path: root/src/sksl/SkSLHCodeGenerator.cpp
diff options
authorGravatar Ethan Nicholas <ethannicholas@google.com>2017-06-29 10:03:38 -0400
committerGravatar Skia Commit-Bot <skia-commit-bot@chromium.org>2017-06-29 14:57:47 +0000
commit762466e9fe0478bcf11fba532998e81e33b3069e (patch)
tree8934a152b11007d7d530db05f7ba731bb05aa5c0 /src/sksl/SkSLHCodeGenerator.cpp
parente78c8ed9cba31ebb970d3002270ddb03f4d6baae (diff)
Re-re-land sksl fragment processor support
This reverts commit 5ce397205528f82084fc650c2ce27d246c01da33. Bug: skia: Change-Id: I88260c90004610a1cf8ad1a87c2b4b222525bbb6 Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/21108 Reviewed-by: Ben Wagner <benjaminwagner@google.com> Commit-Queue: Ethan Nicholas <ethannicholas@google.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/sksl/SkSLHCodeGenerator.cpp')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/sksl/SkSLHCodeGenerator.cpp b/src/sksl/SkSLHCodeGenerator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1bfd9b10e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sksl/SkSLHCodeGenerator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+ * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ */
+#include "SkSLHCodeGenerator.h"
+#include "SkSLUtil.h"
+#include "ir/SkSLFunctionDeclaration.h"
+#include "ir/SkSLFunctionDefinition.h"
+#include "ir/SkSLSection.h"
+#include "ir/SkSLVarDeclarations.h"
+namespace SkSL {
+HCodeGenerator::HCodeGenerator(const Program* program, ErrorReporter* errors, String name,
+ OutputStream* out)
+: INHERITED(program, errors, out)
+, fName(std::move(name))
+, fFullName(String::printf("Gr%s", fName.c_str()))
+, fSectionAndParameterHelper(*program, *errors) {}
+String HCodeGenerator::ParameterType(const Type& type) {
+ if (type.fName == "vec2") {
+ return "SkPoint";
+ } else if (type.fName == "ivec4") {
+ return "SkIRect";
+ } else if (type.fName == "vec4") {
+ return "SkRect";
+ } else if (type.fName == "mat4") {
+ return "SkMatrix44";
+ } else if (type.kind() == Type::kSampler_Kind) {
+ return "sk_sp<GrTextureProxy>";
+ } else if (type.fName == "colorSpaceXform") {
+ return "sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform>";
+ }
+ return type.name();
+String HCodeGenerator::FieldType(const Type& type) {
+ if (type.kind() == Type::kSampler_Kind) {
+ return "TextureSampler";
+ }
+ return ParameterType(type);
+void HCodeGenerator::writef(const char* s, va_list va) {
+ static constexpr int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
+ char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
+ int length = vsnprintf(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, s, va);
+ if (length < BUFFER_SIZE) {
+ fOut->write(buffer, length);
+ } else {
+ std::unique_ptr<char[]> heap(new char[length + 1]);
+ vsprintf(heap.get(), s, va);
+ fOut->write(heap.get(), length);
+ }
+void HCodeGenerator::writef(const char* s, ...) {
+ va_list va;
+ va_start(va, s);
+ this->writef(s, va);
+ va_end(va);
+bool HCodeGenerator::writeSection(const char* name, const char* prefix) {
+ const auto found = fSectionAndParameterHelper.fSections.find(String(name));
+ if (found != fSectionAndParameterHelper.fSections.end()) {
+ this->writef("%s%s", prefix, found->second->fText.c_str());
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void HCodeGenerator::writeExtraConstructorParams(const char* separator) {
+ // super-simple parse, just assume the last token before a comma is the name of a parameter
+ // (which is true as long as there are no multi-parameter template types involved). Will replace
+ // this with something more robust if the need arises.
