path: root/bindings/haskell/src
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authorGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <bbarenblat@galois.com>2014-01-13 15:56:57 -0800
committerGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <bbarenblat@galois.com>2014-01-13 15:56:57 -0800
commitb69ec3f6d953e67422dd32b72688cba850fd1b2e (patch)
treea24e664807c19bd3b50f504ce0d33df24f135a23 /bindings/haskell/src
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'bindings/haskell/src')
2 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/haskell/src/PPAML/Tracer.hs b/bindings/haskell/src/PPAML/Tracer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddff15c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/haskell/src/PPAML/Tracer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+{- PPAML.Tracer -- PPAML timing instrumentation system (Haskell bindings)
+Copyright (C) 2014 Galois, Inc.
+This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+To contact Galois, complete the Web form at <http://corp.galois.com/contact/> or
+write to Galois, Inc., 421 Southwest 6th Avenue, Suite 300, Portland, Oregon,
+97204-1622. -}
+{-| Getting started with ppamltracer is easy. Because of Haskell’s intrinsic
+laziness, though, getting meaningful results out of ppamltracer is slightly more
+difficult. For instance, consider the following (correctly written) example:
+> import PPAML.Tracer
+> main =
+> withTracer "/tmp/my_report" $ \tracer ->
+> withPhase tracer "phase 1" $ \phase ->
+> withPhaseRunning phase doStuff
+> withPhase tracer "phase 2" $ \phase -> do
+> withPhaseRunning phase doOtherStuff
+> withPhaseRunning phase doYetMoreStuff
+This creates a report which appears to record the total runtime of 'doStuff'
+recorded as \"phase 1\" and the total runtime of 'doOtherStuff' and
+'doYetMoreStuff' combined as \"phase 2\". In actuality, however, the report
+does not record the total runtime – instead,
+> withPhaseRunning phase f
+records the time required to evaluate 'f'’s result to normal form. Thus, 'f'
+can leverage infinite data as intermediate values; only 'f'’s final result need
+be finite. -}
+{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+module PPAML.Tracer
+ ( -- * Tracers
+ Tracer, TracerHandle
+ , withTracer
+ -- * Phases
+ , Phase, PhaseHandle
+ , withPhase
+ -- * Timing
+ , withPhaseRunning, withPhaseRunning_
+ -- * Exceptions
+ {-| ppamltracer defines a fairly detailed exception hierarchy; however,
+ all exceptions are truly exceptional cases, and they likely will not
+ occur in normal use. For reference, the hierarchy looks like this:
+ @
+└─ 'TracerException'
+ ├─ 'OTFException'
+ │ ├─ 'OTFManagerException'
+ │ │ └─ 'OTFManagerInitializationFailure'
+ │ └─ 'OTFWriterException'
+ │ ├─ 'OTFWriterInitializationFailure'
+ │ ├─ 'OTFPhaseDefinitionFailure'
+ │ ├─ 'OTFPhaseEntryFailure'
+ │ ├─ 'OTFPhaseExitFailure'
+ │ ├─ 'OTFWriterCloseFailure'
+ │ ├─ 'OTFTraceResolutionFailure'
+ │ └─ 'OTFProcessDefinitionFailure'
+ └─ 'TimingException'
+ └─ 'ClockAcquisitionFailure'
+ @ -}
+ , TracerException
+ -- ** Open Trace Format exceptions
+ , OTFException
+ , OTFManagerException, OTFManagerInitializationFailure
+ , OTFWriterException, OTFWriterInitializationFailure,
+ OTFPhaseDefinitionFailure, OTFPhaseEntryFailure, OTFPhaseExitFailure,
+ OTFWriterCloseFailure, OTFTraceResolutionFailure,
+ OTFProcessDefinitionFailure
+ -- ** Timing exceptions
+ , TimingException, ClockAcquisitionFailure
+ ) where
+import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, ($!!))
+import Control.Exception (bracket_, throw)
+import Foreign (Storable, Ptr, allocaBytes, peek)
+import Foreign.C (CInt(CInt), CSize(CSize), CString, withCString)
+import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeDupablePerformIO)
+import PPAML.Tracer.Exception
+-------------------------------- High-level API --------------------------------
+{-| Constructs a 'Tracer' and executes the specified computation. The trace
+report will be stored in Open Trace Format; all trace file paths will begin with
+the specified path.
+ * 'OTFManagerInitializationFailure' if the Open Trace Format manager could not
+ be initialized.
+ * 'OTFWriterInitializationFailure' if the Open Trace Format writer could not
+ be initialized.
+ * 'OTFTraceResolutionFailure' if setting the trace resolution failed.
