path: root/src/google/protobuf/compiler/python/python_generator.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/google/protobuf/compiler/python/python_generator.cc')
1 files changed, 794 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/google/protobuf/compiler/python/python_generator.cc b/src/google/protobuf/compiler/python/python_generator.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1171382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/google/protobuf/compiler/python/python_generator.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,794 @@
+// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
+// http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Author: robinson@google.com (Will Robinson)
+// This module outputs pure-Python protocol message classes that will
+// largely be constructed at runtime via the metaclass in reflection.py.
+// In other words, our job is basically to output a Python equivalent
+// of the C++ *Descriptor objects, and fix up all circular references
+// within these objects.
+// Note that the runtime performance of protocol message classes created in
+// this way is expected to be lousy. The plan is to create an alternate
+// generator that outputs a Python/C extension module that lets
+// performance-minded Python code leverage the fast C++ implementation
+// directly.
+#include <utility>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <google/protobuf/compiler/python/python_generator.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/io/printer.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/descriptor.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/stubs/strutil.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/stubs/substitute.h>
+namespace google {
+namespace protobuf {
+namespace compiler {
+namespace python {
+namespace {
+// Returns a copy of |filename| with any trailing ".protodevel" or ".proto
+// suffix stripped.
+// TODO(robinson): Unify with copy in compiler/cpp/internal/helpers.cc.
+string StripProto(const string& filename) {
+ const char* suffix = HasSuffixString(filename, ".protodevel")
+ ? ".protodevel" : ".proto";
+ return StripSuffixString(filename, suffix);
+// Returns the Python module name expected for a given .proto filename.
+string ModuleName(const string& filename) {
+ string basename = StripProto(filename);
+ StripString(&basename, "-", '_');
+ StripString(&basename, "/", '.');
+ return basename + "_pb2";
+// Returns the name of all containing types for descriptor,
+// in order from outermost to innermost, followed by descriptor's
+// own name. Each name is separated by |separator|.
+template <typename DescriptorT>
+string NamePrefixedWithNestedTypes(const DescriptorT& descriptor,
+ const string& separator) {
+ string name = descriptor.name();
+ for (const Descriptor* current = descriptor.containing_type();
+ current != NULL; current = current->containing_type()) {
+ name = current->name() + separator + name;
+ }
+ return name;
+// Name of the class attribute where we store the Python
+// descriptor.Descriptor instance for the generated class.
+// Must stay consistent with the _DESCRIPTOR_KEY constant
+// in proto2/public/reflection.py.
+const char kDescriptorKey[] = "DESCRIPTOR";
+// Prints the common boilerplate needed at the top of every .py
+// file output by this generator.
+void PrintTopBoilerplate(
+ io::Printer* printer, const FileDescriptor* file, bool descriptor_proto) {
+ // TODO(robinson): Allow parameterization of Python version?
+ printer->Print(
+ "#!/usr/bin/python2.4\n"
+ "# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!\n"
+ "\n"
+ "from google.protobuf import descriptor\n"
+ "from google.protobuf import message\n"
+ "from google.protobuf import reflection\n"
+ "from google.protobuf import service\n"
+ "from google.protobuf import service_reflection\n");
+ // Avoid circular imports if this module is descriptor_pb2.
+ if (!descriptor_proto) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2\n");
+ }
+// Returns a Python literal giving the default value for a field.
+// If the field specifies no explicit default value, we'll return
+// the default default value for the field type (zero for numbers,
+// empty string for strings, empty list for repeated fields, and
+// None for non-repeated, composite fields).
+// TODO(robinson): Unify with code from
+// //compiler/cpp/internal/primitive_field.cc
+// //compiler/cpp/internal/enum_field.cc
+// //compiler/cpp/internal/string_field.cc
+string StringifyDefaultValue(const FieldDescriptor& field) {
+ if (field.is_repeated()) {
+ return "[]";
+ }
+ switch (field.cpp_type()) {
+ case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT32:
+ return SimpleItoa(field.default_value_int32());
+ case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT32:
+ return SimpleItoa(field.default_value_uint32());
+ case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT64:
+ return SimpleItoa(field.default_value_int64());
+ case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT64:
+ return SimpleItoa(field.default_value_uint64());
+ case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_DOUBLE:
+ return SimpleDtoa(field.default_value_double());
+ case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_FLOAT:
+ return SimpleFtoa(field.default_value_float());
+ case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_BOOL:
+ return field.default_value_bool() ? "True" : "False";
+ case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_ENUM:
+ return SimpleItoa(field.default_value_enum()->number());
+ case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING:
+ return "\"" + CEscape(field.default_value_string()) + "\"";
+ case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE:
+ return "None";
+ }
+ // (We could add a default case above but then we wouldn't get the nice
+ // compiler warning when a new type is added.)
