diff options
1 files changed, 339 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/gn/gn_to_cmake.py b/gn/gn_to_cmake.py
index 07720c6e37..98926964ce 100644
--- a/gn/gn_to_cmake.py
+++ b/gn/gn_to_cmake.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
Usage: gn_to_cmake.py <json_file_name>
@@ -16,39 +17,345 @@ gn gen out/config --ide=json
python gn/gn_to_cmake.py out/config/project.json
import json
import posixpath
import os
import sys
-def write_project(project):
- def get_base_name(target_name):
- base_name = posixpath.basename(target_name)
- sep = base_name.rfind(":")
- if sep != -1:
- base_name = base_name[sep+1:]
- return base_name
+def CMakeStringEscape(a):
+ """Escapes the string 'a' for use inside a CMake string.
+ This means escaping
+ '\' otherwise it may be seen as modifying the next character
+ '"' otherwise it will end the string
+ ';' otherwise the string becomes a list
+ The following do not need to be escaped
+ '#' when the lexer is in string state, this does not start a comment
+ """
+ return a.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace(';', '\\;').replace('"', '\\"')
+def SetVariable(out, variable_name, value):
+ """Sets a CMake variable."""
+ out.write('set(')
+ out.write(variable_name)
+ out.write(' "')
+ out.write(CMakeStringEscape(value))
+ out.write('")\n')
+def SetVariableList(out, variable_name, values):
+ """Sets a CMake variable to a list."""
+ if not values:
+ return SetVariable(out, variable_name, "")
+ if len(values) == 1:
+ return SetVariable(out, variable_name, values[0])
+ out.write('list(APPEND ')
+ out.write(variable_name)
+ out.write('\n "')
+ out.write('"\n "'.join([CMakeStringEscape(value) for value in values]))
+ out.write('")\n')
+def SetFilesProperty(output, variable, property_name, values, sep):
+ """Given a set of source files, sets the given property on them."""
+ output.write('set_source_files_properties(')
+ WriteVariable(output, variable)
+ output.write(' PROPERTIES ')
+ output.write(property_name)
+ output.write(' "')
+ for value in values:
+ output.write(CMakeStringEscape(value))
+ output.write(sep)
+ output.write('")\n')
+def SetTargetProperty(out, target_name, property_name, values, sep=''):
+ """Given a target, sets the given property."""
+ out.write('set_target_properties(')
+ out.write(target_name)
+ out.write(' PROPERTIES ')
+ out.write(property_name)
+ out.write(' "')
+ for value in values:
+ out.write(CMakeStringEscape(value))
+ out.write(sep)
+ out.write('")\n')
+def WriteVariable(output, variable_name, prepend=None):
+ if prepend:
+ output.write(prepend)
+ output.write('${')
+ output.write(variable_name)
+ output.write('}')
+def GetBaseName(target_name):
+ base_name = posixpath.basename(target_name)
+ sep = base_name.rfind(":")
+ if sep != -1:
+ base_name = base_name[sep+1:]
+ return base_name
- def get_output_name(target_name, target_properties):
- output_name = target_properties.get("output_name", None)
- if output_name is None:
- output_name = get_base_name(target_name)
- output_extension = target_properties.get("output_extension", None)
- if output_extension is not None:
- output_name = posixpath.splitext(output_name)[0]
- if len(output_extension):
- output_name += "." + output_extension
+def GetOutputName(target_name, target_properties):
+ output_name = target_properties.get("output_name", None)
+ if output_name is None:
+ output_name = GetBaseName(target_name)
+ output_extension = target_properties.get("output_extension", None)
+ if output_extension is not None:
+ output_name = posixpath.splitext(output_name)[0]
+ if len(output_extension):
+ output_name += "." + output_extension
+ return output_name
- return output_name
- def get_absolute_path(root_path, path):
- if path.startswith("//"):
- return root_path + "/" + path[2:]
- else:
- return path
+def GetAbsolutePath(root_path, path):
+ if path.startswith("//"):
+ return root_path + "/" + path[2:]
+ else:
+ return path
+# See GetSourceFileType in gn
+source_file_types = {
+ '.cc': 'cxx',
+ '.cpp': 'cxx',
+ '.cxx': 'cxx',
+ '.c': 'c',
+ '.s': 'asm',
+ '.S': 'asm',
+ '.asm': 'asm',
+ '.o': 'obj',
+ '.obj': 'obj',
+class CMakeTargetType(object):
+ def __init__(self, command, modifier, property_modifier, is_linkable):
+ self.command = command
+ self.modifier = modifier
+ self.property_modifier = property_modifier
+ self.is_linkable = is_linkable
+CMakeTargetType.custom = CMakeTargetType('add_custom_target', 'SOURCES',
+ None, False)
+# See GetStringForOutputType in gn
+cmake_target_types = {
+ 'unknown': CMakeTargetType.custom,
+ 'group': CMakeTargetType.custom,
+ 'executable': CMakeTargetType('add_executable', None, 'RUNTIME', True),
+ 'loadable_module': CMakeTargetType('add_library', 'MODULE', 'LIBRARY', True),
+ 'shared_library': CMakeTargetType('add_library', 'SHARED', 'LIBRARY', True),
+ 'static_library': CMakeTargetType('add_library', 'STATIC', 'ARCHIVE', False),
+ 'source_set': CMakeTargetType('add_library', 'OBJECT', None, False),
+ 'action': CMakeTargetType.custom,
+ 'action_foreach': CMakeTargetType.custom,
+ 'bundle_data': CMakeTargetType.custom,
+ 'create_bundle': CMakeTargetType.custom,
+class Target(object):
+ def __init__(self, gn_name, targets):
+ self.gn_name = gn_name
+ self.properties = targets[self.gn_name]
+ self.cmake_name = GetOutputName(self.gn_name, self.properties)
+ self.gn_type = self.properties.get('type', None)
+ self.cmake_type = cmake_target_types.get(self.gn_type, None)
+def WriteCompilerFlags(out, target, targets, root_path, sources):
+ # Hack, set linker language to c if no c or cxx files present.
