diff options
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 373 deletions
diff --git a/bench/ETCBitmapBench.cpp b/bench/ETCBitmapBench.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 305f492108..0000000000
--- a/bench/ETCBitmapBench.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include "Benchmark.h"
-#include "Resources.h"
-#include "SkCanvas.h"
-#include "SkData.h"
-#include "SkImageGenerator.h"
-#include "SkImageDecoder.h"
-#include "SkOSFile.h"
-#include "SkPixelRef.h"
-#include "etc1.h"
-// This takes the etc1 data pointed to by orig, and copies it `factor` times in each
-// dimension. The return value is the new data or nullptr on error.
-static etc1_byte* create_expanded_etc1_bitmap(const uint8_t* orig, int factor) {
- SkASSERT(orig);
- SkASSERT(factor > 1);
- const etc1_byte* origData = reinterpret_cast<const etc1_byte*>(orig);
- if (!etc1_pkm_is_valid(orig)) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- etc1_uint32 origWidth = etc1_pkm_get_width(origData);
- etc1_uint32 origHeight = etc1_pkm_get_height(origData);
- // The width and height must be aligned along block boundaries
- static const etc1_uint32 kETC1BlockWidth = 4;
- static const etc1_uint32 kETC1BlockHeight = 4;
- if ((origWidth % kETC1BlockWidth) != 0 ||
- (origHeight % kETC1BlockHeight) != 0) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- // The picture must be at least as large as a block.
- if (origWidth <= kETC1BlockWidth || origHeight <= kETC1BlockHeight) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- etc1_uint32 newWidth = origWidth * factor;
- etc1_uint32 newHeight = origHeight * factor;
- etc1_uint32 newDataSz = etc1_get_encoded_data_size(newWidth, newHeight);
- etc1_byte* newData = reinterpret_cast<etc1_byte *>(
- sk_malloc_throw(newDataSz + ETC_PKM_HEADER_SIZE));
- etc1_pkm_format_header(newData, newWidth, newHeight);
- etc1_byte* copyInto = newData;
- copyInto += ETC_PKM_HEADER_SIZE;
- origData += ETC_PKM_HEADER_SIZE;
- etc1_uint32 origBlocksX = (origWidth >> 2);
- etc1_uint32 origBlocksY = (origHeight >> 2);
- etc1_uint32 newBlocksY = (newHeight >> 2);
- etc1_uint32 origRowSzInBytes = origBlocksX * ETC1_ENCODED_BLOCK_SIZE;
- for (etc1_uint32 j = 0; j < newBlocksY; ++j) {
- const etc1_byte* rowStart = origData + ((j % origBlocksY) * origRowSzInBytes);
- for(etc1_uint32 i = 0; i < newWidth; i += origWidth) {
- memcpy(copyInto, rowStart, origRowSzInBytes);
- copyInto += origRowSzInBytes;
- }
- }
- return newData;
-// Defined in SkImageDecoder_ktx.cpp
-extern SkImageGenerator* decoder_image_generator(SkData*);
-// This is the base class for all of the benches in this file. In general
-// the ETC1 benches should all be working on the same data. Due to the
-// simplicity of the PKM file, that data is the 128x128 mandrill etc1
-// compressed texture repeated by some factor (currently 8 -> 1024x1024)
-class ETCBitmapBenchBase : public Benchmark {
- ETCBitmapBenchBase() : fPKMData(loadPKM()) {
- if (nullptr == fPKMData) {
- SkDebugf("Could not load PKM data!\n");
- }
- }
- SkAutoDataUnref fPKMData;
- SkData* loadPKM() {
- SkString pkmFilename = GetResourcePath("mandrill_128.pkm");
- // Expand the data
- SkAutoDataUnref fileData(SkData::NewFromFileName(pkmFilename.c_str()));
- if (nullptr == fileData) {
- SkDebugf("Could not open the file. Did you forget to set the resourcePath?\n");
- return nullptr;
- }
- const etc1_uint32 kExpansionFactor = 8;
- etc1_byte* expandedETC1 =
- create_expanded_etc1_bitmap(fileData->bytes(), kExpansionFactor);
- if (nullptr == expandedETC1) {
- SkDebugf("Error expanding ETC1 data by factor of %d\n", kExpansionFactor);
- return nullptr;
- }
- etc1_uint32 width = etc1_pkm_get_width(expandedETC1);
- etc1_uint32 height = etc1_pkm_get_width(expandedETC1);
- etc1_uint32 dataSz = ETC_PKM_HEADER_SIZE + etc1_get_encoded_data_size(width, height);
- return SkData::NewFromMalloc(expandedETC1, dataSz);
- }
- typedef Benchmark INHERITED;
-// This is the rendering benchmark. Prior to rendering the data, create a
-// bitmap using the etc1 data.
