path: root/xmlunicode.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xmlunicode.el')
1 files changed, 786 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xmlunicode.el b/xmlunicode.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc19d9cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmlunicode.el
@@ -0,0 +1,786 @@
+;;; xmlunicode.el --- Unicode support for XML -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+;; $Id$
+;; Copyright (C) 2003 Norman Walsh
+;; Inspired in part by sgml-input, Copyright (C) 2001 Dave Love
+;; Inspired in part by http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2003/09/27/UniEmacs
+;; Author: Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>
+;; Maintainer: Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>
+;; Created: 2004-07-21
+;; Version: 1.6
+;; CVS ID: $Id$
+;; Keywords: utf-8 unicode xml characters
+;; This file is NOT part of GNU emacs.
+;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary
+;; This file provides a suite of functions designed to make it easier
+;; to enter Unicode into Emacs. It is not, in fact, particularly XML-specific though
+;; it does define an 'xml input-mode and does support the ISO 8879 entity names.
+;;; Usage
+;; 1. Before loading this file, make sure that the variable unicode-character-list is
+;; defined. The unicode-character-list is a list of triples of the form:
+;; (codepoint "unicode name" "iso name") ; iso name can be nil
+;; e.g.: (defvar unicode-character-list
+;; '(
+;; ;Codept Unicode name ISO Name
+;; (#x000000 "NULL" nil )
+;; (#x000001 "START OF HEADING" nil )
+;; ...
+;; (#x0000a0 "NO-BREAK SPACE" "nbsp" )
+;; (#x0000a1 "INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK" "iexcl" )
+;; (#x0000a2 "CENT SIGN" "cent" )
+;; ...))
+;; The easiest way to define this list is to load "unichars.el"
+;; which should be available where you got this file.
+;; 2. Bind the functions defined in this file to keys you find convenient.
+;; The likely candidates are:
+;; unicode-character-insert insert a character by unicode name
+;; (with completion)
+;; iso8879-character-insert insert a character by ISO entity name
+;; (with completion)
+;; unicode-smart-double-quote inserts an appropriate double quote
+;; unicode-smart-single-quote inserts an appropriate single quote
+;; unicode-character-menu-insert choose special character from a popup menu
+;; unicode-character-shortcut-insert enter a two-character shortcut for a
+;; unicode character
+;; You can also create a standard Emacs menu for the character menu list
+;; (instead of, or in addition to, the popup). To do that:
+;; (define-key APPROPRIATE-MAP [menu-bar unichar]
+;; (cons "UniChar" unicode-character-menu-map))
+;; Where APPROPRIATE-MAP is the name of the emacs keymap to bind into
+;; 3. If you want to use the xml input-mode, which provides automatic replacement for the
+;; ISO entity names:
+;; (set-input-method 'xml)
+;; in the appropriate context. Unlike sgml-input, xml-input only inserts the
+;; characters for which you have glyphs. It inserts other characters as numeric
+;; character references. (If you want to insert a literal character even if
+;; you don't have it in your fonts, use unicode-character-insert or
+;; iso8879-character-insert with a prefix.)
+;;; Changes
+;; v1.7
+;; Require "cl" because, well, because it's required. Also fiddled with
+;; the way single quotes are handled; the apostrophe is now part of the
+;; cycle
+;; v1.6
+;; Remove debugging code. Embarrassed again. :-(
+;; v1.5
+;; Fixed bug in unicode-smart-single-quote. It wasn't cycling through all
+;; three quotes correctly because of a typo in the function definition.
+;; Make sure smart semicolon insertion only happens if we're right at the
+;; end of a numeric character reference.
+;; v1.4
+;; Fixed bug in insert-smart-semicolon. It wasn't careful to tie the search
+;; to the most recent preceding ampersand.
+;; v1.3
+;; Fixed bug in (in-comment)
+;; Added unicode-smart-semicolon as another convenience for entering Unicode chars
+;; Added show-unicode-character-list
+;; v1.2
+;; Added unicode-smart-hyphen for easy insert of mdash and ndash
+;; Added unicode-smart-period for easy insert of hellip
+;; Fixed a bug in unicode-smart-single-quote
+;; v1.1
+;; Fixed a few bugs with respect to how numeric character references are entered.
