path: root/src/gpu/gl/GrGpuGL.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gpu/gl/GrGpuGL.cpp')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gpu/gl/GrGpuGL.cpp b/src/gpu/gl/GrGpuGL.cpp
index 5fb268863b..0aa072cd84 100644
--- a/src/gpu/gl/GrGpuGL.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/gl/GrGpuGL.cpp
@@ -1695,6 +1695,99 @@ void GrGpuGL::onGpuDrawPath(const GrPath* path, SkPath::FillType fill) {
+void GrGpuGL::onGpuDrawPaths(size_t pathCount, const GrPath** paths,
+ const SkMatrix* transforms,
+ SkPath::FillType fill,
+ SkStrokeRec::Style stroke) {
+ SkASSERT(this->caps()->pathRenderingSupport());
+ SkASSERT(NULL != this->drawState()->getRenderTarget());
+ SkASSERT(NULL != this->drawState()->getRenderTarget()->getStencilBuffer());
+ SkASSERT(!fCurrentProgram->hasVertexShader());
+ SkASSERT(stroke != SkStrokeRec::kHairline_Style);
+ SkAutoMalloc pathData(pathCount * sizeof(GrGLuint));
+ SkAutoMalloc transformData(pathCount * sizeof(GrGLfloat) * 6);
+ GrGLfloat* transformValues =
+ reinterpret_cast<GrGLfloat*>(transformData.get());
+ GrGLuint* pathIDs = reinterpret_cast<GrGLuint*>(pathData.get());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pathCount; ++i) {
+ SkASSERT(transforms[i].asAffine(NULL));
+ const SkMatrix& m = transforms[i];
+ transformValues[i * 6] = m.getScaleX();
+ transformValues[i * 6 + 1] = m.getSkewY();
+ transformValues[i * 6 + 2] = m.getSkewX();
+ transformValues[i * 6 + 3] = m.getScaleY();
+ transformValues[i * 6 + 4] = m.getTranslateX();
+ transformValues[i * 6 + 5] = m.getTranslateY();
+ pathIDs[i] = static_cast<const GrGLPath*>(paths[i])->pathID();
+ }
+ flushPathStencilSettings(fill);
+ SkPath::FillType nonInvertedFill =
+ SkPath::ConvertToNonInverseFillType(fill);
+ SkASSERT(!fHWPathStencilSettings.isTwoSided());
+ GrGLenum fillMode =
+ gr_stencil_op_to_gl_path_rendering_fill_mode(
+ fHWPathStencilSettings.passOp(GrStencilSettings::kFront_Face));
+ GrGLint writeMask =
+ fHWPathStencilSettings.writeMask(GrStencilSettings::kFront_Face);
+ bool doFill = stroke == SkStrokeRec::kFill_Style
+ || stroke == SkStrokeRec::kStrokeAndFill_Style;
+ bool doStroke = stroke == SkStrokeRec::kStroke_Style
+ || stroke == SkStrokeRec::kStrokeAndFill_Style;
+ if (doFill) {
+ GL_CALL(StencilFillPathInstanced(pathCount, GR_GL_UNSIGNED_INT,
+ pathIDs, 0,
+ fillMode, writeMask,
+ GR_GL_AFFINE_2D, transformValues));
+ }
+ if (doStroke) {
+ GL_CALL(StencilStrokePathInstanced(pathCount, GR_GL_UNSIGNED_INT,
+ pathIDs, 0,
+ 0xffff, writeMask,
+ GR_GL_AFFINE_2D, transformValues));
+ }
+ if (nonInvertedFill == fill) {
+ if (doStroke) {
+ GL_CALL(CoverStrokePathInstanced(
+ pathCount, GR_GL_UNSIGNED_INT, pathIDs, 0,
+ GR_GL_AFFINE_2D, transformValues));
+ } else {
+ GL_CALL(CoverFillPathInstanced(
+ pathCount, GR_GL_UNSIGNED_INT, pathIDs, 0,
+ GR_GL_AFFINE_2D, transformValues));
+ }
+ } else {
+ GrDrawState* drawState = this->drawState();
+ GrDrawState::AutoViewMatrixRestore avmr;
+ SkRect bounds = SkRect::MakeLTRB(0, 0,
+ SkIntToScalar(drawState->getRenderTarget()->width()),
+ SkIntToScalar(drawState->getRenderTarget()->height()));
+ SkMatrix vmi;
+ // mapRect through persp matrix may not be correct
+ if (!drawState->getViewMatrix().hasPerspective() && drawState->getViewInverse(&vmi)) {
+ vmi.mapRect(&bounds);
+ // theoretically could set bloat = 0, instead leave it because of matrix inversion
+ // precision.
+ SkScalar bloat = drawState->getViewMatrix().getMaxStretch() * SK_ScalarHalf;
+ bounds.outset(bloat, bloat);
+ } else {
+ avmr.setIdentity(drawState);
+ }
+ this->drawSimpleRect(bounds, NULL);
+ }
void GrGpuGL::onResolveRenderTarget(GrRenderTarget* target) {
GrGLRenderTarget* rt = static_cast<GrGLRenderTarget*>(target);
if (rt->needsResolve()) {