path: root/coq/coq.el
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authorGravatar Pierre Courtieu <courtieu@lri.fr>2006-09-06 09:41:12 +0000
committerGravatar Pierre Courtieu <courtieu@lri.fr>2006-09-06 09:41:12 +0000
commitcef854b93888b79d08b0410cc0600b53c9790d28 (patch)
tree19aee76b965498e9e8d5b160b2dc7caca6811622 /coq/coq.el
parent07088a47b162ebc8b46acb53d0fc3b4e0e9d1dc6 (diff)
Making error highlighting more robust (for both emacsen) and use a
span instead of region.
Diffstat (limited to 'coq/coq.el')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/coq/coq.el b/coq/coq.el
index f29d0932..573f115f 100644
--- a/coq/coq.el
+++ b/coq/coq.el
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ be asked to the user."
(define-key coq-keymap [(control ?l)] 'coq-LocateConstant)
(define-key coq-keymap [(control ?n)] 'coq-LocateNotation)
(define-key coq-keymap [(control ?g)] 'coq-Show)
-(define-key coq-keymap [?'] 'coq-highlight-error)
+;(define-key coq-keymap [?'] 'coq-highlight-error)
@@ -1392,22 +1392,86 @@ be asked to the user."
-(defun coq-highlight-error ()
- "Parses the last coq output looking at an error message. put mark and point
-around the text pointed by it."
- (let ((mtch (string-match "> \\( *\\)\\(\\^+\\)\n" proof-shell-last-output)))
+(defvar last-coq-error-location nil
+ "The last error message seen by `coq-get-last-error-location' and
+;; I don't use proof-shell-last-ouput here since it is not always set to the
+;; really last ouptut (specially when a *tactic* gives an error) instead I go
+;; directly to the response buffer. This allows also to clean the response
+;; buffer (better to only scroll it?)
+(defun coq-get-last-error-location (&optional parseresp clean)
+ "Return location information on last error sent by coq. Return a three
+elements list (pos lgth) if successful, nil otherwise. pos is the number of
+characters preceding the underlined expression, and lgth is its length.
+Coq error message must be like this:
+> command with an error here ...
+> ^^^^
+If PARSERESP is nil, don't really parse response buffer but take the value of
+`last-coq-error-location' instead, otherwise parse response buffer and updates
+If PARSERESP and CLEAN are non-nil, delete the error location from the response
+ (if (not parseresp) last-coq-error-location
+ (save-excursion
+ ;; proof-shell-handle-error-or-interrupt-hook is called from shell buffer
+ (set-buffer proof-response-buffer)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (let ((mtch (re-search-backward "\n>[^\n]+\n> \\( *\\)\\(\\^+\\)\n" nil 'dummy)))
+ ;; clean the response buffer from ultra-ugly underlined command line
+ ;; parsed above. Don't kill the first \n
+ (when (and clean mtch) (delete-region (+ mtch 1) (match-end 0)))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (when mtch
+ (let* ((pos (length (match-string 1)))
+ (lgth (length (match-string 2)))
+ (res (list pos lgth)))
+ (setq last-coq-error-location res)
+ res))))))
+(defun coq-highlight-error (&optional parseresp clean)
+ "Parses the last coq output looking at an error message. Highlight the text
+pointed by it. Coq error message must be like this:
+> command with an error here ...
+> ^^^^
+If PARSERESP is nil, don't really parse response buffer but take the value of
+`last-coq-error-location' instead, otherwise parse response buffer and updates
+If PARSERESP and CLEAN are non-nil, delete the error location from the response
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((mtch (coq-get-last-error-location parseresp clean)))
(when mtch
- (let ((pos (length (match-string 1)))
- (lgth (length (match-string 2))))
- (save-excursion
- ;; proof-shell-handle-error-or-interrupt-hook is called from response buffer
- (switch-to-buffer proof-script-buffer)
- (goto-char (+ (proof-locked-end) 1))
- (coq-find-real-start)
- (forward-char pos)
- (push-mark (+ (point) lgth) t t))))))
-(add-hook 'proof-shell-handle-error-or-interrupt-hook 'coq-highlight-error t)
+ (let ((pos (car mtch))
+ (lgth (cadr mtch)))
+ (set-buffer proof-script-buffer)
+ (goto-char (+ (proof-locked-end) 1))
+ (coq-find-real-start)
+ (forward-char pos)
+ (let ((sp (make-span (point) (+ (point) lgth))))
+ (set-span-face sp 'proof-warning-face)
+ ;; delete timer if exist
+ ;;(setq coq-highlight-error-timer (run-with-timer 10 nil 'delete-span sp))
+ (ignore-errors (sit-for 20)) ; errors here would skip the next delete
+ (delete-span sp)
+ )))))
+(defun coq-highlight-error-hook ()
+ (save-excursion (coq-highlight-error t t)))
+(add-hook 'proof-shell-handle-error-or-interrupt-hook 'coq-highlight-error-hook t)
(provide 'coq)