path: root/site
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authorGravatar jvanverth <jvanverth@google.com>2015-10-15 10:31:51 -0700
committerGravatar Commit bot <commit-bot@chromium.org>2015-10-15 10:31:51 -0700
commit9617431dfe856ff50a4e4954262c8f526e128bb7 (patch)
tree8617b5b594eeb88f4db2cf26796be88dc9c7c045 /site
parentc9dd93cd5bf72a236a14693b04f5e5c983e32ba4 (diff)
Update iOS docs
BUG=skia: NOTRY=true DOCS_PREVIEW= https://skia.org/?cl=1399533005 Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1399533005
Diffstat (limited to 'site')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/site/user/quick/ios.md b/site/user/quick/ios.md
index e060a28725..a8c7fd8be2 100644
--- a/site/user/quick/ios.md
+++ b/site/user/quick/ios.md
@@ -1,104 +1,136 @@
+The following has been tested on MacOS Yosemite with Xcode version 6.3.
+1. Install [XCode](http://developer.apple.com/xcode/).
+2. Install depot tools.
+ <!--?prettify lang=sh?-->
+ git clone 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git'
+ export PATH="${PWD}/depot_tools:${PATH}"
+3. Get Skia.
+ <!--?prettify lang=sh?-->
+ git clone 'https://skia.googlesource.com/skia'
+ cd skia
+4. Create the project files.
+ <!--?prettify lang=sh?-->
+ GYP_DEFINES="skia_os='ios' skia_arch_type='arm' armv7=1 arm_neon=0" ./gyp_skia
+5. Build and run SampleApp.
+ <!--?prettify lang=sh?-->
+ xed out/gyp/SampleApp.xcodeproj # opens the SampleApp project in Xcode
-_These steps should closely follow building on Mac OS X. Those steps seem slightly out of date._
+Make sure the following have been installed:
-Build and run SampleApp in the XCode IDE
+ * XCode (Apple's development environment): required
+ * publicly available at http://developer.apple.com/xcode/
+ * add the optional Unix Tools to the install so you get the make command line tool.
+ * Chromium depot_tools: required to download the source and dependencies
+ * http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/depottools
+ * You will need an Apple developer account if you wish to run on an iOS device.
+ * A tool such as [ios-deploy](https://github.com/phonegap/ios-deploy) is also useful for pulling output from an iOS device.
+Check out the source code
+See the instructions [here](../download).
+Generate XCode projects
+We use the open-source gyp tool to generate XCode projects (and analogous
+build scripts on other platforms) from our multiplatform "gyp" files.
-### XCode 4.5
+Before building, make sure that gyp knows to create an XCode project or ninja
+build files. If you leave GYP_GENERATORS undefined it will assume the
+following default:
+ GYP_GENERATORS="ninja,xcode"
-To build SampleApp on XCode 4.5 using the IDE these steps should work:
+Or you can set it to `xcode` alone, if you like.
+You can then generate the Xcode projects by running:
GYP_DEFINES="skia_os='ios' skia_arch_type='arm' armv7=1 arm_neon=0" ./gyp_skia
- xed out/gyp/SampleApp.xcodeproj # opens the SampleApp project in the IDE
-Note that if you run make at the command line the gyp\_skia script will rerun
-and you'll lose the effect of the GYP\_DEFINES. To avoid this do:
+Alternatively, you can do:
export GYP_DEFINES="skia_os='ios' skia_arch_type='arm' armv7=1 arm_neon=0"
+ ./gyp_skia
+Build and run tests
+The 'dm' test program is wrapped in an app called iOSShell. The project for iOSShell is at out/gyp/iOSShell.xcodeproj.
+Running this app with the flag '--dm' will run unit tests and golden master images. Other arguments to the standard 'dm'
+test program can also be passed in.
+To launch the iOS app on a device from the command line you can use a tool such as [ios-deploy](https://github.com/phonegap/ios-deploy):
+ xcodebuild -project out/gyp/iOSShell.xcodeproj -configuration Debug
+ ios-deploy --bundle xcodebuild/Debug-iphoneos/iOSShell.app -I -d --args "--dm <dm_args>"
+The usual mode you want for testing is Debug mode (SK_DEBUG is defined, and
+debug symbols are included in the binary). If you would like to build the
+Release version instead:
+ xcodebuild -project out/gyp/iOSShell.xcodeproj -configuration Release
+ ios-deploy --bundle xcodebuild/Release-iphoneos/iOSShell.app -I -d --args "--dm <dm_args>"
+Build and run nanobench (performance tests)
+The 'nanobench' test program is also wrapped in iOSShell.app. Passing in the flag '--nanobench' will run these tests.
+Here's an example of running nanobench from the command line. We will build with the "Release" configuration, since we are running performance tests.