+ * 'OTFProcessDefinitionFailure' if defining the main OTF process failed.
+ * 'OTFWriterCloseFailure' if the Open Trace Format writer could not be closed
+ after the computation ran. -}
+withTracer :: FilePath -> (TracerHandle -> IO a) -> IO a
+withTracer reportBaseName f =
+ allocaBytes tracerSize $ \tracerHandle ->
+ bracket_ (tracerInit tracerHandle reportBaseName)
+ (tracerDone tracerHandle)
+ (f tracerHandle)
+{-| Constructs a 'Phase' and executes the specified computation.
+Throws 'OTFPhaseDefinitionFailure' if the phase could not be defined. -}
+withPhase :: TracerHandle -- ^ the associated 'Tracer'
+ -> String -- ^ the name of the 'Phase'
+ -> (PhaseHandle -> IO a)
+ -> IO a
+withPhase tracer name f =
+ allocaBytes phaseSize $ \phaseHandle ->
+ bracket_ (phaseInit tracer phaseHandle name)
+ (phaseDone phaseHandle)
+ (f phaseHandle)
+{-| Executes an IO action and evaluates its result to normal form, recording the
+time required to do so in the provided 'Phase'. -}
+withPhaseRunning :: NFData a => PhaseHandle -> IO a -> IO a
+withPhaseRunning phase f = withPhaseRunning_ phase ((return $!!) =<< f)
+{-| Executes an IO action, recording the time required to do so in the provided
+'Phase'. Unlinke 'withPhaseRunning', this function does /not/ evaluate the
+action’s result. Use this function when you need finer-grained control over the
+precise degree of evaluation than 'withPhaseRunning' offers.
+withPhaseRunning_ :: PhaseHandle -> IO a -> IO a
+withPhaseRunning_ phase = bracket_ (phaseStart phase) (phaseStop phase)
+----------------------------------- Tracers ------------------------------------
+----- Data type -----
+{-| Tracer state bundle. ppamltracer is fundamentally a set of stateful
+operations; this data type dsecribes the state ppamltracer needs to operate
+properly. A one-to-one mapping exists between 'Tracer's and trace reports, so
+you will likely only need one 'Tracer' per program. -}
+data Tracer
+foreign import ccall unsafe "ppaml/tracer/internal.h & ppaml_tracer_t_size"
+ ppaml_tracer_t_size :: Ptr CSize
+tracerSize :: Int
+tracerSize = fromIntegral $ unsafeReadLibraryConstant ppaml_tracer_t_size
+----- Initialization and finalization -----
+type TracerHandle = Ptr Tracer
+foreign import ccall unsafe "ppaml/tracer.h ppaml_tracer_init"
+ ppaml_tracer_init :: TracerHandle -> CString -> IO CInt
+tracerInit :: TracerHandle -> FilePath -> IO ()
+tracerInit tracer reportNameBase =
+ withCString reportNameBase $ \cReportNameBase ->
+ ppaml_tracer_init tracer cReportNameBase >>= \case
+ 0 -> return ()
+ 1 -> throw OTFManagerInitializationFailure
+ 2 -> throw OTFWriterInitializationFailure
+ 3 -> throw OTFTraceResolutionFailure
+ 4 -> throw OTFProcessDefinitionFailure
+ r -> unexpectedReturnCode r
+foreign import ccall unsafe "ppaml/tracer.h ppaml_tracer_done"
+ ppaml_tracer_done :: TracerHandle -> IO CInt
+tracerDone :: TracerHandle -> IO ()
+tracerDone tracer =
+ ppaml_tracer_done tracer >>= \case 0 -> return ()
+ 1 -> throw OTFWriterCloseFailure
+ r -> unexpectedReturnCode r
+------------------------------------ Phases ------------------------------------
+----- Data type -----
+-- | A phase of execution to trace and to gather timing statistics about.