+ GOOGLE_LOG(FATAL) << "Not reached.";
+ return "";
+} // namespace
+Generator::Generator() : file_(NULL) {
+Generator::~Generator() {
+bool Generator::Generate(const FileDescriptor* file,
+ const string& parameter,
+ OutputDirectory* output_directory,
+ string* error) const {
+ // Completely serialize all Generate() calls on this instance. The
+ // thread-safety constraints of the CodeGenerator interface aren't clear so
+ // just be as conservative as possible. It's easier to relax this later if
+ // we need to, but I doubt it will be an issue.
+ // TODO(kenton): The proper thing to do would be to allocate any state on
+ // the stack and use that, so that the Generator class itself does not need
+ // to have any mutable members. Then it is implicitly thread-safe.
+ MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+ file_ = file;
+ string module_name = ModuleName(file->name());
+ string filename = module_name;
+ StripString(&filename, ".", '/');
+ filename += ".py";
+ scoped_ptr<io::ZeroCopyOutputStream> output(output_directory->Open(filename));
+ GOOGLE_CHECK(output.get());
+ io::Printer printer(output.get(), '$');
+ printer_ = &printer;
+ PrintTopBoilerplate(printer_, file_, GeneratingDescriptorProto());
+ PrintTopLevelEnums();
+ PrintTopLevelExtensions();
+ PrintAllNestedEnumsInFile();
+ PrintMessageDescriptors();
+ // We have to print the imports after the descriptors, so that mutually
+ // recursive protos in separate files can successfully reference each other.
+ PrintImports();
+ FixForeignFieldsInDescriptors();
+ PrintMessages();
+ // We have to fix up the extensions after the message classes themselves,
+ // since they need to call static RegisterExtension() methods on these
+ // classes.
+ FixForeignFieldsInExtensions();
+ PrintServices();
+ return !printer.failed();
+// Prints Python imports for all modules imported by |file|.
+void Generator::PrintImports() const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < file_->dependency_count(); ++i) {
+ string module_name = ModuleName(file_->dependency(i)->name());
+ printer_->Print("import $module$\n", "module",
+ module_name);
+ }
+ printer_->Print("\n");
+// Prints descriptors and module-level constants for all top-level
+// enums defined in |file|.
+void Generator::PrintTopLevelEnums() const {
+ vector<pair<string, int> > top_level_enum_values;
+ for (int i = 0; i < file_->enum_type_count(); ++i) {
+ const EnumDescriptor& enum_descriptor = *file_->enum_type(i);
+ PrintEnum(enum_descriptor);
+ printer_->Print("\n");
+ for (int j = 0; j < enum_descriptor.value_count(); ++j) {
+ const EnumValueDescriptor& value_descriptor = *enum_descriptor.value(j);
+ top_level_enum_values.push_back(
+ make_pair(value_descriptor.name(), value_descriptor.number()));
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < top_level_enum_values.size(); ++i) {
+ printer_->Print("$name$ = $value$\n",
+ "name", top_level_enum_values[i].first,
+ "value", SimpleItoa(top_level_enum_values[i].second));
+ }
+ printer_->Print("\n");
+// Prints all enums contained in all message types in |file|.
+void Generator::PrintAllNestedEnumsInFile() const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < file_->message_type_count(); ++i) {
+ PrintNestedEnums(*file_->message_type(i));
+ }
+// Prints a Python statement assigning the appropriate module-level
+// enum name to a Python EnumDescriptor object equivalent to
+// enum_descriptor.
