path: root/SrcUnix/EmWindowFltk.cpp
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1 files changed, 777 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SrcUnix/EmWindowFltk.cpp b/SrcUnix/EmWindowFltk.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebf2ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SrcUnix/EmWindowFltk.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,777 @@
+/* -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4 -*- */
+/* ===================================================================== *\
+ Copyright (c) 2001 Palm, Inc. or its subsidiaries.
+ All rights reserved.
+ This file is part of the Palm OS Emulator.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+\* ===================================================================== */
+#include "EmCommon.h"
+#include "EmWindowFltk.h"
+#include "EmApplication.h" // gApplication
+#include "EmCommands.h" // EmCommandID
+#include "EmDocument.h" // EmDocument
+#include "EmMenusFltk.h" // HostCreatePopupMenu
+#include "EmPixMapUnix.h" // ConvertPixMapToHost
+#include "EmScreen.h" // EmScreenUpdateInfo
+#include "EmSession.h" // EmKeyEvent, EmButtonEvent
+#include "EmWindow.h" // EmWindow
+#include "Platform.h" // Platform::AllocateMemory
+#include <FL/Fl.H> // Fl::event_x, event_y
+#include <FL/Fl_Box.H> // Fl_Box
+#include <FL/Fl_Image.H> // Fl_Image::draw
+#include <FL/Fl_Menu_Button.H> // popup
+#include <FL/fl_draw.H> // fl_color
+#include <ctype.h> // isprint, isxdigit
+#include "DefaultSmall.xpm"
+#include "DefaultLarge.xpm"
+const int kDefaultWidth = 220;
+const int kDefaultHeight = 330;
+// FLTK 1.0.x had no separate Fl_RGB_Image subclass of Fl_Image.
+#define Fl_RGB_Image Fl_Image
+EmWindowFltk* gHostWindow;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindow::NewWindow
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EmWindow* EmWindow::NewWindow (void)
+ // This is the type of window we should create. However, on Unix, we
+ // create one and only one window when we create the application. This
+ // method -- called by the document to create its window -- therefore
+ // doesn't need to actually create a window.
+// return new EmWindowFltk;
+ EmAssert (gHostWindow != NULL);
+ return NULL;
+#pragma mark -
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::EmWindowFltk
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EmWindowFltk::EmWindowFltk (void) :
+ Fl_Window (kDefaultWidth, kDefaultHeight, "pose"),
+ EmWindow (),
+ fMessage (NULL),
+ fCachedSkin (NULL)
+ EmAssert (gHostWindow == NULL);
+ gHostWindow = this;
+ this->box (FL_FLAT_BOX);
+ this->color (fl_gray_ramp (FL_NUM_GRAY - 1));
+ // Install a function to get called when the window is closed
+ // via a WM_DELETE_WINDOW message.
+ this->callback (&EmWindowFltk::CloseCallback, NULL);
+ // Ensure that the user can't resize this window.
+ this->resizable (NULL);
+ // Create the message to display when there's no session running.
+ fMessage = new Fl_Box (0, 0, 200, 40,
+ "Right click on this window to show a menu of commands.");
+ fMessage->box (FL_NO_BOX);
+ this->end ();
+ this->redraw (); // Redraw help message
+ // Set the X-Windows window class. Normally, this is done when
+ // Fl_Window::show (argc, argv) is called (in main()). However, the
+ // EmWindow class gets in the way and automatically shows the host
+ // window by calling Fl_Window::show(). The latter does not set the
+ // window class. And even when the other "show" method is called later,
+ // the damage is done: the X Windows window is already created with a
+ // NULL window class.
+ //
+ // Setting the window class to the title of the window is a workaround
+ // at best. In previous versions of Poser, the window class would be
+ // set to the name of the executable. These should both be "pose",
+ // but it's possible for them to be different.
+ this->xclass (this->label ());
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::~EmWindowFltk
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EmWindowFltk::~EmWindowFltk (void)
+ this->PreDestroy ();
+ // Get rid of the cached skin.
+ this->CacheFlush ();
+ EmAssert (gHostWindow == this);
+ gHostWindow = NULL;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::CloseCallback
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// When receiving the WM_CLOSE message on Windows or the WM_DELETE_WINDOW
+// message on X, FLTK calls Fl::handle with the FL_CLOSE message. Fl::handle
+// handles this message not by passing it to Fl_Window::handle, but by calling
+// the window's installed callback function. By default, the callback
+// function hides the window (presumably so that a main event loop would know
+// it was time to quit by checking the window's visiblity). We override that
+// behavior in order to treat the FL_CLOSE message in the same way as handling
+// a Quit menu selection.
