path: root/SrcUnix/espws-2.0/HelpApp.fl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'SrcUnix/espws-2.0/HelpApp.fl')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SrcUnix/espws-2.0/HelpApp.fl b/SrcUnix/espws-2.0/HelpApp.fl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d37d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SrcUnix/espws-2.0/HelpApp.fl
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
+version 1.0008
+header_name {.h}
+code_name {.cxx}
+gridx 5
+gridy 5
+snap 3
+class HelpApp {open
+} {
+ decl {static Fl_Menu_Item *bookmenu_;} {}
+ decl {static HelpApp *first_;} {}
+ decl {struct bookmark { char title[256], url[1024]; };} {}
+ decl {static int nbookmarks_;} {}
+ decl {static bookmark *bookmarks_;} {}
+ decl {static int prop_bookmark_;} {}
+ decl {static char homepage_[1024];} {}
+ decl {static char proxy_[1024];} {}
+ decl {int index_;} {}
+ decl {int max_;} {}
+ decl {HelpApp *next_;} {}
+ decl {int line_[100];} {}
+ decl {char file_[100][256];} {}
+ decl {static void add_bookmark(const char *title, const char *url);} {}
+ decl {static const char *link(const char *f);} {}
+ decl {static void load_bookmarks();} {}
+ decl {static void save_bookmarks();} {}
+ decl {static void set_status(const char *format, ...);} {}
+ decl {void back();} {}
+ decl {void forward();} {}
+ decl {void edit_bookmarks();} {}
+ decl {void list_cb(int clicks);} {}
+ decl {void prop_cb();} {}
+ decl {void show_bookmark();} {}
+ Function {HelpApp()} {open
+ } {
+ Fl_Window window_ {
+ label {Help Application} open
+ private xywh {444 35 530 385} hide resizable
+ code0 {\#include <string.h>}
+ code1 {\#include <FL/fl_ask.H>}
+ } {
+ Fl_Group view_ {
+ callback {if (view_->changed())
+ index_ ++;
+ if (index_ >= 100)
+ {
+ memcpy(line_, line_ + 10, sizeof(line_[0]) * 90);
+ memcpy(file_, file_ + 10, sizeof(file_[0]) * 90);
+ index_ -= 10;
+ }
+ max_ = index_;
+ strcpy(file_[index_], view_->filename());
+ line_[index_] = view_->topline();
+ if (index_ > 0)
+ back_->activate();
+ else
+ back_->deactivate();
+ forward_->deactivate();
+ window_->label(view_->title());
+ location_->value(view_->filename());
+else if (view_->filename())
+ strncpy(file_[index_], view_->filename(), 255);
+ file_[index_][255] = '\\0';
+ line_[index_] = view_->topline();
+}} open
+ private xywh {0 95 530 270} box DOWN_BOX resizable
+ code0 {\#include "HelpView.h"}
+ class HelpView
+ } {}
+ Fl_Box status_ {
+ label {Ready.}
+ private xywh {0 365 530 20} box FLAT_BOX labelsize 12 align 20
+ }
+ Fl_Pack toolbar_ {
+ private xywh {0 25 530 35} type HORIZONTAL
+ } {
+ Fl_Button back_ {
+ label {@-5<-}
+ callback {back();}
+ private xywh {0 25 35 35} box FLAT_BOX down_box THIN_DOWN_BOX shortcut 0xff51 labeltype SYMBOL_LABEL labelcolor 2
+ }
+ Fl_Button forward_ {
+ label {@-5->}
+ callback {forward();}
+ private xywh {35 25 35 35} box FLAT_BOX down_box THIN_DOWN_BOX shortcut 0xff53 labeltype SYMBOL_LABEL labelcolor 2
+ }
+ Fl_Button smaller_ {
+ label F
+ callback {if (view_->textsize() > 8)