+void Generator::PrintEnum(const EnumDescriptor& enum_descriptor) const {
+ map<string, string> m;
+ m["descriptor_name"] = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(enum_descriptor);
+ m["name"] = enum_descriptor.name();
+ m["full_name"] = enum_descriptor.full_name();
+ m["filename"] = enum_descriptor.name();
+ const char enum_descriptor_template[] =
+ "$descriptor_name$ = descriptor.EnumDescriptor(\n"
+ " name='$name$',\n"
+ " full_name='$full_name$',\n"
+ " filename='$filename$',\n"
+ " values=[\n";
+ string options_string;
+ enum_descriptor.options().SerializeToString(&options_string);
+ printer_->Print(m, enum_descriptor_template);
+ printer_->Indent();
+ printer_->Indent();
+ for (int i = 0; i < enum_descriptor.value_count(); ++i) {
+ PrintEnumValueDescriptor(*enum_descriptor.value(i));
+ printer_->Print(",\n");
+ }
+ printer_->Outdent();
+ printer_->Print("],\n");
+ printer_->Print("options=$options_value$,\n",
+ "options_value",
+ OptionsValue("EnumOptions", CEscape(options_string)));
+ printer_->Outdent();
+ printer_->Print(")\n");
+ printer_->Print("\n");
+// Recursively prints enums in nested types within descriptor, then
+// prints enums contained at the top level in descriptor.
+void Generator::PrintNestedEnums(const Descriptor& descriptor) const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.nested_type_count(); ++i) {
+ PrintNestedEnums(*descriptor.nested_type(i));
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.enum_type_count(); ++i) {
+ PrintEnum(*descriptor.enum_type(i));
+ }
+void Generator::PrintTopLevelExtensions() const {
+ const bool is_extension = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < file_->extension_count(); ++i) {
+ const FieldDescriptor& extension_field = *file_->extension(i);
+ printer_->Print("$name$ = ", "name", extension_field.name());
+ PrintFieldDescriptor(extension_field, is_extension);
+ printer_->Print("\n");
+ }
+ printer_->Print("\n");
+// Prints Python equivalents of all Descriptors in |file|.
+void Generator::PrintMessageDescriptors() const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < file_->message_type_count(); ++i) {
+ PrintDescriptor(*file_->message_type(i));
+ printer_->Print("\n");
+ }
+void Generator::PrintServices() const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < file_->service_count(); ++i) {
+ PrintServiceDescriptor(*file_->service(i));
+ PrintServiceClass(*file_->service(i));
+ PrintServiceStub(*file_->service(i));
+ printer_->Print("\n");
+ }
+void Generator::PrintServiceDescriptor(
+ const ServiceDescriptor& descriptor) const {
+ printer_->Print("\n");
+ string service_name = ModuleLevelServiceDescriptorName(descriptor);
+ string options_string;
+ descriptor.options().SerializeToString(&options_string);
+ printer_->Print(
+ "$service_name$ = descriptor.ServiceDescriptor(\n",
+ "service_name", service_name);
+ printer_->Indent();
+ map<string, string> m;
+ m["name"] = descriptor.name();
+ m["full_name"] = descriptor.full_name();
+ m["index"] = SimpleItoa(descriptor.index());
+ m["options_value"] = OptionsValue("ServiceOptions", options_string);
+ const char required_function_arguments[] =
+ "name='$name$',\n"
+ "full_name='$full_name$',\n"
+ "index=$index$,\n"
+ "options=$options_value$,\n"
+ "methods=[\n";
+ printer_->Print(m, required_function_arguments);
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.method_count(); ++i) {
+ const MethodDescriptor* method = descriptor.method(i);
+ string options_string;
+ method->options().SerializeToString(&options_string);
+ m.clear();
+ m["name"] = method->name();
+ m["full_name"] = method->full_name();
+ m["index"] = SimpleItoa(method->index());
+ m["serialized_options"] = CEscape(options_string);
+ m["input_type"] = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(*(method->input_type()));
+ m["output_type"] = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(*(method->output_type()));
+ m["options_value"] = OptionsValue("MethodOptions", options_string);
+ printer_->Print("descriptor.MethodDescriptor(\n");
+ printer_->Indent();
+ printer_->Print(
+ m,
+ "name='$name$',\n"
+ "full_name='$full_name$',\n"
+ "index=$index$,\n"
+ "containing_service=None,\n"
+ "input_type=$input_type$,\n"
+ "output_type=$output_type$,\n"
+ "options=$options_value$,\n");
+ printer_->Outdent();
+ printer_->Print("),\n");
+ }
+ printer_->Outdent();
+ printer_->Print("])\n\n");
+void Generator::PrintServiceClass(const ServiceDescriptor& descriptor) const {
+ // Print the service.
