path: root/src/xps/SkXPSDevice.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/xps/SkXPSDevice.h')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/xps/SkXPSDevice.h b/src/xps/SkXPSDevice.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57f314851e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/xps/SkXPSDevice.h
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+ * Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ */
+#ifndef SkXPSDevice_DEFINED
+#define SkXPSDevice_DEFINED
+#include "SkTypes.h"
+#include <ObjBase.h>
+#include <XpsObjectModel.h>
+#include "SkAutoCoInitialize.h"
+#include "SkBitmapDevice.h"
+#include "SkBitSet.h"
+#include "SkCanvas.h"
+#include "SkColor.h"
+#include "SkPaint.h"
+#include "SkPath.h"
+#include "SkPoint.h"
+#include "SkShader.h"
+#include "SkSize.h"
+#include "SkTArray.h"
+#include "SkTScopedComPtr.h"
+#include "SkTypeface.h"
+/** \class SkXPSDevice
+ The drawing context for the XPS backend.
+class SkXPSDevice : public SkBitmapDevice {
+ SK_API SkXPSDevice();
+ SK_API virtual ~SkXPSDevice();
+ virtual bool beginPortfolio(SkWStream* outputStream);
+ /**
+ @param unitsPerMeter converts geometry units into physical units.
+ @param pixelsPerMeter resolution to use when geometry must be rasterized.
+ @param trimSize final page size in physical units.
+ The top left of the trim is the origin of physical space.
+ @param mediaBox The size of the physical media in physical units.
+ The top and left must be less than zero.
+ The bottom and right must be greater than the trimSize.
+ The default is to coincide with the trimSize.
+ @param bleedBox The size of the bleed box in physical units.
+ Must be contained within the mediaBox.
+ The default is to coincide with the mediaBox.
+ @param artBox The size of the content box in physical units.
+ Must be contained within the trimSize.
+ The default is to coincide with the trimSize.
+ @param cropBox The size of the recommended view port in physical units.
+ Must be contained within the mediaBox.
+ The default is to coincide with the mediaBox.
+ */
+ virtual bool beginSheet(
+ const SkVector& unitsPerMeter,
+ const SkVector& pixelsPerMeter,
+ const SkSize& trimSize,
+ const SkRect* mediaBox = NULL,
+ const SkRect* bleedBox = NULL,
+ const SkRect* artBox = NULL,
+ const SkRect* cropBox = NULL);
+ virtual bool endSheet();
+ virtual bool endPortfolio();
+ void drawPaint(const SkDraw&, const SkPaint& paint) override;
+ virtual void drawPoints(
+ const SkDraw&,
+ SkCanvas::PointMode mode,
+ size_t count, const SkPoint[],
+ const SkPaint& paint) override;
+ virtual void drawRect(
+ const SkDraw&,
+ const SkRect& r,
+ const SkPaint& paint) override;
+ virtual void drawRRect(
+ const SkDraw&,
+ const SkRRect&,
+ const SkPaint& paint) override;
+ virtual void drawPath(
+ const SkDraw&,
+ const SkPath& platonicPath,
+ const SkPaint& paint,
+ const SkMatrix* prePathMatrix,
+ bool pathIsMutable) override;
+ virtual void drawBitmap(
+ const SkDraw&,
+ const SkBitmap& bitmap,
+ const SkMatrix& matrix,
+ const SkPaint& paint) override;
+ virtual void drawSprite(
+ const SkDraw&,
+ const SkBitmap& bitmap,
+ int x, int y,
+ const SkPaint& paint) override;
+ virtual void drawText(
+ const SkDraw&,
+ const void* text, size_t len,
+ SkScalar x, SkScalar y,
+ const SkPaint& paint) override;
+ virtual void drawPosText(
+ const SkDraw&,
+ const void* text, size_t len,
+ const SkScalar pos[], int scalarsPerPos,
+ const SkPoint& offset, const SkPaint& paint) override;
+ virtual void drawVertices(
+ const SkDraw&,
+ SkCanvas::VertexMode,
+ int vertexCount, const SkPoint verts[],
+ const SkPoint texs[], const SkColor colors[],
+ SkXfermode* xmode,
+ const uint16_t indices[], int indexCount,
+ const SkPaint& paint) override;
+ virtual void drawDevice(
+ const SkDraw&,
+ SkBaseDevice* device,
+ int x, int y,
+ const SkPaint& paint) override;
+ class TypefaceUse : ::SkNoncopyable {
+ public:
+ SkFontID typefaceId;
+ int ttcIndex;
+ SkStream* fontData;
+ IXpsOMFontResource* xpsFont;
+ SkBitSet* glyphsUsed;
+ explicit TypefaceUse();
+ ~TypefaceUse();
+ };
+ friend static HRESULT subset_typeface(TypefaceUse* current);
+ SkXPSDevice(IXpsOMObjectFactory* xpsFactory);
+ SkAutoCoInitialize fAutoCo;
+ SkTScopedComPtr<IXpsOMObjectFactory> fXpsFactory;
+ SkTScopedComPtr<IStream> fOutputStream;
+ SkTScopedComPtr<IXpsOMPackageWriter> fPackageWriter;
+ unsigned int fCurrentPage;
+ SkTScopedComPtr<IXpsOMCanvas> fCurrentXpsCanvas;
+ SkSize fCurrentCanvasSize;
+ SkVector fCurrentUnitsPerMeter;
+ SkVector fCurrentPixelsPerMeter;
+ SkTArray<TypefaceUse, true> fTypefaces;
+ /** Creates a GUID based id and places it into buffer.
