path: root/tests/GrShapeTest.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/GrShapeTest.cpp')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/tests/GrShapeTest.cpp b/tests/GrShapeTest.cpp
index 6c23d67548..2edfd1276e 100644
--- a/tests/GrShapeTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/GrShapeTest.cpp
@@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ unsigned canonicalize_rrect_start(int s, const SkRRect& rrect) {
void test_rrect(skiatest::Reporter* r, const SkRRect& rrect) {
- enum {
+ enum Style {
@@ -1058,21 +1058,30 @@ void test_rrect(skiatest::Reporter* r, const SkRRect& rrect) {
strokeRecs[kStrokeAndFill].setStrokeStyle(3.f, true);
sk_sp<SkPathEffect> dashEffect = make_dash();
- GrShape shapes[2 /* inverted */]
- [2 /* direction */]
- [8 /* start index */]
- [SK_ARRAY_COUNT(strokeRecs)]
- [2 /* dash */];
- for (int inverted = 0; inverted < 2; ++inverted) {
- for (int ccw = 0; ccw < 2; ++ccw) {
- for (unsigned s = 0; s < 8; ++s) {
- for (size_t style = 0; style < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(strokeRecs); ++style) {
- for (int dash = 0; dash < 2; ++dash) {
- SkPath::Direction dir = ccw ? SkPath::kCCW_Direction
- : SkPath::kCW_Direction;
+ static constexpr Style kStyleCnt = static_cast<Style>(SK_ARRAY_COUNT(strokeRecs));
+ auto index = [](bool inverted,
+ SkPath::Direction dir,
+ unsigned start,
+ Style style,
+ bool dash) -> int {
+ return inverted * (2 * 8 * kStyleCnt * 2) +
+ dir * ( 8 * kStyleCnt * 2) +
+ start * ( kStyleCnt * 2) +
+ style * ( 2) +
+ dash;
+ };
+ static const SkPath::Direction kSecondDirection = static_cast<SkPath::Direction>(1);
+ const int cnt = index(true, kSecondDirection, 7, static_cast<Style>(kStyleCnt - 1), true) + 1;
+ SkAutoTArray<GrShape> shapes(cnt);
+ for (bool inverted : {false, true}) {
+ for (SkPath::Direction dir : {SkPath::kCW_Direction, SkPath::kCCW_Direction}) {
+ for (unsigned start = 0; start < 8; ++start) {
+ for (Style style : {kFill, kStroke, kHairline, kStrokeAndFill}) {
+ for (bool dash : {false, true}) {
SkPathEffect* pe = dash ? dashEffect.get() : nullptr;
- shapes[inverted][ccw][s][style][dash] =
- GrShape(rrect, dir, s, SkToBool(inverted),
+ shapes[index(inverted, dir, start, style, dash)] =
+ GrShape(rrect, dir, start, SkToBool(inverted),
GrStyle(strokeRecs[style], pe));
@@ -1080,71 +1089,77 @@ void test_rrect(skiatest::Reporter* r, const SkRRect& rrect) {
- const GrShape& exampleFillCase = shapes[0][0][0][kFill][0];
+ static const SkPath::Direction kDir = SkPath::kCW_Direction; // arbitrary
+ const GrShape& exampleFillCase = shapes[index(false, kDir, 0, kFill, false)];
Key exampleFillCaseKey;
make_key(&exampleFillCaseKey, exampleFillCase);
- const GrShape& exampleStrokeAndFillCase = shapes[0][0][0][kStrokeAndFill][0];
+ const GrShape& exampleStrokeAndFillCase = shapes[index(false, kDir, 0, kStrokeAndFill, false)];
Key exampleStrokeAndFillCaseKey;
make_key(&exampleStrokeAndFillCaseKey, exampleStrokeAndFillCase);
- const GrShape& exampleInvFillCase = shapes[1][0][0][kFill][0];
+ const GrShape& exampleInvFillCase = shapes[index(true, kDir, 0, kFill, false)];
Key exampleInvFillCaseKey;
make_key(&exampleInvFillCaseKey, exampleInvFillCase);
- const GrShape& exampleInvStrokeAndFillCase = shapes[1][0][0][kStrokeAndFill][0];
+ const GrShape& exampleInvStrokeAndFillCase =
+ shapes[index(true, kDir, 0, kStrokeAndFill, false)];
Key exampleInvStrokeAndFillCaseKey;
make_key(&exampleInvStrokeAndFillCaseKey, exampleInvStrokeAndFillCase);
- const GrShape& exampleStrokeCase = shapes[0][0][0][kStroke][0];
+ const GrShape& exampleStrokeCase = shapes[index(false, kDir, 0, kStroke, false)];
Key exampleStrokeCaseKey;
make_key(&exampleStrokeCaseKey, exampleStrokeCase);
- const GrShape& exampleHairlineCase = shapes[0][0][0][kHairline][0];
+ const GrShape& exampleHairlineCase = shapes[index(false, kDir, 0, kHairline, false)];
Key exampleHairlineCaseKey;
make_key(&exampleHairlineCaseKey, exampleHairlineCase);
// These are dummy initializations to suppress warnings.