+ printer_->Print("class $class_name$(service.Service):\n",
+ "class_name", descriptor.name());
+ printer_->Indent();
+ printer_->Print(
+ "__metaclass__ = service_reflection.GeneratedServiceType\n"
+ "$descriptor_key$ = $descriptor_name$\n",
+ "descriptor_key", kDescriptorKey,
+ "descriptor_name", ModuleLevelServiceDescriptorName(descriptor));
+ printer_->Outdent();
+void Generator::PrintServiceStub(const ServiceDescriptor& descriptor) const {
+ // Print the service stub.
+ printer_->Print("class $class_name$_Stub($class_name$):\n",
+ "class_name", descriptor.name());
+ printer_->Indent();
+ printer_->Print(
+ "__metaclass__ = service_reflection.GeneratedServiceStubType\n"
+ "$descriptor_key$ = $descriptor_name$\n",
+ "descriptor_key", kDescriptorKey,
+ "descriptor_name", ModuleLevelServiceDescriptorName(descriptor));
+ printer_->Outdent();
+// Prints statement assigning ModuleLevelDescriptorName(message_descriptor)
+// to a Python Descriptor object for message_descriptor.
+// Mutually recursive with PrintNestedDescriptors().
+void Generator::PrintDescriptor(const Descriptor& message_descriptor) const {
+ PrintNestedDescriptors(message_descriptor);
+ printer_->Print("\n");
+ printer_->Print("$descriptor_name$ = descriptor.Descriptor(\n",
+ "descriptor_name",
+ ModuleLevelDescriptorName(message_descriptor));
+ printer_->Indent();
+ map<string, string> m;
+ m["name"] = message_descriptor.name();
+ m["full_name"] = message_descriptor.full_name();
+ m["filename"] = message_descriptor.file()->name();
+ const char required_function_arguments[] =
+ "name='$name$',\n"
+ "full_name='$full_name$',\n"
+ "filename='$filename$',\n"
+ "containing_type=None,\n"; // TODO(robinson): Implement containing_type.
+ printer_->Print(m, required_function_arguments);
+ PrintFieldsInDescriptor(message_descriptor);
+ PrintExtensionsInDescriptor(message_descriptor);
+ // TODO(robinson): implement printing of nested_types.
+ printer_->Print("nested_types=[], # TODO(robinson): Implement.\n");
+ printer_->Print("enum_types=[\n");
+ printer_->Indent();
+ for (int i = 0; i < message_descriptor.enum_type_count(); ++i) {
+ const string descriptor_name = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(
+ *message_descriptor.enum_type(i));
+ printer_->Print(descriptor_name.c_str());
+ printer_->Print(",\n");
+ }
+ printer_->Outdent();
+ printer_->Print("],\n");
+ string options_string;
+ message_descriptor.options().SerializeToString(&options_string);
+ printer_->Print(
+ "options=$options_value$",
+ "options_value", OptionsValue("MessageOptions", options_string));
+ printer_->Outdent();
+ printer_->Print(")\n");
+// Prints Python Descriptor objects for all nested types contained in
+// message_descriptor.
+// Mutually recursive with PrintDescriptor().
+void Generator::PrintNestedDescriptors(
+ const Descriptor& containing_descriptor) const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < containing_descriptor.nested_type_count(); ++i) {
+ PrintDescriptor(*containing_descriptor.nested_type(i));
+ }
+// Prints all messages in |file|.
+void Generator::PrintMessages() const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < file_->message_type_count(); ++i) {
+ PrintMessage(*file_->message_type(i));
+ printer_->Print("\n");
+ }
+// Prints a Python class for the given message descriptor. We defer to the
+// metaclass to do almost all of the work of actually creating a useful class.
+// The purpose of this function and its many helper functions above is merely
+// to output a Python version of the descriptors, which the metaclass in
+// reflection.py will use to construct the meat of the class itself.
+// Mutually recursive with PrintNestedMessages().
