path: root/SrcShared/PreferenceMgr.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'SrcShared/PreferenceMgr.h')
1 files changed, 409 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SrcShared/PreferenceMgr.h b/SrcShared/PreferenceMgr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c1c032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SrcShared/PreferenceMgr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+/* -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4 -*- */
+/* ===================================================================== *\
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Palm, Inc. or its subsidiaries.
+ All rights reserved.
+ This file is part of the Palm OS Emulator.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+\* ===================================================================== */
+#include "EmFileRef.h" // EmFileRefList, EmFileRef
+#include "EmTransport.h" // EmTransportType
+#include "EmHAL.h" // EmUARTDeviceType
+#include "Skins.h" // SkinNameList
+#include "omnithread.h" // omni_mutex
+#include <stdio.h> // FILE
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+class EmTransport;
+ This file contains the routines for loading, saving, and accessing a collection
+ of preferences/settings.
+ All settings are accessed via the Preference class. This is a templatized class
+ that is specialized on the type of the setting and parameterized on the name of
+ the setting. This sounds nasty, but in practice is simple. For example, say you
+ needed to access whether or not NetLib redirection was turned on. You would use
+ the following:
+ Preference<bool> pref(kPrefKeyRedirectNetLib);
+ if (*pref)
+ {
+ // It's on.
+ }
+ Changing a value works similarly:
+ Preference<DeviceType> pref(kPrefKeyDeviceType);
+ *pref = kDevicePalmIII;
+ When the Preference object is destructed, it's new value is written back out to
+ the Preference Manager.
+ The Preference Manager is the "container" for all the preferences used by the
+ application. You can think of it as a map/dictionary/associative array. You
+ directly access the Preference Manager in order to create it, have it load the
+ collection of preferences from disk, have it save them to disk, and to destroy
+ it. While there are GetPref and SetPref methods on this class, those are for
+ the use of the Preference objects.
+ All preferences are saved as text in the form:
+ <key>=<value>
+ <key> is any unique string. It can consist of any text characters except for
+ '='. Keys can have subparts separated by '.', and can indicate array indices
+ with "[#]". For example:
+ Scale=2
+ GremlinInfo.fNumber=100
+ PRC_MRU[0]=MyApplication.prc
+ GremlinInfo.fAppList[0].name=AddressBook
+ With the Preference class, it's possible to pull in all or part of the
+ hierarchical information. For instance:
+ Preference<GremlinInfo> pref("GremlinInfo");
+ Preference<DatabaseInfoList> pref("GremlinInfo.fAppList");
+ Preference<DatabaseInfo> pref("GremlinInfo.fAppList[0]");
+ Preference<string> pref("GremlinInfo.fAppList[0].name");
+typedef const char* PrefKeyType;
+bool PrefKeysEqual (PrefKeyType, PrefKeyType);
+class BasePreference
+ public:
+ BasePreference (PrefKeyType name, bool = true);
+ BasePreference (long index, bool = true);
+ virtual ~BasePreference (void);
+ bool Loaded (void) { return fLoaded; }
+ void Flush (void) { this->Save (); }
+ protected:
+ void Load (void);
+ void Save (void);
+ protected:
+ virtual bool DoLoad (void) = 0;
+ virtual void DoSave (void) = 0;
+ protected:
+ string fName;
+ bool fLoaded;
+ bool fChanged;
+ bool fAcquireLock;
+template <class T>
+class Preference : public BasePreference
+ public:
+ Preference (PrefKeyType name, bool = true);
+ Preference (long index, bool = true);
+ virtual ~Preference (void);
+ // I would *like* to have these operators. That way, I could pass in a
+ // "Preference<Foo>" any place that accepts a "const Foo&" as a parameter.
+ // However, CodeWarrior seems to use the conversion operators here in place
+ // that accept merely a "Foo&", which has lead to some problems.
