diff options
2 files changed, 19 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/cmake/CMakeLists.txt b/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
index df88487730..ea02ddda4d 100644
--- a/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -222,6 +222,11 @@ set_target_properties(skia PROPERTIES
+# Experimental C API install:
+file(GLOB cheaders "../include/c/*.h")
+install(FILES ${cheaders} DESTINATION include)
+install(TARGETS skia DESTINATION lib)
# Now build a simple example app that uses Skia via libskia.so.
add_executable(example example.cpp)
target_link_libraries(example skia ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES})
diff --git a/experimental/c-api-example/c.md b/experimental/c-api-example/c.md
index 89ad577bb4..3011f8892b 100644
--- a/experimental/c-api-example/c.md
+++ b/experimental/c-api-example/c.md
@@ -106,38 +106,27 @@ Here is an example program that uses the C api. To try it out, get the file
Cmake example
-The following proof-of-concept workflow currently works on MacOS and Ubuntu
+The following proof-of-concept workflow currently works on MacOS and
+Ubuntu and depends on a C/C++ compiler, git, and cmake:
-1. Aquire Skia (you may have already done this):
+1. Aquire, compile, and install Skia as a shared library:
<!--?prettify lang=sh?-->
- cd [Wherever you want skia src code]
+ prefix="$HOME"
+ cd $(mktemp -d /tmp/skiaXXXX)
git clone 'https://skia.googlesource.com/skia'
- SKIA_DIR="$PWD/skia"
+ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="$prefix" skia/cmake
+ cmake --build . --target skia
+ cmake --build . --target install
-2. Compile Skia (outside of source) as a shared library:
+2. Compile, link, and run the example program:
<!--?prettify lang=sh?-->
- cd [Wherever you want skia build files]
- mkdir build_skia
- cd build_skia
- cmake "$SKIA_DIR/cmake" -G Ninja && ninja
-3. Compile, link, and run the example program:
- <!--?prettify lang=sh?-->
- cd [Wherever you want the example]
- mkdir skia_c_example
- cd skia_c_example
- cp "$SKIA_DIR/experimental/c-api-example/skia-c-example.c" .
- cc -c -I "$SKIA_DIR/include/c" skia-c-example.c -o skia-c-example.o
- c++ skia-c-example.o \
- "$SKIA_BUILD"/libskia.* -Wl,-rpath -Wl,"$SKIA_BUILD" \
- -o skia-c-example
+ cc -o skia-c-example -I "$prefix/include" \
+ skia/experimental/c-api-example/skia-c-example.c \
+ "$prefix"/lib/libskia.* -Wl,-rpath -Wl,"$prefix/lib"
- [ $(uname) = Darwin ] && open skia-c-example.png
- [ $(uname) = Linux ] && xdg-open skia-c-example.png
+ [ $(uname) = Darwin ] && open skia-c-example.png
+ [ $(uname) = Linux ] && xdg-open skia-c-example.png