-class ETCBitmapBench : public ETCBitmapBenchBase {
- ETCBitmapBench(bool decompress, Backend backend)
- : fDecompress(decompress), fBackend(backend) { }
- bool isSuitableFor(Backend backend) override {
- return SkToBool(fImage) && backend == this->fBackend;
- }
- const char* onGetName() override {
- if (kGPU_Backend == this->fBackend) {
- if (this->fDecompress) {
- return "etc1bitmap_render_gpu_decompressed";
- } else {
- return "etc1bitmap_render_gpu_compressed";
- }
- } else {
- SkASSERT(kRaster_Backend == this->fBackend);
- if (this->fDecompress) {
- return "etc1bitmap_render_raster_decompressed";
- } else {
- return "etc1bitmap_render_raster_compressed";
- }
- }
- }
- void onDelayedSetup() override {
- if (nullptr == fPKMData) {
- SkDebugf("Failed to load PKM data!\n");
- return;
- }
- if (fDecompress) {
- SkAutoTDelete<SkImageGenerator> gen(decoder_image_generator(fPKMData));
- gen->generateBitmap(&fBitmap);
- } else {
- fImage.reset(SkImage::NewFromGenerator(decoder_image_generator(fPKMData)));
- }
- }
- void onDraw(int loops, SkCanvas* canvas) override {
- for (int i = 0; i < loops; ++i) {
- if (fDecompress) {
- canvas->drawBitmap(this->fBitmap, 0, 0, nullptr);
- } else {
- canvas->drawImage(fImage, 0, 0, nullptr);
- }
- }
- }
- SkBitmap fBitmap;
- SkAutoTUnref<SkImage> fImage;
- bool decompress() const { return fDecompress; }
- Backend backend() const { return fBackend; }
- const bool fDecompress;
- const Backend fBackend;
- typedef ETCBitmapBenchBase INHERITED;
-// This benchmark is identical to the previous benchmark, but it explicitly forces
-// an upload to the GPU before each draw call. We do this by notifying the bitmap
-// that the pixels have changed (even though they haven't).
-class ETCBitmapUploadBench : public ETCBitmapBench {
- ETCBitmapUploadBench(bool decompress, Backend backend)
- : ETCBitmapBench(decompress, backend) { }
- const char* onGetName() override {
- if (kGPU_Backend == this->backend()) {
- if (this->decompress()) {
- return "etc1bitmap_upload_gpu_decompressed";
- } else {
- return "etc1bitmap_upload_gpu_compressed";
- }
- } else {
- SkASSERT(kRaster_Backend == this->backend());
- if (this->decompress()) {
- return "etc1bitmap_upload_raster_decompressed";
- } else {
- return "etc1bitmap_upload_raster_compressed";
- }
- }
- }
- void onDraw(int loops, SkCanvas* canvas) override {
- SkPixelRef* pr = fBitmap.pixelRef();
- for (int i = 0; i < loops; ++i) {
- if (pr) {
- pr->notifyPixelsChanged();
- }
- canvas->drawBitmap(this->fBitmap, 0, 0, nullptr);
- }
- }
- typedef ETCBitmapBench INHERITED;
-DEF_BENCH(return new ETCBitmapBench(false, Benchmark::kRaster_Backend);)
-DEF_BENCH(return new ETCBitmapBench(true, Benchmark::kRaster_Backend);)
-DEF_BENCH(return new ETCBitmapBench(false, Benchmark::kGPU_Backend);)
-DEF_BENCH(return new ETCBitmapBench(true, Benchmark::kGPU_Backend);)
-DEF_BENCH(return new ETCBitmapUploadBench(false, Benchmark::kRaster_Backend);)
-DEF_BENCH(return new ETCBitmapUploadBench(true, Benchmark::kRaster_Backend);)
-DEF_BENCH(return new ETCBitmapUploadBench(false, Benchmark::kGPU_Backend);)
-DEF_BENCH(return new ETCBitmapUploadBench(true, Benchmark::kGPU_Backend);)
diff --git a/src/images/SkImageDecoder_ktx.cpp b/src/images/SkImageDecoder_ktx.cpp
index 019fa97678..539795ad9b 100644
--- a/src/images/SkImageDecoder_ktx.cpp
+++ b/src/images/SkImageDecoder_ktx.cpp
@@ -329,101 +329,3 @@ SkImageEncoder* sk_libktx_efactory(SkImageEncoder::Type t) {
static SkImageDecoder_DecodeReg gReg(sk_libktx_dfactory);
static SkImageDecoder_FormatReg gFormatReg(get_format_ktx);
static SkImageEncoder_EncodeReg gEReg(sk_libktx_efactory);
-// Old implementation of SkImageGenerator::NewFromEncoded which uses SkImageDecoder.
-// Here because it is only needed by DM and tests for Ktx.
