // references are returning in out_vector.
+ void FreezeAndReturnReferences(TensorReferenceVector* out_vector) {
+ // Prevent any further additions.
+ frozen_ = true;
+ if (referenced_tensors_set_.size() > 0) {
+ DCHECK(referenced_tensors_vector_.empty());
+ out_vector->reserve(referenced_tensors_set_.size());
+ for (const auto& ref : referenced_tensors_set_) {
+ out_vector->push_back(ref);
+ }
+ referenced_tensors_set_.clear();
+ } else {
+ out_vector->reserve(referenced_tensors_vector_.size());
+ for (const auto& ref : referenced_tensors_vector_) {
+ out_vector->push_back(ref);
+ }
+ referenced_tensors_vector_.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ // Up to kInVector elements are stored in reference_tensors_vector_
+ // to avoid any allocations or hash computations in the common
+ // case. When more unique elements are added they move to
+ // referenced_tensors_set_ to avoid an N^2 algorithm on insert.
+ static const int kInVector = 4; // Must be >= 1.
+ struct TensorReferenceEqualFn {
+ bool operator()(const TensorReference& t1,
+ const TensorReference& t2) const {
+ return t1.SharesBufferWith(t2);
+ }
+ };
+ struct TensorReferenceHashFn {
+ size_t operator()(const TensorReference& t) const { return t.BufferHash(); }
+ };
+ bool frozen_;
+ TensorReferenceVector referenced_tensors_vector_;
+ std::unordered_set<TensorReference, TensorReferenceHashFn,
+ TensorReferenceEqualFn>
+ referenced_tensors_set_;
+} // end namespace tensorflow