+;; Added xml-tag-search-limit and unicode-charref-format
+;; v1.0
+;; First release. Nearly a complete rewrite from the former xmlchars.el file
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl)
+(defvar unicode-ldquo (decode-char 'ucs #x00201c))
+(defvar unicode-rdquo (decode-char 'ucs #x00201d))
+(defvar unicode-lsquo (decode-char 'ucs #x002018))
+(defvar unicode-rsquo (decode-char 'ucs #x002019))
+(defvar unicode-quot (decode-char 'ucs #x000022))
+(defvar unicode-apos (decode-char 'ucs #x000027))
+(defvar unicode-capos (decode-char 'ucs #x0002bc))
+(defvar unicode-ndash (decode-char 'ucs #x002013))
+(defvar unicode-mdash (decode-char 'ucs #x002014))
+(defvar unicode-hellip (decode-char 'ucs #x002026))
+(defvar unicode-charref-format "&#x%x;"
+ "The format for numeric character references")
+(defvar xml-tag-search-limit 4096
+ "Maximum distance to search from point for tag start characters")
+(defvar unicode-character-list-file "/define/this/before/you/load/me"
+ "The name of the file that contains your unicode-character-list. unichars.el should be available where you got this file.")
+(if (not (boundp 'unicode-character-list))
+ (load-file unicode-character-list-file))
+(defvar unicode-character-alist '()
+ "Mapping of Unicode character names to codepoints.")
+(let ((ulist unicode-character-list))
+ (setq unicode-character-alist
+ (list (cons (cadr (car ulist)) (car (car ulist)))))
+ (setq ulist (cdr ulist))
+ (while ulist
+ (nconc unicode-character-alist
+ (list (cons (cadr (car ulist)) (car (car ulist)))))
+ (setq ulist (cdr ulist))))
+(defvar iso8879-character-alist '()
+ "Mapping of ISO 8879 entity names names to codepoints.")
+(let ((ulist unicode-character-list))
+ (while (and ulist (not (caddr (car ulist))))
+ (setq ulist (cdr ulist)))
+ (setq iso8879-character-alist
+ (list (cons (caddr (car ulist)) (car (car ulist)))))
+ (setq ulist (cdr ulist))
+ (while ulist
+ (if (caddr (car ulist))
+ (nconc iso8879-character-alist
+ (list (cons (caddr (car ulist)) (car (car ulist))))))
+ (setq ulist (cdr ulist))))
+(defun iso8879-to-codepoints (&optional isolist)
+ "Converts a list of ISO 8879 entity names to a list of codepoints. This is a convenience function for defining the glyph list."
+ (let (codepoint-list)
+ (setq codepoint-list (list 0))
+ (while isolist
+ (nconc codepoint-list
+ (list (cdr (assoc (car isolist) iso8879-character-alist))))
+ (setq isolist (cdr isolist)))
+ (cdr codepoint-list)))
+(defun unicode-to-codepoints (&optional unilist)
+ "Converts a list of Unicode character names to a list of codepoints. This is a convenience function for defining the glyph list."
