diff options
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 409 deletions
diff --git a/isa/ProofGeneral.ML b/isa/ProofGeneral.ML
deleted file mode 100644
index 293eac39..00000000
--- a/isa/ProofGeneral.ML
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
- Isabelle configuration for Proof General.
- Author: David Aspinall <da@dcs.ed.ac.uk>
- Contact: Isabelle maintainer <isabelle@dcs.ed.ac.uk>
- $Id$
-signature PROOFGENERAL =
- val kill_goal : unit -> unit
- val help : unit -> unit
- val show_context : unit -> theory
- val repeat_undo : int -> unit
- val clear_response_buffer : unit -> unit
- val clear_goals_buffer : unit -> unit
- (* Processing used files *)
- val retract_ML_files_children : string -> unit
- val retract_thy_file : string -> unit
- val list_loaded_files : unit -> unit
- val restart : unit -> unit
- val use_thy : string -> unit
- val update : unit -> unit
- (* not used *)
- val retract_ML_file : string -> unit
- val use_thy_and_update : string -> unit
- (* visible only for testing *)
- val loaded_parents_of : string -> string list
- val loaded_files : unit -> string list
- val apply_and_update_files : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> unit
- val initial_loaded_thys : thy_info Symtab.table ref
- val special_theories : string list ref
- val retracted_files : string list ref
-structure ProofGeneral : PROOFGENERAL =
- struct
- (* State *)
- (* Theories which have no .thy or .ML files *)
- val special_theories = ref ["ProtoPure", "Pure", "CPure"];
- (* Cache of retracted files: see notes below. *)
- val retracted_files = ref [] : string list ref;
- (* Copy of theory database *)
- val initial_loaded_thys = ref (!loaded_thys);
- (* Messages to Proof General *)
- fun retract_msg x = writeln ("Proof General, you can unlock the file "
- ^ (quote x))
- fun process_msg x = writeln ("Proof General, this file is loaded: "
- ^ (quote x))
- fun msg_unless_empty f x = if (x<>"") then f x else ();
- fun clear_response_buffer () =
- writeln("Proof General, please clear the response buffer.");
- fun clear_goals_buffer () =
- writeln("Proof General, please clear the goals buffer.");
- (* Some top-level commands for Proof General. *)
- fun kill_goal () = (Goal "PROP no_goal_supplied"; clear_goals_buffer())
- fun help () = print version;
- fun show_context () = the_context();
- (* Function used by undo operation *)
- fun repeat_undo 0 = ()
- | repeat_undo n = (undo(); repeat_undo (n-1));
- (*
- FIXME future function, to help synchronize in event of an error.
- fun clear_msg x = writeln
- ("Proof General, please clear your record of loaded files.")
- *)
- (* Functions used internally by Proof General to track
- dependencies between theory and ML files. *)
- Next few functions tell Proof General what files are
- loaded into Isabelle.
- *)
- (* subroutine: return loaded files for theory named tname *)
- fun loaded_files_for thys =
- let fun loaded_for tname =
- if (tname mem (!special_theories)) then [] else
- let val (path,thy_time,ml_time) =
- (case Symtab.lookup (!loaded_thys, tname) of
- (Some {path, thy_time, ml_time, ...}) =>
- (path, is_some thy_time, is_some ml_time)
- | None => ("",false,false)) (* shouldn't happen *)
- val (thy_file,ml_file) = get_thy_filenames path tname
- fun file_name x = if (x <> "") then [x] else []
- in
- (if thy_time then (file_name thy_file) else [])
- @
- (if ml_time then (file_name ml_file) else [])
- end
- in
- foldl (op @) ([], map loaded_for thys)
- end
- (* Return a list of the loaded files in the theory database *)
- fun loaded_files () = loaded_files_for
- (map fst (Symtab.dest (!loaded_thys)))
- (* List all the loaded files in the theory database.
- Clears the list of retracted files.
- *)
- fun list_loaded_files () =
- let
- val _ = retracted_files := []
- in
- (writeln "Setting loaded files list...";
- seq (msg_unless_empty process_msg) (loaded_files());
- writeln "Done.")
