path: root/platform_tools/android/apps/build.gradle
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'platform_tools/android/apps/build.gradle')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/platform_tools/android/apps/build.gradle b/platform_tools/android/apps/build.gradle
index 9f285e5b06..7aa9b56af8 100644
--- a/platform_tools/android/apps/build.gradle
+++ b/platform_tools/android/apps/build.gradle
@@ -18,92 +18,3 @@ allprojects {
-def setupSkiaLibraryBuild(project, appVariants, appName) {
- appVariants.all{ variant ->
- def buildNativeLib = project.task("${variant.name}_BuildSkiaLib", type:Exec) {
- workingDir '../../../..' // top-level skia directory
- commandLine constructBuildCommand(project, variant, appName).split()
- }
- buildNativeLib.onlyIf { !project.hasProperty("suppressNativeBuild") }
- def copyNativeLib = project.task("${variant.name}_CopySkiaLib", type:Copy) {
- def fromDir = getVariantOutDir(project, variant).skiaOut
- def intoDir = getVariantOutDir(project, variant).androidOut
- from fromDir
- into intoDir
- include "${appName}.so"
- }
- TaskCollection<Task> compileTask = project.tasks.matching {
- // println(it.name)
- it.name.toLowerCase().contains("compile" + variant.name.toLowerCase()) &&
- it.name.toLowerCase().endsWith("ndk")
- }
- compileTask.findAll()*.dependsOn copyNativeLib
- copyNativeLib.dependsOn buildNativeLib
- }
-def getLocalProperties() {
- Properties properties = new Properties()
- File propFile = project.rootProject.file('local.properties')
- if (propFile.canRead()) {
- properties.load(propFile.newDataInputStream())
- }
- propFile = project.rootProject.file('gradle.properties')
- if (propFile.canRead()) {
- properties.load(propFile.newDataInputStream())
- }
- return properties
-def getVariantOutDir(project, variant) {
- String variantPrefix = null
- String androidLibDir = null
- if (variant.name.startsWith("arm64")) {
- variantPrefix = "arm64"
- androidLibDir = "arm64-v8a"
- } else if (variant.name.startsWith("arm")) {
- variantPrefix = "arm"
- androidLibDir = "armeabi-v7a"
- } else if (variant.name.startsWith("x64")) {
- variantPrefix = "x64"
- androidLibDir = "x86_64"
- } else if (variant.name.startsWith("x86")) {
- variantPrefix = "x86"
- androidLibDir = "x86"
- }
- String skiaOutDir = null
- String propName = "${variantPrefix}.out.dir"
- if (project.hasProperty(propName)) {
- skiaOutDir = project.getProperties().getAt(propName)
- } else {
- skiaOutDir = getLocalProperties().getProperty(propName, "missing_variant_out")
- }
- return [skiaOut: skiaOutDir,
- androidOut: "src/main/libs/${androidLibDir}"]
-def constructBuildCommand(project, variant, appName) {
- String depotToolsDir = null
- for (String entry : System.getenv("PATH").split(":")) {
- if (entry.contains("depot_tools")) {
- depotToolsDir = entry;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (depotToolsDir == null) {
- depotToolsDir = getLocalProperties().getProperty('depot_tools.dir', null)
- }
- if (depotToolsDir == null) {
- throw GradleScriptException("Depot Tools not found! Please update your path to include" +
- " depot_tools or define depot_tools.dir in local.properties")
- }
- String out_dir = getVariantOutDir(project, variant).skiaOut
- return "${depotToolsDir}/ninja -C $out_dir $appName"