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authorGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <bbarenblat@galois.com>2014-02-06 10:42:58 -0800
committerGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <bbarenblat@galois.com>2014-02-06 10:42:58 -0800
commit28dd2b967cc9853d034d2374e4f1adbe305fef8a (patch)
parentcc9249c85c50116813665d5753d81c3d5f11c9e7 (diff)
Racket: Make 'report-name-base' optional in calls to 'call-with-tracer'
2 files changed, 56 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/racket/main.rkt b/bindings/racket/main.rkt
index e4db143..924e28d 100644
--- a/bindings/racket/main.rkt
+++ b/bindings/racket/main.rkt
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ manipulate the structs as tagged pointers. |#
;; Import library functions.
(define-ppamltracer ppaml_tracer_init (_fun _tracer _path ~> _int))
+(define-ppamltracer ppaml_tracer_init_from_env (_fun _tracer ~> _int))
(define-ppamltracer ppaml_tracer_done (_fun _tracer ~> _int))
(define-ppamltracer ppaml_phase_init (_fun _tracer _phase _string ~> _int))
(define-ppamltracer ppaml_phase_done (_fun _phase ~> _int))
@@ -179,6 +180,11 @@ constructor at all. |#
(define-exception exn:fail:ppamltracer)
+(define-exception exn:fail:ppamltracer:configuration)
+(define-exception exn:fail:ppamltracer:configuration:undefined-tracer-base-path
+ "attempted to configure tracer with undefined base path")
(define-exception exn:fail:ppamltracer:otf)
(define-exception exn:fail:ppamltracer:otf:manager)
@@ -258,15 +264,22 @@ This is a bug in ppamltracer! Report it to the maintainers."
(define ((as-void proc) . args)
(void (apply proc args)))
-(define ppaml-tracer-init
- (as-void
- (checked ppaml_tracer_init
- [0 'ok]
- [1 (fail make-exn:fail:ppamltracer:otf:manager:initialization)]
- [2 (fail make-exn:fail:ppamltracer:otf:writer:initialization)]
- [3 (fail make-exn:fail:ppamltracer:otf:writer:resolution)]
- [4 (fail make-exn:fail:ppamltracer:otf:writer:process-definition
- "main")])))
+(define (ppaml-tracer-init tracer [path 'from-environment])
+ (let-values ([(c-initialize c-initialize-args)
+ (if (equal? path 'from-environment)
+ (values ppaml_tracer_init_from_env (list tracer))
+ (values ppaml_tracer_init (list tracer path)))])
+ (apply
+ (as-void
+ (checked
+ c-initialize
+ [0 'ok]
+ [1 (fail make-exn:fail:ppamltracer:otf:manager:initialization)]
+ [2 (fail make-exn:fail:ppamltracer:otf:writer:initialization)]
+ [3 (fail make-exn:fail:ppamltracer:otf:writer:resolution)]
+ [4 (fail make-exn:fail:ppamltracer:otf:writer:process-definition "main")]
+ [5 (fail make-exn:fail:ppamltracer:configuration:undefined-tracer-base-path)]))
+ c-initialize-args)))
(define ppaml-tracer-done
@@ -344,13 +357,19 @@ evaluates to
(finalize resource)
-(define (call-with-tracer report-name-base proc)
+(define (call-with-tracer-explicitly report-name-base proc)
(managed-execution (malloc-_tracer)
(list report-name-base)
+(define call-with-tracer
+ (case-lambda
+ [(proc) (call-with-tracer-explicitly 'from-environment proc)]
+ [(report-name-base proc)
+ (call-with-tracer-explicitly report-name-base proc)]))
(define (call-with-phase tracer phase-name proc)
(managed-execution (malloc-_phase)
(lambda (phase tracer name)
@@ -370,8 +389,12 @@ evaluates to
;;;;; Macro versions ;;;;;
-(define-syntax-rule (let/tracer [tracer report-name-base] body ...)
- (call-with-tracer report-name-base (lambda (tracer) body ...)))
+(define-syntax let/tracer
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ [(_ [tracer] body ...)
+ (call-with-tracer (lambda (tracer) body ...))]
+ [(_ [tracer report-name-base] body ...)
+ (call-with-tracer report-name-base (lambda (tracer) body ...))]))
(define-syntax-rule (let/phase tracer [phase phase-name] body ...)
(call-with-phase tracer phase-name (lambda (phase) body ...)))
@@ -385,8 +408,11 @@ evaluates to
(contract-out [tracer? (-> any/c boolean?)]
[phase? (-> any/c boolean?)]
+ ;; TODO: update
[call-with-tracer (parametric->/c [A]
- (-> path-string? (-> tracer? A) A))]
+ (case->
+ (-> (-> tracer? A) A)
+ (-> path-string? (-> tracer? A) A)))]
[call-with-phase (parametric->/c [A]
(-> tracer? string? (-> phase? A) A))]
[call-with-phase-running (parametric->/c [A]
diff --git a/bindings/racket/manual.scrbl b/bindings/racket/manual.scrbl
index f27731b..2938965 100644
--- a/bindings/racket/manual.scrbl
+++ b/bindings/racket/manual.scrbl
@@ -110,21 +110,29 @@ ppamltracer is fundamentally a set of stateful operations; the @racket[tracer] d
Evaluates to @racket[#t] if and only if @racket[obj] is a @racket[tracer].
-@defproc[(call-with-tracer [report-name-base path-string?]
- [proc (-> tracer? A)])
- A]{
+@defproc*[([(call-with-tracer [proc (-> tracer? A)])
+ A]
+ [(call-with-tracer [report-name-base path-string?]
+ [proc (-> tracer? A)])
+ A])]{
Creates a new @racket[tracer].
- The @racket[tracer] will save trace reports in Open Trace Format; all trace file paths will begin with @racket[report-name-base].
+ The @racket[tracer] will save trace reports in Open Trace Format.
+ Should @racket[report-name-base] be specified, all trace file paths will begin with @racket[report-name-base]; otherwise, all trace file paths will begin with the contents of the environment variable @envvar{PPAMLTRACER_TRACE_BASE}.
+ Invoking @racket[call-with-tracer] without specifying @racket[report-name-base] is an error if @envvar{PPAMLTRACER_TRACE_BASE} is undefined.
+ Doing so will cause Racket to throw (a sub-exception of) @racket[exn:fail:ppamltracer:configuration].
-@defform[#:id let/tracer
- #:literals (tracer)
- (let/tracer [tracer report-name-base] body ...)
- #:contracts ([report-name-base path-string?])]{
+@defform*[#:id let/tracer
+ #:literals (tracer)
+ [(let/tracer [tracer] body ...)
+ (let/tracer [tracer report-name-base] body ...)]
+ #:contracts ([report-name-base path-string?])]{
Macro version of @racket[call-with-tracer].
- Equivalent to
+ Equivalent to one of
+ (call-with-tracer (lambda (tracer) body ...))
(call-with-tracer report-name-base (lambda (tracer) body ...))