diff options
authorGravatar mtklein <mtklein@chromium.org>2016-08-26 11:22:54 -0700
committerGravatar Commit bot <commit-bot@chromium.org>2016-08-26 11:22:54 -0700
commitf0f489062a509dbf9212478894f690b00ed7ceb7 (patch)
parentce3bfb1ed155880585b2d0bb0a8d3e43306e23f2 (diff)
Add Mac NDK asset, and fetch NDK on Android compile bots.
11 files changed, 674 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/VERSION b/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/VERSION
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c227083464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/VERSION
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+0 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/common.py b/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/common.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..4920c9b4fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Common vars used by scripts in this directory."""
+import os
+import sys
+FILE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+INFRA_BOTS_DIR = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(FILE_DIR, os.pardir, os.pardir))
+sys.path.insert(0, INFRA_BOTS_DIR)
+from assets import assets
+ASSET_NAME = os.path.basename(FILE_DIR)
+def run(cmd):
+ """Run a command, eg. "upload" or "download". """
+ assets.main([cmd, ASSET_NAME] + sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/create.py b/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/create.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..818ec5ac37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/create.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Create the asset."""
+import argparse
+import glob
+import os.path
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+NDK_VER = "android-ndk-r12b"
+NDK_URL = \
+ "https://dl.google.com/android/repository/%s-darwin-x86_64.zip" % NDK_VER
+def create_asset(target_dir):
+ """Create the asset."""
+ subprocess.check_call(["curl", NDK_URL, "-o", "ndk.zip"])
+ subprocess.check_call(["unzip", "ndk.zip", "-d", target_dir])
+ for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(target_dir, NDK_VER, "*")):
+ shutil.move(f, target_dir)
+ subprocess.check_call(["rm", "ndk.zip"])
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('--target_dir', '-t', required=True)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ create_asset(args.target_dir)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/create_and_upload.py b/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/create_and_upload.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..1356447477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/create_and_upload.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Create the asset and upload it."""
+import argparse
+import common
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import utils
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('--gsutil')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ with utils.tmp_dir():
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ create_script = os.path.join(common.FILE_DIR, 'create.py')
+ upload_script = os.path.join(common.FILE_DIR, 'upload.py')
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(['python', create_script, '-t', cwd])
+ cmd = ['python', upload_script, '-t', cwd]
+ if args.gsutil:
+ cmd.extend(['--gsutil', args.gsutil])
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ # Trap exceptions to avoid printing two stacktraces.
+ sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/download.py b/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/download.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..96cc87d43f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/download.py
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Download the current version of the asset."""
+import common
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ common.run('download')
diff --git a/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/upload.py b/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/upload.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ba7fc8b6a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/upload.py
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Upload a new version of the asset."""
+import common
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ common.run('upload')
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.expected/Build-Mac-Clang-Arm64-Release-Android.json b/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.expected/Build-Mac-Clang-Arm64-Release-Android.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49c8306c26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.expected/Build-Mac-Clang-Arm64-Release-Android.json
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-u",
+ "\nimport json\nimport sys\n\nwith open(sys.argv[1]) as f:\n content = json.load(f)\n\nprint json.dumps(content, indent=2)\n",
+ "{\"buildername\": \"Build-Mac-Clang-Arm64-Release-Android\", \"buildnumber\": 5, \"mastername\": \"client.skia\", \"path_config\": \"kitchen\", \"recipe\": \"swarm_trigger\", \"revision\": \"abc123\", \"slavename\": \"skiabot-linux-swarm-000\"}"
+ ],
+ "name": "print properties",
+ "~followup_annotations": [