+void EmWindowFltk::CloseCallback (Fl_Widget*, void*)
+ gApplication->HandleCommand (kCommandQuit);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::draw
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void EmWindowFltk::draw (void)
+ if (gDocument)
+ {
+ this->HandleUpdate ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fl_color (255, 255, 255);
+ fl_rect (0, 0, this->w (), this->h ());
+ fMessage->position (
+ (this->w () - fMessage->w ()) / 2,
+ (this->h () - fMessage->h ()) / 3);
+ this->draw_child (*fMessage);
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::handle
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int EmWindowFltk::handle (int event)
+ EmPoint where (Fl::event_x(), Fl::event_y());
+ switch (event)
+ {
+ case FL_PUSH:
+ if (Fl::event_button () == 3)
+ {
+ this->PopupMenu ();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Fall through...
+ case FL_DRAG:
+ this->HandlePenEvent (where, true);
+ return 1;
+ case FL_RELEASE:
+ this->HandlePenEvent (where, false);
+ return 1;
+ These don't seem to get called when we want them to...
+ this->HandleActivate (true);
+ return 1;
+ this->HandleActivate (false);
+ return 1;
+ case FL_FOCUS:
+ this->HandleActivate (true);
+ return 1;
+ case FL_UNFOCUS:
+ this->HandleActivate (false);
+ return 1;
+ {
+ if (Fl::test_shortcut (FL_F + 10 | FL_SHIFT))
+ {
+ this->PopupMenu ();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ Fl_Menu_Item_List hostMenu;
+ this->GetHostMenu (hostMenu);
+ const Fl_Menu_Item* selected = hostMenu[0].test_shortcut ();
+ if (selected)
+ {
+ this->DoMenuCommand (*selected);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (Fl::event_state (FL_ALT | FL_META))
+ {
+ // Reserved for shortcuts
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (gDocument != NULL)
+ {
+ // Handle printable characters.
+ if (strlen (Fl::event_text ()) > 0)
+ {
+ int key = (unsigned char) Fl::event_text()[0];
+ EmKeyEvent event (key);
+ // !!! Need to get modifiers
+ gDocument->HandleKey (event);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Handle all other characters.
+ int c = Fl::event_key ();
+ struct KeyConvert
+ {
+ int fEventKey;
+ SkinElementType fButton;
+ int fKey;
+ };
+ KeyConvert kConvert[] =
+ {
+ { FL_Enter, kElement_None, chrLineFeed },
+ { FL_KP_Enter, kElement_None, chrLineFeed },
+ { FL_Left, kElement_None, leftArrowChr },
+ { FL_Right, kElement_None, rightArrowChr },
+ { FL_Up, kElement_None, upArrowChr },
+ { FL_Down, kElement_None, downArrowChr },
+ { FL_F + 1, kElement_App1Button },
+ { FL_F + 2, kElement_App2Button },
+ { FL_F + 3, kElement_App3Button },
+ { FL_F + 4, kElement_App4Button },
+ { FL_F + 9, kElement_PowerButton },
+ { FL_Page_Up, kElement_UpButton },
+ { FL_Page_Down, kElement_DownButton }
+ };
+ for (size_t ii = 0; ii < countof (kConvert); ++ii)
+ {
+ if (c == kConvert[ii].fEventKey)
+ {
+ if (kConvert[ii].fButton != kElement_None)
+ {
+ gDocument->HandleButton (kConvert[ii].fButton, true);
+ gDocument->HandleButton (kConvert[ii].fButton, false);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (kConvert[ii].fKey)
+ {
+ EmKeyEvent event (kConvert[ii].fKey);
+ // !!! Need to get modifiers
+ gDocument->HandleKey (event);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (c == FL_F + 10)
+ {
+ this->PopupMenu ();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (c < 0x100)
+ {
+ EmKeyEvent event (c);
+ // !!! Need to get modifiers
+ gDocument->HandleKey (event);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return Fl_Window::handle (event);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::PopupMenu
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void EmWindowFltk::PopupMenu (void)
+ // Get the menu.
+ Fl_Menu_Item_List hostMenu;
+ this->GetHostMenu (hostMenu);
+ const Fl_Menu_Item* item = hostMenu[0].popup (Fl::event_x (), Fl::event_y ());
+ if (item)
+ {
+ this->DoMenuCommand (*item);
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::GetHostMenu
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void EmWindowFltk::GetHostMenu (Fl_Menu_Item_List& hostMenu)
+ EmMenu* menu = ::MenuFindMenu (kMenuPopupMenuPreferred);
+ EmAssert (menu);
+ ::MenuUpdateMruMenus (*menu);
+ ::MenuUpdateMenuItemStatus (*menu);
+ ::HostCreatePopupMenu (*menu, hostMenu);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::DoMenuCommand
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void EmWindowFltk::DoMenuCommand (const Fl_Menu_Item& item)
+ EmCommandID id = (EmCommandID) item.argument ();
+ if (gDocument)
+ if (gDocument->HandleCommand (id))
+ return;
+ if (gApplication)
+ if (gApplication->HandleCommand (id))
+ return;
+ EmAssert (false);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::CacheFlush
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void EmWindowFltk::CacheFlush (void)
+ delete fCachedSkin;
+ fCachedSkin = NULL;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::CacheFlush
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Fl_Image* EmWindowFltk::GetSkin (void)
+ if (!fCachedSkin)
+ {
+ const EmPixMap& p = this->GetCurrentSkin ();
+ EmPoint size = p.GetSize ();
+ fCachedSkin = new Fl_RGB_Image ((uchar*) p.GetBits (), size.fX, size.fY,
+ 3, p.GetRowBytes ());
+ }
+ EmAssert (fCachedSkin);
+ return fCachedSkin;
+#pragma mark -
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::HostWindowReset
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Update the window's appearance due to a skin change.
