path: root/bindings/racket/manual.scrbl
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authorGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <bbarenblat@galois.com>2014-01-13 15:56:57 -0800
committerGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <bbarenblat@galois.com>2014-01-13 15:56:57 -0800
commitb69ec3f6d953e67422dd32b72688cba850fd1b2e (patch)
treea24e664807c19bd3b50f504ce0d33df24f135a23 /bindings/racket/manual.scrbl
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'bindings/racket/manual.scrbl')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/racket/manual.scrbl b/bindings/racket/manual.scrbl
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index 0000000..f27731b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/racket/manual.scrbl
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+#lang scribble/manual
+@;{ manual.scrbl -- Scribble documentation for ppamltracer-racket
+Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Galois, Inc.
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+To contact Galois, complete the Web form at <http://corp.galois.com/contact/>
+or write to Galois, Inc., 421 Southwest 6th Avenue, Suite 300, Portland,
+Oregon, 97204-1622. }
+@(require (for-label racket/base
+ racket/sequence))
+@(require (for-label ppamltracer))
+ppamltracer is a lightweight, portable tracing library designed for explicit instrumention of generated code.
+If you're writing a compiler and need hard data on your optimizer's efficacy, ppamltracer is the library for you.
+This Racket library provides a high-level API on top of the libppamltracer C API.
+ppamltracer's usage can be summed up in a couple lines:
+(require ppamltracer)
+(let/tracer [tracer "/tmp/my_report"]
+ (let/phase tracer [phase "phase 1"]
+ (with-phase-running phase
+ (do-stuff)))
+ (let/phase tracer [phase "phase 2"]
+ (with-phase-running phase
+ (do-other-stuff))
+ (with-phase-running phase
+ (do-yet-more-stuff))))
+This creates a report with the total runtime of @racket[do-stuff] recorded as "phase 1" and the total runtime of @racket[do-other-stuff] and @racket[do-yet-more-stuff] combined as "phase 2".
+@secref{getting-started} contains a more lengthy example.
+ppamltracer writes trace logs in the @hyperlink["http://tu-dresden.de/zih/otf/"]{Open Trace Format}, a free and open standard developed by the Zentrum für Informationsdienste und Hochleistungsrechnen (Center for Information Services and High-Performance Computing) at the Technical University of Dresden.
+We developed ppamltracer as part of DARPA's @hyperlink["http://darpa.mil/Our_Work/I2O/Programs/Probabilistic_Programming_for_Advanced_Machine_Learning_(PPAML).aspx"]{Probabilistic Programming for Advancing Machine Learning} (PPAML) project.
+@section[#:tag "getting-started"]{Getting Started}
+This basic example demonstrates using ppamltracer to trace two functions -- a factorial function and a Fibonacci number generator.
+@#reader scribble/comment-reader (racketblock
+;; simple.rkt -- basic ppamltracer example
+;; This file is in the public domain.
+(require racket/sequence)
+(require ppamltracer)
+(define (fact phase n)
+ ;; Record that we're running inside the factorial phase.
+ (with-phase-running phase
+ ;; Compute the factorial.
+ (if (= n 0)
+ 1
+ (* n (fact phase (- n 1))))))
+(define (fib phase n)
+ ;; Record that we're running inside the Fibonacci phase.
+ (with-phase-running phase
+ ;; Compute the nth Fibonacci number.
+ (case n
+ [(0 1) n]
+ [else (+ (fib phase (- n 1)) (fib phase (- n 2)))])))
+;; Start ppamltracer.
+(let/tracer [tracer "/tmp/simple_report"]
+ ;; Register the factorial phase.
+ (let/phase tracer [phase "fact"]
+ ;; Print factorials.
+ (printf "Factorials: ")
+ (sequence-for-each (lambda (n) (printf "~a " (fact phase n)))
+ (in-range 40))
+ (printf "\n"))
+ ;; Register the Fibonacci phase.
+ (let/phase tracer [phase "fib"]
+ ;; Print Fibonacci numbers.
+ (printf "Fibonacci numbers: ")
+ (sequence-for-each (lambda (n) (printf "~a " (fib phase n)))
+ (in-range 16))
+ (printf "\n")))
+@section{API in Depth}
+ppamltracer is fundamentally a set of stateful operations; the @racket[tracer] data type holds the state ppamltracer needs to operate properly.
+@defproc[(tracer? [obj any/c])
+ boolean?]{
+ Evaluates to @racket[#t] if and only if @racket[obj] is a @racket[tracer].
+@defproc[(call-with-tracer [report-name-base path-string?]
+ [proc (-> tracer? A)])
+ A]{
+ Creates a new @racket[tracer].
+ The @racket[tracer] will save trace reports in Open Trace Format; all trace file paths will begin with @racket[report-name-base].
+@defform[#:id let/tracer
+ #:literals (tracer)
+ (let/tracer [tracer report-name-base] body ...)
+ #:contracts ([report-name-base path-string?])]{
+ Macro version of @racket[call-with-tracer].
+ Equivalent to
+ @racketblock[
+ (call-with-tracer report-name-base (lambda (tracer) body ...))
+ ]
+A @racket[phase] represents a phase of execution about which the user wishes to gather timing statistics.
+@defproc[(phase? [obj any/c])
+ boolean?]{
+ Evaluates to @racket[#t] if and only if @racket[obj] is a @racket[phase].
+@defproc[(call-with-phase [tracer tracer?]
+ [phase-name string?]
+ [proc (-> phase? A)])
+ A]{
+ Creates a new @racket[phase] attached to @racket[tracer] and named @racket[phase-name].
+@defform[#:id let/phase
+ #:literals (phase)
+ (let/phase tracer [phase name] body ...)
+ #:contracts ([tracer tracer?]
+ [name string?])]{
+ Macro version of @racket[call-with-phase].
+ Equivalent to
+ @racketblock[
+ (call-with-phase tracer name (lambda (phase) body ...))
+ ]
+@defproc[(call-with-phase-running [phase phase?]
+ [proc (-> A)])
+ A]{
+ Runs @racket[proc], associating information about its timing and execution with @racket[phase] in the trace report.
+ Should @racket[proc] throw an exception, @racket[call-with-phase-running] will stop tracing before propagating the exception up the stack.
+@defform[#:id with-phase-running
+ #:literals (phase)
+ (with-phase-running phase body ...)
+ #:contracts ([phase phase?])]{
+ Macro version of @racket[call-with-phase-running].
+ Equivalent to
+ @racketblock[
+ (call-with-phase-running phase (lambda () body ...))
+ ]