path: root/src/core/SkBitmapScaler.cpp
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1 files changed, 315 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/SkBitmapScaler.cpp b/src/core/SkBitmapScaler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e840d2fdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/SkBitmapScaler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+#include "SkBitmapScaler.h"
+#include "SkBitmapFilter.h"
+#include "SkRect.h"
+#include "SkTArray.h"
+#include "SkErrorInternals.h"
+#include "SkConvolver.h"
+// SkResizeFilter ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Encapsulates computation and storage of the filters required for one complete
+// resize operation.
+class SkResizeFilter {
+ SkResizeFilter(SkBitmapScaler::ResizeMethod method,
+ int srcFullWidth, int srcFullHeight,
+ int destWidth, int destHeight,
+ const SkIRect& destSubset,
+ SkConvolutionProcs* convolveProcs);
+ ~SkResizeFilter() {
+ SkDELETE( fBitmapFilter );
+ }
+ // Returns the filled filter values.
+ const SkConvolutionFilter1D& xFilter() { return fXFilter; }
+ const SkConvolutionFilter1D& yFilter() { return fYFilter; }
+ SkBitmapFilter* fBitmapFilter;
+ // Computes one set of filters either horizontally or vertically. The caller
+ // will specify the "min" and "max" rather than the bottom/top and
+ // right/bottom so that the same code can be re-used in each dimension.
+ //
+ // |srcDependLo| and |srcDependSize| gives the range for the source
+ // depend rectangle (horizontally or vertically at the caller's discretion
+ // -- see above for what this means).
+ //
+ // Likewise, the range of destination values to compute and the scale factor
+ // for the transform is also specified.
+ void computeFilters(int srcSize,
+ int destSubsetLo, int destSubsetSize,
+ float scale,
+ SkConvolutionFilter1D* output,
+ SkConvolutionProcs* convolveProcs);
+ // Subset of scaled destination bitmap to compute.
+ SkIRect fOutBounds;
+ SkConvolutionFilter1D fXFilter;
+ SkConvolutionFilter1D fYFilter;
+SkResizeFilter::SkResizeFilter(SkBitmapScaler::ResizeMethod method,
+ int srcFullWidth, int srcFullHeight,
+ int destWidth, int destHeight,
+ const SkIRect& destSubset,
+ SkConvolutionProcs* convolveProcs)
+ : fOutBounds(destSubset) {
+ // method will only ever refer to an "algorithm method".
+ (method <= SkBitmapScaler::RESIZE_LAST_ALGORITHM_METHOD));
+ switch(method) {
+ case SkBitmapScaler::RESIZE_BOX:
+ fBitmapFilter = SkNEW(SkBoxFilter);
+ break;
+ case SkBitmapScaler::RESIZE_TRIANGLE:
+ fBitmapFilter = SkNEW(SkTriangleFilter);
+ break;
+ case SkBitmapScaler::RESIZE_MITCHELL:
+ fBitmapFilter = SkNEW_ARGS(SkMitchellFilter, (1.f/3.f, 1.f/3.f));
+ break;
+ case SkBitmapScaler::RESIZE_HAMMING:
+ fBitmapFilter = SkNEW(SkHammingFilter);
+ break;
+ case SkBitmapScaler::RESIZE_LANCZOS3:
+ fBitmapFilter = SkNEW(SkLanczosFilter);
+ break;
+ default:
+ fBitmapFilter = SkNEW_ARGS(SkMitchellFilter, (1.f/3.f, 1.f/3.f));
+ break;
+ }
+ float scaleX = static_cast<float>(destWidth) /
+ static_cast<float>(srcFullWidth);
+ float scaleY = static_cast<float>(destHeight) /
+ static_cast<float>(srcFullHeight);
+ this->computeFilters(srcFullWidth, destSubset.fLeft, destSubset.width(),
+ scaleX, &fXFilter, convolveProcs);
+ this->computeFilters(srcFullHeight, destSubset.fTop, destSubset.height(),
+ scaleY, &fYFilter, convolveProcs);
+// TODO(egouriou): Take advantage of periods in the convolution.
+// Practical resizing filters are periodic outside of the border area.
+// For Lanczos, a scaling by a (reduced) factor of p/q (q pixels in the
+// source become p pixels in the destination) will have a period of p.
+// A nice consequence is a period of 1 when downscaling by an integral
+// factor. Downscaling from typical display resolutions is also bound
+// to produce interesting periods as those are chosen to have multiple
+// small factors.