+void Generator::PrintMessage(
+ const Descriptor& message_descriptor) const {
+ printer_->Print("class $name$(message.Message):\n", "name",
+ message_descriptor.name());
+ printer_->Indent();
+ printer_->Print("__metaclass__ = reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType\n");
+ PrintNestedMessages(message_descriptor);
+ map<string, string> m;
+ m["descriptor_key"] = kDescriptorKey;
+ m["descriptor_name"] = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(message_descriptor);
+ printer_->Print(m, "$descriptor_key$ = $descriptor_name$\n");
+ printer_->Outdent();
+// Prints all nested messages within |containing_descriptor|.
+// Mutually recursive with PrintMessage().
+void Generator::PrintNestedMessages(
+ const Descriptor& containing_descriptor) const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < containing_descriptor.nested_type_count(); ++i) {
+ printer_->Print("\n");
+ PrintMessage(*containing_descriptor.nested_type(i));
+ }
+// Recursively fixes foreign fields in all nested types in |descriptor|, then
+// sets the message_type and enum_type of all message and enum fields to point
+// to their respective descriptors.
+void Generator::FixForeignFieldsInDescriptor(
+ const Descriptor& descriptor) const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.nested_type_count(); ++i) {
+ FixForeignFieldsInDescriptor(*descriptor.nested_type(i));
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.field_count(); ++i) {
+ const FieldDescriptor& field_descriptor = *descriptor.field(i);
+ FixForeignFieldsInField(&descriptor, field_descriptor, "fields_by_name");
+ }
+// Sets any necessary message_type and enum_type attributes
+// for the Python version of |field|.
+// containing_type may be NULL, in which case this is a module-level field.
+// python_dict_name is the name of the Python dict where we should
+// look the field up in the containing type. (e.g., fields_by_name
+// or extensions_by_name). We ignore python_dict_name if containing_type
+// is NULL.
+void Generator::FixForeignFieldsInField(const Descriptor* containing_type,
+ const FieldDescriptor& field,
+ const string& python_dict_name) const {
+ const string field_referencing_expression = FieldReferencingExpression(
+ containing_type, field, python_dict_name);
+ map<string, string> m;
+ m["field_ref"] = field_referencing_expression;
+ const Descriptor* foreign_message_type = field.message_type();
+ if (foreign_message_type) {
+ m["foreign_type"] = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(*foreign_message_type);
+ printer_->Print(m, "$field_ref$.message_type = $foreign_type$\n");
+ }
+ const EnumDescriptor* enum_type = field.enum_type();
+ if (enum_type) {
+ m["enum_type"] = ModuleLevelDescriptorName(*enum_type);
+ printer_->Print(m, "$field_ref$.enum_type = $enum_type$\n");
+ }
+// Returns the module-level expression for the given FieldDescriptor.
+// Only works for fields in the .proto file this Generator is generating for.
+// containing_type may be NULL, in which case this is a module-level field.
+// python_dict_name is the name of the Python dict where we should
+// look the field up in the containing type. (e.g., fields_by_name
+// or extensions_by_name). We ignore python_dict_name if containing_type
+// is NULL.
+string Generator::FieldReferencingExpression(
+ const Descriptor* containing_type,
+ const FieldDescriptor& field,
+ const string& python_dict_name) const {
+ // We should only ever be looking up fields in the current file.
+ // The only things we refer to from other files are message descriptors.
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_EQ(field.file(), file_) << field.file()->name() << " vs. "
+ << file_->name();
+ if (!containing_type) {
+ return field.name();
+ }
+ return strings::Substitute(
+ "$0.$1['$2']",
+ ModuleLevelDescriptorName(*containing_type),
+ python_dict_name, field.name());
+// Prints statements setting the message_type and enum_type fields in the
+// Python descriptor objects we've already output in ths file. We must
+// do this in a separate step due to circular references (otherwise, we'd
+// just set everything in the initial assignment statements).
+void Generator::FixForeignFieldsInDescriptors() const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < file_->message_type_count(); ++i) {
+ FixForeignFieldsInDescriptor(*file_->message_type(i));
+ }
+ printer_->Print("\n");
+// We need to not only set any necessary message_type fields, but
+// also need to call RegisterExtension() on each message we're
+// extending.
+void Generator::FixForeignFieldsInExtensions() const {
+ // Top-level extensions.
