path: root/include/core/SkImageDecoder.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/core/SkImageDecoder.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 413 deletions
diff --git a/include/core/SkImageDecoder.h b/include/core/SkImageDecoder.h
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--- a/include/core/SkImageDecoder.h
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- * Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#ifndef SkImageDecoder_DEFINED
-#define SkImageDecoder_DEFINED
-#include "SkBitmap.h"
-#include "SkImage.h"
-#include "SkPngChunkReader.h"
-#include "SkRect.h"
-#include "SkRefCnt.h"
-#include "SkTRegistry.h"
-#include "SkTypes.h"
-class SkStream;
-class SkStreamRewindable;
-/** \class SkImageDecoder
- DEPRECATED Please use SkImage::NewFromEncoded() or SkImageGenerator::NewFromEncoded().
- Base class for decoding compressed images into a SkBitmap
-class SkImageDecoder : SkNoncopyable {
- virtual ~SkImageDecoder();
- // TODO (scroggo): Merge with SkEncodedFormat
- enum Format {
- kUnknown_Format,
- kBMP_Format,
- kGIF_Format,
- kICO_Format,
- kJPEG_Format,
- kPNG_Format,
- kWBMP_Format,
- kWEBP_Format,
- kPKM_Format,
- kKTX_Format,
- kASTC_Format,
- kLastKnownFormat = kKTX_Format,
- };
- /** Return the format of image this decoder can decode. If this decoder can decode multiple
- formats, kUnknown_Format will be returned.
- */
- virtual Format getFormat() const;
- /** If planes or rowBytes is NULL, decodes the header and computes componentSizes
- for memory allocation.
- Otherwise, decodes the YUV planes into the provided image planes and
- updates componentSizes to the final image size.
- Returns whether the decoding was successful.
- */
- bool decodeYUV8Planes(SkStream* stream, SkISize componentSizes[3], void* planes[3],
- size_t rowBytes[3], SkYUVColorSpace*);
- /** Return the format of the SkStreamRewindable or kUnknown_Format if it cannot be determined.
- Rewinds the stream before returning.
- */
- static Format GetStreamFormat(SkStreamRewindable*);
- /** Return a readable string of the Format provided.
- */
- static const char* GetFormatName(Format);
- /** Return a readable string of the value returned by getFormat().
- */
- const char* getFormatName() const;
- /** Whether the decoder should skip writing zeroes to output if possible.
- */
- bool getSkipWritingZeroes() const { return fSkipWritingZeroes; }
- /** Set to true if the decoder should skip writing any zeroes when
- creating the output image.
- This is a hint that may not be respected by the decoder.
- It should only be used if it is known that the memory to write
- to has already been set to 0; otherwise the resulting image will
- have garbage.
- This is ideal for images that contain a lot of completely transparent
- pixels, but may be a performance hit for an image that has only a
- few transparent pixels.
- The default is false.
- */
- void setSkipWritingZeroes(bool skip) { fSkipWritingZeroes = skip; }
- /** Returns true if the decoder should try to dither the resulting image.
- The default setting is true.
- */
- bool getDitherImage() const { return fDitherImage; }
- /** Set to true if the the decoder should try to dither the resulting image.
- The default setting is true.
- */
- void setDitherImage(bool dither) { fDitherImage = dither; }
- /** Returns true if the decoder should try to decode the
- resulting image to a higher quality even at the expense of
- the decoding speed.
- */
- bool getPreferQualityOverSpeed() const { return fPreferQualityOverSpeed; }
- /** Set to true if the the decoder should try to decode the
- resulting image to a higher quality even at the expense of
- the decoding speed.
- */
- void setPreferQualityOverSpeed(bool qualityOverSpeed) {
- fPreferQualityOverSpeed = qualityOverSpeed;
- }
- /** Set to true to require the decoder to return a bitmap with unpremultiplied
- colors. The default is false, meaning the resulting bitmap will have its
- colors premultiplied.
- NOTE: Passing true to this function may result in a bitmap which cannot
- be properly used by Skia.
- */
- void setRequireUnpremultipliedColors(bool request) {
- fRequireUnpremultipliedColors = request;
- }
- /** Returns true if the decoder will only return bitmaps with unpremultiplied
- colors.
- */
- bool getRequireUnpremultipliedColors() const { return fRequireUnpremultipliedColors; }
- SkPngChunkReader* getPeeker() const { return fPeeker; }
- SkPngChunkReader* setPeeker(SkPngChunkReader*);
- /**
- * By default, the codec will try to comply with the "pref" colortype
- * that is passed to decode() or decodeSubset(). However, this can be called
- * to override that, causing the codec to try to match the src depth instead
- * (as shown below).
- *
- * src_8Index -> kIndex_8_SkColorType
- * src_8Gray -> kN32_SkColorType
- * src_8bpc -> kN32_SkColorType
- */
- void setPreserveSrcDepth(bool preserve) {
- fPreserveSrcDepth = preserve;
- }
- SkBitmap::Allocator* getAllocator() const { return fAllocator; }
- SkBitmap::Allocator* setAllocator(SkBitmap::Allocator*);
- // sample-size, if set to > 1, tells the decoder to return a smaller than
- // original bitmap, sampling 1 pixel for every size pixels. e.g. if sample
- // size is set to 3, then the returned bitmap will be 1/3 as wide and high,
- // and will contain 1/9 as many pixels as the original.