+ if not 'c' in sources and not 'cxx' in sources:
+ SetTargetProperty(out, target.cmake_name, 'LINKER_LANGUAGE', ['C'])
+ # Mark uncompiled sources as uncompiled.
+ if 'other' in sources:
+ out.write('set_source_files_properties(')
+ WriteVariable(out, sources['other'], '')
+ # Mark object sources as linkable.
+ if 'obj' in sources:
+ out.write('set_source_files_properties(')
+ WriteVariable(out, sources['obj'], '')
+ # TODO: 'output_name', 'output_dir', 'output_extension'
+ # Includes
+ includes = target.properties.get('include_dirs', [])
+ if includes:
+ out.write('set_property(TARGET ')
+ out.write(target.cmake_name)
+ for include_dir in includes:
+ out.write('\n "')
+ out.write(GetAbsolutePath(root_path, include_dir))
+ out.write('"')
+ out.write(')\n')
+ # Defines
+ defines = target.properties.get('defines', [])
+ if defines:
+ SetTargetProperty(out, target.cmake_name,
+ 'COMPILE_DEFINITIONS', defines, ';')
+ # Compile flags
+ # "arflags", "asmflags", "cflags",
+ # "cflags_c", "clfags_cc", "cflags_objc", "clfags_objcc"
+ # CMake does not have per target lang compile flags.
+ # TODO: $<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CXX>:cflags_cc style generator expression.
+ # http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=14857
+ flags = []
+ flags.extend(target.properties.get('cflags', []))
+ cflags_asm = target.properties.get('asmflags', [])
+ cflags_c = target.properties.get('cflags_c', [])
+ cflags_cxx = target.properties.get('cflags_cc', [])
+ if 'c' in sources and not any(k in sources for k in ('asm', 'cxx')):
+ flags.extend(cflags_c)
+ elif 'cxx' in sources and not any(k in sources for k in ('asm', 'c')):
+ flags.extend(cflags_cxx)
+ else:
+ # TODO: This is broken, one cannot generally set properties on files,
+ # as other targets may require different properties on the same files.
+ if 'asm' in sources and cflags_asm:
+ SetFilesProperty(out, sources['asm'], 'COMPILE_FLAGS', cflags_asm, ' ')
+ if 'c' in sources and cflags_c:
+ SetFilesProperty(out, sources['c'], 'COMPILE_FLAGS', cflags_c, ' ')
+ if 'cxx' in sources and cflags_cxx:
+ SetFilesProperty(out, sources['cxx'], 'COMPILE_FLAGS', cflags_cxx, ' ')
+ if flags:
+ SetTargetProperty(out, target.cmake_name, 'COMPILE_FLAGS', flags, ' ')
+ # Linker flags
+ ldflags = target.properties.get('ldflags', [])
+ if ldflags:
+ SetTargetProperty(out, target.cmake_name, 'LINK_FLAGS', ldflags, ' ')
+def GetObjectDependencies(object_dependencies, target_name, targets):
+ dependencies = targets[target_name].get('deps', [])
+ for dependency in dependencies:
+ if targets[dependency].get('type', None) == 'source_set':
+ object_dependencies.add(dependency)
+ GetObjectDependencies(object_dependencies, dependency, targets)
+def WriteSourceVariables(out, target, targets, root_path):
+ raw_sources = target.properties.get('sources', [])
+ # gn separates the sheep from the goats based on file extensions.
+ # A full separation is done here because of flag handing (see Compile flags).
+ source_types = {'cxx':[], 'c':[], 'asm':[],
+ 'obj':[], 'obj_target':[], 'other':[]}
+ for source in raw_sources:
+ _, ext = posixpath.splitext(source)
+ source_abs_path = GetAbsolutePath(root_path, source)
+ source_types[source_file_types.get(ext, 'other')].append(source_abs_path)
+ # OBJECT library dependencies need to be listed as sources.
+ # Only executables and non-OBJECT libraries may reference an OBJECT library.