+ view_->textsize(view_->textsize() - 2);
+if (view_->textsize() <= 8)
+ smaller_->deactivate();
+ private xywh {70 25 35 35} box FLAT_BOX down_box THIN_DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 10
+ }
+ Fl_Button larger_ {
+ label F
+ callback {if (view_->textsize() < 18)
+ view_->textsize(view_->textsize() + 2);
+if (view_->textsize() >= 18)
+ larger_->deactivate();
+ private xywh {105 25 35 35} box FLAT_BOX down_box THIN_DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 16
+ }
+ Fl_Button home_ {
+ label {home.xbm}
+ callback {load(homepage_);}
+ private xywh {140 25 35 35} box FLAT_BOX down_box THIN_DOWN_BOX labeltype image labelfont 1 labelsize 16
+ }
+ Fl_Button reload_ {
+ label {reload.xbm}
+ callback {int top = view_->topline();
+ private xywh {175 25 35 35} box FLAT_BOX down_box THIN_DOWN_BOX shortcut 0x40072 labeltype image labelfont 1 labelsize 16 labelcolor 4
+ }
+ Fl_Button stop_ {
+ label {stop.xbm}
+ private xywh {210 25 35 35} box FLAT_BOX down_box THIN_DOWN_BOX shortcut 0xff1b labeltype image labelfont 1 labelsize 16 labelcolor 1 deactivate
+ }
+ }
+ Fl_Menu_Bar menubar_ {open
+ private xywh {0 0 530 25}
+ } {
+ submenu {} {
+ label {&File} open
+ xywh {0 0 100 20}
+ } {
+ menuitem {} {
+ label {&New}
+ callback {new HelpApp;}
+ xywh {0 0 100 20} shortcut 0x4006e
+ }
+ menuitem {} {
+ label {&Open...}
+ xywh {0 0 100 20} shortcut 0x4006f
+ }
+ menuitem {} {
+ label {&Close}
+ callback {window_->hide();}
+ xywh {0 0 100 20} shortcut 0x40077 divider
+ }
+ menuitem {} {
+ label {Set &Home Page}
+ callback {strcpy(homepage_, location_->value());
+ xywh {0 0 100 20}
+ }
+ menuitem {} {
+ label {Set &Proxy}
+ callback {const char *proxy;
+if ((proxy = fl_input("Enter the URL for the proxy server:", proxy_)) != NULL)
+ strcpy(proxy_, proxy);
+ save_bookmarks();
+ xywh {10 10 100 20} divider
+ }
+ menuitem {} {
+ label {E&xit}
+ callback {exit(0);}
+ xywh {0 0 100 20} shortcut 0x40071
+ code0 {\#include <stdlib.h>}
+ }
+ }
+ submenu {} {
+ label {&Options} open
+ xywh {0 0 100 20}
+ } {
+ menuitem {} {
+ label {&Toolbar}
+ xywh {0 0 100 20} type Toggle value 1
+ }
+ menuitem {} {
+ label {&Location}
+ xywh {0 0 100 20} type Toggle value 1 divider
+ }
+ }
+ submenu {} {
+ label {&Go} open
+ xywh {0 0 100 20}
+ } {
+ menuitem {} {
+ label {&Back}
+ xywh {0 0 100 20}
+ }
+ menuitem {} {
+ label {&Forward}
+ xywh {0 0 100 20}
+ }
+ menuitem {} {
+ label {&Home}
+ xywh {0 0 100 20}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Fl_Group locationbar_ {open
+ private xywh {0 60 530 35} box UP_FRAME
+ } {
+ Fl_Input location_ {
+ label {Location:}
+ callback {load(location_->value());}
+ private xywh {180 65 345 25} when 10 resizable
+ }
+ Fl_Menu_Button bookmark_ {
+ label Bookmarks
+ callback {show_bookmark();} open
+ private xywh {5 65 105 25} box THIN_UP_BOX down_box FLAT_BOX align 20
+ } {
+ menuitem {} {
+ label Add
+ callback {add_bookmark(view_->title(), location_->value());
+ xywh {0 0 100 20} shortcut 0x40062
+ }
+ menuitem {} {
+ label {Edit...}
