path: root/tensorflow/c/c_api_experimental.cc
diff options
authorGravatar Mingsheng Hong <hongm@google.com>2018-03-22 20:51:51 -0700
committerGravatar TensorFlower Gardener <gardener@tensorflow.org>2018-03-22 20:54:37 -0700
commit0191d264a6e3da12ff7db5ba8002fed6356f071b (patch)
tree1e974458c633f2f64e3a6d6165e66905c7605083 /tensorflow/c/c_api_experimental.cc
parent72f48771ea4fce68af893bcda862ca390a0e6b70 (diff)
Added experimental C APIs to build a hard-coded stack of dataset + iterator.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 190170332
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/c/c_api_experimental.cc')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/c/c_api_experimental.cc b/tensorflow/c/c_api_experimental.cc
index 29caf508e7..8593a8eb50 100644
--- a/tensorflow/c/c_api_experimental.cc
+++ b/tensorflow/c/c_api_experimental.cc
@@ -22,7 +22,15 @@ limitations under the License.
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/strcat.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/protobuf/config.pb.h"
+using tensorflow::Node;
+using tensorflow::NodeBuilder;
using tensorflow::Status;
+using tensorflow::Tensor;
+// struct TF_Operation { tensorflow::Node node; };
+static TF_Operation* ToTF_Operation(Node* node) {
+ return static_cast<TF_Operation*>(static_cast<void*>(node));
void TF_EnableXLACompilation(TF_SessionOptions* options, unsigned char enable) {
tensorflow::ConfigProto& config = options->options.config;
@@ -103,3 +111,218 @@ TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern const char* TF_GraphDebugString(TF_Graph* graph,
memcpy(ret, debug_str.c_str(), *len + 1);
return ret;
+// TODO(hongm): Replace this will a real implementation.
+static tensorflow::Status BuildDatasetTest(TF_Graph* dataset_graph,
+ Node** dataset_node) {
+ tensorflow::mutex_lock c(dataset_graph->mu);
+ Tensor const_t(tensorflow::DT_INT32, tensorflow::TensorShape({}));
+ const_t.flat<tensorflow::int32>()(0) = 1;
+ Node* const_node;
+ TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(NodeBuilder("Const", "Const")
+ .Attr("dtype", tensorflow::DT_INT32)
+ .Attr("value", const_t)
+ .Finalize(&dataset_graph->graph, &const_node));
+ std::vector<NodeBuilder::NodeOut> input_list;
+ input_list.push_back(NodeBuilder::NodeOut(const_node, 0));
+ return NodeBuilder("TensorDataset", "TensorDataset")
+ .Input(input_list)
+ .Attr("Toutput_types", {tensorflow::DT_INT32})
+ .Attr("output_shapes", {tensorflow::TensorShapeProto()})
+ .Finalize(&dataset_graph->graph, dataset_node);
+// On success, returns a newly created TF_Function instance from
+// `text_proto`. It must be deleted by calling TF_DeleteFunction.
+static TF_Function* CreateFunctionFromTextProto(const char* text_proto,
+ TF_Status* status) {
+ tensorflow::FunctionDef fdef;
+ if (!tensorflow::protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString(text_proto, &fdef)) {
+ status->status = tensorflow::errors::Internal(
+ "Invalid text proto for FunctionDef: ", text_proto);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ std::vector<char> binary_proto_buf(fdef.ByteSizeLong());
+ fdef.SerializeToArray(binary_proto_buf.data(), binary_proto_buf.size());
+ return TF_FunctionImportFunctionDef(binary_proto_buf.data(),
+ binary_proto_buf.size(), status);
+// On success, returns a newly created TF_Function instance from `proto_file`,
+// and sets `dataset_name` to the created dataset name. The returned function
+// must be deleted by calling TF_DeleteFunction.
+// TODO(hongm): Support reading the file given by `proto_file`.
+static TF_Function* LoadDatasetFunction(const char* proto_file,
+ std::string* dataset_name,
+ TF_Status* status) {
+ const char* func_def = R"PREFIX(
+signature {
+ name: "_make_dataset_d8de2712"
+ output_arg {
+ name: "TensorSliceDataset"
+ type: DT_VARIANT
+ }
+ is_stateful: true
+ }
+ node_def {
+ name: "TensorSliceDataset/tensors/component_0"
+ op: "Const"
+ attr {
+ key: "dtype"
+ value {
+ type: DT_FLOAT
+ }
+ }
+ attr {
+ key: "value"
+ value {
+ tensor {
+ dtype: DT_FLOAT
+ tensor_shape {
+ dim {
+ size: 3
+ }
+ }
+ tensor_content: "\000\000(B\000\000,B\000\0000B"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ node_def {
+ name: "TensorSliceDataset"
+ op: "TensorSliceDataset"
+ input: "TensorSliceDataset/tensors/component_0:output:0"
+ attr {
+ key: "Toutput_types"
+ value {
+ list {
+ type: DT_FLOAT
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ attr {
+ key: "output_shapes"
+ value {
+ list {
+ shape {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ret {
+ key: "TensorSliceDataset"
+ value: "TensorSliceDataset:handle:0"
+ })PREFIX";
+ *dataset_name = "_make_dataset_d8de2712";
+ return CreateFunctionFromTextProto(func_def, status);
+// TODO(hongm): Use `file_path` in the implementation.