+ xcodebuild --project out/gyp/iOSShell.xcodeproj -configuration Release
+ ios-deploy --bundle xcodebuild/Release-iphoneos/iOSShell.app -I -d --args "--nanobench <nanobench_args>"
+Build and run SampleApp in the XCode IDE
+ * Run gyp_skia as described above.
+ * In the Finder, navigate to $SKIA_INSTALLDIR/trunk/out/gyp
+ * Double-click SampleApp.xcodeproj ; this will launch XCode and open the SampleApp project
+ * Make sure the SampleApp target is selected, and choose an iOS device to run on
+ * Click the “Build and Run” button in the top toolbar
+ * Once the build is complete, launching the app will display a window with lots of shaded text examples. On the upper left there is a drop down
+menu that allows you to cycle through different test pages. On the upper right there is a dialog with a set of options, including different
+rendering methods for each test page.
+To run the Skia apps on an iOS device rather than using the simulator, you will need a developer account and a provisioning profile. See
+[Launching Your App on Devices](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/LaunchingYourApponDevices/LaunchingYourApponDevices.html) for more information.
+Managing App Data
+By default, the iOS apps will look for resource files in the Documents/resources folder of the app and write any output files to Documents/. To upload resources
+so that the app can read them you can use a tool such as [ios-deploy](https://github.com/phonegap/ios-deploy). For example:
+ ios-deploy --bundle_id 'com.google.SkiaSampleApp' --upload resources/baby_tux.png --to Documents/resources/baby_tux.png
+You can use the same tool to download log files and golden master (GM) images:
-### XCode 3
-Use GYP\_DEFINES to tell gyp\_skia how to build for iOS. Here's a bash shell
-snippet that sets the world up to build SampleApp with XCode 3:
- function buildSampleApp()
- {
- sdkVersion="4.3"
- if [[ "$1" == "sim" ]] ; then
- export GYP_DEFINES="skia_os='ios' skia_arch_type='x86' \
- ios_sdk_dir='/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator' \
- ios_sdk_version='$sdkVersion'"
- elif [[ "$1" == "iphone" ]] ; then
- export GYP_DEFINES="skia_os='ios' skia_arch_type='arm' armv7='1' arm_neon='0' \
- ios_sdk_dir='/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS' \
- ios_sdk_version='$sdkVersion'"
- elif [[ "$1" == "mac" ]] ; then
- export GYP_DEFINES=""
- else
- echo "buildSampleApp expects 'sim', 'iphone', or 'mac'"
- fi
- if [[ "$1" == "sim" ]] || [[ "$1" == "iphone" ]] || [[ "$1" == "mac" ]] ; then
- save=`pwd`
- cd /chrome/nih/skia/trunk
- echo "$GYP_DEFINES ./gyp_skia gyp/SampleApp.gyp"
- ./gyp_skia gyp/SampleApp.gyp
- cd $save
- fi
- if [[ "$1" == "sim" ]] ; then
- setiossdk iphonesimulator$sdkVersion
- elif [[ "$1" == "iphone" ]] ; then
- setiossdk iphoneos$sdkVersion
- fi
- }
-The script function setiossdk called by buildSampleApp is a
-not-completely-working hackery. When gyp builds an iOS-targeted project, it is
-hard-coded for the iOS simulator. To point the project at either the iOS
-simulator, or an iOS device, the project file must be opened to create a
-custom pbxuser file.
-This is accomplished by:
- function setiossdk()
- {
- osascript -e 'tell app "Xcode" to quit'
- osascript -e 'repeat until appIsRunning("Xcode") is false' -e \
- 'do shell script "sleep 1"' -e 'end repeat'
- save=`pwd`
- skia
- cd out/gyp
- for project in *.xcodeproj; do
- open $project
- done
- osascript -e 'tell app "Xcode" to quit'
- osascript -e 'repeat until appIsRunning("Xcode") is false' -e \
- 'do shell script "sleep 1"' -e 'end repeat'
- for project in *.xcodeproj; do
- lsave=`pwd`
- cd $project
- filename=`eval whoami`.pbxuser
- while [[ ! -s $filename ]] ; do
- sleep 1
- echo -n "."
- done
- sed -e '/activeSDKPreference/ d' <$filename | sed -e '/activeTarget/ i\
- \ activeSDKPreference = '$1';' >x$filename
- if [[ -s x$filename ]] ; then
- mv x$filename $filename
- else
- echo "mv x$filename $project/$filename failed"
- fi
- cd $lsave
- done
- open SampleApp.xcodeproj
- cd $save
- }
-In particular, the calls to osascript to wait for Xcode to quit use faulty syntax.
+ ios-deploy --bundle_id 'com.google.iOSShell' --download=/Documents --to ./my_download_location
+Alternatively, you can put resources and other files in the bundle of the application. In this case, you'll need to run the app with the option '--resourcePath .' \ No newline at end of file