+ callback {edit_bookmarks();}
+ xywh {0 0 100 20} divider
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Fl_Window bmWindow_ {
+ label Bookmarks open
+ private xywh {604 456 239 386} hide resizable
+ } {
+ Fl_Browser bmList_ {
+ callback {list_cb(Fl::event_clicks());}
+ private xywh {0 25 240 360} type Multi resizable
+ }
+ Fl_Menu_Bar bmMenubar_ {open
+ private xywh {0 0 240 25}
+ } {
+ submenu {} {
+ label {&Edit} open
+ xywh {0 0 100 20}
+ } {
+ menuitem bmDelete_ {
+ label Delete
+ private xywh {0 0 100 20} shortcut 0xffff
+ }
+ menuitem bmMoveUp_ {
+ label {Move Up} selected
+ private xywh {0 0 100 20} shortcut 0xffbf
+ }
+ menuitem bmMoveDown_ {
+ label {Move Down}
+ private xywh {0 0 100 20} shortcut 0xffc0 divider
+ }
+ menuitem bmProperties_ {
+ label Properties
+ callback {list_cb(1);}
+ private xywh {0 0 100 20} shortcut 0xff0d divider
+ }
+ menuitem {} {
+ label Close
+ callback {bmWindow_->hide();}
+ private xywh {0 0 100 20} shortcut 0x40077
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Fl_Window propWindow_ {
+ label {Bookmark Properties} open
+ private xywh {340 68 385 111} hide modal
+ } {
+ Fl_Input propTitle_ {
+ label {Title: }
+ private xywh {50 10 325 25} labelfont 1
+ }
+ Fl_Input propURL_ {
+ label {URL: }
+ private xywh {50 40 325 25} labelfont 1
+ }
+ Fl_Button {} {
+ label Cancel
+ callback {propWindow_->hide();}
+ xywh {310 75 65 25}
+ }
+ Fl_Return_Button {} {
+ label OK
+ callback {prop_cb();
+ xywh {240 75 65 25}
+ }
+ }
+ code {back_->deactivate();
+index_ = -1;
+max_ = 0;
+next_ = first_;
+first_ = this;
+if (!bookmenu_)
+ load_bookmarks();
+load(homepage_);} {}
+ }
+ Function {h()} {return_type int
+ } {
+ code {return (window_->h());} {}
+ }
+ Function {hide()} {return_type void
+ } {
+ code {window_->hide();} {}
+ }
+ Function {load(const char *f)} {return_type void
+ } {
+ code {view_->set_changed();
+window_->label(view_->title());} {}
+ }
+ Function {position(int xx, int yy)} {return_type void
+ } {
+ code {window_->position(xx, yy);} {}
+ }
+ Function {resize(int xx, int yy, int ww, int hh)} {return_type void
+ } {
+ code {window_->resize(xx, yy, ww, hh);} {}
+ }
+ Function {show()} {return_type void
+ } {
+ code {window_->show();} {}
+ }
+ Function {textsize(uchar s)} {return_type void
+ } {
+ code {view_->textsize(s);
+if (s <= 8)
+ smaller_->deactivate();
+ smaller_->activate();
+if (s >= 18)
+ larger_->deactivate();
+ larger_->activate();} {}
+ }
+ Function {textsize()} {return_type uchar
+ } {
+ code {return (view_->textsize());} {}
+ }
+ Function {topline(const char *n)} {return_type void
+ } {
+ code {view_->topline(n);} {}
+ }
+ Function {topline(int n)} {return_type void
+ } {
+ code {view_->topline(n);} {}
+ }
+ Function {visible()} {return_type int
+ } {
+ code {return (window_->visible());} {}
+ }
+ Function {w()} {return_type int
+ } {
+ code {return (window_->w());} {}
+ }
+ Function {x()} {return_type int
+ } {
+ code {return (window_->x());} {}
+ }
+ Function {y()} {return_type int
+ } {
+ code {return (window_->y());} {}
+ }