+void EmWindowFltk::HostWindowReset (void)
+ // Delete te old image.
+ this->CacheFlush ();
+ // Change the window to accomodate the settings and bitmap.
+ // Get the desired client size.
+ EmRect newBounds = this->GetCurrentSkinRegion ().Bounds ();
+ EmCoord w = newBounds.Width ();
+ EmCoord h = newBounds.Height ();
+ // Protect against this function being called when their's
+ // no established skin.
+ if (w == 0)
+ w = kDefaultWidth;
+ if (h == 0)
+ h = kDefaultHeight;
+ // Resize the window.
+ this->size (w, h);
+ this->size_range (w, h, w, h);
+ // Invalidate the window contents now (necessary?).
+ this->redraw ();
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::HostMouseCapture
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Capture the mouse so that all mouse events get sent to this window.
+void EmWindowFltk::HostMouseCapture (void)
+ Fl::grab (this);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::HostMouseRelease
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Release the mouse so that mouse events get sent to the window the
+// cursor is over.
+void EmWindowFltk::HostMouseRelease (void)
+ Fl::grab (NULL);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::HostDrawingBegin
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Prepare the host window object for drawing outside of an update event.
+void EmWindowFltk::HostDrawingBegin (void)
+ this->make_current ();
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::HostWindowMoveBy
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Move the host window object by the given offset.
+void EmWindowFltk::HostWindowMoveBy (const EmPoint& offset)
+ this->HostWindowMoveTo (this->HostWindowBoundsGet ().TopLeft () + offset);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::HostWindowMoveTo
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Move the host window object to the given location.
+void EmWindowFltk::HostWindowMoveTo (const EmPoint& loc)
+ this->position (loc.fX, loc.fY);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::HostWindowBoundsGet
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get the global bounds of the host window object.
+EmRect EmWindowFltk::HostWindowBoundsGet (void)
+ return EmRect (
+ this->x (),
+ this->y (),
+ this->x () + this->w (),
+ this->y () + this->h ());
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::HostWindowCenter
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Center the window to the main display.
+void EmWindowFltk::HostWindowCenter (void)
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::HostWindowShow
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Make the host window object visible.
+void EmWindowFltk::HostWindowShow (void)
+ this->show ();
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::HostRectFrame
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Draw a rectangle frame with the given width in the given color.
+void EmWindowFltk::HostRectFrame (const EmRect& r, const EmPoint& pen, const RGBType& color)
+ EmRect r2 (r);
+ fl_color (color.fRed, color.fGreen, color.fBlue);
+ // !!! This could be changed to not assume a square pen, but since
+ // we're kind of tied to that on Windows right now, that's the
+ // assumption we'll make.
+ for (EmCoord size = 0; size < pen.fX; ++size)
+ {
+ fl_rect (r2.fLeft, r2.fTop, r2.Width (), r2.Height ());
+ r2.Inset (1, 1);
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::HostOvalPaint
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Fill an oval with the given color.
+void EmWindowFltk::HostOvalPaint (const EmRect& r, const RGBType& color)
+ fl_color (color.fRed, color.fGreen, color.fBlue);
+ fl_pie (r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.Width (), r.Height (), 0, 360);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::HostPaintCase
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Draw the skin.
+void EmWindowFltk::HostPaintCase (const EmScreenUpdateInfo&)
+ Fl_Image* skin = this->GetSkin ();
+ skin->draw (0, 0);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::HostPaintLCD
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Draw the LCD area. info contains the raw LCD data, including a partically
+// updated fImage, and fFirstList and fLastLine which indicate the valid
+// range of the image. srcRect and destRect also indicate the range that
+// needs to be updated, and have also been scaled appropriately. scaled is
+// true if we need to scale info.fImage during the process of converting it
+// to a host pixmap.
+void EmWindowFltk::HostPaintLCD (const EmScreenUpdateInfo& info, const EmRect& srcRect,
+ const EmRect& destRect, Bool scaled)
+ // Determine the buffer size and allocate it.
