path: root/RELEASE.md
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authorGravatar Andrew Selle <aselle@andyselle.com>2017-02-06 11:24:01 -0800
committerGravatar Andrew Selle <aselle@andyselle.com>2017-02-06 11:24:01 -0800
commitbf94ccd7ef890c3add8d4b59a8da3b657daff5a5 (patch)
tree42f093feabe85bb39ec8e7d558f13f371f96a97c /RELEASE.md
parent611d2ccbae3e8f2fdaf82057ef803962b736648a (diff)
parent114a4627cb4b05dacb3228d5815a8dac30ddb07a (diff)
Merge branch 'r1.0'
Diffstat (limited to 'RELEASE.md')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/RELEASE.md b/RELEASE.md
index 9081c1e033..ab3ecbd774 100644
--- a/RELEASE.md
+++ b/RELEASE.md
@@ -1,7 +1,20 @@
-# Changes since the last release
+# Release 1.0.0
-## Breaking Changes to the API
+## Major Features and Improvements
+* XLA (experimental): initial release of [XLA](https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/master/experimental/xla/), a domain-specific compiler for TensorFlow graphs, that targets CPUs and GPUs.
+* TensorFlow Debugger (tfdbg): command-line interface and API.
+* New python 3 docker images added.
+* Made pip packages pypi compliant. TensorFlow can now be installed by `pip
+ install tensorflow` command.
+* Several python API calls have been changed to resemble NumPy more closely.
+* Android: person detection + tracking demo implementing Scalable Object
+ Detection using Deep Neural Networks.
+* New (experimental) [Java API](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/java).
+* Add new Android image stylization demo based on "A Learned Representation For Artistic Style", and add YOLO object detector support.
+## Breaking Changes to the API
+To help you upgrade your existing TensorFlow Python code to match the API changes below, we have prepared a [conversion script](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/tools/compatibility).
+* TensorFlow/models have been moved to a separate github repository.
* Division and modulus operators (/, //, %) now match Python (flooring)
semantics. This applies to `tf.div` and `tf.mod` as well. To obtain forced
integer truncation based behaviors you can use `tf.truncatediv`
@@ -51,16 +64,93 @@
keywords. In particular we now match NumPy order as
`tf.sparse_split(sp_input, num_split, axis)`. NOTE: we have temporarily
made `tf.sparse_split` require keyword arguments.
-* Deprecated `tf.concat` operator. Please switch to use `tf.concat_v2` for now.
- In the Beta release, we will update `tf.concat` to match argument order of
- `tf.concat_v2.
-* tf.image.decode_jpeg by default uses the faster DCT method, sacrificing
+* `tf.concat` now takes arguments in reversed order and with different keywords. In particular we now match NumPy order as `tf.concat(values, axis, name)`.
+* `tf.image.decode_jpeg` by default uses the faster DCT method, sacrificing
a little fidelity for improved speed. One can revert to the old
- behavior by specifying the attribute dct_method='INTEGER_ACCURATE'.
+ behavior by specifying the attribute `dct_method='INTEGER_ACCURATE'`.
* `tf.complex_abs` has been removed from the Python interface. `tf.abs`
supports complex tensors and should be used instead.
* In the C++ API (in tensorflow/cc), Input, Output, etc. have moved
from the tensorflow::ops namespace to tensorflow.
+* Template.`var_scope` property renamed to `.variable_scope`
+* SyncReplicasOptimizer is removed and SyncReplicasOptimizerV2 renamed to SyncReplicasOptimizer.
+* `tf.zeros_initializer()` and `tf.ones_initializer()` now return a callable
+ that must be called with initializer arguments, in your code replace
+ `tf.zeros_initializer` with `tf.zeros_initializer()`.
+* `SparseTensor.shape` has been renamed to `SparseTensor.dense_shape`. Same for
+ `SparseTensorValue.shape`.
+* Replace tf.scalar_summary, tf.histogram_summary, tf.audio_summary, tf.image_summary with tf.summary.scalar, tf.summary.histogram, tf.summary.audio, tf.summary.image, respectively. The new summary ops take name rather than tag as their first argument, meaning summary ops now respect TensorFlow name scopes.
+* Replace tf.train.SummaryWriter and tf.train.SummaryWriterCache with tf.summary.FileWriter and tf.summary.FileWriterCache.
+* Removes RegisterShape from public API. Use C++ shape function registration
+ instead.
+* Deprecated `_ref` dtypes from the python API.
+* In the C++ API (in tensorflow/cc), Input, Output, etc. have moved
+ from the tensorflow::ops namespace to tensorflow.
+* Change arg order for `{softmax,sparse_softmax,sigmoid}_cross_entropy_with_logits` to be (labels, predictions), and force use of named args.
+## Bug Fixes and Other Changes
+* New op: `parallel_stack`.
+* Introducing common tf io compression options constants for
+ RecordReader/RecordWriter.
+* Add `sparse_column_with_vocabulary_file`, to specify a feature column that
+ transform string features to IDs, where the mapping is defined by a vocabulary
+ file.
