diff options
5 files changed, 1 insertions, 345 deletions
diff --git a/dm/DM.cpp b/dm/DM.cpp
index 0c4b15f176..e134ac561c 100644
--- a/dm/DM.cpp
+++ b/dm/DM.cpp
@@ -788,11 +788,7 @@ static bool gather_srcs() {
push_src("gm", "", new GMSrc(r->factory()));
- if (FLAGS_ddl > 0) {
- gather_file_srcs<DDLSKPSrc>(FLAGS_skps, "skp");
- } else {
- gather_file_srcs<SKPSrc>(FLAGS_skps, "skp");
- }
+ gather_file_srcs<SKPSrc>(FLAGS_skps, "skp");
gather_file_srcs<MSKPSrc>(FLAGS_mskps, "mskp");
#if !defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_GOOGLE3)
gather_file_srcs<SkottieSrc>(FLAGS_jsons, "json");
diff --git a/dm/DMSrcSink.cpp b/dm/DMSrcSink.cpp
index 45977c0586..8dc24318d2 100644
--- a/dm/DMSrcSink.cpp
+++ b/dm/DMSrcSink.cpp
@@ -1203,331 +1203,6 @@ SkISize SKPSrc::size() const {
Name SKPSrc::name() const { return SkOSPath::Basename(fPath.c_str()); }
-static const int kDDLViewportSize = 2048;
-static const SkRect kDDLSKPViewport = { 0, 0, kDDLViewportSize, kDDLViewportSize };
-DDLSKPSrc::DDLSKPSrc(Path path) : fPath(path) { }
-SkISize DDLSKPSrc::size() const {
- SkRect viewport = get_cull_rect_for_skp(fPath.c_str());
- if (!viewport.intersect(kDDLSKPViewport)) {
- return {0, 0};
- }
- return viewport.roundOut().size();
-Name DDLSKPSrc::name() const { return SkOSPath::Basename(fPath.c_str()); }
-Error DDLSKPSrc::draw(SkCanvas* canvas) const {
- return SkStringPrintf("DDLs are GPU only\n");
-class PromiseImageInfo {
- int fIndex;
- sk_sp<SkImage> fImage;
- SkBitmap fBitmap;
- GrBackendTexture fBackendTexture;
-static void promise_image_fulfill_proc(void* textureContext, GrBackendTexture* outTexture) {
- const PromiseImageInfo* imgInfo = static_cast<const PromiseImageInfo*>(textureContext);
- *outTexture = imgInfo->fBackendTexture;
-static void promise_image_release_proc(void* textureContext) {
- // Do nothing. We free all the backend textures at the end.
-static void promise_image_done_proc(void* textureContext) {
- // Do nothing.
-class PromiseImageCallbackContext {
- const SkTArray<PromiseImageInfo>* fImageInfo;
- SkDeferredDisplayListRecorder* fRecorder;
-// This generates promise images to replace the indices in the compressed picture. This
-// reconstitution is performed separately in each thread so we end of with multiple
-// promise image referring to the same GrBackendTexture.
-static sk_sp<SkImage> promise_image_creator(const void* rawData, size_t length, void* ctxIn) {
- PromiseImageCallbackContext* ctx = static_cast<PromiseImageCallbackContext*>(ctxIn);
- const SkTArray<PromiseImageInfo>* imageInfo = ctx->fImageInfo;
- SkDeferredDisplayListRecorder* recorder = ctx->fRecorder;
- SkASSERT(length == sizeof(int));
- const int* indexPtr = static_cast<const int*>(rawData);
- SkASSERT(*indexPtr < imageInfo->count());
- const PromiseImageInfo& curImage = (*imageInfo)[*indexPtr];
- SkASSERT(curImage.fIndex == *indexPtr);
- GrBackendFormat backendFormat = curImage.fBackendTexture.format();
- // DDL TODO: sort out mipmapping
- sk_sp<SkImage> image = recorder->makePromiseTexture(backendFormat,
- curImage.fBitmap.width(),
- curImage.fBitmap.height(),
- GrMipMapped::kNo,
- GrSurfaceOrigin::kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin,
- curImage.fBitmap.colorType(),
- curImage.fBitmap.alphaType(),
- curImage.fBitmap.refColorSpace(),
- promise_image_fulfill_proc,
- promise_image_release_proc,
- promise_image_done_proc,
- (void*) &curImage);
- SkASSERT(image);
- return image;
-// DDL TODO: it would be great if we could draw the DDL directly into the destination SkSurface
-Error DDLSKPSrc::draw(SkCanvas* canvas) const {
- GrContext* context = canvas->getGrContext();
- if (!context) {
- return SkStringPrintf("DDLs are GPU only\n");
- }
- if (1 == FLAGS_ddl) {
- // If the number of x & y tiles is one just perform normal (non-DDL) rendering for
- // comparison purposes
- sk_sp<SkPicture> picture = read_skp(fPath.c_str());
- if (!picture) {
- return SkStringPrintf("Couldn't read %s.", fPath.c_str());
- }
- canvas->clipRect(kDDLSKPViewport);
- canvas->drawPicture(std::move(picture));
- return "";
- }
- class TileData {
- public:
- // Note: we could just pass in surface characterization
- TileData(sk_sp<SkSurface> surf, const SkIRect& clip)
- : fSurface(std::move(surf))
- , fClip(clip) {
- SkAssertResult(fSurface->characterize(&fCharacterization));
- }
- // This method operates in parallel
- // In each thread we will reconvert the compressedPictureData into an SkPicture
- // replacing each image-index with a promise image.