+ # https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/14778
+ if target.cmake_type.modifier != 'OBJECT':
+ object_dependencies = set()
+ GetObjectDependencies(object_dependencies, target.gn_name, targets)
+ for dependency in object_dependencies:
+ cmake_dependency_name = GetOutputName(dependency, targets[dependency])
+ obj_target_sources = '$<TARGET_OBJECTS:' + cmake_dependency_name + '>'
+ source_types['obj_target'].append(obj_target_sources)
+ sources = {}
+ for source_type, sources_of_type in source_types.items():
+ if sources_of_type:
+ sources[source_type] = target.cmake_name + '__' + source_type + '_srcs'
+ SetVariableList(out, sources[source_type], sources_of_type)
+ return sources
+def WriteTarget(out, target_name, root_path, targets):
+ out.write('\n#')
+ out.write(target_name)
+ out.write('\n')
+ target = Target(target_name, targets)
+ if target.cmake_type is None:
+ print ('Target %s has unknown target type %s, skipping.' %
+ ( target_name, target.gn_type ) )
+ return
+ sources = WriteSourceVariables(out, target, targets, root_path)
+ out.write(target.cmake_type.command)
+ out.write('(')
+ out.write(target.cmake_name)
+ if target.cmake_type.modifier is not None:
+ out.write(' ')
+ out.write(target.cmake_type.modifier)
+ for sources_type_name in sources.values():
+ WriteVariable(out, sources_type_name, ' ')
+ out.write(')\n')
+ if target.cmake_type.command != 'add_custom_target':
+ WriteCompilerFlags(out, target, targets, root_path, sources)
+ dependencies = target.properties.get('deps', [])
+ libraries = []
+ nonlibraries = []
+ for dependency in dependencies:
+ gn_dependency_type = targets.get(dependency, {}).get('type', None)
+ cmake_dependency_type = cmake_target_types.get(gn_dependency_type, None)
+ if cmake_dependency_type.command != 'add_library':
+ nonlibraries.append(dependency)
+ elif cmake_dependency_type.modifier != 'OBJECT':
+ libraries.append(GetOutputName(dependency, targets[dependency]))
+ # Non-library dependencies.
+ if nonlibraries:
+ out.write('add_dependencies(')
+ out.write(target.cmake_name)
+ out.write('\n')
+ for nonlibrary in nonlibraries:
+ out.write(' ')
+ out.write(GetOutputName(nonlibrary, targets[nonlibrary]))
+ out.write('\n')
+ out.write(')\n')
+ # Non-OBJECT library dependencies.
+ external_libraries = target.properties.get('libs', [])
+ if target.cmake_type.is_linkable and (external_libraries or libraries):
+ system_libraries = []
+ for external_library in external_libraries:
+ if '/' in external_library:
+ libraries.append(GetAbsolutePath(root_path, external_library))
+ else:
+ if external_library.endswith('.framework'):
+ external_library = external_library[:-len('.framework')]
+ system_library = external_library + '__library'
+ out.write('find_library (')
+ out.write(system_library)
+ out.write(' ')
+ out.write(external_library)
+ out.write(')\n')
+ system_libraries.append(system_library)
+ out.write('target_link_libraries(')
+ out.write(target.cmake_name)
+ for library in libraries:
+ out.write('\n "')
+ out.write(CMakeStringEscape(library))
+ out.write('"')
+ for system_library in system_libraries:
+ WriteVariable(out, system_library, '\n ')
+ out.write(')\n')
+def WriteProject(project):
build_settings = project['build_settings']
root_path = build_settings['root_path']
build_path = os.path.join(root_path, build_settings['build_dir'][2:])
@@ -57,42 +364,17 @@ def write_project(project):
out.write('cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.8 FATAL_ERROR)\n')
out.write('cmake_policy(VERSION 2.8.8)\n')
- for target_name, target_properties in project['targets'].items():
- sources = target_properties.get('sources', [])
- if not sources:
- continue
+ # The following appears to be as-yet undocumented.
+ # http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=8392
+ out.write('enable_language(ASM)\n')
+ # ASM-ATT does not support .S files.
+ # output.write('enable_language(ASM-ATT)\n')
- target_output_name = get_output_name(target_name, target_properties)
+ targets = project['targets']
+ for target_name in targets.keys():
- out.write('add_library(')
- out.write(target_output_name)
- out.write(' STATIC\n')
- for source in sources:
- out.write(' "')
- out.write(get_absolute_path(root_path, source))
- out.write('"\n')
- out.write(')\n')
+ WriteTarget(out, target_name, root_path, targets)
- out.write('set_target_properties(')
- out.write(target_output_name)
- out.write('set_property(TARGET ')
- out.write(target_output_name)
- for include_dir in target_properties.get('include_dirs', []):
- out.write(' "')
- out.write(get_absolute_path(root_path, include_dir))
- out.write('"\n')
- out.write(')\n')
- out.write('set_target_properties(')
- out.write(target_output_name)
- for define in target_properties.get('defines', []):
- out.write(define)
- out.write(';')
- out.write('")\n')
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
@@ -104,7 +386,8 @@ def main():
with open(json_path, 'r') as json_file:
project = json.loads(json_file.read())
- write_project(project)
+ WriteProject(project)
if __name__ == "__main__":