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@import json@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@import sys@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@ content = json.load(f)@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@print json.dumps(content, indent=2)@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_END@python.inline@@@"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "git",
+ "rev-parse",
+ "HEAD"
+ ],
+ "cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/skia",
+ "name": "git rev-parse",
+ "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-c",
+ "\"print 'abc123'\""
+ ],
+ "name": "got_revision",
+ "~followup_annotations": [
+ "@@@SET_BUILD_PROPERTY@got_revision@\"abc123\"@@@"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-u",
+ "\nimport shutil\nimport sys\nshutil.copy(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])\n",
+ "",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/.gclient"
+ ],
+ "name": "write .gclient"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-u",
+ "import os\nfor r, _, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):\n for fname in files:\n f = os.path.join(r, fname)\n if os.path.isfile(f):\n if os.access(f, os.X_OK):\n os.chmod(f, 0755)\n else:\n os.chmod(f, 0644)\n"
+ ],
+ "cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/skia",
+ "name": "fix filemodes",
+ "~followup_annotations": [
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@import os@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@for r, _, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@ for fname in files:@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@ f = os.path.join(r, fname)@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@ if os.path.isfile(f):@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@ if os.access(f, os.X_OK):@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@ os.chmod(f, 0755)@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@ else:@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@ os.chmod(f, 0644)@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_END@python.inline@@@"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-u",
+ "RECIPE_MODULE[depot_tools::git]/resources/git_setup.py",
+ "--path",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/swarming.client",
+ "--url",
+ "https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/swarming.client.git"
+ ],
+ "name": "git setup (swarming_client)"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "git",
+ "retry",
+ "fetch",
+ "origin",
+ "master"
+ ],
+ "cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/swarming.client",
+ "env": {
+ "PATH": "RECIPE_PACKAGE_REPO[depot_tools]:%(PATH)s"
+ },
+ "name": "git fetch (swarming_client)"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "git",
+ "checkout",
+ "-f",
+ ],
+ "cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/swarming.client",
+ "name": "git checkout (swarming_client)"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "git",
+ "rev-parse",
+ "HEAD"
+ ],
+ "cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/swarming.client",
+ "name": "read revision",
+ "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/",
+ "~followup_annotations": [
+ "@@@STEP_TEXT@<br/>checked out 'deadbeef'<br/>@@@"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "git",
+ "clean",
+ "-f",
+ "-d",
+ "-x"
+ ],
+ "cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/swarming.client",
+ "name": "git clean (swarming_client)"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "git",
+ "submodule",
+ "sync"
+ ],
+ "cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/swarming.client",
+ "name": "submodule sync (swarming_client)"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "git",
+ "submodule",
+ "update",
+ "--init",
+ "--recursive"
+ ],
+ "cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/swarming.client",
+ "name": "submodule update (swarming_client)"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-u",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/swarming.client/swarming.py",
+ "--version"
+ ],
+ "name": "swarming.py --version",
+ "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/",
+ "~followup_annotations": [
+ "@@@STEP_TEXT@0.8.6@@@"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "download_from_google_storage",
+ "--no_resume",
+ "--platform=linux*",
+ "--no_auth",
+ "--bucket",
+ "chromium-luci",
+ "-d",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/skia/infra/bots/tools/luci-go/linux64"
+ ],
+ "env": {
+ "PATH": "RECIPE_PACKAGE_REPO[depot_tools]:%(PATH)s"
+ },
+ "name": "download luci-go linux"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "download_from_google_storage",
+ "--no_resume",
+ "--platform=darwin",
+ "--no_auth",
+ "--bucket",
+ "chromium-luci",
+ "-d",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/skia/infra/bots/tools/luci-go/mac64"
+ ],
+ "env": {
+ "PATH": "RECIPE_PACKAGE_REPO[depot_tools]:%(PATH)s"
+ },
+ "name": "download luci-go mac"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "download_from_google_storage",
+ "--no_resume",
+ "--platform=win32",
+ "--no_auth",
+ "--bucket",
+ "chromium-luci",
+ "-d",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/skia/infra/bots/tools/luci-go/win64"
+ ],
+ "env": {
+ "PATH": "RECIPE_PACKAGE_REPO[depot_tools]:%(PATH)s"
+ },
+ "name": "download luci-go win"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-u",
