path: root/configure
diff options
authorGravatar Gunhan Gulsoy <gunan@google.com>2017-07-21 00:39:34 -0700
committerGravatar TensorFlower Gardener <gardener@tensorflow.org>2017-07-21 00:46:41 -0700
commit133705c3ce9526bf696cb11a0d64f942de894c11 (patch)
tree230802e5071fcd905d3e67d204cbcaa435d40c08 /configure
parent602632b5bce191ba9b6a8ba339599168802827ac (diff)
Tidy up opensouce mkl build.
Closes #11212 PiperOrigin-RevId: 162713588
Diffstat (limited to 'configure')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 288674753b..cd957a06f8 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -217,84 +217,15 @@ done
OSNAME=`uname -s`
if [ "$TF_NEED_MKL" == "1" ]; then # TF_NEED_MKL
- while [ "$TF_DOWNLOAD_MKL" == "" ]; do
- fromuser=""
- read -p "Do you wish to download MKL LIB from the web? [Y/n] " INPUT
- fromuser="1"
- case $INPUT in
- [Yy]* ) TF_DOWNLOAD_MKL=1;;
- [Nn]* ) TF_DOWNLOAD_MKL=0;;
- "" ) TF_DOWNLOAD_MKL=1;;
- * ) echo "Invalid selection: " $INPUT; exit 1;;
- esac
- done
- if [[ "$TF_DOWNLOAD_MKL" == "1" ]]; then
- DST=`dirname $0`
- ARCHIVE_BASENAME=mklml_lnx_2018.0.20170425.tgz
- MKLURL="https://github.com/01org/mkl-dnn/releases/download/$GITHUB_RELEASE_TAG/$ARCHIVE_BASENAME"
- if ! [ -e "${DST}/third_party/mkl/${ARCHIVE_BASENAME}" ]; then
- curl -fSsL -o "${DST}/third_party/mkl/${ARCHIVE_BASENAME}" "${MKLURL}"
- fi
- tar -xzf $DST/third_party/mkl/$ARCHIVE_BASENAME -C $DST/third_party/mkl/
- extracted_dir_name="${ARCHIVE_BASENAME%.*}"
- MKL_INSTALL_PATH=$DST/third_party/mkl/$extracted_dir_name
- MKL_INSTALL_PATH=`${PYTHON_BIN_PATH} -c "import os; print(os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser('${MKL_INSTALL_PATH}')))"`
- else
- default_mkl_path=/opt/intel/mklml
- fromuser=""
- if [ -z "$MKL_INSTALL_PATH" ]; then
- read -p "Please specify the location where MKL is installed. [Default is $default_mkl_path]: " MKL_INSTALL_PATH
- fromuser="1"
- fi
- if [ -z "$MKL_INSTALL_PATH" ]; then
- MKL_INSTALL_PATH=$default_mkl_path
- fi
- # Result returned from "read" will be used unexpanded. That make "~" unusable.
- # Going through one more level of expansion to handle that.
- MKL_INSTALL_PATH=`${PYTHON_BIN_PATH} -c "import os; print(os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser('${MKL_INSTALL_PATH}')))"`
- fi
if [ "$OSNAME" == "Linux" ]; then
- # Full MKL configuration
- MKL_RT_LIB_PATH="lib/intel64/libmkl_rt.so" #${TF_MKL_EXT}#TODO version?
- MKL_RT_OMP_LIB_PATH="../compiler/lib/intel64/libiomp5.so" #TODO VERSION?
- # MKL-ML configuration
- MKL_ML_LIB_PATH="lib/libmklml_intel.so" #${TF_MKL_EXT}#TODO version?
- MKL_ML_OMP_LIB_PATH="lib/libiomp5.so" #TODO VERSION?
+ write_to_bazelrc 'build:mkl --define with_mkl_support=true'
+ write_to_bazelrc 'build:mkl -c opt'
+ write_to_bazelrc 'build:mkl --copt="-DEIGEN_USE_VML"'
+ echo "Add \"--config=mkl\" to your bazel command to build with MKL support."
elif [ "$OSNAME" == "Darwin" ]; then
echo "Darwin is unsupported yet";
exit 1
- if [ -e "$MKL_INSTALL_PATH/${MKL_ML_LIB_PATH}" ]; then
- ln -sf $MKL_INSTALL_PATH/${MKL_ML_LIB_PATH} third_party/mkl/
- ln -sf $MKL_INSTALL_PATH/${MKL_ML_OMP_LIB_PATH} third_party/mkl/
- ln -sf $MKL_INSTALL_PATH/include third_party/mkl/
- ln -sf $MKL_INSTALL_PATH/include third_party/eigen3/mkl_include
- loc=$(locate -e libdl.so.2 | sed -n 1p)
- ln -sf $loc third_party/mkl/libdl.so.2
- elif [ -e "$MKL_INSTALL_PATH/${MKL_RT_LIB_PATH}" ]; then
- ln -sf $MKL_INSTALL_PATH/${MKL_RT_LIB_PATH} third_party/mkl/
- ln -sf $MKL_INSTALL_PATH/${MKL_RT_OMP_LIB_PATH} third_party/mkl/
- ln -sf $MKL_INSTALL_PATH/include third_party/mkl/
- ln -sf $MKL_INSTALL_PATH/include third_party/eigen3/mkl_include
- loc=$(locate -e libdl.so.2 | sed -n 1p)
- ln -sf $loc third_party/mkl/libdl.so.2
- else
- exit 1
- fi
-cat > third_party/mkl/mkl.config <<EOF
-# MKL_INSTALL_PATH refers to the location of MKL root folder. The MKL header and library
-# files can be either in this directory, or under include/ and lib64/
## End MKL setup