- SkRRect rr = SkRRect::MakeEmpty();
- SkPath::Direction dir = SkPath::kCW_Direction;
- unsigned start = ~0U;
- bool inv = true;
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, exampleFillCase.asRRect(&rr, &dir, &start, &inv));
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, rr == rrect);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkPath::kCW_Direction == dir);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 0 == start);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, exampleInvFillCase.asRRect(&rr, &dir, &start, &inv));
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, rr == rrect);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkPath::kCW_Direction == dir);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 0 == start);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, exampleStrokeAndFillCase.asRRect(&rr, &dir, &start, &inv));
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, rr == rrect);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkPath::kCW_Direction == dir);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 0 == start);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, exampleInvStrokeAndFillCase.asRRect(&rr, &dir, &start, &inv));
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, rr == rrect);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkPath::kCW_Direction == dir);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 0 == start);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, exampleHairlineCase.asRRect(&rr, &dir, &start, &inv));
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, rr == rrect);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkPath::kCW_Direction == dir);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 0 == start);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, exampleStrokeCase.asRRect(&rr, &dir, &start, &inv));
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, rr == rrect);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkPath::kCW_Direction == dir);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 0 == start);
+ SkRRect queryRR = SkRRect::MakeEmpty();
+ SkPath::Direction queryDir = SkPath::kCW_Direction;
+ unsigned queryStart = ~0U;
+ bool queryInverted = true;
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, exampleFillCase.asRRect(&queryRR, &queryDir, &queryStart, &queryInverted));
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, queryRR == rrect);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkPath::kCW_Direction == queryDir);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 0 == queryStart);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !queryInverted);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, exampleInvFillCase.asRRect(&queryRR, &queryDir, &queryStart,
+ &queryInverted));
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, queryRR == rrect);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkPath::kCW_Direction == queryDir);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 0 == queryStart);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, queryInverted);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, exampleStrokeAndFillCase.asRRect(&queryRR, &queryDir, &queryStart,
+ &queryInverted));
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, queryRR == rrect);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkPath::kCW_Direction == queryDir);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 0 == queryStart);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !queryInverted);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, exampleInvStrokeAndFillCase.asRRect(&queryRR, &queryDir, &queryStart,
+ &queryInverted));
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, queryRR == rrect);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkPath::kCW_Direction == queryDir);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 0 == queryStart);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, queryInverted);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, exampleHairlineCase.asRRect(&queryRR, &queryDir, &queryStart,
+ &queryInverted));
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, queryRR == rrect);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkPath::kCW_Direction == queryDir);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 0 == queryStart);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !queryInverted);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, exampleStrokeCase.asRRect(&queryRR, &queryDir, &queryStart, &queryInverted));
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, queryRR == rrect);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkPath::kCW_Direction == queryDir);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 0 == queryStart);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !queryInverted);
// Remember that the key reflects the geometry before styling is applied.