+ "\nimport os, sys\nfrom common import chromium_utils # Error? See https://crbug.com/584783.\n\n\nif os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]):\n chromium_utils.RemoveDirectory(sys.argv[1])\n",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/luci-go"
+ ],
+ "env": {
+ "PYTHONPATH": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/skia/infra/bots/.recipe_deps/build/scripts"
+ },
+ "name": "rmtree luci-go",
+ "~followup_annotations": [
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@import os, sys@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@from common import chromium_utils # Error? See https://crbug.com/584783.@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@if os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]):@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@ chromium_utils.RemoveDirectory(sys.argv[1])@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_END@python.inline@@@"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-u",
+ "\nimport shutil\nimport sys\nshutil.copytree(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], symlinks=bool(sys.argv[3]))\n",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/skia/infra/bots/tools/luci-go",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/luci-go",
+ "0"
+ ],
+ "name": "Copy Go binary"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-u",
+ "RECIPE_MODULE[build::gsutil]/resources/gsutil_wrapper.py",
+ "--",
+ "RECIPE_PACKAGE_REPO[depot_tools]/gsutil.py",
+ "----",
+ "help"
+ ],
+ "name": "gsutil help"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-u",
+ "\nimport shutil\nimport sys\nshutil.copy(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])\n",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/skia/infra/bots/assets/android_sdk/VERSION",
+ "/path/to/tmp/"
+ ],
+ "name": "read android_sdk VERSION"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-u",
+ "\nimport shutil\nimport sys\nshutil.copy(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])\n",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/skia/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_darwin/VERSION",
+ "/path/to/tmp/"
+ ],
+ "name": "read android_ndk_darwin VERSION"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-u",
+ "\nimport sys, os\npath = sys.argv[1]\nmode = int(sys.argv[2])\nif not os.path.isdir(path):\n if os.path.exists(path):\n print \"%s exists but is not a dir\" % path\n sys.exit(1)\n os.makedirs(path, mode)\n",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/swarming_temp_dir",
+ "511"
+ ],
+ "name": "makedirs swarming tmp dir",
+ "~followup_annotations": [
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@import sys, os@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@path = sys.argv[1]@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@mode = int(sys.argv[2])@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@if not os.path.isdir(path):@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@ if os.path.exists(path):@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@ print \"%s exists but is not a dir\" % path@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@ sys.exit(1)@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@ os.makedirs(path, mode)@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_END@python.inline@@@"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-u",
+ "\nimport shutil\nimport sys\nshutil.copy(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])\n",
+ "{\n \"args\": [\n \"--isolate\", \n \"[SLAVE_BUILD]/skia/infra/bots/compile_skia.isolate\", \n \"--isolated\", \n \"[SLAVE_BUILD]/swarming_temp_dir/skia-task-compile_skia.isolated\", \n \"--config-variable\", \n \"OS\", \n \"Mac\", \n \"--blacklist\", \n \".git\", \n \"--blacklist\", \n \"out\", \n \"--blacklist\", \n \"*.pyc\", \n \"--blacklist\", \n \".recipe_deps\", \n \"--extra-variable\", \n \"WORKDIR\", \n \"[SLAVE_BUILD]\"\n ], \n \"dir\": \"[SLAVE_BUILD]\", \n \"version\": 1\n}",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/swarming_temp_dir/compile_skia.isolated.gen.json"
+ ],
+ "name": "Write compile_skia.isolated.gen.json"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-u",
+ "RECIPE_MODULE[build::isolate]/resources/isolate.py",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/swarming.client",
+ "batcharchive",
+ "--dump-json",
+ "/path/to/tmp/json",
+ "--isolate-server",
+ "https://isolateserver.appspot.com",
+ "--verbose",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/swarming_temp_dir/compile_skia.isolated.gen.json"
+ ],
+ "name": "isolate tests",
+ "~followup_annotations": [
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"compile_skia\": \"[dummy hash for compile_skia]\"@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@",
+ "@@@SET_BUILD_PROPERTY@swarm_hashes@{\"compile_skia\": \"[dummy hash for compile_skia]\"}@@@"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-u",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/swarming.client/swarming.py",
+ "trigger",
+ "--swarming",
+ "https://chromium-swarm.appspot.com",
+ "--isolate-server",
+ "https://isolateserver.appspot.com",
+ "--priority",
+ "90",
+ "--shards",
+ "1",
+ "--task-name",
+ "compile_skia/Mac/[dummy has/Build-Mac-Clang-Arm64-Release-Android/5",
+ "--dump-json",
+ "/path/to/tmp/json",
+ "--expiration",
+ "72000",
+ "--io-timeout",
+ "2400",
+ "--hard-timeout",
+ "14400",
+ "--dimension",
+ "gpu",
+ "none",
+ "--dimension",
+ "os",
+ "Mac",
+ "--dimension",
+ "pool",
+ "Skia",
+ "--tag",