+TF_Operation* TF_MakeIteratorGetNextWithDatasets(TF_Graph* graph,
+ const char* file_path,
+ TF_Function** dataset_func,
+ TF_Status* status) {
+ tensorflow::Status s;
+ // We can parameterize the function name, if we ever need more than 1
+ // iterators in a graph.
+ const std::string dataset_name = "UNIQUE_DATASET";
+ std::unique_ptr<TF_Graph, decltype(&TF_DeleteGraph)> dataset_graph(
+ TF_NewGraph(), TF_DeleteGraph);
+ Node* dataset_node = nullptr;
+ s = BuildDatasetTest(dataset_graph.get(), &dataset_node);
+ if (!s.ok()) {
+ status->status = s;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ TF_Output output{ToTF_Operation(dataset_node), 0};
+ std::unique_ptr<TF_Function, decltype(&TF_DeleteFunction)> result_func(
+ TF_GraphToFunction(dataset_graph.get(), dataset_name.c_str(),
+ /*append_hash_to_fn_name*/ false,
+ /*num_opers*/ -1,
+ /*opers*/ nullptr,
+ /*numinputs*/ 0,
+ /*inputs*/ nullptr,
+ /*noutputs*/ 1,
+ /*outputs*/ &output,
+ /*outputnames*/ nullptr,
+ /*functionoptions*/ nullptr, "", status),
+ TF_DeleteFunction);
+ if (!status->status.ok()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ TF_GraphCopyFunction(graph, result_func.get(), /*gradient*/ nullptr, status);
+ if (!status->status.ok()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ tensorflow::mutex_lock c(graph->mu);
+ tensorflow::NameAttrList func;
+ func.set_name(dataset_name);
+ // Run the iterator node on CPU.
+ Node* oneshot_iterator_node;
+ std::vector<tensorflow::TensorShapeProto> output_shape_list;
+ output_shape_list.push_back(tensorflow::TensorShapeProto());
+ s = NodeBuilder("OneShotIterator", "OneShotIterator")
+ .Device("/device:CPU:0")
+ .Attr("container", "")
+ .Attr("dataset_factory", func)
+ .Attr("output_types", {tensorflow::DT_INT32})
+ .Attr("output_shapes", output_shape_list)
+ .Attr("shared_name", "")
+ .Finalize(&graph->graph, &oneshot_iterator_node);
+ if (!s.ok()) {
+ status->status = s;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Run shape inference function for each newly added node, so that more
+ // subsequent nodes can be added to the graph via C API (TF_NewOperation()).
+ s = graph->refiner.AddNode(oneshot_iterator_node);
+ if (!s.ok()) {
+ status->status = s;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Run the iterator node on CPU.
+ Node* getnext_node;
+ s = NodeBuilder("IteratorGetNext", "IteratorGetNext")
+ .Input(oneshot_iterator_node)
+ .Device("/device:CPU:0")
+ .Attr("output_types", {tensorflow::DT_INT32})
+ .Attr("output_shapes", output_shape_list)
+ .Finalize(&graph->graph, &getnext_node);
+ if (!s.ok()) {
+ status->status = s;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Run shape inference function for each newly added node, so that more
+ // subsequent nodes can be added to the graph via C API (TF_NewOperation()).
+ s = graph->refiner.AddNode(getnext_node);
+ if (!s.ok()) {
+ status->status = s;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ VLOG(1) << "Output graph: " << graph->graph.ToGraphDefDebug().DebugString();
+ *dataset_func = result_func.release();
+ return ToTF_Operation(getnext_node);
+void TF_GetAttrScalarTensorShapeProto(TF_Buffer* value, TF_Status* status) {
+ status->status = Status::OK();
+ auto shape = tensorflow::TensorShape({});
+ tensorflow::TensorShapeProto shape_proto;
+ shape.AsProto(&shape_proto);
+ status->status = MessageToBuffer(shape_proto, value);