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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/experimental/c-api-example/c.md b/experimental/c-api-example/c.md
index 4566b94a4c..89ad577bb4 100644
--- a/experimental/c-api-example/c.md
+++ b/experimental/c-api-example/c.md
@@ -103,42 +103,6 @@ Here is an example program that uses the C api. To try it out, get the file
<a href="https://fiddle.skia.org/c/6c6c01438d9c3d80e9c22e606359432e"><img src="https://fiddle.skia.org/i/6c6c01438d9c3d80e9c22e606359432e_raster.png" alt=""></a>
-Gyp+Linux example
-The following proof-of-concept workflow currently works on Ubuntu 14.04:
-1. Aquire Skia and install dependencies (you may have already done this):
- <!--?prettify lang=sh?-->
- git clone 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git'
- export PATH="$PWD/depot_tools:$PATH"
- git clone 'https://skia.googlesource.com/skia'
- skia/tools/install_dependencies.sh
- SKIA_DIR="$PWD/skia"
-2. Compile Skia as a shared library:
- <!--?prettify lang=sh?-->
- GYP_DEFINES=skia_shared_lib=1 "$SKIA_DIR"/bin/sync-and-gyp
- ninja -C "$SKIA_DIR/out/Release" skia_lib
-3. Compile, link, and run the example program:
- <!--?prettify lang=sh?-->
- cd [Wherever you want the example]
- cp "$SKIA_DIR/experimental/c-api-example/skia-c-example.c" .
- cc -c -I "$SKIA_DIR/include/c" skia-c-example.c -o skia-c-example.o
- cc skia-c-example.o -L "$SKIA_DIR/out/Release/lib" -lskia -o skia-c-example
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$SKIA_DIR/out/Release/lib" ./skia-c-example
- xdg-open skia-c-example.png
Cmake example