+ "allow_milo:1",
+ "--tag",
+ "buildername:Build-Mac-Clang-Arm64-Release-Android",
+ "--tag",
+ "buildnumber:5",
+ "--tag",
+ "data:[dummy hash for compile_skia]",
+ "--tag",
+ "master:client.skia",
+ "--tag",
+ "name:compile_skia",
+ "--tag",
+ "os:Mac",
+ "--tag",
+ "revision:abc123",
+ "--tag",
+ "slavename:skiabot-linux-swarm-000",
+ "--tag",
+ "stepname:compile_skia on Mac",
+ "--idempotent",
+ "--cipd-package",
+ "android_sdk:skia/bots/android_sdk:version:0",
+ "--cipd-package",
+ "android_ndk_darwin:skia/bots/android_ndk_darwin:version:0",
+ "[dummy hash for compile_skia]",
+ "--",
+ "--workdir",
+ "../../..",
+ "swarm_compile",
+ "buildername=Build-Mac-Clang-Arm64-Release-Android",
+ "mastername=client.skia.compile",
+ "buildnumber=1",
+ "slavename=skiabot-dummy-compile-slave",
+ "reason=Triggered by Skia swarm_trigger Recipe",
+ "swarm_out_dir=${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}",
+ "revision=abc123"
+ ],
+ "name": "[trigger] compile_skia on Mac",
+ "~followup_annotations": [
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"base_task_name\": \"compile_skia/Mac/[dummy has/Build-Mac-Clang-Arm64-Release-Android/5\", @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"tasks\": {@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"compile_skia/Mac/[dummy has/Build-Mac-Clang-Arm64-Release-Android/5\": {@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"shard_index\": 0, @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"task_id\": \"10000\", @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"view_url\": \"https://chromium-swarm.appspot.com/user/task/10000\"@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ }@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ }@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LINK@shard #0@https://chromium-swarm.appspot.com/user/task/10000@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LINK@view steps on Milo@https://luci-milo.appspot.com/swarming/task/10000@@@"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-u",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/swarming.client/swarming.py",
+ "collect",
+ "--swarming",
+ "https://chromium-swarm.appspot.com",
+ "--decorate",
+ "--print-status-updates",
+ "--json",
+ "{\"base_task_name\": \"compile_skia/Mac/[dummy has/Build-Mac-Clang-Arm64-Release-Android/5\", \"tasks\": {\"compile_skia/Mac/[dummy has/Build-Mac-Clang-Arm64-Release-Android/5\": {\"shard_index\": 0, \"task_id\": \"10000\", \"view_url\": \"https://chromium-swarm.appspot.com/user/task/10000\"}}}",
+ "--task-summary-json",
+ "/path/to/tmp/json"
+ ],
+ "name": "compile_skia on Mac",
+ "~followup_annotations": [
+ "@@@STEP_TEXT@swarming pending 71s@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"shards\": [@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ {@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"abandoned_ts\": null, @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"bot_id\": \"vm30\", @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"completed_ts\": \"2014-09-25T01:42:00.123\", @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"created_ts\": \"2014-09-25T01:41:00.123\", @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"durations\": [@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ 5.7, @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ 31.5@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ ], @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"exit_codes\": [@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ 0, @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ 0@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ ], @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"failure\": false, @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"id\": \"148aa78d7aa0000\", @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"internal_failure\": false, @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"isolated_out\": {@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"isolated\": \"abc123\", @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"isolatedserver\": \"https://isolateserver.appspot.com\", @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"namespace\": \"default-gzip\", @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"view_url\": \"blah\"@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ }, @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"modified_ts\": \"2014-09-25 01:42:00\", @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"name\": \"heartbeat-canary-2014-09-25_01:41:55-os=Windows\", @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"outputs\": [@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"Heart beat succeeded on win32.\\n\", @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"Foo\"@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ ], @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"started_ts\": \"2014-09-25T01:42:11.123\", @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"state\": 112, @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"try_number\": 1, @@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ \"user\": \"unknown\"@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ }@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@ ]@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LINK@shard #0 isolated out@blah@@@",
