path: root/generic/proof-script.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'generic/proof-script.el')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/generic/proof-script.el b/generic/proof-script.el
index 0baf3d5f..3a663a3a 100644
--- a/generic/proof-script.el
+++ b/generic/proof-script.el
@@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ next time an error is processed."
(defun proof-restart-buffers (buffers)
"Remove all extents in BUFFERS and maybe reset `proof-script-buffer'.
The high-level effect is that all members of BUFFERS are
-completely unlocked, including all the necessary cleanup. No
-effect on a buffer which is nil or killed. If one of the buffers
+completely unlocked, including all the necessary cleanup. No
+effect on a buffer which is nil or killed. If one of the buffers
is the current scripting buffer, then `proof-script-buffer' will
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ Works on any buffer."
(eq (proof-unprocessed-begin) (point-min)))
(defun proof-only-whitespace-to-locked-region-p ()
- "Non-nil if only whitespace from char-after point and end of locked region.
+ "Non-nil if only whitespace from char after point to end of locked region.
Point must be after the locked region or this will signal an error."
(or (eq (point) (point-max))
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ Intended as a hook function for `proof-shell-handle-error-or-interrupt-hook'."
(clrhash (cdr idtbl))))
(defun pg-remove-element (idiom id)
- "Remove the identifier ID from the script portion IDIOM."
+ "From the script portion IDIOM, remove the identifier ID."
(let* ((elts (cdr-safe (assq idiom pg-script-portions)))
(span (and elts (gethash idiom elts))))
(when span
@@ -518,8 +518,8 @@ Intended as a hook function for `proof-shell-handle-error-or-interrupt-hook'."
(remhash id elts))))
(defun pg-get-element (idiomsym id)
- "Return proof script element of type IDIOM identifier ID.
-IDIOM is a symbol, ID is a string."
+ "Return proof script element of type IDIOMSYM with identifier ID.
+IDIOMSYM is a symbol, ID is a string."
(assert (symbolp idiomsym))
(assert (stringp id))
(let ((idsym (intern id))
@@ -581,15 +581,15 @@ This is a value for the overlay 'invisible property."
(intern (concat "pg-" (symbol-name (or idiom 'other)))))
(defun pg-set-element-span-invisible (span invisiblep)
- "Function to adjust visibility of span to INVISIBLEP.
+ "Function to adjust visibility of SPAN to INVISIBLEP.
We use list values of the 'invisible property which contain
private symbols, that should play well with other conforming modes
and `buffer-invisibility-spec'."
(let* ((invisible-prop (pg-invisible-prop (span-property span 'idiom)))
(invisible-rest (remq invisible-prop
(span-property span 'invisible))))
- (span-set-property span 'invisible
- (if invisiblep
+ (span-set-property span 'invisible
+ (if invisiblep
(cons invisible-prop invisible-rest)
@@ -604,12 +604,12 @@ and `buffer-invisibility-spec'."
(pg-set-element-span-invisible span invisible))
(defun pg-make-element-invisible (idiomsym id)
- "Make element ID of type IDIOMSYM invisible, with ellipsis."
+ "Make element of type IDIOMSYM and identifier ID invisible, with ellipsis."
(let ((span (pg-get-element idiomsym id)))
(if span (pg-set-element-span-invisible span t))))
(defun pg-make-element-visible (idiomsym id)
- "Make element ID of type IDIOMSYM visible."
+ "Make element of type IDIOMSYM and identifier ID visible."
(let ((span (pg-get-element idiomsym id)))
(if span (pg-set-element-span-invisible span nil))))
@@ -625,8 +625,8 @@ IDIOMSYM is a symbol and ID is a strings."
- (concat "Make "
- (if current-prefix-arg "in" "")
+ (concat "Make "
+ (if current-prefix-arg "in" "")
"visible all regions of: ")
(apply 'vector pg-idioms) nil t))
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ IDIOMSYM is a symbol and ID is a strings."
(maphash alterfn elts)))))
(defun pg-add-proof-element (name span controlspan)
- "Add a span proof element to SPAN with name NAME and parent CONTROLSPAN."
+ "Add a span proof element (named NAME) to SPAN with parent CONTROLSPAN."
(let ((proofid (proof-next-element-id 'proof)))
(pg-add-element 'proof proofid span name)
;; Set id in controlspan [NB: intern here means symbol-name elsewhere]
@@ -665,8 +665,7 @@ Each span has a 'type property, one of:
'vanilla Initialised in proof-semis-to-vanillas, for
'comment A comment outside a command.