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, exampleFillCaseKey != exampleInvFillCaseKey);
@@ -1154,16 +1169,16 @@ void test_rrect(skiatest::Reporter* r, const SkRRect& rrect) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, exampleFillCaseKey == exampleHairlineCaseKey);
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, exampleInvStrokeAndFillCaseKey == exampleInvFillCaseKey);
- for (int inverted = 0; inverted < 2; ++inverted) {
- for (int ccw = 0; ccw < 2; ++ccw) {
- for (unsigned s = 0; s < 8; ++s) {
- for (int dash = 0; dash < 2; ++dash) {
- const GrShape& fillCase = shapes[inverted][ccw][s][kFill][dash];
+ for (bool inverted : {false, true}) {
+ for (SkPath::Direction dir : {SkPath::kCW_Direction, SkPath::kCCW_Direction}) {
+ for (unsigned start = 0; start < 8; ++start) {
+ for (bool dash : {false, true}) {
+ const GrShape& fillCase = shapes[index(inverted, dir, start, kFill, dash)];
Key fillCaseKey;
make_key(&fillCaseKey, fillCase);
- const GrShape& strokeAndFillCase =
- shapes[inverted][ccw][s][kStrokeAndFill][dash];
+ const GrShape& strokeAndFillCase = shapes[index(inverted, dir, start,
+ kStrokeAndFill, dash)];
Key strokeAndFillCaseKey;
make_key(&strokeAndFillCaseKey, strokeAndFillCase);
@@ -1179,8 +1194,9 @@ void test_rrect(skiatest::Reporter* r, const SkRRect& rrect) {
a.compare(r, b, TestCase::kAllSame_ComparisonExpecation);
c.compare(r, d, TestCase::kAllSame_ComparisonExpecation);
- const GrShape& strokeCase = shapes[inverted][ccw][s][kStroke][dash];
- const GrShape& hairlineCase = shapes[inverted][ccw][s][kHairline][dash];
+ const GrShape& strokeCase = shapes[index(inverted, dir, start, kStroke, dash)];
+ const GrShape& hairlineCase = shapes[index(inverted, dir, start, kHairline,
+ dash)];
TestCase e(strokeCase, r);
TestCase f(exampleStrokeCase, r);
@@ -1190,24 +1206,26 @@ void test_rrect(skiatest::Reporter* r, const SkRRect& rrect) {
// Both hairline and stroke shapes must respect the dashing and both
// ignore inverseness.
if (dash) {
- unsigned expectedStart = canonicalize_rrect_start(s, rrect);
+ unsigned expectedStart = canonicalize_rrect_start(start, rrect);
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, strokeCase.style().pathEffect());
REPORTER_ASSERT(r, hairlineCase.style().pathEffect());
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, strokeCase.asRRect(&rr, &dir, &start, &inv));
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, rr == rrect);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, (SkPath::kCCW_Direction == dir) == ccw);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, start == expectedStart);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, hairlineCase.asRRect(&rr, &dir, &start, &inv));
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, rr == rrect);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, (SkPath::kCCW_Direction == dir) == ccw);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(r, start == expectedStart);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, strokeCase.asRRect(&queryRR, &queryDir, &queryStart,
+ &queryInverted));
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, queryRR == rrect);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, queryDir == dir);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, queryStart == expectedStart);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !queryInverted);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, hairlineCase.asRRect(&queryRR, &queryDir, &queryStart,
+ &queryInverted));
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, queryRR == rrect);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, queryDir == dir);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, queryStart == expectedStart);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !queryInverted);
// The pre-style case for the dash will match the non-dash example iff the
// dir and start match (dir=cw, start=0).
- if (0 == expectedStart && 0 == ccw) {
+ if (0 == expectedStart && SkPath::kCW_Direction == dir) {
e.compare(r, f, TestCase::kSameUpToPE_ComparisonExpecation);
g.compare(r, h, TestCase::kSameUpToPE_ComparisonExpecation);
} else {