- // Note: this is a hint, and the codec may choose to ignore this, or only
- // approximate the sample size.
- int getSampleSize() const { return fSampleSize; }
- void setSampleSize(int size);
- /** Reset the sampleSize to its default of 1
- */
- void resetSampleSize() { this->setSampleSize(1); }
- /** Decoding is synchronous, but for long decodes, a different thread can
- call this method safely. This sets a state that the decoders will
- periodically check, and if they see it changed to cancel, they will
- cancel. This will result in decode() returning false. However, there is
- no guarantee that the decoder will see the state change in time, so
- it is possible that cancelDecode() will be called, but will be ignored
- and decode() will return true (assuming no other problems were
- encountered).
- This state is automatically reset at the beginning of decode().
- */
- void cancelDecode() {
- // now the subclass must query shouldCancelDecode() to be informed
- // of the request
- fShouldCancelDecode = true;
- }
- /** Passed to the decode method. If kDecodeBounds_Mode is passed, then
- only the bitmap's info need be set. If kDecodePixels_Mode
- is passed, then the bitmap must have pixels or a pixelRef.
- */
- enum Mode {
- kDecodeBounds_Mode, //!< only return info in bitmap
- kDecodePixels_Mode //!< return entire bitmap (including pixels)
- };
- /** Result of a decode. If read as a boolean, a partial success is
- considered a success (true).
- */
- enum Result {
- kFailure = 0, //!< Image failed to decode. bitmap will be
- // unchanged.
- kPartialSuccess = 1, //!< Part of the image decoded. The rest is
- // filled in automatically
- kSuccess = 2 //!< The entire image was decoded, if Mode is
- // kDecodePixels_Mode, or the bounds were
- // decoded, in kDecodeBounds_Mode.
- };
- /** Given a stream, decode it into the specified bitmap.
- If the decoder can decompress the image, it calls bitmap.setInfo(),
- and then if the Mode is kDecodePixels_Mode, call allocPixelRef(),
- which will allocated a pixelRef. To access the pixel memory, the codec
- needs to call lockPixels/unlockPixels on the
- bitmap. It can then set the pixels with the decompressed image.
- * If the image cannot be decompressed, return kFailure. After the
- * decoding, the function converts the decoded colortype in bitmap
- * to pref if possible. Whether a conversion is feasible is
- * tested by Bitmap::canCopyTo(pref).
- If an SkBitmap::Allocator is installed via setAllocator, it will be
- used to allocate the pixel memory. A clever allocator can be used
- to allocate the memory from a cache, volatile memory, or even from
- an existing bitmap's memory.
- If an SkPngChunkReader is installed via setPeeker, it may be used to
- peek into meta data during the decode.
- */
- Result decode(SkStream*, SkBitmap* bitmap, SkColorType pref, Mode);
- Result decode(SkStream* stream, SkBitmap* bitmap, Mode mode) {
- return this->decode(stream, bitmap, kUnknown_SkColorType, mode);
- }
- /** Given a stream, this will try to find an appropriate decoder object.
- If none is found, the method returns NULL.
- DEPRECATED Please use SkImage::NewFromEncoded() or SkImageGenerator::NewFromEncoded().
- */
- static SkImageDecoder* Factory(SkStreamRewindable*);
- /** Decode the image stored in the specified file, and store the result
- in bitmap. Return true for success or false on failure.
- @param pref Prefer this colortype.
- @param format On success, if format is non-null, it is set to the format
- of the decoded file. On failure it is ignored.
- DEPRECATED Do not use.
- */
- static bool DecodeFile(const char file[], SkBitmap* bitmap, SkColorType pref, Mode,
- Format* format = NULL);
- static bool DecodeFile(const char file[], SkBitmap* bitmap) {
- return DecodeFile(file, bitmap, kUnknown_SkColorType, kDecodePixels_Mode, NULL);
- }
- /** Decode the image stored in the specified memory buffer, and store the
- result in bitmap. Return true for success or false on failure.
- @param pref Prefer this colortype.
- @param format On success, if format is non-null, it is set to the format
- of the decoded buffer. On failure it is ignored.
- DEPRECATED Please use SkImage::NewFromEncoded() or SkImageGenerator::NewFromEncoded().
- */
- static bool DecodeMemory(const void* buffer, size_t size, SkBitmap* bitmap, SkColorType pref,
- Mode, Format* format = NULL);
- static bool DecodeMemory(const void* buffer, size_t size, SkBitmap* bitmap){
- return DecodeMemory(buffer, size, bitmap, kUnknown_SkColorType, kDecodePixels_Mode, NULL);
- }
- /** Decode the image stored in the specified SkStreamRewindable, and store the result
- in bitmap. Return true for success or false on failure.