+ // We assume that ConvertPixMapToHost is converting to 24-bit RGB.
+ int rowBytes = srcRect.fRight * 3;
+ int bufferSize = srcRect.fBottom * rowBytes;
+ uchar* buffer = (uchar*) Platform::AllocateMemory (bufferSize);
+ // Convert the image, scaling along the way.
+ ::ConvertPixMapToHost (info.fImage, buffer,
+ info.fFirstLine, info.fLastLine, scaled);
+ // Draw the converted image.
+ fl_draw_image (buffer + srcRect.fTop * rowBytes,
+ destRect.fLeft, destRect.fTop,
+ destRect.Width (), destRect.Height ());
+ // Clean up.
+ Platform::DisposeMemory (buffer);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::HostGetDefaultSkin
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get the default (built-in) skin image.
+void EmWindowFltk::HostGetDefaultSkin (EmPixMap& pixMap, int scale)
+ char** xpm = (scale == 2) ? DefaultLarge : DefaultSmall;
+ /*
+ An XPM file is an array of strings composed of four sections:
+ <Values>
+ <Colors>
+ <Pixels>
+ <Extensions>
+ Each string is composed of words separated by spaces.
+ */
+ /*
+ <Values> is a string containing four or six integers in base
+ 10 that correspond to width, height, number of colors, number
+ of characters per pixel, and (optionally) hotspot location.
+ */
+ int w = 0;
+ int h = 0;
+ int num_colors = 0;
+ int cpp = 0;
+ int hot_x = 0;
+ int hot_y = 0;
+ int i = sscanf (xpm [0], "%d %d %d %d %d %d", &w, &h, &num_colors,
+ &cpp, &hot_x, &hot_y);
+ EmAssert (i == 4);
+ EmAssert (w > 0);
+ EmAssert (h > 0);
+ EmAssert (num_colors > 0);
+ EmAssert (cpp == 1);
+ EmAssert (hot_x == 0);
+ EmAssert (hot_y == 0);
+ /*
+ <Colors> contains as many lines as there are colors. Each string
+ contains the following words:
+ <color_code> {<key> <color>}+
+ */
+ RGBType colorMap[0x80];
+ for (int color_num = 0; color_num < num_colors; ++color_num)
+ {
+ const char* this_line = xpm [1 + color_num];
+ int color_code = this_line[0];
+ char key[3] = {0};
+ char color[8] = {0};
+ i = sscanf (this_line + 1 + 1, "%s %s", key, color);
+ EmAssert (i == 2);
+ EmAssert (strlen (key) == 1);
+ EmAssert (strlen (color) == 7);
+ EmAssert (key[0] == 'c');
+ EmAssert (color[0] == '#');
+ EmAssert (isxdigit (color[1]));
+ EmAssert (isxdigit (color[2]));
+ EmAssert (isxdigit (color[3]));
+ EmAssert (isxdigit (color[4]));
+ EmAssert (isxdigit (color[5]));
+ EmAssert (isxdigit (color[6]));
+ int r, g, b;
+ i = sscanf (color, "#%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b);
+ EmAssert (i == 3);
+ EmAssert (isprint (color_code));
+ colorMap [color_code] = RGBType (r, g, b);
+ }
+ /*
+ <Pixels> contains "h" lines, each containing cpp * "w"
+ characters in them. Each set of cpp characters maps to
+ one of the colors in the <Colors> array.
+ */
+ uint8* buffer = (uint8*) Platform::AllocateMemory (w * h * 3);
+ uint8* dest = buffer;
+ for (int yy = 0; yy < h; ++yy)
+ {
+ char* src = xpm [1 + num_colors + yy];
+ for (int xx = 0; xx < w; ++xx)
+ {
+ int color_code = *src++;
+ EmAssert (isprint (color_code));
+ const RGBType& rgb = colorMap [color_code];
+ *dest++ = rgb.fRed;
+ *dest++ = rgb.fGreen;
+ *dest++ = rgb.fBlue;
+ }
+ }
+ EmAssert ((dest - buffer) <= (w * h * 3));
+ // We now have the data in RGB format. Wrap it up in a temporary
+ // EmPixMap so that we can copy it into the result EmPixMap.
+ EmPixMap wrapper;
+ wrapper.SetSize (EmPoint (w, h));
+ wrapper.SetFormat (kPixMapFormat24RGB);
+ wrapper.SetRowBytes (w * 3);
+ wrapper.SetBits (buffer);
+ // Copy the data to the destination.
+ pixMap = wrapper;
+ // Clean up.
+ Platform::DisposeMemory (buffer);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ¥ EmWindowFltk::HostGetCurrentMouse
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get the current mouse location.
+EmPoint EmWindowFltk::HostGetCurrentMouse (void)
+ return EmPoint (Fl::event_x (), Fl::event_y ());