+ buffer should have space for at least GUID_ID_LEN wide characters.
+ The string will always be wchar null terminated.
+ The string may begin with a digit,
+ and so may not be suitable as a bare resource key.
+ */
+ HRESULT createId(wchar_t* buffer, size_t bufferSize, wchar_t sep = '-');
+ decltype(GUID::Data1) fNextId = 0;
+ HRESULT initXpsDocumentWriter(IXpsOMImageResource* image);
+ HRESULT createXpsPage(
+ const XPS_SIZE& pageSize,
+ IXpsOMPage** page);
+ HRESULT createXpsThumbnail(
+ IXpsOMPage* page, const unsigned int pageNumber,
+ IXpsOMImageResource** image);
+ void internalDrawRect(
+ const SkDraw&,
+ const SkRect& r,
+ bool transformRect,
+ const SkPaint& paint);
+ HRESULT createXpsBrush(
+ const SkPaint& skPaint,
+ IXpsOMBrush** xpsBrush,
+ const SkMatrix* parentTransform = NULL);
+ HRESULT createXpsSolidColorBrush(
+ const SkColor skColor, const SkAlpha alpha,
+ IXpsOMBrush** xpsBrush);
+ HRESULT createXpsImageBrush(
+ const SkBitmap& bitmap,
+ const SkMatrix& localMatrix,
+ const SkShader::TileMode (&xy)[2],
+ const SkAlpha alpha,
+ IXpsOMTileBrush** xpsBrush);
+ HRESULT createXpsLinearGradient(
+ SkShader::GradientInfo info,
+ const SkAlpha alpha,
+ const SkMatrix& localMatrix,
+ IXpsOMMatrixTransform* xpsMatrixToUse,
+ IXpsOMBrush** xpsBrush);
+ HRESULT createXpsRadialGradient(
+ SkShader::GradientInfo info,
+ const SkAlpha alpha,
+ const SkMatrix& localMatrix,
+ IXpsOMMatrixTransform* xpsMatrixToUse,
+ IXpsOMBrush** xpsBrush);
+ HRESULT createXpsGradientStop(
+ const SkColor skColor,
+ const SkScalar offset,
+ IXpsOMGradientStop** xpsGradStop);
+ HRESULT createXpsTransform(
+ const SkMatrix& matrix,
+ IXpsOMMatrixTransform ** xpsTransform);
+ HRESULT createXpsRect(
+ const SkRect& rect,
+ BOOL stroke, BOOL fill,
+ IXpsOMGeometryFigure** xpsRect);
+ HRESULT createXpsQuad(
+ const SkPoint (&points)[4],
+ BOOL stroke, BOOL fill,
+ IXpsOMGeometryFigure** xpsQuad);
+ HRESULT CreateTypefaceUse(
+ const SkPaint& paint,
+ TypefaceUse** fontResource);
+ HRESULT AddGlyphs(
+ const SkDraw& d,
+ IXpsOMObjectFactory* xpsFactory,
+ IXpsOMCanvas* canvas,
+ TypefaceUse* font,
+ LPCWSTR text,
+ XPS_GLYPH_INDEX* xpsGlyphs,
+ UINT32 xpsGlyphsLen,
+ XPS_POINT *origin,
+ FLOAT fontSize,
+ const SkMatrix& transform,
+ const SkPaint& paint);
+ HRESULT addXpsPathGeometry(
+ IXpsOMGeometryFigureCollection* figures,
+ BOOL stroke, BOOL fill, const SkPath& path);
+ HRESULT createPath(
+ IXpsOMGeometryFigure* figure,
+ IXpsOMVisualCollection* visuals,
+ IXpsOMPath** path);
+ HRESULT sideOfClamp(
+ const SkRect& leftPoints, const XPS_RECT& left,
+ IXpsOMImageResource* imageResource,
+ IXpsOMVisualCollection* visuals);
+ HRESULT cornerOfClamp(
+ const SkRect& tlPoints,
+ const SkColor color,
+ IXpsOMVisualCollection* visuals);
+ HRESULT clip(
+ IXpsOMVisual* xpsVisual,
+ const SkDraw& d);
+ HRESULT clipToPath(
+ IXpsOMVisual* xpsVisual,
+ const SkPath& clipPath,
+ XPS_FILL_RULE fillRule);
+ HRESULT drawInverseWindingPath(
+ const SkDraw& d,
+ const SkPath& devicePath,
+ IXpsOMPath* xpsPath);
+ HRESULT shadePath(
+ IXpsOMPath* shadedPath,
+ const SkPaint& shaderPaint,
+ const SkMatrix& matrix,
+ BOOL* fill, BOOL* stroke);
+ void convertToPpm(
+ const SkMaskFilter* filter,
+ SkMatrix* matrix,
+ SkVector* ppuScale,
+ const SkIRect& clip, SkIRect* clipIRect);
+ HRESULT applyMask(
+ const SkDraw& d,
+ const SkMask& mask,
+ const SkVector& ppuScale,
+ IXpsOMPath* shadedPath);
+ SkBaseDevice* onCreateDevice(const CreateInfo&, const SkPaint*) override;
+ // Disable the default copy and assign implementation.
+ SkXPSDevice(const SkXPSDevice&);
+ void operator=(const SkXPSDevice&);
+ typedef SkBitmapDevice INHERITED;
+#endif // SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN
+#endif // SkXPSDevice_DEFINED