+ for (int i = 0; i < file_->extension_count(); ++i) {
+ FixForeignFieldsInExtension(*file_->extension(i));
+ }
+ // Nested extensions.
+ for (int i = 0; i < file_->message_type_count(); ++i) {
+ FixForeignFieldsInNestedExtensions(*file_->message_type(i));
+ }
+void Generator::FixForeignFieldsInExtension(
+ const FieldDescriptor& extension_field) const {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK(extension_field.is_extension());
+ // extension_scope() will be NULL for top-level extensions, which is
+ // exactly what FixForeignFieldsInField() wants.
+ FixForeignFieldsInField(extension_field.extension_scope(), extension_field,
+ "extensions_by_name");
+ map<string, string> m;
+ // Confusingly, for FieldDescriptors that happen to be extensions,
+ // containing_type() means "extended type."
+ // On the other hand, extension_scope() will give us what we normally
+ // mean by containing_type().
+ m["extended_message_class"] = ModuleLevelMessageName(
+ *extension_field.containing_type());
+ m["field"] = FieldReferencingExpression(extension_field.extension_scope(),
+ extension_field,
+ "extensions_by_name");
+ printer_->Print(m, "$extended_message_class$.RegisterExtension($field$)\n");
+void Generator::FixForeignFieldsInNestedExtensions(
+ const Descriptor& descriptor) const {
+ // Recursively fix up extensions in all nested types.
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.nested_type_count(); ++i) {
+ FixForeignFieldsInNestedExtensions(*descriptor.nested_type(i));
+ }
+ // Fix up extensions directly contained within this type.
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.extension_count(); ++i) {
+ FixForeignFieldsInExtension(*descriptor.extension(i));
+ }
+// Returns a Python expression that instantiates a Python EnumValueDescriptor
+// object for the given C++ descriptor.
+void Generator::PrintEnumValueDescriptor(
+ const EnumValueDescriptor& descriptor) const {
+ // TODO(robinson): Fix up EnumValueDescriptor "type" fields.
+ // More circular references. ::sigh::
+ string options_string;
+ descriptor.options().SerializeToString(&options_string);
+ map<string, string> m;
+ m["name"] = descriptor.name();
+ m["index"] = SimpleItoa(descriptor.index());
+ m["number"] = SimpleItoa(descriptor.number());
+ m["options"] = OptionsValue("EnumValueOptions", options_string);
+ printer_->Print(
+ m,
+ "descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(\n"
+ " name='$name$', index=$index$, number=$number$,\n"
+ " options=$options$,\n"
+ " type=None)");
+string Generator::OptionsValue(
+ const string& class_name, const string& serialized_options) const {
+ if (serialized_options.length() == 0 || GeneratingDescriptorProto()) {
+ return "None";
+ } else {
+ string full_class_name = "descriptor_pb2." + class_name;
+ return "descriptor._ParseOptions(" + full_class_name + "(), '"
+ + CEscape(serialized_options)+ "')";
+ }
+// Prints an expression for a Python FieldDescriptor for |field|.
+void Generator::PrintFieldDescriptor(
+ const FieldDescriptor& field, bool is_extension) const {
+ string options_string;
+ field.options().SerializeToString(&options_string);
+ map<string, string> m;
+ m["name"] = field.name();
+ m["full_name"] = field.full_name();
+ m["index"] = SimpleItoa(field.index());
+ m["number"] = SimpleItoa(field.number());
+ m["type"] = SimpleItoa(field.type());
+ m["cpp_type"] = SimpleItoa(field.cpp_type());
+ m["label"] = SimpleItoa(field.label());
+ m["default_value"] = StringifyDefaultValue(field);
+ m["is_extension"] = is_extension ? "True" : "False";
+ m["options"] = OptionsValue("FieldOptions", options_string);
+ // We always set message_type and enum_type to None at this point, and then
+ // these fields in correctly after all referenced descriptors have been
+ // defined and/or imported (see FixForeignFieldsInDescriptors()).