+ (let (codepoint-list)
+ (setq codepoint-list (list 0))
+ (while unilist
+ (nconc codepoint-list
+ (list (cdr (assoc (car isolist) unicode-character-alist))))
+ (setq unilist (cdr unilist)))
+ (cdr codepoint-list)))
+(defvar unicode-glyph-list
+ (append
+ '(?A ?B ?C ?D ?E ?F ?G ?H ?I ?J ?K ?L ?M
+ ?N ?O ?P ?Q ?R ?S ?T ?U ?V ?W ?X ?Y ?Z
+ ?a ?b ?c ?d ?e ?f ?g ?h ?i ?j ?k ?l ?m
+ ?n ?o ?p ?q ?r ?s ?t ?u ?v ?w ?x ?y ?z
+ ?0 ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 ?7 ?8 ?9 ?! ?@ ?#
+ ?$ ?% ?^ ?* ?( ?) ?- ?_ ?= ?+ ?\ ?|
+ ?[ ?] ?{ ?} 59 ?: ?/ ?? ?. 44 96 126)
+ (iso8879-to-codepoints
+ '("AElig" "Aacute" "Abreve" "Acirc" "Agrave" "Amacr" "Aogon"
+ "Aring" "Atilde" "Auml" "Cacute" "Ccaron" "Ccedil" "Ccirc"
+ "Cdot" "Dagger" "Dcaron" "Dot" "Dstrok" "ENG" "ETH"
+ "Eacute" "Ecaron" "Ecirc" "Edot" "Egrave" "Emacr" "Eogon"
+ "Euml" "Gbreve" "Gcedil" "Gcirc" "Gdot" "Hcirc"
+ "Hstrok" "IJlig" "Iacute" "Icirc" "Idot" "Igrave"
+ "Imacr" "Iogon" "Itilde" "Iuml" "Jcirc" "Kcedil"
+ "Lacute" "Lcaron" "Lcedil" "Lmidot" "Lstrok" "Nacute"
+ "Ncaron" "Ncedil" "Ntilde" "OElig" "Oacute" "Ocirc"
+ "Odblac" "Ograve" "Omacr" "Oslash" "Otilde" "Ouml"
+ "Racute" "Rcaron" "Rcedil" "Sacute" "Scaron" "Scedil"
+ "Scirc" "THORN" "Tcaron" "Tcedil" "Tstrok" "Uacute"
+ "Ubreve" "Ucirc" "Udblac" "Ugrave" "Umacr" "Uogon"
+ "Uring" "Utilde" "Uuml" "Wcirc" "Yacute" "Ycirc"
+ "Yuml" "Zacute" "Zcaron" "Zdot" "aacute" "abreve"
+ "acirc" "acute" "aelig" "agrave" "amacr" "angst"
+ "aogon" "aring" "ast" "atilde" "auml"
+ "b.mu" "bdquo" "blank" "blk12" "blk14" "blk34"
+ "block" "boxDL" "boxDR" "boxH" "boxHD" "boxHU"
+ "boxUL" "boxUR" "boxV" "boxVH" "boxVL" "boxVR"
+ "boxVh" "boxdl" "boxdr" "boxh" "boxhd" "boxhu"
+ "boxul" "boxur" "boxv" "boxvH" "boxvh" "boxvl"
+ "boxvr" "breve" "brvbar" "bsol" "bull" "cacute"
+ "caron" "ccaron" "ccedil" "ccirc" "cdot" "cedil"
+ "cent" "circ" "colon" "comma" "commat" "copy"
+ "curren" "dagger" "dash" "dblac" "dcaron" "deg"
+ "die" "divide" "dollar" "dot" "dstrok" "eacute"
+ "ecaron" "ecirc" "edot" "egrave" "emacr" "emsp"
+ "emsp13" "emsp14" "eng" "ensp" "eogon" "equals"
+ "equiv" "eth" "euml" "excl" "exist" "fnof"
+ "forall" "frac12" "frac14" "frac34" "frasl" "gacute"
+ "gbreve" "gcedil" "gcirc" "gdot" "ge" "ges"
+ "grave" "hairsp" "half" "hcirc" "hellip"
+ "horbar" "hstrok" "hyphen" "iacute" "icirc" "iexcl"
+ "igrave" "ijlig" "imacr" "inodot" "inodot" "iogon"
+ "iquest" "itilde" "iuml" "jcirc" "kcedil" "kgreen"
+ "lacute" "laquo" "lcaron" "lcedil" "lcub" "ldquo"
+ "ldquor" "le" "les" "lhblk" "lmidot" "lowbar"
+ "lpar" "lsaquo" "lsqb" "lsquo" "lsquor" "lstrok"
+ "macr" "mdash" "mgr" "micro" "middot" "minus"
+ "mldr" "mu" "nacute" "napos" "nbsp" "ncaron"
+ "ncedil" "ndash" "ne" "nequiv" "nexist" "nge"
+ "nges" "ngt" "nle" "nles" "nlt" "not"
+ "ntilde" "num" "numsp" "oacute" "ocirc" "odblac"
+ "oelig" "ogon" "ograve" "omacr" "ordf" "ordm"
+ "oslash" "otilde" "ouml" "para" "percnt" "period"
+ "permil" "plus" "plusmn" "pound" "puncsp" "quest"
+ "racute" "raquo" "rcaron" "rcedil" "rcub"
+ "rdquo" "rdquor" "reg" "ring" "rpar" "rsaquo"
+ "rsqb" "rsquo" "rsquor" "sacute" "sbquo" "sbsol"
+ "scaron" "scedil" "scirc" "sect" "semi" "shy"
+ "sol" "sup1" "sup2" "sup3" "szlig" "tcaron"
+ "tcedil" "thinsp" "thorn" "tilde" "times" "trade"
+ "tstrok" "uacute" "ubreve" "ucirc" "udblac" "ugrave"
+ "uhblk" "umacr" "uml" "uogon" "uring" "utilde"
+ "uuml" "verbar" "wcirc" "wedgeq" "yacute" "ycirc"
+ "yen" "yuml" "zacute" "zcaron" "zdot")))
+ "A list of Unicode codepoints identifying the characters that display correctly in your Emacs with your fonts.")