- end
- fun restart () =
- let val _ = (loaded_thys := !initial_loaded_thys)
- val _ = (retracted_files := [])
- in
- (list_loaded_files();
- clear_response_buffer();
- (* The goals output from this command is ignored because
- its followed by an urgent message. *)
- kill_goal();
- writeln "Isabelle Proof General: Isabelle process ready!")
- end;
- (*
- We keep some state here to record what files Proof General
- thinks have been retracted.
- Really this shouldn't be necessary but it gets round
- some of the mess of the theory loader.
- *)
- (* subroutine: retract a file and give message, if it hasn't
- been already reported to Proof General. *)
- fun retract_file_and_give_message filename msg_flag =
- if filename="" orelse (filename mem !retracted_files) then ()
- else (if msg_flag then (retract_msg filename) else ();
- retracted_files := filename :: !retracted_files;
- ())
- fun retract_file1 not_thy only_report_children filename =
- let val (path, tname) = split_filename filename
- fun show_msgs thy =
- let val (thy_file, ml_file) = get_thy_filenames (path_of thy) thy
- in (if not_thy then ()
- else retract_file_and_give_message thy_file true;
- retract_file_and_give_message ml_file
- (not only_report_children)) end
- (* Considered loaded if either theory or ML times set *)
- fun already_loaded thy =
- let val t = get_thyinfo thy
- in if is_none t then false
- else let val {thy_time, ml_time, ...} = the t
- in is_some thy_time orelse is_some ml_time end
- end
- fun children_loaded thy =
- let val children = children_of thy
- val present = filter (is_some o get_thyinfo) children;
- in filter already_loaded present end
- in
- if already_loaded tname then
- (show_msgs tname;
- map (retract_file1 false false) (children_loaded tname); ())
- else ()
- end;
- (* retract a script file and all it's theory/script children,
- but not it's parent theory. *)
- val retract_ML_file = retract_file1 true false;
- (* Same as above, but only give reports to Proof General for
- the children. *)
- val retract_ML_files_children = retract_file1 true true;
- (* retract a theory file and all it's theory/script children *)
- val retract_thy_file = retract_file1 false false;
- (* USING files.
- When a file is used by Isabelle, Proof General wants to know
- all it's ancestor files which are loaded automatically.
- The theory loader only loads files if they've changed,
- so we use the cache of retracted files to pretend more
- have been loaded.
- *)
- (* Find the loaded parents of a file (including the file itself) *)
- fun loaded_parents_of filename =
- let
- val (path, tname) = split_filename filename
- fun already_loaded thy =
- let val t = get_thyinfo thy
- in if is_none t then false
- else let val {thy_time, ml_time, ...} = the t
- in is_some thy_time orelse is_some ml_time end
- end
- fun gather_parents parents thys =
- let val next_parents = foldl (op union) ([],map parents_of_name thys)
- val interesting_parents = filter already_loaded next_parents
- val new_parents = interesting_parents \\ parents
- in case new_parents of
- [] => parents
- | _ => gather_parents (parents union new_parents) new_parents
- end
- in
- if (already_loaded tname)
- then loaded_files_for (gather_parents [tname] [tname])
- else []
- end;
- (* List the parents of a loaded file *)
- (* not used *)
- fun list_parents_with f filename =
- seq (msg_unless_empty f) (loaded_parents_of filename)
- (* Function to do a "use" operation.
- Only report the newly loaded parents of a theory, because its
- children should be unlocked at this point, and not get
- locked by the use operation.
- The current loaded files are taken to be those really loaded
- less the ones considered retracted. Newly loaded parents are
- the new files loaded which are parents afterwards.
- This all assumes that a use operation only loads parents.
- Using a theory can lock new files which are parents of the
- theory being used. It cannot unlock files.
