diff options
3 files changed, 2 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/include/gpu/GrContextFactory.h b/include/gpu/GrContextFactory.h
index 1942a60886..600bedae66 100644
--- a/include/gpu/GrContextFactory.h
+++ b/include/gpu/GrContextFactory.h
@@ -90,18 +90,15 @@ public:
static const int kBogusSize = 1;
if (!glCtx.get()) {
- SkDebugf("GrContextFactory.h: no context\n");
return NULL;
if (!glCtx.get()->init(kBogusSize, kBogusSize)) {
- SkDebugf("GrContextFactory.h: no init\n");
return NULL;
GrPlatform3DContext p3dctx =
grCtx.reset(GrContext::Create(kOpenGL_Shaders_GrEngine, p3dctx));
if (!grCtx.get()) {
- SkDebugf("GrContextFactory.h: no gr context\n");
return NULL;
GPUContext& ctx = fContexts.push_back();
diff --git a/src/gpu/android/SkNativeGLContext_android.cpp b/src/gpu/android/SkNativeGLContext_android.cpp
index 58e81b844c..f21eed8666 100644
--- a/src/gpu/android/SkNativeGLContext_android.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/android/SkNativeGLContext_android.cpp
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ const GrGLInterface* SkNativeGLContext::createGLContext() {
EGLint majorVersion;
EGLint minorVersion;
eglInitialize(fDisplay, &majorVersion, &minorVersion);
- SkDebugf("SkNativeGLContext::createGLContext(): EGL v%i.%i\n", majorVersion, minorVersion);
EGLint numConfigs;
static const EGLint configAttribs[] = {
@@ -72,8 +72,6 @@ const GrGLInterface* SkNativeGLContext::createGLContext() {
EGLConfig surfaceConfig;
eglChooseConfig(fDisplay, configAttribs, &surfaceConfig, 1, &numConfigs);
- SkDebugf("SkNativeGLContext::createGLContext(): numConfigs=%i", numConfigs);
static const EGLint contextAttribs[] = {
@@ -92,7 +90,7 @@ const GrGLInterface* SkNativeGLContext::createGLContext() {
const GrGLInterface* interface = GrGLCreateNativeInterface();
if (!interface) {
- printf("Failed to create gl interface\n");
+ SkDebugf("Failed to create gl interface");
return NULL;
diff --git a/src/gpu/gl/GrGLInterface.cpp b/src/gpu/gl/GrGLInterface.cpp
index c655838468..297e1fc1d9 100644
--- a/src/gpu/gl/GrGLInterface.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/gl/GrGLInterface.cpp
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ bool GrGLInterface::validate(GrGLBinding binding) const {
GR_STATIC_ASSERT(kNone_GrGLBinding == 0);
if (0 == (binding & fBindingsExported)) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, (binding & fBindingsExported));
return false;
@@ -129,95 +128,6 @@ bool GrGLInterface::validate(GrGLBinding binding) const {
NULL == fGenFramebuffers ||
NULL == fGenRenderbuffers ||
NULL == fRenderbufferStorage) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fActiveTexture );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fAttachShader );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fBindAttribLocation );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fBindBuffer );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fBindTexture );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fBlendFunc );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fBlendColor ); // -> GL >= 1.4, ES >= 2.0 or extension
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fBufferData );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fBufferSubData );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fClear );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fClearColor );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fClearStencil );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fColorMask );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fCompileShader );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fCreateProgram );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fCreateShader );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fCullFace );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fDeleteBuffers );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fDeleteProgram );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fDeleteShader );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fDeleteTextures );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fDepthMask );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fDisable );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fDisableVertexAttribArray );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fDrawArrays );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fDrawElements );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fEnable );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fEnableVertexAttribArray );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fFrontFace );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGenBuffers );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGenTextures );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetBufferParameteriv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetError );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetIntegerv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetProgramInfoLog );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetProgramiv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetShaderInfoLog );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetShaderiv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetString );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetUniformLocation );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fLinkProgram );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPixelStorei );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fReadPixels );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fScissor );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fShaderSource );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fStencilFunc );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fStencilMask );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fStencilOp );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fTexImage2D );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fTexParameteri );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fTexParameteriv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fTexSubImage2D );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniform1f );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniform1i );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniform1fv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniform1iv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniform2f );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniform2i );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniform2fv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniform2iv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniform3f );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniform3i );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniform3fv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniform3iv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniform4f );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniform4i );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniform4fv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniform4iv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniformMatrix2fv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniformMatrix3fv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUniformMatrix4fv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUseProgram );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fVertexAttrib4fv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fVertexAttribPointer );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fViewport );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fBindFramebuffer );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fBindRenderbuffer );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fCheckFramebufferStatus );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fDeleteFramebuffers );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fDeleteRenderbuffers );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fFinish );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fFlush );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fFramebufferRenderbuffer );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fFramebufferTexture2D );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetRenderbufferParameteriv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGenFramebuffers );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGenRenderbuffers );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fRenderbufferStorage);
return false;
@@ -236,9 +146,6 @@ bool GrGLInterface::validate(GrGLBinding binding) const {
if (NULL == fStencilFuncSeparate ||
NULL == fStencilMaskSeparate ||
NULL == fStencilOpSeparate) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fStencilFuncSeparate );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fStencilMaskSeparate );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fStencilOpSeparate);
return false;
} else if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
@@ -247,20 +154,15 @@ bool GrGLInterface::validate(GrGLBinding binding) const {
if (NULL == fStencilFuncSeparate ||
NULL == fStencilMaskSeparate ||
NULL == fStencilOpSeparate) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fStencilFuncSeparate );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fStencilMaskSeparate );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fStencilOpSeparate);
return false;
if (glVer >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) && NULL == fBindFragDataLocation) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fBindFragDataLocation );
return false;
if (glVer >= GR_GL_VER(2,0) ||
GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_ARB_draw_buffers", ext)) {
if (NULL == fDrawBuffers) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fDrawBuffers );
return false;
@@ -274,13 +176,6 @@ bool GrGLInterface::validate(GrGLBinding binding) const {
NULL == fGetQueryiv ||
NULL == fGetQueryObjectiv ||
NULL == fGetQueryObjectuiv) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGenQueries );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fDeleteQueries );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fBeginQuery);
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fEndQuery );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetQueryiv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetQueryObjectiv);
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetQueryObjectuiv);
return false;
@@ -289,15 +184,12 @@ bool GrGLInterface::validate(GrGLBinding binding) const {
GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_EXT_timer_query", ext)) {
if (NULL == fGetQueryObjecti64v ||
NULL == fGetQueryObjectui64v) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetQueryObjecti64v);
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetQueryObjectui64v);
return false;
if (glVer >= GR_GL_VER(3,3) ||
GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_ARB_timer_query", ext)) {
if (NULL == fQueryCounter) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fQueryCounter);
return false;
@@ -308,9 +200,6 @@ bool GrGLInterface::validate(GrGLBinding binding) const {
(NULL == fMatrixMode ||
NULL == fLoadIdentity ||
NULL == fLoadMatrixf)) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fMatrixMode );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fLoadIdentity);
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fLoadMatrixf);
return false;
if (false && GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_NV_path_rendering", ext)) {
@@ -363,55 +252,6 @@ bool GrGLInterface::validate(GrGLBinding binding) const {
NULL == fIsPointInStrokePath ||
NULL == fGetPathLength ||
