path: root/src/compute/hs/vk/intel/gen8/u64/make_all.bat
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compute/hs/vk/intel/gen8/u64/make_all.bat')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/compute/hs/vk/intel/gen8/u64/make_all.bat b/src/compute/hs/vk/intel/gen8/u64/make_all.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d148ef0113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compute/hs/vk/intel/gen8/u64/make_all.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+:: delete the previous images
+del *.pre.comp
+del *.comp
+del *.spv
+del *.xxd
+set HS_GEN=..\..\..\..\..\..\spinel\bin\x64\Debug\hs_gen
+:: --- 32-bit keys ---
+:: CMD /C %HS_GEN% -v -a "glsl" -t 1 -w 8 -r 24 -s 32768 -S 65536 -b 28 -B 56 -m 1 -M 1 -f 1 -F 1 -c 1 -C 1 -z
+:: CMD /C %HS_GEN% -v -a "glsl" -t 1 -w 8 -r 32 -s 21504 -S 65536 -b 16 -B 48 -m 1 -M 1 -f 1 -F 1 -c 1 -C 1 -z
+:: CMD /C %HS_GEN% -v -a "glsl" -t 1 -w 8 -r 32 -s 8192 -S 65536 -b 8 -B 56 -m 1 -M 1 -f 0 -F 0 -c 0 -C 0 -z
+:: --- 64-bit keys
+%HS_GEN% -v -a "glsl" -t 2 -w 8 -r 16 -s 21504 -S 65536 -b 16 -B 48 -m 1 -M 1 -f 1 -F 1 -c 1 -C 1 -z
+:: CMD /C %HS_GEN% -v -a "glsl" -t 2 -w 8 -r 16 -s 32768 -S 65536 -b 28 -B 56 -m 1 -M 1 -f 0 -F 0 -c 0 -C 0 -z
+:: remove trailing whitespace from generated files
+sed -i 's/[[:space:]]*$//' hs_glsl.h
+sed -i 's/[[:space:]]*$//' hs_kernels.h
+:: FIXME -- convert this to a bash script
+:: Note that we can use xargs instead of the cmd for/do
+for %%f in (*.comp) do (
+ dos2unix %%f
+ clang-format -style=Mozilla -i %%f || goto :error
+ cl -I . -EP %%f -P -Fi%%~nf.pre.comp || goto :error
+ clang-format -style=Mozilla -i %%~nf.pre.comp || goto :error
+:: glslangValidator -V110 -o %%~nf.spv %%~nf.pre.comp || goto :error
+ glslc --target-env=vulkan1.1 -std=460 -I . -o %%~nf.spv %%~nf.pre.comp || goto :error
+ spirv-opt -O %%~nf.spv -o %%~nf.spv || goto :error
+:: spirv-remap ... || goto :error
+ xxd -i < %%~nf.spv > %%~nf.spv.xxd || goto :error
+ for /f %%A in ('wc -c %%~nf.spv') do (
+ echo %%~nf.spv %%A
+ printf "%%.8x" %%A | xxd -r -p | xxd -i > %%~nf.len.xxd || goto :error
+ )
+:: dump a binary
+cl /DHS_DUMP /Fe:hs_dump.exe /Tchs_target.h
+:: delete temporary files
+:: del *.pre.comp
+del *.comp
+del *.spv
+del *.obj
+del *.exe
+exit /b 0
+exit /b %errorlevel%