+data Phase
+foreign import ccall unsafe "ppaml/tracer/internal.h & ppaml_phase_t_size"
+ ppaml_phase_t_size :: Ptr CSize
+phaseSize :: Int
+phaseSize = fromIntegral $ unsafeReadLibraryConstant ppaml_phase_t_size
+----- Initialization and finalization -----
+type PhaseHandle = Ptr Phase
+foreign import ccall unsafe "ppaml/tracer.h ppaml_phase_init"
+ ppaml_phase_init :: TracerHandle -> PhaseHandle -> CString -> IO CInt
+phaseInit :: TracerHandle -> PhaseHandle -> String -> IO ()
+phaseInit tracer phase name =
+ withCString name $ \cName ->
+ ppaml_phase_init tracer phase cName >>= \case
+ 0 -> return ()
+ 1 -> throw OTFPhaseDefinitionFailure
+ r -> unexpectedReturnCode r
+foreign import ccall unsafe "ppaml/tracer.h ppaml_phase_done"
+ ppaml_phase_done :: PhaseHandle -> IO CInt
+phaseDone :: PhaseHandle -> IO ()
+phaseDone phase =
+ ppaml_phase_done phase >>= \case 0 -> return ()
+ r -> unexpectedReturnCode r
+----- Timing -----
+foreign import ccall unsafe "ppaml/tracer.h ppaml_phase_start"
+ ppaml_phase_start :: PhaseHandle -> IO CInt
+phaseStart :: PhaseHandle -> IO ()
+phaseStart phase =
+ ppaml_phase_start phase >>= \case 0 -> return ()
+ 1 -> throw ClockAcquisitionFailure
+ 2 -> throw OTFPhaseEntryFailure
+ r -> unexpectedReturnCode r
+foreign import ccall unsafe "ppaml/tracer.h ppaml_phase_stop"
+ ppaml_phase_stop :: PhaseHandle -> IO CInt
+phaseStop :: PhaseHandle -> IO ()
+phaseStop phase =
+ ppaml_phase_stop phase >>= \case 0 -> return ()
+ 1 -> throw ClockAcquisitionFailure
+ 2 -> throw OTFPhaseExitFailure
+ r -> unexpectedReturnCode r
+----------------------------------- Utility ------------------------------------
+unsafeReadLibraryConstant :: Storable a => Ptr a -> a
+unsafeReadLibraryConstant = unsafeDupablePerformIO . peek
+unexpectedReturnCode :: CInt -> a
+unexpectedReturnCode code =
+ error $ "unexpected return code " ++ show code ++ "\n\
+ \This is a bug in ppamltracer! Report it to the maintainers."
diff --git a/bindings/haskell/src/PPAML/Tracer/Exception.hs b/bindings/haskell/src/PPAML/Tracer/Exception.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba77c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/haskell/src/PPAML/Tracer/Exception.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+{- PPAML.Tracer.Exception -- exceptions used by ppamltracer
+Copyright (C) 2014 Galois, Inc.
+This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+To contact Galois, complete the Web form at <http://corp.galois.com/contact/> or
+write to Galois, Inc., 421 Southwest 6th Avenue, Suite 300, Portland, Oregon,
+97204-1622. -}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+module PPAML.Tracer.Exception where
+import Control.Exception (SomeException(SomeException))
+import Control.Exception.Hierarchical (mkAbstractException, mkException)
+-- | A generic ppamltracer error. Extends 'SomeException'.
+mkAbstractException 'SomeException "TracerException"
+-------------------------------- OTF exceptions --------------------------------
+{-| An error related to Open Trace Format input and output. Extends
+'TracerException'. -}
+mkAbstractException 'TracerException "OTFException"
+-- | An error caused by the Open Trace Fromat manager. Extends 'OTFException'.
+mkAbstractException 'OTFException "OTFManagerException"
+{-| Failure to initialize the Open Trace Format manager. Extends
+'OTFManagerException'. -}
+mkException 'OTFManagerException "OTFManagerInitializationFailure"
+-- | An error caused by the Open Trace Format writer. Extends 'OTFException'.
+mkAbstractException 'OTFException "OTFWriterException"
+{-| Failure to initialize the Open Trace Format writer. Extends
+'OTFWriterException'. -}
+mkException 'OTFWriterException "OTFWriterInitializationFailure"
+-- | Failure to define a phase. Extends 'OTFWriterException'.
+mkException 'OTFWriterException "OTFPhaseDefinitionFailure"
+-- | Failure to record entry into a phase. Extends 'OTFWriterException'.
+mkException 'OTFWriterException "OTFPhaseEntryFailure"
+-- | Failure to record exit from a phase. Extends 'OTFWriterException'.
+mkException 'OTFWriterException "OTFPhaseExitFailure"
+{-| Failure to close the Open Trace Format writer. Extends
+'OTFWriterException'. -}
+mkException 'OTFWriterException "OTFWriterCloseFailure"
+-- | Failure to set the tracer resolution. Extends 'OTFWriterException'.
+mkException 'OTFWriterException "OTFTraceResolutionFailure"
+-- | Failure to define a process (i.e., a thread). Extends 'OTFWriterException'.
+mkException 'OTFWriterException "OTFProcessDefinitionFailure"
+------------------------------ Timing exceptions -------------------------------
+-- | An error related to system timers. Extends 'TracerException'.
+mkAbstractException 'TracerException "TimingException"
+-- | A failure to get the current clock time. Extends 'TimingException'.
+mkException 'TimingException "ClockAcquisitionFailure"