path: root/hol-light/TacticRecording/xthm.ml
diff options
authorGravatar mark <>2012-02-16 17:09:21 +0000
committerGravatar mark <>2012-02-16 17:09:21 +0000
commitaf9234996fb53a4e7c0ec404d8dd275df17f1ccd (patch)
treef82922967f145b50480494b041178b82e36c5e1c /hol-light/TacticRecording/xthm.ml
parente4438b2984cadf3e60935cb1e37be55e63f063a0 (diff)
First version of HOL Light tactic recording.
See INSTRUCTIONS and LIMITATIONS files for more details. Currently works for flattening "packaged-up" tactic proofs into g/e commands. Won't work for most proofs because most tactics/thms haven't been promoted. Support for exporting proof graph as a series of goal pairs. Support for displaying extra information to be intercepter by PG for Prooftree.
Diffstat (limited to 'hol-light/TacticRecording/xthm.ml')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hol-light/TacticRecording/xthm.ml b/hol-light/TacticRecording/xthm.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..210530fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hol-light/TacticRecording/xthm.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+(* ** DATATYPES ** *)
+type farg =
+ Fint of int
+ | Fstring of string
+ | Fterm of term
+ | Ftype of hol_type
+ | Fthm of finfo
+ | Fpair of farg * farg
+ | Flist of farg list
+ | Ffn of finfo
+and finfo =
+ string option (* Function's name *)
+ * farg list;; (* Function's args *)
+(* finfo_as_meta_arg *)
+let finfo_as_meta_arg (info:finfo) =
+ match info with
+ (x_, ((_::_) as args))
+ -> Ffn (x_, front args)
+ | _ -> failwith "finfo_as_meta_arg: Unexpected empty rule arg list";;
+(* Atomic tests *)
+let is_atomic_farg arg =
+ match arg with
+ Fthm (_,(_::_)) | Fpair _ -> false
+ | _ -> true;;
+let is_atomic_finfo ((x_,args):finfo) = (is_empty args);;
+(* active_info *)
+let active_info = (Some "...", []);;
+(* The 'xthm' datatype *)
+(* This couples a theorem with an 'finfo' representation of its proof. For *)
+(* named ML objects, this 'finfo' will simply be the ML name of the theorem. *)
+(* For rule applications, it will capture the rule and its arguments. *)
+type xthm = thm * finfo;;
+type xconv = term -> xthm;;
+(* Constructors and destructors *)
+let mk_xthm (xth:thm*finfo) : xthm = xth;;
+let mk_xthm0 x th = mk_xthm (th, (Some x, []));;
+let dest_xthm ((th,x):xthm) : thm * finfo = (th,x);;
+let xthm_thm ((th,_):xthm) = th;;
+let xthm_proof ((_,prf):xthm) = prf;;
+(* Theorem wrapper *)
+let theorem_wrap (x:string) (th:thm) : xthm =
+ (th, (Some x, []));;
+(* Rule wrappers *)
+(* Lots of rule wrappers are required because there are many different type *)
+(* shapes for rules. *)
+let rule_wrap0 finfo (r:'a->thm) (arg:'a) : xthm =
+ let th' = r arg in
+ mk_xthm (th',finfo);;
+let conv_wrap x (r:term->thm) (tm:term) : xthm =
+ rule_wrap0 (Some x, [Fterm tm]) r tm;;
+let thm_conv_wrap x (r:thm->term->thm) (thx:xthm) tm : xthm =
+ let (th,prf) = dest_xthm thx in
+ rule_wrap0 (Some x, [Fthm prf; Fterm tm]) (r th) tm;;
+let thmlist_conv_wrap x (r:thm list->term->thm) thxs (tm:term) : xthm =
+ let (ths,prfs) = unzip (map dest_xthm thxs) in
