diff options
authorGravatar ImSheridan <xiaoyudong-512@163.com>2018-03-14 04:41:56 +0800
committerGravatar Frank Chen <frankchn@gmail.com>2018-03-13 13:41:56 -0700
commitf0adaff93cbc17222938e71d6a4844256febeaa5 (patch)
parent95fcee6b4ec9a2e782b70302d2c75e07c326297d (diff)
Fix broken links in tutorial/layers (#17649)
* Fix the broken links in tutorial/layers * revert link which is already working with - split title * correct new lines leads to broken link * revert changes to keep existing anchors
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/docs_src/tutorials/layers.md b/tensorflow/docs_src/tutorials/layers.md
index ee03f440c9..24298f111d 100644
--- a/tensorflow/docs_src/tutorials/layers.md
+++ b/tensorflow/docs_src/tutorials/layers.md
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ to calculate loss, configure the training op, and generate predictions. If
you're already experienced with CNNs and @{$get_started/custom_estimators$TensorFlow `Estimator`s},
and find the above code intuitive, you may want to skim these sections or just
skip ahead to ["Training and Evaluating the CNN MNIST
### Input Layer
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ tf.nn.softmax(logits, name="softmax_tensor")
> Note: We use the `name` argument to explicitly name this operation
> `softmax_tensor`, so we can reference it later. (We'll set up logging for the
-> softmax values in ["Set Up a Logging Hook"](#set-up-a-logging-hook).
+> softmax values in ["Set Up a Logging Hook"](#set-up-a-logging-hook)).
We compile our predictions in a dict, and return an `EstimatorSpec` object:
@@ -534,9 +534,8 @@ if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN:
> Note: For a more in-depth look at configuring training ops for Estimator model
-> functions, see @{$get_started/custom_estimators#defining-the-training-op-for-the-model$"Defining
-> the training op for the model"} in the @{$get_started/custom_estimators$"Creating Estimations in
-> tf.estimator"} tutorial.
+> functions, see @{$get_started/custom_estimators#defining_the_training_op_for_the_model$"Defining the training op for the model"}
+> in the @{$get_started/custom_estimators$"Creating Estimators in tf.estimator."} tutorial.
### Add evaluation metrics