-class BareMemoryAllocator : public SkBitmap::Allocator {
- const SkImageInfo fInfo;
- void* const fMemory;
- const size_t fRowBytes;
- BareMemoryAllocator(const SkImageInfo& info, void* memory, size_t rowBytes)
- : fInfo(info), fMemory(memory), fRowBytes(rowBytes)
- {}
- bool allocPixelRef(SkBitmap* bm, SkColorTable* ctable) override {
- const SkImageInfo bmi = bm->info();
- if (bmi.width() != fInfo.width() || bmi.height() != fInfo.height() ||
- bmi.colorType() != fInfo.colorType())
- {
- return false;
- }
- return bm->installPixels(bmi, fMemory, fRowBytes, ctable, nullptr, nullptr);
- }
-class SkImageDecoderGenerator : public SkImageGenerator {
- const SkImageInfo fInfo;
- SkAutoTDelete<SkImageDecoder> fDecoder;
- SkAutoTUnref<SkData> fData;
- SkImageDecoderGenerator(const SkImageInfo& info, SkImageDecoder* decoder, SkData* data)
- : INHERITED(info), fInfo(info), fDecoder(decoder), fData(SkRef(data))
- {}
- SkData* onRefEncodedData(SK_REFENCODEDDATA_CTXPARAM) override {
- return SkRef(fData.get());
- }
- bool onGetPixels(const SkImageInfo& info, void* pixels, size_t rowBytes,
- SkPMColor ctableEntries[], int* ctableCount) override {
- SkMemoryStream stream(fData->data(), fData->size(), false);
- SkAutoTUnref<BareMemoryAllocator> allocator(
- new BareMemoryAllocator(info, pixels, rowBytes));
- fDecoder->setAllocator(allocator);
- fDecoder->setRequireUnpremultipliedColors(kUnpremul_SkAlphaType == info.alphaType());
- SkBitmap bm;
- const SkImageDecoder::Result result = fDecoder->decode(&stream, &bm, info.colorType(),
- SkImageDecoder::kDecodePixels_Mode);
- if (SkImageDecoder::kFailure == result) {
- return false;
- }
- SkASSERT(info.colorType() == bm.info().colorType());
- if (kIndex_8_SkColorType == info.colorType()) {
- SkASSERT(ctableEntries);
- SkColorTable* ctable = bm.getColorTable();
- if (nullptr == ctable) {
- return false;
- }
- const int count = ctable->count();
- memcpy(ctableEntries, ctable->readColors(), count * sizeof(SkPMColor));
- *ctableCount = count;
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool onGetYUV8Planes(SkISize sizes[3], void* planes[3], size_t rowBytes[3],
- SkYUVColorSpace* colorSpace) override {
- SkMemoryStream stream(fData->data(), fData->size(), false);
- return fDecoder->decodeYUV8Planes(&stream, sizes, planes, rowBytes, colorSpace);
- }
- typedef SkImageGenerator INHERITED;
-SkImageGenerator* decoder_image_generator(SkData* data) {
- SkMemoryStream stream(data->data(), data->size(), false);
- SkImageDecoder* decoder = SkImageDecoder::Factory(&stream);
- if (nullptr == decoder) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- SkBitmap bm;
- stream.rewind();
- if (!decoder->decode(&stream, &bm, kUnknown_SkColorType, SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode)) {
- delete decoder;
- return nullptr;
- }
- return new SkImageDecoderGenerator(bm.info(), decoder, data);
diff --git a/tests/KtxTest.cpp b/tests/KtxTest.cpp
index 99bae83329..7220cbf32e 100644
--- a/tests/KtxTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/KtxTest.cpp
@@ -142,40 +142,3 @@ DEF_TEST(KtxReadUnpremul, reporter) {
row += decodedBitmap.rowBytes();
-// For KtxReexportPKM, below. Defined in SkImageDecoder_ktx.cpp
-extern SkImageGenerator* decoder_image_generator(SkData*);
- * Finally, make sure that if we get ETC1 data from a PKM file that we can then
- * accurately write it out into a KTX file (i.e. transferring the ETC1 data from
- * the PKM to the KTX should produce an identical KTX to the one we have on file)
- */
-DEF_TEST(KtxReexportPKM, reporter) {
- SkString pkmFilename = GetResourcePath("mandrill_128.pkm");
- // Load PKM file into a bitmap
- SkBitmap etcBitmap;
- SkAutoTUnref<SkData> fileData(SkData::NewFromFileName(pkmFilename.c_str()));
- if (nullptr == fileData) {
- SkDebugf("KtxReexportPKM: can't load test file %s\n", pkmFilename.c_str());
- return;
- }
- bool installDiscardablePixelRefSuccess =
- SkDEPRECATED_InstallDiscardablePixelRef(decoder_image_generator(fileData), &etcBitmap);
- if (!installDiscardablePixelRefSuccess) {
- ERRORF(reporter, "failed to create discardable pixelRef from KTX file");
- return;
- }
- // Write the bitmap out to a KTX file.
- SkData *ktxDataPtr = SkImageEncoder::EncodeData(etcBitmap, SkImageEncoder::kKTX_Type, 0);
- SkAutoDataUnref newKtxData(ktxDataPtr);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, ktxDataPtr);
- // See is this data is identical to data in existing ktx file.
- SkString ktxFilename = GetResourcePath("mandrill_128.ktx");
- SkAutoDataUnref oldKtxData(SkData::NewFromFileName(ktxFilename.c_str()));
- REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, oldKtxData->equals(newKtxData));