+ "@@@STEP_LINK@view steps on Milo@https://luci-milo.appspot.com/swarming/task/148aa78d7aa0000@@@"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "$result",
+ "recipe_result": null,
+ "status_code": 0
+ }
+] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.expected/Build-Ubuntu-GCC-Arm64-Debug-Android_Vulkan.json b/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.expected/Build-Ubuntu-GCC-Arm64-Debug-Android_Vulkan.json
index 3f670903bf..8f64f9d38a 100644
--- a/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.expected/Build-Ubuntu-GCC-Arm64-Debug-Android_Vulkan.json
+++ b/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.expected/Build-Ubuntu-GCC-Arm64-Debug-Android_Vulkan.json
@@ -271,6 +271,16 @@
"cmd": [
+ "\nimport shutil\nimport sys\nshutil.copy(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])\n",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/skia/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_linux/VERSION",
+ "/path/to/tmp/"
+ ],
+ "name": "read android_ndk_linux VERSION"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-u",
"\nimport sys, os\npath = sys.argv[1]\nmode = int(sys.argv[2])\nif not os.path.isdir(path):\n if os.path.exists(path):\n print \"%s exists but is not a dir\" % path\n sys.exit(1)\n os.makedirs(path, mode)\n",
@@ -378,6 +388,8 @@
+ "--cipd-package",
+ "android_ndk_linux:skia/bots/android_ndk_linux:version:0",
"[dummy hash for compile_skia]",
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.expected/Test-Android-GCC-NVIDIA_Shield-GPU-TegraX1-Arm64-Debug-Vulkan.json b/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.expected/Test-Android-GCC-NVIDIA_Shield-GPU-TegraX1-Arm64-Debug-Vulkan.json
index c3e02c47ad..405be3f18e 100644
--- a/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.expected/Test-Android-GCC-NVIDIA_Shield-GPU-TegraX1-Arm64-Debug-Vulkan.json
+++ b/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.expected/Test-Android-GCC-NVIDIA_Shield-GPU-TegraX1-Arm64-Debug-Vulkan.json
@@ -271,6 +271,16 @@
"cmd": [
+ "\nimport shutil\nimport sys\nshutil.copy(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])\n",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/skia/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_linux/VERSION",
+ "/path/to/tmp/"
+ ],
+ "name": "read android_ndk_linux VERSION"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-u",
"\nimport sys, os\npath = sys.argv[1]\nmode = int(sys.argv[2])\nif not os.path.isdir(path):\n if os.path.exists(path):\n print \"%s exists but is not a dir\" % path\n sys.exit(1)\n os.makedirs(path, mode)\n",
@@ -378,6 +388,8 @@
+ "--cipd-package",
+ "android_ndk_linux:skia/bots/android_ndk_linux:version:0",
"[dummy hash for compile_skia]",
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.expected/Test-Android-GCC-Nexus7v2-GPU-Tegra3-Arm7-Release.json b/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.expected/Test-Android-GCC-Nexus7v2-GPU-Tegra3-Arm7-Release.json
index f21e61385a..780f02a1e9 100644
--- a/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.expected/Test-Android-GCC-Nexus7v2-GPU-Tegra3-Arm7-Release.json
+++ b/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.expected/Test-Android-GCC-Nexus7v2-GPU-Tegra3-Arm7-Release.json
@@ -271,6 +271,16 @@
"cmd": [
+ "\nimport shutil\nimport sys\nshutil.copy(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])\n",
+ "[SLAVE_BUILD]/skia/infra/bots/assets/android_ndk_linux/VERSION",
+ "/path/to/tmp/"
+ ],
+ "name": "read android_ndk_linux VERSION"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": [
+ "python",
+ "-u",
"\nimport sys, os\npath = sys.argv[1]\nmode = int(sys.argv[2])\nif not os.path.isdir(path):\n if os.path.exists(path):\n print \"%s exists but is not a dir\" % path\n sys.exit(1)\n os.makedirs(path, mode)\n",
@@ -378,6 +388,8 @@
+ "--cipd-package",
+ "android_ndk_linux:skia/bots/android_ndk_linux:version:0",
"[dummy hash for compile_skia]",
diff --git a/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.py b/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.py
index f49cd299f8..f512f770d6 100644
--- a/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.py
+++ b/infra/bots/recipes/swarm_trigger.py
@@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ DEPS = [
'client.skia': {
'skiabot-linux-swarm-000': [
- 'Test-Ubuntu-GCC-ShuttleA-GPU-GTX550Ti-x86_64-Release-Valgrind',
- 'Test-Ubuntu-Clang-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Coverage-Trybot',
+ 'Build-Mac-Clang-Arm64-Release-Android',
@@ -44,20 +43,22 @@ TEST_BUILDERS = {
- 'Housekeeper-PerCommit',
+ 'Housekeeper-PerCommit',
- 'Test-Android-GCC-Nexus7v2-GPU-Tegra3-Arm7-Release',
- 'Test-iOS-Clang-iPad4-GPU-SGX554-Arm7-Release',
+ 'Test-Android-GCC-Nexus7v2-GPU-Tegra3-Arm7-Release',
+ 'Test-Ubuntu-Clang-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Coverage-Trybot',
+ 'Test-Ubuntu-GCC-ShuttleA-GPU-GTX550Ti-x86_64-Release-Valgrind',
+ 'Test-iOS-Clang-iPad4-GPU-SGX554-Arm7-Release',
@@ -355,6 +356,10 @@ def compile_steps_swarm(api, builder_cfg, got_revision, infrabots_dir):
# Android bots require a toolchain.
if 'Android' in api.properties['buildername']:
cipd_packages.append(cipd_pkg(api, infrabots_dir, 'android_sdk'))
+ if 'Mac' in api.properties['buildername']:
+ cipd_packages.append(cipd_pkg(api, infrabots_dir, 'android_ndk_darwin'))
+ else:
+ cipd_packages.append(cipd_pkg(api, infrabots_dir, 'android_ndk_linux'))
# Windows bots require a toolchain.
if 'Win' in builder_name: