path: root/conformance/conformance_python.py
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* add some test proto2 supported, add js proto2 supported, fixed some errorGravatar Yilun Chong2017-06-30
* change cpp and python to uniform messageGravatar Yilun Chong2017-06-29
* add proto2 supported for cpp,python,nodejs,ruby,phpGravatar Yilun Chong2017-06-27
* Factored Conformance and Benchmark test messages into shared test schema. (#1...Gravatar Joshua Haberman2016-12-03
* Integrate internal changesGravatar Bo Yang2016-10-10
* Remove all bare strings as exceptions.Gravatar Josh Haberman2015-12-04
* Added JSON support to Python conformance tests.Gravatar Josh Haberman2015-12-02
* Conformance test implementation for Python.Gravatar Josh Haberman2015-12-02