+ const auto found = fSectionAndParameterHelper.fSections.find(
+ if (found != fSectionAndParameterHelper.fSections.end()) {
+ const char* s = found->second->fText.c_str();
+ #define BUFFER_SIZE 64
+ char lastIdentifier[BUFFER_SIZE];
+ int lastIdentifierLength = 0;
+ bool foundBreak = false;
+ while (*s) {
+ char c = *s;
+ ++s;
+ if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
+ c == '_') {
+ if (foundBreak) {
+ lastIdentifierLength = 0;
+ foundBreak = false;
+ }
+ ASSERT(lastIdentifierLength < BUFFER_SIZE);
+ lastIdentifier[lastIdentifierLength] = c;
+ ++lastIdentifierLength;
+ } else {
+ foundBreak = true;
+ if (c == ',') {
+ ASSERT(lastIdentifierLength < BUFFER_SIZE);
+ lastIdentifier[lastIdentifierLength] = 0;
+ this->writef("%s%s", separator, lastIdentifier);
+ separator = ", ";
+ } else if (c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n' && c != '\r') {
+ lastIdentifierLength = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (lastIdentifierLength) {
+ ASSERT(lastIdentifierLength < BUFFER_SIZE);
+ lastIdentifier[lastIdentifierLength] = 0;
+ this->writef("%s%s", separator, lastIdentifier);
+ }
+ }
+void HCodeGenerator::writeMake() {
+ const char* separator;
+ if (!this->writeSection(MAKE_SECTION)) {
+ this->writef(" static sk_sp<GrFragmentProcessor> Make(");
+ separator = "";
+ for (const auto& param : fSectionAndParameterHelper.fParameters) {
+ this->writef("%s%s %s", separator, ParameterType(param->fType).c_str(),
+ param->fName.c_str());
+ separator = ", ";
+ }
+ this->writeSection(CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMS_SECTION, separator);
+ this->writef(") {\n"
+ " return sk_sp<GrFragmentProcessor>(new %s(",
+ fFullName.c_str());
+ separator = "";
+ for (const auto& param : fSectionAndParameterHelper.fParameters) {
+ this->writef("%s%s", separator, param->fName.c_str());
+ separator = ", ";
+ }
+ this->writeExtraConstructorParams(separator);
+ this->writef("));\n"
+ " }\n");
+ }
+void HCodeGenerator::writeConstructor() {
+ if (this->writeSection(CONSTRUCTOR_SECTION)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this->writef(" %s(", fFullName.c_str());
+ const char* separator = "";
+ for (const auto& param : fSectionAndParameterHelper.fParameters) {
+ this->writef("%s%s %s", separator, ParameterType(param->fType).c_str(),
+ param->fName.c_str());
+ separator = ", ";
+ }
+ this->writeSection(CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMS_SECTION, separator);
+ this->writef(")\n"
+ " : INHERITED(");
+ if (!this->writeSection(OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS_SECTION, "(OptimizationFlags) ")) {
+ this->writef("kNone_OptimizationFlags");
+ }
+ this->writef(")");
+ this->writeSection(INITIALIZERS_SECTION, "\n , ");
+ for (const auto& param : fSectionAndParameterHelper.fParameters) {
+ const char* name = param->fName.c_str();
+ if (param->fType.kind() == Type::kSampler_Kind) {
+ this->writef("\n , %s(resourceProvider, std::move(%s))", FieldName(name).c_str(),
+ name);
+ } else {
+ this->writef("\n , %s(%s)", FieldName(name).c_str(), name);
+ }
+ }
+ this->writef(" {\n");
+ this->writeSection(CONSTRUCTOR_CODE_SECTION);
+ for (const auto& param : fSectionAndParameterHelper.fParameters) {
+ if (param->fType.kind() == Type::kSampler_Kind) {
+ this->writef(" this->addTextureSampler(&%s);\n",
+ FieldName(param->fName.c_str()).c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ this->writef(" this->initClassID<%s>();\n"
+ " }\n",
+ fFullName.c_str());
+void HCodeGenerator::writeFields() {
+ this->writeSection(FIELDS_SECTION);
+ for (const auto& param : fSectionAndParameterHelper.fParameters) {
+ const char* name = param->fName.c_str();
+ this->writef(" %s %s;\n", FieldType(param->fType).c_str(), FieldName(name).c_str());
+ }
+bool HCodeGenerator::generateCode() {
+ this->writef(kFragmentProcessorHeader, fFullName.c_str());
+ this->writef("#ifndef %s_DEFINED\n"
+ "#define %s_DEFINED\n"
+ "#include \"GrFragmentProcessor.h\"\n"
+ "#include \"GrCoordTransform.h\"\n"
+ "#include \"effects/GrProxyMove.h\"\n",
+ fFullName.c_str(), fFullName.c_str());
+ this->writeSection(HEADER_SECTION);
+ this->writef("class %s : public GrFragmentProcessor {\n"
+ "public:\n",
+ fFullName.c_str());
+ this->writeSection(CLASS_SECTION);
+ for (const auto& param : fSectionAndParameterHelper.fParameters) {
+ if (param->fType.kind() == Type::kSampler_Kind) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const char* name = param->fName.c_str();
+ this->writef("%s %s() const { return %s; }\n",
+ FieldType(param->fType).c_str(), name, FieldName(name).c_str());
+ }
+ this->writeMake();
+ this->writef(" const char* name() const override { return \"%s\"; }\n"
+ "private:\n",
+ fName.c_str());
+ this->writeConstructor();
+ this->writef(" GrGLSLFragmentProcessor* onCreateGLSLInstance() const override;\n"
+ " void onGetGLSLProcessorKey(const GrShaderCaps&,"
+ "GrProcessorKeyBuilder*) const override;\n"
+ " bool onIsEqual(const GrFragmentProcessor&) const override;\n"
+ this->writeFields();
+ this->writef(" typedef GrFragmentProcessor INHERITED;\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "#endif\n");
+ return 0 == fErrors.errorCount();
+} // namespace