+ const char field_descriptor_decl[] =
+ "descriptor.FieldDescriptor(\n"
+ " name='$name$', full_name='$full_name$', index=$index$,\n"
+ " number=$number$, type=$type$, cpp_type=$cpp_type$, label=$label$,\n"
+ " default_value=$default_value$,\n"
+ " message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,\n"
+ " is_extension=$is_extension$, extension_scope=None,\n"
+ " options=$options$)";
+ printer_->Print(m, field_descriptor_decl);
+// Helper for Print{Fields,Extensions}InDescriptor().
+void Generator::PrintFieldDescriptorsInDescriptor(
+ const Descriptor& message_descriptor,
+ bool is_extension,
+ const string& list_variable_name,
+ int (Descriptor::*CountFn)() const,
+ const FieldDescriptor* (Descriptor::*GetterFn)(int) const) const {
+ printer_->Print("$list$=[\n", "list", list_variable_name);
+ printer_->Indent();
+ for (int i = 0; i < (message_descriptor.*CountFn)(); ++i) {
+ PrintFieldDescriptor(*(message_descriptor.*GetterFn)(i),
+ is_extension);
+ printer_->Print(",\n");
+ }
+ printer_->Outdent();
+ printer_->Print("],\n");
+// Prints a statement assigning "fields" to a list of Python FieldDescriptors,
+// one for each field present in message_descriptor.
+void Generator::PrintFieldsInDescriptor(
+ const Descriptor& message_descriptor) const {
+ const bool is_extension = false;
+ PrintFieldDescriptorsInDescriptor(
+ message_descriptor, is_extension, "fields",
+ &Descriptor::field_count, &Descriptor::field);
+// Prints a statement assigning "extensions" to a list of Python
+// FieldDescriptors, one for each extension present in message_descriptor.
+void Generator::PrintExtensionsInDescriptor(
+ const Descriptor& message_descriptor) const {
+ const bool is_extension = true;
+ PrintFieldDescriptorsInDescriptor(
+ message_descriptor, is_extension, "extensions",
+ &Descriptor::extension_count, &Descriptor::extension);
+bool Generator::GeneratingDescriptorProto() const {
+ return file_->name() == "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
+// Returns the unique Python module-level identifier given to a descriptor.
+// This name is module-qualified iff the given descriptor describes an
+// entity that doesn't come from the current file.
+template <typename DescriptorT>
+string Generator::ModuleLevelDescriptorName(
+ const DescriptorT& descriptor) const {
+ // FIXME(robinson):
+ // We currently don't worry about collisions with underscores in the type
+ // names, so these would collide in nasty ways if found in the same file:
+ // OuterProto.ProtoA.ProtoB
+ // OuterProto_ProtoA.ProtoB # Underscore instead of period.
+ // As would these:
+ // OuterProto.ProtoA_.ProtoB
+ // OuterProto.ProtoA._ProtoB # Leading vs. trailing underscore.
+ // (Contrived, but certainly possible).
+ //
+ // The C++ implementation doesn't guard against this either. Leaving
+ // it for now...
+ string name = NamePrefixedWithNestedTypes(descriptor, "_");
+ UpperString(&name);
+ // Module-private for now. Easy to make public later; almost impossible
+ // to make private later.
+ name = "_" + name;
+ // We now have the name relative to its own module. Also qualify with
+ // the module name iff this descriptor is from a different .proto file.
+ if (descriptor.file() != file_) {
+ name = ModuleName(descriptor.file()->name()) + "." + name;
+ }
+ return name;
+// Returns the name of the message class itself, not the descriptor.
+// Like ModuleLevelDescriptorName(), module-qualifies the name iff
+// the given descriptor describes an entity that doesn't come from
+// the current file.
+string Generator::ModuleLevelMessageName(const Descriptor& descriptor) const {
+ string name = NamePrefixedWithNestedTypes(descriptor, ".");
+ if (descriptor.file() != file_) {
+ name = ModuleName(descriptor.file()->name()) + "." + name;
+ }
+ return name;
+// Returns the unique Python module-level identifier given to a service
+// descriptor.
+string Generator::ModuleLevelServiceDescriptorName(
+ const ServiceDescriptor& descriptor) const {
+ string name = descriptor.name();
+ UpperString(&name);
+ name = "_" + name;
+ if (descriptor.file() != file_) {
+ name = ModuleName(descriptor.file()->name()) + "." + name;
+ }
+ return name;
+} // namespace python
+} // namespace compiler
+} // namespace protobuf
+} // namespace google