- *)
- fun use_thy1 use_fn thy =
- let
- val loaded_before = (loaded_files()) \\ (!retracted_files)
- val _ = (use_fn thy) handle ex =>
- (list_loaded_files(); raise ex)
- val parents_after = loaded_parents_of thy
- val parents_added = parents_after \\ loaded_before
- val _ = retracted_files := ((!retracted_files) \\ parents_added)
- in
- (seq process_msg parents_added)
- end
- fun remove_mlfile_fromdb thy =
- let val tinfo = case Symtab.lookup (!loaded_thys, thy) of
- Some ({path, children, parents = parents, thy_time, theory,...}) =>
- { path = path, children = children, parents = parents, theory=
- theory, thy_time = thy_time, ml_time = None }
- | None => error
- ("remove_mlfile_from_db: theory " ^ thy ^ " not found");
- in loaded_thys := Symtab.update ((thy, tinfo), !loaded_thys) end;
- (* Use a theory file but not it's top-level ML file *)
- val use_thy =
- let fun use_fn file =
- let val _ = use_thy_no_topml file
- val (_, tname) = split_filename file
- val _ = remove_mlfile_fromdb tname (*fix bug in thy_no_topml*)
- in () end
- in use_thy1 use_fn end;
- (* Function to do an "update" operation.
- This is like the use operation above except that we
- consider all of the loaded files, since update can make
- change anywhere. It may also load top-level ML
- files which is a bit of a nuisance.
- *)
- fun apply_and_update_files update_fn x =
- let val files_before = loaded_files() \\ !retracted_files
- val _ = update_fn x
- val files_after = loaded_files()
- val files_added = files_after \\ files_before
- val files_removed = files_before \\ files_after
- in
- (seq retract_msg files_removed;
- seq process_msg files_added)
- end
- (* Update and re-list loaded files and deletions. *)
- val update = apply_and_update_files update;
- (* not used *)
- fun use_thy_and_update thy =
- (use_thy_no_topml thy;
- update();
- list_loaded_files();
- clear_response_buffer())
- end; (* struct ProofGeneral *)
-(* configure output channels to decorate output *)
- fun quickout s = TextIO.output (TextIO.stdOut, s);
- fun out s =
- (TextIO.output (TextIO.stdOut, s); TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut);
- fun outnl s =
- (TextIO.output (TextIO.stdOut, s^"\n"); TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut);
- fun prefix_lines_specials spec prfx txt sufx =
- txt |> split_lines |> map (fn s => spec ^ prfx ^ s ^ sufx ^ "\n")
- |> implode;
- (* Problem with writeln: it's hardwired to do out (s^"\n") but
- we really want annotations to appear before carriage returns.
- This hack deals with the last CR in a string.
- *)
- fun out_with_hacked_last_cr startspec str endspec =
- (quickout startspec;
- case (rev (split_lines str)) of
- [] => out endspec
- | ""::rest => (seq outnl (rev rest);
- out endspec)
- | _ => (quickout str; out endspec))
- (* \240 is octal 360, first special character used. *)
- val _ =
- (prs_fn :=
- (fn s => out_with_hacked_last_cr "\240" s "\241");
- warning_fn :=
- (fn s => out (prefix_lines_specials "\242" "### " s "\243"));
- error_fn :=
- (fn s => out (prefix_lines_specials "\244" "*** " s "\245")))
-(* add markup to proof state output *)
-val proof_state_special_prefix="\246"; (* ?\366 *)
-val proof_state_special_suffix="\247"; (* ?\367 *)
-val goal_start_special="\248"; (* ?\370 *)
- proof_state_special_suffix,
- goal_start_special);
- fun out s =
- (TextIO.output (TextIO.stdOut, s); TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut);
- fun print_current_goals_with_plain_output i j t =
- Library.setmp prs_fn out (print_current_goals_default i j) t;
-(* Proof General has problems sending commands outside of the
- action list. Also, it waits for the first prompt before doing
- anything. The next function hacks sending a prompt to get
- things going and to help fix things later. *)
- fun hack_send_prompt _ = out ">\250 \n";
-print_current_goals_fn := print_current_goals_with_plain_output;
-(* add specials to ml prompts *)
-ml_prompts ">\250" "-\251"; (* ?\372, ?\373 *)
- NB: Obscure bug with proof-shell-annotated-prompt-regexp set
- properly to include annotations: PG doesn't recognize first proof
- state output.
-(* Turn on verbose update output, Proof General likes to parse it.
- update_verbose:=true;
- Unfortunately broken. We use list_loaded_files instead. *)
-(* Wake up, Proof General! *)
-(* hack_send_prompt(); *)
-(* Get Proof General to cache the loaded files. *)