+* Added `index_to_string_table` which returns a lookup table that maps indices to
+ strings.
+* Add `string_to_index_table`, which returns a lookup table that matches strings
+ to indices.
+* Add a `ParallelForWithWorkerId` function.
+* Add `string_to_index_table`, which returns a lookup table that matches strings
+ to indices.
+* Support restore session from checkpoint files in v2 in `contrib/session_bundle`.
+* Added a tf.contrib.image.rotate function for arbitrary angles.
+* Added `tf.contrib.framework.filter_variables` as a convenience function to
+ filter lists of variables based on regular expressions.
+* `make_template()` takes an optional `custom_getter_ param`.
+* Added comment about how existing directories are handled by
+ `recursive_create_dir`.
+* Added an op for QR factorizations.
+* Divides and mods in Python API now use flooring (Python) semantics.
+* Android: pre-built libs are now built nightly.
+* Android: cmake/gradle build for TensorFlow Inference library under
+ `contrib/android/cmake`
+* Android: Much more robust Session initialization code.
+* Android: TF stats now exposed directly in demo and log when debug mode is
+ active
+* Android: new/better README.md documentation
+* saved_model is available as `tf.saved_model`.
+* Empty op is now stateful.
+* Improve speed of scatter_update on the cpu for ASSIGN operations.
+* Change `reduce_join` to treat `reduction_indices` in the same way as other `reduce_` ops.
+* Move `TensorForestEstimator` to `contrib/tensor_forest`.
+* Enable compiler optimizations by default and allow configuration in configure.
+* `tf.divide` now honors the name field.
+* Make metrics weight broadcasting more strict.
+* Add new queue-like `StagingArea` and new ops: `stage` and `unstage`.
+## Thanks to our Contributors
+This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as:
+Aaron Hu, Abhishek Aggarwal, Adam Michael, Adriano Carmezim, @AfirSraftGarrier,
+Alexander Novikov, Alexander Rosenberg Johansen, Andrew Gibiansky, Andrew Hundt,
+Anish Shah, Anton Loss, @b0noI, @BoyuanJiang, Carl Thomé, Chad Kennedy, Comic
+Chang, Connor Braa, Daniel N. Lang, Daniel Trebbien,
+@danielgordon10, Darcy Liu, Darren Garvey, Dmitri Lapin, Eron Wright, Evan
+Cofer, Fabrizio Milo, Finbarr Timbers, Franck Dernoncourt, Garrett Smith,
+@guschmue, Hao Wei, Henrik Holst, Huazuo Gao, @Ian, @Issac, Jacob Israel,
+Jangsoo Park, Jin Kim, Jingtian Peng, John Pope, Kye Bostelmann, Liangliang He,
+Ling Zhang, Luheng He, Luke Iwanski, @lvli, Michael Basilyan, Mihir Patel,
+Mikalai Drabovich, Morten Just, @newge, Nick Butlin, Nishant Shukla,
+Pengfei Ni, Przemyslaw Tredak, @rasbt, @Ronny, Rudolf Rosa, @RustingSword,
+Sam Abrahams, Sam Putnam, @SeongAhJo, Shi Jiaxin, @skavulya, Steffen MüLler,
+@TheUSER123, @tiriplicamihai, @vhasanov, Victor Costan, Vit Stepanovs,
+Wangda Tan, Wenjian Huang, Xingdong Zuo, Yaroslav Bulatov, Yota Toyama,
+Yuan (Terry) Tang, Yuxin Wu
+We are also grateful to all who filed issues or helped resolve them, asked and
+answered questions, and were part of inspiring discussions.
# Release 0.12.0
@@ -100,15 +190,15 @@
## Breaking Changes to the API
* `BusAdjacency` enum replaced with a protocol buffer `DeviceLocality`. PCI bus
- indexing now starts from 1 instead of 0, and bus_id==0 is used where
- previously BUS_ANY was used.
+ indexing now starts from 1 instead of 0, and `bus_id==0` is used where
+ previously `BUS_ANY` was used.
* `Env::FileExists` and `FileSystem::FileExists` now return a tensorflow::Status
intead of a bool. Any callers to this function can be converted to a bool
by adding .ok() to the call.
* The C API type `TF_SessionWithGraph` has been renamed to `TF_Session`,
indicating its preferred use in language bindings for TensorFlow.
What was previously `TF_Session` has been renamed to `TF_DeprecatedSession`.
-* Renamed TF_Port to TF_Output in the C API.
+* Renamed `TF_Port` to `TF_Output` in the C API.
* Removes RegisterShape from public API. Use C++ shape function registration instead.
indexing now starts from 1 instead of 0, and `bus_id==0` is used where
previously `BUS_ANY` was used.
@@ -143,7 +233,7 @@
`tf.global_variables_initializer` respectively.
* `tf.zeros_initializer()` and `tf.ones_initializer()` now return a callable
that must be called with initializer arguments, in your code replace
- tf.zeros_initializer with tf.zeros_initializer()
+ `tf.zeros_initializer` with `tf.zeros_initializer()`
## Bug Fixes and Other Changes