+ rule_wrap0 (Some x, [Flist (map (fun prf -> Fthm prf) prfs); Fterm tm])
+ (r ths) tm;;
+let rule_wrap x (r:thm->thm) (thx:xthm) : xthm =
+ let (th,prf) = dest_xthm thx in
+ rule_wrap0 (Some x, [Fthm prf]) r th;;
+let drule_wrap x (r:thm->thm->thm) (thx1:xthm) (thx2:xthm) : xthm =
+ let (th1,prf1) = dest_xthm thx1 in
+ let (th2,prf2) = dest_xthm thx2 in
+ rule_wrap0 (Some x, [Fthm prf1; Fthm prf2]) (r th1) th2;;
+let prule_wrap x (r:thm*thm->thm) ((thx1:xthm),(thx2:xthm)) : xthm =
+ let (th1,prf1) = dest_xthm thx1 in
+ let (th2,prf2) = dest_xthm thx2 in
+ rule_wrap0 (Some x, [Fpair(Fthm prf1, Fthm prf2)]) r (th1,th2);;
+let trule_wrap x (r:thm->thm->thm->thm)
+ (thx1:xthm) (thx2:xthm) (thx3:xthm) : xthm =
+ let (th1,prf1) = dest_xthm thx1 in
+ let (th2,prf2) = dest_xthm thx2 in
+ let (th3,prf3) = dest_xthm thx3 in
+ rule_wrap0 (Some x, [Fthm prf1; Fthm prf2; Fthm prf3]) (r th1 th2) th3;;
+let term_rule_wrap x (r:term->thm->thm) tm (thx:xthm) : xthm =
+ let (th,prf) = dest_xthm thx in
+ rule_wrap0 (Some x, [Fterm tm; Fthm prf]) (r tm) th;;
+let termpair_rule_wrap x (r:term*term->thm->thm) (tm1,tm2) (thx:xthm) : xthm =
+ let (th,prf) = dest_xthm thx in
+ rule_wrap0 (Some x, [Fpair(Fterm tm1,Fterm tm2); Fthm prf]) (r (tm1,tm2)) th;;
+let termthmpair_rule_wrap x (r:term*thm->thm->thm) (tm,thx0) (thx:xthm) : xthm =
+ let (th0,prf0) = dest_xthm thx0 in
+ let (th,prf) = dest_xthm thx in
+ rule_wrap0 (Some x, [Fpair(Fterm tm, Fthm prf0); Fthm prf]) (r (tm,th0)) th;;
+let termlist_rule_wrap x (r:term list->thm->thm) tms (thx:xthm) : xthm =
+ let (th,prf) = dest_xthm thx in
+ rule_wrap0 (Some x, [Flist (map (fun tm -> Fterm tm) tms); Fthm prf])
+ (r tms) th;;
+let terminst_rule_wrap x (r:(term*term)list->thm->thm) theta (thx:xthm) : xthm =
+ let (th,prf) = dest_xthm thx in
+ rule_wrap0 (Some x,
+ [Flist (map (fun (tm1,tm2) -> Fpair(Fterm tm1, Fterm tm2)) theta);
+ Fthm prf])
+ (r theta) th;;
+let typeinst_rule_wrap x (r:(hol_type*hol_type)list->thm->thm)
+ theta (thx:xthm) : xthm =
+ let (th,prf) = dest_xthm thx in
+ rule_wrap0 (Some x,
+ [Flist (map (fun (tm1,tm2) -> Fpair(Ftype tm1, Ftype tm2)) theta);
+ Fthm prf])
+ (r theta) th;;
+let thmlist_rule_wrap x (r:thm list->thm->thm) thxs (thx:xthm) : xthm =
+ let (ths,prfs) = unzip (map dest_xthm thxs) in
+ let (th,prf) = dest_xthm thx in
+ rule_wrap0 (Some x, [Flist (map (fun prf -> Fthm prf) prfs); Fthm prf])
+ (r ths) th;;
+(* Meta rule wrappers *)
+(* This works by ... *)
+(* Fails to give a meta argument if it never gets executed. *)
+let meta_rule_wrap0 finfo0 (mr:('a->thm)->'b->thm)
+ (xr:'a->xthm) (arg:'b) : xthm =
+ let temp = ref ((Some "???", []) : finfo) in
+ let r arg0 = let thx = xr arg0 in
+ let (th,finfo) = dest_xthm thx in
+ ((match finfo with
+ (x_, (_::_ as args))
+ -> (temp := (x_, front args))
+ | _ -> ());
+ th) in
+ let th' = mr r arg in
+ let (x_,args0) = finfo0 in
+ let finfo' = (x_, (Ffn !temp)::args0) in
+ (th',finfo');;
+let conv_conv_wrap x (mc:conv->conv) (c:term->xthm) (tm:term) : xthm =
+ meta_rule_wrap0 (Some x, [Fterm tm]) mc c tm;;
+let print_xthm ((th,info):xthm) = print_thm th;;
+#install_printer print_xthm;;