'proverproc A region closed by the prover, processed outwith PG
- 'pbp A PBP command inserted automatically into the script
+ 'pbp A PBP command inserted automatically into the script."
(let ((type (span-property span 'type))
(idiom (span-property span 'idiom))
(name (span-property span 'name))
@@ -995,7 +994,7 @@ Gives a message in the minibuffer and busy-waits for the retraction
or processing to complete. If it fails for some reason,
an error is signalled here."
(unless (or (eq action 'process) (eq action 'retract))
- (error "proof-protected-process-or-retract: invalid argument"))
+ (error "Invalid argument (in proof-protected-process-or-retract)"))
(let ((buf (or buffer (current-buffer))))
(with-current-buffer buf
(unless (proof-action-completed action)
@@ -1093,7 +1092,7 @@ retract or assert, or automatically take the action indicated in the
user option `proof-auto-action-when-deactivating-scripting'.
If `proof-no-fully-processed-buffer' is t there is only the choice
-to fully retract the active scripting buffer. In this case the
+to fully retract the active scripting buffer. In this case the
active scripting buffer is retracted even if it was fully processed.
Setting `proof-auto-action-when-deactivating-scripting' to 'process
is ignored in this case.
@@ -1117,7 +1116,7 @@ questioning the user. It is used to make a value for
the `kill-buffer-hook' for scripting buffers, so that when
a scripting buffer is killed it is always retracted."
- (proof-with-current-buffer-if-exists
+ (proof-with-current-buffer-if-exists
;; Examine buffer.
@@ -1277,7 +1276,7 @@ activation is considered to have failed and an error is given."
(eq 'interrupt proof-shell-last-output-kind))
(proof-deactivate-scripting) ;; turn off again!
;; Give an error to prevent further actions.
- (error
+ (error
"Scripting not activated because of error or interrupt")))))))
@@ -1405,7 +1404,7 @@ Argument SPAN has just been processed."
(pg-add-element 'comment id bodyspan)
(span-set-property span 'id (intern id))
(span-set-property span 'idiom 'comment)
- (let ((proof-shell-last-output "")) ; comments not sent, no last output
+ (let ((proof-shell-last-output "")) ; comments not sent, no last output
(pg-set-span-helphighlights bodyspan))
;; possibly evaluate some arbitrary Elisp. SECURITY RISK!
@@ -1512,8 +1511,9 @@ Argument SPAN has just been processed."
(defun proof-make-goalsave
(gspan goalend savestart saveend nam &optional nestedundos)
- "Make new goal-save span, using GSPAN. Subroutine of `proof-done-advancing-save'.
-Argument GOALEND is the end of the goal;."
+ "Make new goal-save span, using GSPAN.
+Subroutine of `proof-done-advancing-save'.
+Argument GOALEND is the end of the goal."
(unless proof-arbitrary-undo-positions
(span-set-end gspan saveend)
(span-set-property gspan 'type 'goalsave))
@@ -1646,7 +1646,7 @@ Subroutine of `proof-done-advancing-save'."
This partitions the script buffer into contiguous regions, classifying
them by type. Return a list of lists of the form
@@ -1860,8 +1860,8 @@ The optional QUEUEFLAGS are added to each queue item."
(span-set-property span 'cmd cmd)
(setq alist (cons qitem alist))))
;; ignored text
- (let ((qitem
- (list span nil cb queueflags))) ; nil was `proof-no-command'
+ (let ((qitem
+ (list span nil cb queueflags))) ; nil was `proof-no-command'
(span-set-property span 'type 'comment)
(setq alist (cons qitem alist))))
(setq start end)))
@@ -1923,7 +1923,7 @@ try to avoid duplicating them in the buffer.
When used in the locked region (and so with strict read only off), it
always defaults to inserting a semi (nicer might be to parse for a
comment, and insert or skip to the next semi)."
- (let ((mrk (point))
+ (let ((mrk (point))
(termregexp (regexp-quote proof-terminal-string))
ins incomment nwsp)
(if (< mrk (proof-unprocessed-begin))
@@ -2045,9 +2045,8 @@ We update display after proof process has reset its state.
See also the documentation for `proof-retract-until-point'.
Optionally delete the region corresponding to the proof sequence.