+;; Insert characters by Unicode name (with completion)
+(defun unicode-character-insert (arg &optional argname)
+ "Insert a Unicode character by character name. If a prefix is given, the character will be inserted regardless of whether or not it has a displayable glyph; otherwise, a numeric character reference is inserted if the codepoint is not in the unicode-glyph-list. If argname is given, it is used for the prompt. If argname uniquely identifies a character, that character is inserted without the prompt."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
+ (uniname (if (stringp argname) argname ""))
+ (charname
+ (if (eq (try-completion uniname unicode-character-alist) t)
+ uniname
+ (completing-read
+ "Unicode name: "
+ unicode-character-alist
+ nil t uniname)))
+ codepoint glyph)
+ (setq codepoint (cdr (assoc charname unicode-character-alist)))
+ (xml-unicode-insert arg codepoint)))
+;; Insert characters by iso8879 name
+(defun iso8879-character-insert (arg &optional argname)
+ "Insert a Unicode character by ISO 8879 entity name. If a prefix is given, the character will be inserted regardless of whether or not it has a displayable glyph; otherwise, a numeric character reference is inserted if the codepoint is not in the unicode-glyph-list. If argname is given, it is used for the prompt. If argname uniquely identifies a character, that character is inserted without the prompt."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let* ((isoname (if (stringp argname) argname ""))
+ (charname
+ (if (eq (try-completion isoname iso8879-character-alist) t)
+ isoname
+ (completing-read
+ "ISO name: "
+ iso8879-character-alist
+ nil t isoname)))
+ codepoint glyph)
+ (setq codepoint (cdr (assoc charname iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (xml-unicode-insert arg codepoint)))
+(defun xml-unicode-insert (arg codepoint)
+ "Insert the Unicode character identified by codepoint taking into account available glyphs and XML predefined entities."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((glyph (memq codepoint unicode-glyph-list)))
+ (cond
+ ((and (decode-char 'ucs codepoint) (or arg glyph))
+ (ucs-insert codepoint))
+ ((= codepoint 34)
+ (insert "&quot;"))
+ ((= codepoint 38)
+ (insert "&amp;"))
+ ((= codepoint 39)
+ (insert "&apos;"))
+ ((= codepoint 60)
+ (insert "&lt;"))
+ ((= codepoint 62)
+ (insert "&gt;"))
+ (t
+ (insert (format unicode-charref-format codepoint))))))
+;; Menus
+(defvar unicode-character-menu-alist
+ '(
+ ("angst" . #x212B)
+ ("cent" . #x00A2)
+ ("copy" . #x00A9)
+ ("Dagger" . #x2021)
+ ("dagger" . #x2020)
+ ("deg" . #x00B0)
+ ("emsp" . #x2003)
+ ("ensp" . #x2002)
+ ("ETH" . #x00D0)
+ ("eth" . #x00F0)
+ ("euro" . #x20AC)
+ ("half" . #x00BD)
+ ("laquo" . #x00AB)
+ ("ldquo" . #x201c)
+ ("lsquo" . #x2018)
+ ("mdash" . #x2014)
+ ("micro" . #x00B5)
+ ("middot" . #x00B7)
+ ("nbsp" . #x00A0)
+ ("ndash" . #x2013)
+ ("not" . #x00AC)
+ ("numsp" . #x2007)
+ ("para" . #x00B6)
+ ("permil" . #x2030)
+ ("puncsp" . #x2008)
+ ("raquo" . #x00BB)
+ ("rdquo" . #x201d)
+ ("rsquo" . #x2019)
+ ("reg" . #x00AE)
+ ("sect" . #x00A7)
+ ("THORN" . #x00DE)
+ ("thorn" . #x00FE)
+ ("trade" . #x2122)
+ )
+ "Mapping of names to codepoints for use in the popup or Emacs menu.")
