path: root/conformance/failure_list_cpp.txt
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Down-integrate from google3.Gravatar Feng Xiao2017-03-29
* Integrated internal changes from GoogleGravatar Adam Cozzette2016-11-17
* Fix bugs for internal integration.Gravatar Bo Yang2016-10-10
* Integrate internal changesGravatar Bo Yang2016-10-10
* Add note about JSON tests maybe being wrong. (#1992)Gravatar Thomas Van Lenten2016-08-23
* More JSON testsGravatar Thomas Van Lenten2016-08-22
* Make conformance tests more strict about the failure list.Gravatar Josh Haberman2016-06-03
* Allow conformance test runner to tolerate crashes, and re-enable conformance ...Gravatar Josh Haberman2016-01-11
* Down-integrate from internal code base.Gravatar Feng Xiao2015-12-11
* Added support for Json and valid input to conformance tests.Gravatar Josh Haberman2015-07-10
* Removed test_name from conformance.proto.Gravatar Josh Haberman2015-06-04
* Conformance tests can now be excluded based on their names.Gravatar Josh Haberman2015-06-03