+// Small periods reduce computational load and improve cache usage if
+// the coefficients can be shared. For periods of 1 we can consider
+// loading the factors only once outside the borders.
+void SkResizeFilter::computeFilters(int srcSize,
+ int destSubsetLo, int destSubsetSize,
+ float scale,
+ SkConvolutionFilter1D* output,
+ SkConvolutionProcs* convolveProcs) {
+ int destSubsetHi = destSubsetLo + destSubsetSize; // [lo, hi)
+ // When we're doing a magnification, the scale will be larger than one. This
+ // means the destination pixels are much smaller than the source pixels, and
+ // that the range covered by the filter won't necessarily cover any source
+ // pixel boundaries. Therefore, we use these clamped values (max of 1) for
+ // some computations.
+ float clampedScale = SkTMin(1.0f, scale);
+ // This is how many source pixels from the center we need to count
+ // to support the filtering function.
+ float srcSupport = fBitmapFilter->width() / clampedScale;
+ // Speed up the divisions below by turning them into multiplies.
+ float invScale = 1.0f / scale;
+ SkTArray<float> filterValues(64);
+ SkTArray<short> fixedFilterValues(64);
+ // Loop over all pixels in the output range. We will generate one set of
+ // filter values for each one. Those values will tell us how to blend the
+ // source pixels to compute the destination pixel.
+ for (int destSubsetI = destSubsetLo; destSubsetI < destSubsetHi;
+ destSubsetI++) {
+ // Reset the arrays. We don't declare them inside so they can re-use the
+ // same malloc-ed buffer.
+ filterValues.reset();
+ fixedFilterValues.reset();
+ // This is the pixel in the source directly under the pixel in the dest.
+ // Note that we base computations on the "center" of the pixels. To see
+ // why, observe that the destination pixel at coordinates (0, 0) in a 5.0x
+ // downscale should "cover" the pixels around the pixel with *its center*
+ // at coordinates (2.5, 2.5) in the source, not those around (0, 0).
+ // Hence we need to scale coordinates (0.5, 0.5), not (0, 0).
+ float srcPixel = (static_cast<float>(destSubsetI) + 0.5f) * invScale;
+ // Compute the (inclusive) range of source pixels the filter covers.
+ int srcBegin = SkTMax(0, SkScalarFloorToInt(srcPixel - srcSupport));
+ int srcEnd = SkTMin(srcSize - 1, SkScalarCeilToInt(srcPixel + srcSupport));
+ // Compute the unnormalized filter value at each location of the source
+ // it covers.
+ float filterSum = 0.0f; // Sub of the filter values for normalizing.
+ for (int curFilterPixel = srcBegin; curFilterPixel <= srcEnd;
+ curFilterPixel++) {
+ // Distance from the center of the filter, this is the filter coordinate
+ // in source space. We also need to consider the center of the pixel
+ // when comparing distance against 'srcPixel'. In the 5x downscale
+ // example used above the distance from the center of the filter to
+ // the pixel with coordinates (2, 2) should be 0, because its center
+ // is at (2.5, 2.5).
+ float srcFilterDist =
+ ((static_cast<float>(curFilterPixel) + 0.5f) - srcPixel);
+ // Since the filter really exists in dest space, map it there.
+ float destFilterDist = srcFilterDist * clampedScale;
+ // Compute the filter value at that location.
+ float filterValue = fBitmapFilter->evaluate(destFilterDist);
+ filterValues.push_back(filterValue);
+ filterSum += filterValue;
+ }
+ SkASSERT(!filterValues.empty());
+ // The filter must be normalized so that we don't affect the brightness of
+ // the image. Convert to normalized fixed point.
+ short fixedSum = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < filterValues.count(); i++) {
+ short curFixed = output->FloatToFixed(filterValues[i] / filterSum);
+ fixedSum += curFixed;
+ fixedFilterValues.push_back(curFixed);
+ }
+ // The conversion to fixed point will leave some rounding errors, which
+ // we add back in to avoid affecting the brightness of the image. We
+ // arbitrarily add this to the center of the filter array (this won't always
+ // be the center of the filter function since it could get clipped on the
+ // edges, but it doesn't matter enough to worry about that case).
+ short leftovers = output->FloatToFixed(1.0f) - fixedSum;
+ fixedFilterValues[fixedFilterValues.count() / 2] += leftovers;
+ // Now it's ready to go.
+ output->AddFilter(srcBegin, &fixedFilterValues[0],
+ static_cast<int>(fixedFilterValues.count()));
+ }
+ if (convolveProcs->fApplySIMDPadding) {
+ convolveProcs->fApplySIMDPadding( output );
+ }
+static SkBitmapScaler::ResizeMethod ResizeMethodToAlgorithmMethod(
+ SkBitmapScaler::ResizeMethod method) {
+ // Convert any "Quality Method" into an "Algorithm Method"
+ if (method >= SkBitmapScaler::RESIZE_FIRST_ALGORITHM_METHOD &&
+ method <= SkBitmapScaler::RESIZE_LAST_ALGORITHM_METHOD) {
+ return method;
+ }
+ // The call to SkBitmapScalerGtv::Resize() above took care of
+ // GPU-acceleration in the cases where it is possible. So now we just
+ // pick the appropriate software method for each resize quality.
+ switch (method) {
+ // Users of RESIZE_GOOD are willing to trade a lot of quality to
+ // get speed, allowing the use of linear resampling to get hardware
+ // acceleration (SRB). Hence any of our "good" software filters
+ // will be acceptable, so we use a triangle.
+ case SkBitmapScaler::RESIZE_GOOD:
+ return SkBitmapScaler::RESIZE_TRIANGLE;
+ // Users of RESIZE_BETTER are willing to trade some quality in order
+ // to improve performance, but are guaranteed not to devolve to a linear
+ // resampling. In visual tests we see that Hamming-1 is not as good as
+ // Lanczos-2, however it is about 40% faster and Lanczos-2 itself is
+ // about 30% faster than Lanczos-3. The use of Hamming-1 has been deemed
+ // an acceptable trade-off between quality and speed.
+ case SkBitmapScaler::RESIZE_BETTER:
+ return SkBitmapScaler::RESIZE_HAMMING;
+ default:
+ return SkBitmapScaler::RESIZE_MITCHELL;
+ }
+// static
+SkBitmap SkBitmapScaler::Resize(const SkBitmap& source,
+ ResizeMethod method,
+ int destWidth, int destHeight,
+ const SkIRect& destSubset,
+ SkConvolutionProcs* convolveProcs,
+ SkBitmap::Allocator* allocator) {
+ // Ensure that the ResizeMethod enumeration is sound.
+ SkIRect dest = { 0, 0, destWidth, destHeight };
+ if (!dest.contains(destSubset)) {
+ SkErrorInternals::SetError( kInvalidArgument_SkError,
+ "Sorry, you passed me a bitmap resize "
+ " method I have never heard of: %d",
+ method );
+ }
+ // If the size of source or destination is 0, i.e. 0x0, 0xN or Nx0, just
+ // return empty.
+ if (source.width() < 1 || source.height() < 1 ||
+ destWidth < 1 || destHeight < 1) {
+ return SkBitmap();
+ }
+ method = ResizeMethodToAlgorithmMethod(method);
+ // Check that we deal with an "algorithm methods" from this point onward.
+ (method <= SkBitmapScaler::RESIZE_LAST_ALGORITHM_METHOD));
+ SkAutoLockPixels locker(source);
+ if (!source.readyToDraw() || source.config() != SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config)
+ return SkBitmap();
+ SkResizeFilter filter(method, source.width(), source.height(),
+ destWidth, destHeight, destSubset, convolveProcs);
+ // Get a source bitmap encompassing this touched area. We construct the
+ // offsets and row strides such that it looks like a new bitmap, while
+ // referring to the old data.
+ const unsigned char* sourceSubset =
+ reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(source.getPixels());
+ // Convolve into the result.
+ SkBitmap result;
+ result.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config,
+ destSubset.width(), destSubset.height());
+ result.allocPixels(allocator, NULL);
+ if (!result.readyToDraw())
+ return SkBitmap();
+ BGRAConvolve2D(sourceSubset, static_cast<int>(source.rowBytes()),
+ !source.isOpaque(), filter.xFilter(), filter.yFilter(),
+ static_cast<int>(result.rowBytes()),
+ static_cast<unsigned char*>(result.getPixels()),
+ convolveProcs, true);
+ // Preserve the "opaque" flag for use as an optimization later.
+ result.setIsOpaque(source.isOpaque());
+ return result;
+// static
+SkBitmap SkBitmapScaler::Resize(const SkBitmap& source,
+ ResizeMethod method,
+ int destWidth, int destHeight,
+ SkConvolutionProcs* convolveProcs,
+ SkBitmap::Allocator* allocator) {
+ SkIRect destSubset = { 0, 0, destWidth, destHeight };
+ return Resize(source, method, destWidth, destHeight, destSubset,
+ convolveProcs, allocator);