+(defun unicode-character-menu-insert ()
+ "Popup a menu for inserting unicode characters."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((xml-chars-menu
+ (list "Special char" (append (list "") unicode-character-menu-alist)))
+ (value (x-popup-menu t xml-chars-menu)))
+ (if value (xml-unicode-insert nil value))))
+(defvar unicode-character-menu-map (make-sparse-keymap "UniChar")
+ "A menu map for inserting Unicode characters.")
+(defun make-unicode-character-menu-bar ()
+ "Builds the unicode-character-menu-map for the currently defined unicode-character-menu-alist."
+ (let ((alist (reverse unicode-character-menu-alist))
+ name codepoint)
+ (setq unicode-character-menu-map (make-sparse-keymap "UniChar"))
+ (while alist
+ (setq name (car (car alist))
+ codepoint (cdr (car alist)))
+ (define-key unicode-character-menu-map (vector (intern name))
+ `(,name . (lambda () (interactive) (xml-unicode-insert nil ,codepoint))))
+ (setq alist (cdr alist)))))
+;; Simple XML tests
+(defun in-start-tag ()
+ "Crude test to see if point is inside an open start tag."
+ (interactive)
+ (let (slim here pgt plt)
+ (setq here (point))
+ (setq slim
+ (if (> here xml-tag-search-limit)
+ (- here xml-tag-search-limit)
+ 0))
+ (setq pgt (search-backward ">" slim t))
+ (goto-char here)
+ (setq plt (search-backward "<" slim t))
+ (goto-char here)
+ (if (and pgt plt)
+ (> plt pgt)
+ plt)))
+(defun after-start-tag ()
+ "Crude test to see if point is just after a start tag"
+ (interactive)
+ (if (and (char-before) (char-equal (char-before) ?>))
+ (let (slim here plt psl)
+ (setq here (point))
+ (setq slim
+ (if (> here xml-tag-search-limit)
+ (- here xml-tag-search-limit)
+ 0))
+ (setq plt (search-backward "<" slim t))
+ (goto-char here)
+ (setq psl (search-backward "/" slim t))
+ (goto-char here)
+ (or (and plt (not psl))
+ (and plt psl (< psl plt))))))
+(defun in-comment ()
+ "Crude test to see if point is inside a comment."
+ (interactive)
+ (let (slim here pgt pcmt)
+ (setq here (point))
+ (setq slim
+ (if (> here xml-tag-search-limit)
+ (- here xml-tag-search-limit)
+ 0))
+ (setq pgt (search-backward "-->" slim t))
+ (goto-char here)
+ (setq pcmt (search-backward "<!" slim t))
+ (goto-char here)
+ (if (and pgt pcmt)
+ (> pcmt pgt)
+ pcmt)))
+;;stolen from hen.el which in turn claims to have stolen it from cxref
+(defun unicode-looking-backward-at (regexp)
+ "Return t if text before point matches regular expression REGEXP.
+This function modifies the match data that `match-beginning',
+`match-end' and `match-data' access; save and restore the match
+data if you want to preserve them."