- void preprocess(SkData* compressedPictureData,
- const SkTArray<PromiseImageInfo>* imageInfo) {
- SkDeferredDisplayListRecorder recorder(fCharacterization);
- // DDL TODO: the DDLRecorder's GrContext isn't initialized until getCanvas is called.
- // Maybe set it up in the ctor?
- SkCanvas* subCanvas = recorder.getCanvas();
- sk_sp<SkPicture> reconstitutedPicture;
- {
- PromiseImageCallbackContext callbackCtx = { imageInfo, &recorder };
- SkDeserialProcs procs;
- procs.fImageCtx = &callbackCtx;
- procs.fImageProc = promise_image_creator;
- reconstitutedPicture = SkPicture::MakeFromData(compressedPictureData, &procs);
- if (!reconstitutedPicture) {
- return;
- }
- }
- subCanvas->clipRect(SkRect::MakeWH(fClip.width(), fClip.height()));
- subCanvas->translate(-fClip.fLeft, -fClip.fTop);
- // Note: in this use case we only render a picture to the deferred canvas
- // but, more generally, clients will use arbitrary draw calls.
- subCanvas->drawPicture(reconstitutedPicture);
- fDisplayList = recorder.detach();
- }
- // This method operates serially
- void draw() {
- fSurface->draw(fDisplayList.get());
- }
- // This method also operates serially
- void compose(SkCanvas* dst) {
- sk_sp<SkImage> img = fSurface->makeImageSnapshot();
- dst->save();
- dst->clipRect(SkRect::Make(fClip));
- dst->drawImage(std::move(img), fClip.fLeft, fClip.fTop);
- dst->restore();
- }
- private:
- sk_sp<SkSurface> fSurface;
- SkIRect fClip; // in the device space of the destination canvas
- std::unique_ptr<SkDeferredDisplayList> fDisplayList;
- SkSurfaceCharacterization fCharacterization;
- };
- SkTArray<TileData> tileData;
- tileData.reserve(16);
- SkTArray<PromiseImageInfo> imageInfo;
- sk_sp<SkData> compressedPictureData;
- SkIRect viewport; // this is our ultimate final drawing area/rect
- // DDL TODO: should we also be deduping in the following preprocessing?
- // Massage the input picture into something we can use with DDL
- {
- // In the first pass we read in an .skp file into an SkPicture recording all the images
- // and getting a copy of their pixels in an uploadable form.
- sk_sp<SkPicture> firstPassPicture;
- {
- SkDeserialProcs procs;
- procs.fImageCtx = &imageInfo;
- procs.fImageProc = [](const void* rawData, size_t length, void* ctx) -> sk_sp<SkImage> {
- auto imageInfo = static_cast<SkTArray<PromiseImageInfo>*>(ctx);
- sk_sp<SkData> data = SkData::MakeWithCopy(rawData, length);
- PromiseImageInfo newImageInfo;
- newImageInfo.fIndex = imageInfo->count();
- newImageInfo.fImage = SkImage::MakeFromEncoded(std::move(data));
- SkAssertResult(newImageInfo.fImage->asLegacyBitmap(&newImageInfo.fBitmap));
- imageInfo->push_back(newImageInfo);
- return newImageInfo.fImage;
- };
- firstPassPicture = read_skp(fPath.c_str(), &procs);
- if (!firstPassPicture) {
- return SkStringPrintf("Couldn't read %s.", fPath.c_str());
- }
- SkRect pictureCullRect = firstPassPicture->cullRect();
- SkAssertResult(pictureCullRect.intersect(kDDLSKPViewport));
- viewport = pictureCullRect.roundOut();
- }
- // In the second pass we convert the SkPicture into SkData replacing all the SkImages
- // with an index into the imageInfo we collected in the first pass.