- @param pref Prefer this colortype.
- @param format On success, if format is non-null, it is set to the format
- of the decoded stream. On failure it is ignored.
- DEPRECATED Please use SkImage::NewFromEncoded() or SkImageGenerator::NewFromEncoded().
- */
- static bool DecodeStream(SkStreamRewindable* stream, SkBitmap* bitmap, SkColorType pref, Mode,
- Format* format = NULL);
- static bool DecodeStream(SkStreamRewindable* stream, SkBitmap* bitmap) {
- return DecodeStream(stream, bitmap, kUnknown_SkColorType, kDecodePixels_Mode, NULL);
- }
- // must be overridden in subclasses. This guy is called by decode(...)
- virtual Result onDecode(SkStream*, SkBitmap* bitmap, Mode) = 0;
- /** If planes or rowBytes is NULL, decodes the header and computes componentSizes
- for memory allocation.
- Otherwise, decodes the YUV planes into the provided image planes and
- updates componentSizes to the final image size.
- Returns whether the decoding was successful.
- */
- virtual bool onDecodeYUV8Planes(SkStream*, SkISize[3] /*componentSizes*/,
- void*[3] /*planes*/, size_t[3] /*rowBytes*/,
- SkYUVColorSpace*) {
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Copy all fields on this decoder to the other decoder. Used by subclasses
- * to decode a subimage using a different decoder, but with the same settings.
- */
- void copyFieldsToOther(SkImageDecoder* other);
- /** Can be queried from within onDecode, to see if the user (possibly in
- a different thread) has requested the decode to cancel. If this returns
- true, your onDecode() should stop and return false.
- Each subclass needs to decide how often it can query this, to balance
- responsiveness with performance.
- Calling this outside of onDecode() may return undefined values.
- */
- bool shouldCancelDecode() const { return fShouldCancelDecode; }
- SkImageDecoder();
- /**
- * Return the default preference being used by the current or latest call to decode.
- */
- SkColorType getDefaultPref() { return fDefaultPref; }
- /* Helper for subclasses. Call this to allocate the pixel memory given the bitmap's info.
- Returns true on success. This method handles checking for an optional Allocator.
- */
- bool allocPixelRef(SkBitmap*, SkColorTable*) const;
- /**
- * The raw data of the src image.
- */
- enum SrcDepth {
- // Color-indexed.
- kIndex_SrcDepth,
- // Grayscale in 8 bits.
- k8BitGray_SrcDepth,
- // 8 bits per component. Used for 24 bit if there is no alpha.
- k32Bit_SrcDepth,
- };
- /** The subclass, inside onDecode(), calls this to determine the colorType of
- the returned bitmap. SrcDepth and hasAlpha reflect the raw data of the
- src image. This routine returns the caller's preference given
- srcDepth and hasAlpha, or kUnknown_SkColorType if there is no preference.
- */
- SkColorType getPrefColorType(SrcDepth, bool hasAlpha) const;
- SkPngChunkReader* fPeeker;
- SkBitmap::Allocator* fAllocator;
- int fSampleSize;
- SkColorType fDefaultPref; // use if fUsePrefTable is false
- bool fPreserveSrcDepth;
- bool fDitherImage;
- bool fSkipWritingZeroes;
- mutable bool fShouldCancelDecode;
- bool fPreferQualityOverSpeed;
- bool fRequireUnpremultipliedColors;
-/** Calling newDecoder with a stream returns a new matching imagedecoder
- instance, or NULL if none can be found. The caller must manage its ownership
- of the stream as usual, calling unref() when it is done, as the returned
- decoder may have called ref() (and if so, the decoder is responsible for
- balancing its ownership when it is destroyed).
- */
-class SkImageDecoderFactory : public SkRefCnt {
- virtual SkImageDecoder* newDecoder(SkStreamRewindable*) = 0;
- typedef SkRefCnt INHERITED;
-class SkDefaultImageDecoderFactory : SkImageDecoderFactory {
- // calls SkImageDecoder::Factory(stream)
- virtual SkImageDecoder* newDecoder(SkStreamRewindable* stream) {
- return SkImageDecoder::Factory(stream);
- }
-// This macro declares a global (i.e., non-class owned) creation entry point
-// for each decoder (e.g., CreateJPEGImageDecoder)
- SkImageDecoder *Create ## codec ();
-// This macro defines the global creation entry point for each decoder. Each
-// decoder implementation that registers with the decoder factory must call it.
-#define DEFINE_DECODER_CREATOR(codec) \
- SkImageDecoder* Create##codec() { return new Sk##codec; }
-// All the decoders known by Skia. Note that, depending on the compiler settings,
-// not all of these will be available
-// Typedefs to make registering decoder and formatter callbacks easier.
-// These have to be defined outside SkImageDecoder. :(
-typedef SkTRegistry<SkImageDecoder*(*)(SkStreamRewindable*)> SkImageDecoder_DecodeReg;
-typedef SkTRegistry<SkImageDecoder::Format(*)(SkStreamRewindable*)> SkImageDecoder_FormatReg;