After an undo, we clear the proof completed flag. The rationale
-is that undoing never leaves prover in a \"proof just completed\"
-state, which is true for some proof assistants (but probably not
+is that undoing never leaves prover in a \"proof just completed\" state,
+which is true for some proof assistants (but probably not others)."
;; TODO: need to fixup proof-nesting-depth
(setq proof-shell-proof-completed nil)
(if (span-live-p span)
@@ -2074,7 +2073,7 @@ others)."
;; State of scripting may have changed now
(run-hooks 'proof-state-change-hook))
-(defun proof-setup-retract-action (start end proof-commands remove-action &optional
+(defun proof-setup-retract-action (start end proof-commands remove-action &optional
"Make span from START to END which corresponds to retraction.
Returns retraction action destined for proof shell queue, and make span.
@@ -2186,7 +2185,7 @@ DISPLAYFLAGS control output shown to user, see `proof-action-list'."
- (proof-start-queue (min start end) (proof-unprocessed-begin)
+ (proof-start-queue (min start end) (proof-unprocessed-begin)
actions 'retracting)))
(defun proof-retract-until-point-interactive (&optional delete-region)
@@ -2195,7 +2194,7 @@ If invoked outside a locked region, undo the last successfully processed
command. If called with a prefix argument (DELETE-REGION non-nil), also
delete the retracted region from the proof-script."
(interactive "P")
- (proof-retract-until-point
+ (proof-retract-until-point
(if delete-region 'kill-region)))
(defun proof-retract-until-point (&optional undo-action displayflags)
@@ -2205,8 +2204,8 @@ the locked region. If invoked outside the locked region, undo
the last successfully processed command. See `proof-retract-target'.
After retraction has succeeded in the prover, the filter will call
-`proof-done-retracting'. If UNDO-ACTION is non-nil, it will
-then be invoked on the region in the proof script corresponding to
+`proof-done-retracting'. If UNDO-ACTION is non-nil, it will
+then be invoked on the region in the proof script corresponding to
the proof command sequence.
DISPLAYFLAGS control output shown to user, see `proof-action-list'.
@@ -2218,7 +2217,7 @@ of effects:
for scripting again which may involve retracting
other (dependent) files.
-2. We may query the user whether to save some buffers.
+2. We may query the user whether to save some buffers.
Step 2 may seem odd -- we're undoing (in) the buffer, after all
-- but what may happen is that when scripting starts going
@@ -2371,9 +2370,9 @@ mode features, but are only ever processed atomically by the proof
(setq proof-script-buffer-file-name buffer-file-name)
- (setq font-lock-defaults
+ (setq font-lock-defaults
(list '(proof-script-font-lock-keywords)
- ;; see defadvice in proof-syntax
+ ;; see defadvice in proof-syntax
(fboundp (proof-ass-sym font-lock-fontify-syntactically-region))))
;; Has buffer already been processed?
@@ -2593,7 +2592,7 @@ finish setup which depends on specific proof assistant configuration."
;; Invisibility management: show ellipsis
(mapc (lambda (p)
- (add-to-invisibility-spec
+ (add-to-invisibility-spec
(cons (pg-invisible-prop p) t)))
@@ -2686,7 +2685,7 @@ Stores recent results of `proof-segment-up-to' in reverse order.")
(if (and
proof-use-parser-cache ;; safety off valve
- (>= (proof-queue-or-locked-end)
+ (>= (proof-queue-or-locked-end)
(setq res (proof-segment-cache-contents-for pos))
;; only use result if last edit point is >1 segment below
@@ -2710,7 +2709,7 @@ Stores recent results of `proof-segment-up-to' in reverse order.")
(defun proof-segment-cache-contents-for (pos)
;; only return result if we have cache for complete region
- (when (<= pos proof-segment-up-to-cache-end)
+ (when (<= pos proof-segment-up-to-cache-end)
(let ((semis proof-segment-up-to-cache)
(start (proof-queue-or-locked-end))
usedsemis semiend)
@@ -2719,7 +2718,7 @@ Stores recent results of `proof-segment-up-to' in reverse order.")
(if (> semiend start)
(setq usedsemis (cons (car semis) usedsemis)))
(setq semis
- (if (or (< semiend pos)
+ (if (or (< semiend pos)
;; matches parsing-until-find-something behaviour
(and (= semiend pos) (not usedsemis)))
(cdr semis))))