path: root/conformance/conformance.proto
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Factored Conformance and Benchmark test messages into shared test schema. (#1...Gravatar Joshua Haberman2016-12-03
* Add more JSON tests around underscores (#1963)Gravatar Thomas Van Lenten2016-08-16
* Add more types to the zero oneof cases.Gravatar Thomas Van Lenten2016-08-11
* Down-integrate from internal code base.Gravatar Feng Xiao2015-12-11
* Added support for Json and valid input to conformance tests.Gravatar Josh Haberman2015-07-10
* down-integrate internal changesGravatar Bo Yang2015-05-21
* Added conformance test support for Java.Gravatar Josh Haberman2015-04-16
* Factored conformance tests so they can run in-process.Gravatar Josh Haberman2015-04-15
* Added first version of conformance tests.Gravatar Josh Haberman2015-04-08