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((here (point)))
+ (if (re-search-backward regexp (point-min) t)
+ (if (re-search-forward regexp here t)
+ (= (point) here))))))
+;; Smart quotes
+(defun unicode-smart-double-quote ()
+ "Insert a left or right double quote as appropriate. Left quotes are inserted after a space, newline, or start tag. Right quotes are inserted after any other character, except if the preceding character is a quote, in which case we cycle through the three quote styles."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (char-before)
+ (let ((ch (char-before)))
+ (cond
+ ((in-start-tag)
+ (insert "\""))
+ ((or
+ (after-start-tag)
+ (char-equal ch 40) ; (
+ (char-equal ch 91) ; [
+ (char-equal ch ?{)) ; {
+ (insert unicode-ldquo))
+ ((or
+ (char-equal ch ?>) ; >
+ (char-equal ch 41) ; )
+ (char-equal ch 93) ; ]
+ (char-equal ch ?})) ; }
+ (insert unicode-rdquo))
+ ((or (char-equal ch 32)
+ (char-equal ch 10))
+ (insert unicode-ldquo))
+ ((char-equal ch unicode-ldquo)
+ (progn
+ (delete-backward-char 1)
+ (insert "\"")))
+ ((char-equal ch unicode-quot)
+ (progn
+ (delete-backward-char 1)
+ (insert unicode-rdquo)))
+ ((char-equal ch unicode-rdquo)
+ (progn
+ (delete-backward-char 1)
+ (insert unicode-ldquo)))
+ ((char-equal ch unicode-ldquo)
+ (progn
+ (delete-backward-char 1)
+ (insert unicode-rdquo)))
+ ((char-equal ch unicode-lsquo)
+ (insert unicode-ldquo))
+ (t (insert unicode-rdquo))))
+ (insert unicode-ldquo)))
+(defun unicode-smart-single-quote ()
+ "Insert a left or right single quote, or an apostrophe, as appropriate. Left quotes are inserted after a space, newline, or start tag. An apostrophe is inserted after any other character, except if the preceding character is a quote or apostrophe, in which case we cycle through the styles."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (char-before)
+ (let ((ch (char-before)))
+ (cond
+ ((in-start-tag)
+ (insert "'"))
+ ((or
+ (after-start-tag)
+ (char-equal ch 40) ; (
+ (char-equal ch 91) ; [
+ (char-equal ch ?{)) ; {
+ (insert unicode-lsquo))
+ ((or
+ (char-equal ch ?>) ; >
+ (char-equal ch 41) ; )
+ (char-equal ch 93) ; ]
+ (char-equal ch ?})) ; }
+ (insert unicode-rsquo))
+ ((or (char-equal ch 32)
+ (char-equal ch 10))
+ (insert unicode-lsquo))
+ ((char-equal ch unicode-apos) ; ' -> rsquo
+ (progn
+ (delete-backward-char 1)
+ (insert unicode-rsquo)))
+ ((char-equal ch unicode-rsquo) ; rsquo -> lsquo
+ (progn
+ (delete-backward-char 1)
+ (insert unicode-lsquo)))
+ ((char-equal ch unicode-lsquo) ; lsquo -> '
+ (progn
+ (delete-backward-char 1)
+ (insert unicode-apos)))
+ (t (insert unicode-apos))))
+ (insert unicode-lsquo)))
+(defun unicode-smart-hyphen ()
+ "Insert a hyphen, mdash, or ndash as appropriate. A hyphen, an mdash, and then an ndash is inserted."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (char-before)
+ (let ((ch (char-before)))
+ (cond
+ ((in-comment)
+ (insert "-"))
+ ((char-equal ch ?-)
+ (progn
+ (delete-backward-char 1)
+ (insert unicode-mdash)))
+ ((char-equal ch unicode-mdash)
+ (progn
+ (delete-backward-char 1)
+ (insert unicode-ndash)))
+ ((char-equal ch unicode-ndash)
+ (progn
+ (delete-backward-char 1)
+ (insert "-")))
+ (t (insert "-"))))
+ (insert "-")))
+(defun unicode-smart-period ()
+ "Insert an hellipsis for three dots."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (> (point) 2)
+ (let ((ch1 (char-before))
+ (ch2 (char-before (- (point) 1)))
+ (ch3 (char-before (- (point) 2))))
+ (cond
+ ((in-comment)
+ (insert "."))
+ ((char-equal ch1 unicode-hellip)
+ (progn
+ (delete-backward-char 1)
+ (insert "....")))
+ ((and ch3 (char-equal ch1 ?.) (char-equal ch2 ?.) (char-equal ch3 ?.))
+ (insert "."))
+ ((and (char-equal ch1 ?.) (char-equal ch2 ?.))