- {
- SkSerialProcs procs;
- procs.fImageCtx = &imageInfo;
- procs.fImageProc = [](SkImage* image, void* ctx) -> sk_sp<SkData> {
- auto imageInfo = static_cast<const SkTArray<PromiseImageInfo>*>(ctx);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < imageInfo->count(); ++i) {
- if ((*imageInfo)[i].fImage.get() == image) {
- break;
- }
- }
- SkASSERT(i < imageInfo->count());
- return SkData::MakeWithCopy(&i, sizeof(i));
- };
- compressedPictureData = firstPassPicture->serialize(&procs);
- if (!compressedPictureData) {
- return SkStringPrintf("Couldn't re-serialize %s.", fPath.c_str());
- }
- }
- // In the third pass we go through all the images and upload them to the GPU and
- // get rid of the SkImage from the first pass
- {
- GrGpu* gpu = context->contextPriv().getGpu();
- if (!gpu) {
- return SkStringPrintf("Couldn't get GPU from GrContext\n");
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < imageInfo.count(); ++i) {
- // DDL TODO: how can we tell if we need mipmapping!
- imageInfo[i].fBackendTexture = gpu->createTestingOnlyBackendTexture(
- imageInfo[i].fBitmap.getPixels(),
- imageInfo[i].fBitmap.width(),
- imageInfo[i].fBitmap.height(),
- imageInfo[i].fBitmap.colorType(),
- false, GrMipMapped::kNo);
- SkAssertResult(imageInfo[i].fBackendTexture.isValid());
- imageInfo[i].fImage = nullptr; // we don't need this anymore
- }
- }
- }
- int xTileSize = viewport.width()/FLAGS_ddl;
- int yTileSize = viewport.height()/FLAGS_ddl;
- // First, create the destination tiles
- for (int y = 0, yOff = 0; y < FLAGS_ddl; ++y, yOff += yTileSize) {
- int ySize = (y < FLAGS_ddl-1) ? yTileSize : viewport.height()-yOff;
- for (int x = 0, xOff = 0; x < FLAGS_ddl; ++x, xOff += xTileSize) {
- int xSize = (x < FLAGS_ddl-1) ? xTileSize : viewport.width()-xOff;
- SkIRect clip = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(xOff, yOff, xSize, ySize);
- SkASSERT(viewport.contains(clip));
- SkImageInfo tileII = SkImageInfo::MakeN32Premul(xSize, ySize);
- tileData.push_back(TileData(canvas->makeSurface(tileII), clip));
- }
- }
- // Second, run the cpu pre-processing in threads
- SkTaskGroup().batch(tileData.count(), [&](int i) {
- tileData[i].preprocess(compressedPictureData.get(), &imageInfo);
- });
- // Third, synchronously render the display lists into the dest tiles
- // TODO: it would be cool to not wait until all the tiles are drawn to begin
- // drawing to the GPU
- for (int i = 0; i < tileData.count(); ++i) {
- tileData[i].draw();
- }
- // Finally, compose the drawn tiles into the result
- // Note: the separation between the tiles and the final composition better
- // matches Chrome but costs us a copy
- for (int i = 0; i < tileData.count(); ++i) {
- tileData[i].compose(canvas);
- }
- // All promise images need to be fulfulled before leaving this method since we are about to
- // delete their backing GrBackendTextures
- context->flush();
- // Clean up VRAM
- {
- GrGpu* gpu = context->contextPriv().getGpu();
- if (!gpu) {
- return SkStringPrintf("Couldn't get GPU from GrContext\n");
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < imageInfo.count(); ++i) {
- gpu->deleteTestingOnlyBackendTexture(imageInfo[i].fBackendTexture);
- }
- }
- return "";
#if !defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_GOOGLE3)
diff --git a/dm/DMSrcSink.h b/dm/DMSrcSink.h
index 65c9b7350a..5ba11e57be 100644
--- a/dm/DMSrcSink.h
+++ b/dm/DMSrcSink.h
@@ -251,17 +251,6 @@ private:
Path fPath;
-// DeferredDisplayList flavor
-class DDLSKPSrc : public Src {
- explicit DDLSKPSrc(Path path);
- Error draw(SkCanvas*) const override;
- SkISize size() const override;
- Name name() const override;
- Path fPath;
#if !defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_GOOGLE3)
class SkottieSrc final : public Src {
diff --git a/tools/flags/SkCommonFlags.cpp b/tools/flags/SkCommonFlags.cpp
index 9195546389..b1c6e67ba7 100644
--- a/tools/flags/SkCommonFlags.cpp
+++ b/tools/flags/SkCommonFlags.cpp
@@ -65,9 +65,6 @@ DEFINE_string(jsons, "jsons", "Directory to read (Bodymovin) jsons from.");
DEFINE_int32(skpViewportSize, 1000, "Width & height of the viewport used to crop skp rendering.");
-DEFINE_int32(ddl, 0, "If > 0, the # of x & y divisions used for DeferredDisplayList-based "
- "GPU SKP rendering.");
DEFINE_bool(nativeFonts, true, "If true, use native font manager and rendering. "
"If false, fonts will draw as portably as possible.");
diff --git a/tools/flags/SkCommonFlags.h b/tools/flags/SkCommonFlags.h
index c7c5456ff9..3dca16f36d 100644
--- a/tools/flags/SkCommonFlags.h
+++ b/tools/flags/SkCommonFlags.h
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ DECLARE_bool(abandonGpuContext);