NULL == fPointAlongPath) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPathCommands );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPathCoords );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPathSubCommands );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPathSubCoords );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPathString );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPathGlyphs );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPathGlyphRange );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fWeightPaths );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fCopyPath );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fInterpolatePaths );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fTransformPath );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPathParameteriv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPathParameteri );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPathParameterfv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPathParameterf );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPathDashArray );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGenPaths );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fDeletePaths );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fIsPath );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPathStencilFunc );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPathStencilDepthOffset );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fStencilFillPath );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fStencilStrokePath );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fStencilFillPathInstanced );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fStencilStrokePathInstanced );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPathCoverDepthFunc );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPathColorGen );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPathTexGen );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPathFogGen );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fCoverFillPath );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fCoverStrokePath );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fCoverFillPathInstanced );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fCoverStrokePathInstanced );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetPathParameteriv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetPathParameterfv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetPathCommands );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetPathCoords );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetPathDashArray );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetPathMetrics );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetPathMetricRange );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetPathSpacing );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetPathColorGeniv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetPathColorGenfv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetPathTexGeniv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetPathTexGenfv );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fIsPointInFillPath );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fIsPointInStrokePath );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetPathLength );
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fPointAlongPath );
return false;
@@ -422,7 +262,6 @@ bool GrGLInterface::validate(GrGLBinding binding) const {
(glVer >= GR_GL_VER(1,3) ||
GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_ARB_texture_compression", ext))) {
if (NULL == fCompressedTexImage2D) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fCompressedTexImage2D);
return false;
@@ -433,10 +272,6 @@ bool GrGLInterface::validate(GrGLBinding binding) const {
NULL == fGetTexLevelParameteriv ||
NULL == fDrawBuffer ||
NULL == fReadBuffer)) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fLineWidth);
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fGetTexLevelParameteriv);
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fDrawBuffer);
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fReadBuffer);
return false;
@@ -447,13 +282,11 @@ bool GrGLInterface::validate(GrGLBinding binding) const {
GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_ARB_texture_storage", ext) ||
GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_EXT_texture_storage", ext)) {
if (NULL == fTexStorage2D) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fTexStorage2D);
return false;
} else if (GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_EXT_texture_storage", ext)) {
if (NULL == fTexStorage2D) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fTexStorage2D);
return false;
@@ -464,19 +297,15 @@ bool GrGLInterface::validate(GrGLBinding binding) const {
if (glVer >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) || GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_ARB_framebuffer_object", ext)) {
if (NULL == fRenderbufferStorageMultisample ||
NULL == fBlitFramebuffer) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fRenderbufferStorageMultisample);
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fBlitFramebuffer);
return false;
} else {
if (GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit", ext) &&
NULL == fBlitFramebuffer) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fBlitFramebuffer);
return false;
if (GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample", ext) &&
NULL == fRenderbufferStorageMultisample) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fRenderbufferStorageMultisample);
return false;
@@ -484,16 +313,12 @@ bool GrGLInterface::validate(GrGLBinding binding) const {
if (GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_CHROMIUM_framebuffer_multisample", ext)) {
if (NULL == fRenderbufferStorageMultisample ||
NULL == fBlitFramebuffer) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fRenderbufferStorageMultisample);
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fBlitFramebuffer);
return false;
if (GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_APPLE_framebuffer_multisample", ext)) {
if (NULL == fRenderbufferStorageMultisample ||
NULL == fResolveMultisampleFramebuffer) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fRenderbufferStorageMultisample);
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fResolveMultisampleFramebuffer);
return false;
@@ -506,8 +331,6 @@ bool GrGLInterface::validate(GrGLBinding binding) const {
GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_OES_mapbuffer", ext)) {
if (NULL == fMapBuffer ||
NULL == fUnmapBuffer) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fMapBuffer);
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fUnmapBuffer);
return false;
@@ -517,7 +340,6 @@ bool GrGLInterface::validate(GrGLBinding binding) const {
(glVer >= GR_GL_VER(3,3) ||
GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_ARB_blend_func_extended", ext))) {
if (NULL == fBindFragDataLocationIndexed) {
- SkDebugf("%d: %i\n", __LINE__, fBindFragDataLocationIndexed);
return false;