+ (progn
+ (delete-backward-char 2)
+ (insert unicode-hellip)))
+ (t (insert "."))))
+ (insert ".")))
+(defun unicode-smart-semicolon ()
+ "Detect numeric character references and replace them with the appropriate char."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((pos (point))
+ amppos codept)
+ (search-backward "&" nil t nil)
+ (setq amppos (point))
+ (goto-char pos)
+ (cond
+ ((unicode-looking-backward-at "&#[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+")
+ (progn
+ (re-search-backward "&#[xX]\\([0-9a-fA-F]+\\)" nil t nil)
+ (if (= amppos (point))
+ (progn
+ (setq codept (string-to-number (match-string 1) 16))
+ (if (memq codept unicode-glyph-list)
+ (replace-match (format "%c" (decode-char 'ucs codept)))
+ (progn
+ (goto-char pos)
+ (insert ";"))))
+ (progn
+ (goto-char pos)
+ (insert ";")))))
+ ((unicode-looking-backward-at "&#[0-9]+")
+ (progn
+ (re-search-backward "&#\\([0-9]+\\)" nil t nil)
+ (if (= amppos (point))
+ (progn
+ (setq codept (string-to-number (match-string 1) 10))
+ (if (memq codept unicode-glyph-list)
+ (replace-match (format "%c" (decode-char 'ucs codept)))
+ (progn
+ (goto-char pos)
+ (insert ";"))))
+ (progn
+ (goto-char pos)
+ (insert ";")))))
+ (t
+ (insert ";")))))
+;; Setup quail for XML mode
+(require 'quail)
+ "xml" "UTF-8" "&" t
+ "Unicode characters input method using ISO 8879 entitie names from the unicode-character-list"
+ nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
+(defvar xml-quail-define-rules '()
+ "The default xml-input rules. Built dynamically from the unicode-character-list and the unicode-glyph-list.")
+(let ((ulist iso8879-character-alist)
+ codepoint glyph entname)
+ (setq xml-quail-define-rules (list 'quail-define-rules))
+ (while ulist
+ (setq codepoint (cdr (car ulist)))
+ (setq glyph (memq codepoint unicode-glyph-list))
+ (setq entname (concat "&" (car (car ulist)) ";"))
+ (cond
+ ((and glyph (decode-char 'ucs codepoint))
+ (nconc xml-quail-define-rules
+ (list (list entname (decode-char 'ucs codepoint)))))
+ ((= codepoint 34)
+ (nconc xml-quail-define-rules
+ (list (list entname (vector "&quot;")))))
+ ((= codepoint 38)
+ (nconc xml-quail-define-rules
+ (list (list entname (vector "&amp;")))))
+ ((= codepoint 39)
+ (nconc xml-quail-define-rules
+ (list (list entname (vector "&apos;")))))
+ ((= codepoint 60)
+ (nconc xml-quail-define-rules
+ (list (list entname (vector "&lt;")))))
+ ((= codepoint 62)
+ (nconc xml-quail-define-rules
+ (list (list entname (vector "&gt;")))))
+ (t
+ (nconc xml-quail-define-rules
+ (list (list entname (vector (format unicode-charref-format codepoint)))))))
+ (setq ulist (cdr ulist))))
+(eval xml-quail-define-rules)
+;; Read two keys
+(defvar unicode-character-shortcut-alist
+ (list
+ (cons "AE" (cdr (assoc "AElig" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "A'" (cdr (assoc "Aacute" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "A^" (cdr (assoc "Acirc" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "A`" (cdr (assoc "Agrave" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "Ao" (cdr (assoc "Aring" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "A~" (cdr (assoc "Atilde" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "A\"" (cdr (assoc "Auml" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "C," (cdr (assoc "Ccedil" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "E'" (cdr (assoc "Eacute" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "E^" (cdr (assoc "Ecirc" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "E`" (cdr (assoc "Egrave" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "E\"" (cdr (assoc "Euml" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "I'" (cdr (assoc "Iacute" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "I^" (cdr (assoc "Icirc" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "I`" (cdr (assoc "Igrave" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "I\"" (cdr (assoc "Iuml" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "N~" (cdr (assoc "Ntilde" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "O'" (cdr (assoc "Oacute" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "O^" (cdr (assoc "Ocirc" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "O`" (cdr (assoc "Ograve" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "O/" (cdr (assoc "Oslash" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "O~" (cdr (assoc "Otilde" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "O\"" (cdr (assoc "Ouml" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "U'" (cdr (assoc "Uacute" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "U^" (cdr (assoc "Ucirc" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "U`" (cdr (assoc "Ugrave" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "U\"" (cdr (assoc "Uuml" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "Y'" (cdr (assoc "Yacute" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "a'" (cdr (assoc "aacute" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "a^" (cdr (assoc "acirc" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "ae" (cdr (assoc "aelig" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "a`" (cdr (assoc "agrave" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "ao" (cdr (assoc "aring" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "a~" (cdr (assoc "atilde" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "a\"" (cdr (assoc "auml" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "c," (cdr (assoc "ccedil" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "e'" (cdr (assoc "eacute" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "e^" (cdr (assoc "ecirc" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "e`" (cdr (assoc "egrave" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "e\"" (cdr (assoc "euml" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "i'" (cdr (assoc "iacute" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "i^" (cdr (assoc "icirc" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "i`" (cdr (assoc "igrave" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "i\"" (cdr (assoc "iuml" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "n~" (cdr (assoc "ntilde" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "o'" (cdr (assoc "oacute" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "o^" (cdr (assoc "ocirc" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "o`" (cdr (assoc "ograve" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "o-" (cdr (assoc "omacr" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "o/" (cdr (assoc "oslash" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "o~" (cdr (assoc "otilde" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "o\"" (cdr (assoc "ouml" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "sz" (cdr (assoc "szlig" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "u'" (cdr (assoc "uacute" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "u^" (cdr (assoc "ucirc" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "u`" (cdr (assoc "ugrave" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "u\"" (cdr (assoc "uuml" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "y'" (cdr (assoc "yacute" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "y\"" (cdr (assoc "yuml" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "12" (cdr (assoc "frac12" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "13" (cdr (assoc "frac13" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "14" (cdr (assoc "frac14" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "15" (cdr (assoc "frac15" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "16" (cdr (assoc "frac16" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "18" (cdr (assoc "frac18" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "23" (cdr (assoc "frac23" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "25" (cdr (assoc "frac25" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "34" (cdr (assoc "frac34" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "35" (cdr (assoc "frac35" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "38" (cdr (assoc "frac38" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "45" (cdr (assoc "frac45" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "56" (cdr (assoc "frac56" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "58" (cdr (assoc "frac58" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "78" (cdr (assoc "frac78" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "<<" (cdr (assoc "laquo" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons ".." (cdr (assoc "hellip" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "!i" (cdr (assoc "iexcl" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "?i" (cdr (assoc "iquest" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons " " (cdr (assoc "nbsp" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "+-" (cdr (assoc "plusmn" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "--" (cdr (assoc "mdash" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "$c" (cdr (assoc "cent" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "$e" (cdr (assoc "euro" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "$p" (cdr (assoc "pound" iso8879-character-alist)))
+ (cons "$y" (cdr (assoc "yen" iso8879-character-alist))))
+ "Defines a list of two-character shortcuts for keyboard entry of Unicode characters.")
+(defun unicode-character-shortcut-insert ()
+ "Read a (two-character) keyboard shortcut and insert the corresponding character."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((c1 (read-char))
+ (c2 (read-char))
+ (str (concat (char-to-string c1) (char-to-string c2))))
+ (cond
+ ((assoc str unicode-character-shortcut-alist)
+ (xml-unicode-insert nil
+ (cdr (assoc str unicode-character-shortcut-alist))))
+ (t (beep)))))
+(defun show-unicode-character-list ()
+ "Insert each Unicode character into a buffer. Let's you see which characters are available for literal display in your emacs font."
+ (let ((chars unicode-character-list)
+ char codept name)
+ (while chars
+ (setq char (car chars))
+ (setq chars (cdr chars))
+ (setq codept (car char))
+ (setq name (cadr char))
+ (if (< codept #xffff)
+ (progn
+ (insert (format "#x%06x " codept))
+ (ucs-insert codept)
+ (insert (format " %s\n" name)))))))
+;; EOF