+// operator const T&() const { return *GetValue (); }
+// operator const T*() const { return GetValue (); }
+ const T& operator*() const { return *GetValue (); }
+ const T* operator->() const { return GetValue (); }
+ const T* GetValue () const { EmAssert (fLoaded); return &fValue; }
+ const T& operator=(const T& rhs) { fValue = rhs;
+ fLoaded = true;
+ fChanged = true;
+ this->Flush ();
+ return fValue; }
+ protected:
+ virtual bool DoLoad (void);
+ virtual void DoSave (void);
+ private:
+ T fValue;
+typedef void* PrefRefCon;
+typedef void (*PrefNotifyFunc)(PrefKeyType, PrefRefCon);
+typedef StringList PrefKeyList;
+class Preferences
+ public:
+ Preferences (void);
+ virtual ~Preferences (void);
+ virtual void Load (void);
+ virtual void Save (void);
+// This should work, but CW doesn't appear to like it.
+// private:
+// template <class T> friend class Preference;
+ public:
+ bool GetPref (const string& key, string& value);
+ void SetPref (const string& key, const string& value);
+ void DeletePref (const string& key);
+ public:
+ void PushPrefix (const string& prefix);
+ void PushPrefix (long index);
+ void PopPrefix (void);
+ string ExpandKey (const string& name);
+ string AppendName (string key, const string& name);
+ public:
+ void AddNotification (PrefNotifyFunc, PrefKeyType, PrefRefCon = NULL);
+ void AddNotification (PrefNotifyFunc, const PrefKeyList&, PrefRefCon = NULL);
+ void RemoveNotification (PrefNotifyFunc);
+ void RemoveNotification (PrefNotifyFunc, PrefKeyType);
+ void RemoveNotification (PrefNotifyFunc, const PrefKeyList&);
+ void DoNotify (const string& key);
+ protected:
+ virtual Bool ReadPreferences (StringStringMap&);
+ virtual void WritePreferences (const StringStringMap&);
+ virtual EmFileRef GetPrefRef (void);
+ virtual void WriteBanner (FILE*);
+ virtual Bool ReadBanner (FILE*);
+ virtual void StripUnused (void);
+ protected:
+ typedef StringStringMap PrefList;
+ typedef PrefList::value_type PrefPairType;
+ typedef PrefList::iterator iterator;
+ PrefList fPreferences;
+ typedef StringList PrefixType;
+ PrefixType fPrefixes;
+ struct PrefNotifyType
+ {
+ PrefNotifyFunc fFunc;
+ PrefKeyList fKeyList;
+ PrefRefCon fRefCon;
+ };
+ typedef vector<PrefNotifyType> PrefNotifyList;
+ PrefNotifyList fNotifications;
+ public:
+ static omni_mutex fgPrefsMutex;
+extern Preferences* gPrefs;
+class EmulatorPreferences : public Preferences
+ public:
+ EmulatorPreferences (void);
+ virtual ~EmulatorPreferences(void);
+ virtual void Load (void);
+ void GetDatabaseMRU (EmFileRefList&);
+ void GetSessionMRU (EmFileRefList&);
+ void GetROMMRU (EmFileRefList&);
+ EmFileRef GetIndPRCMRU (int);
+ EmFileRef GetIndRAMMRU (int);
+ EmFileRef GetIndROMMRU (int);
+ EmFileRef GetIndMRU (const EmFileRefList&, int);
+ void UpdatePRCMRU (const EmFileRef&);
+ void UpdateRAMMRU (const EmFileRef&);
+ void UpdateROMMRU (const EmFileRef&);
+ void UpdateMRU (EmFileRefList&, const EmFileRef&);
+ void RemovePRCMRU (const EmFileRef&);
+ void RemoveRAMMRU (const EmFileRef&);
+ void RemoveROMMRU (const EmFileRef&);
+ void RemoveMRU (EmFileRefList&, const EmFileRef&);
+ void SetTransports (void);
+ void SetTransportForDevice (EmUARTDeviceType, EmTransport*);
+ EmTransport* GetTransportForDevice (EmUARTDeviceType);
+ // Utility routines for determining what should happen in DoDialog.
+ Bool LogMessage (Bool isFatal);
+ Bool ShouldQuit (Bool isFatal);
+ Bool ShouldContinue (Bool isFatal);
+ Bool ShouldNextGremlin (Bool isFatal);
+ protected:
+ virtual void WriteBanner (FILE*);
+ virtual Bool ReadBanner (FILE*);
+ virtual void StripUnused (void);
+ void MigrateOldPrefs (void);
+ EmTransport* fTransports[kUARTEnd];
+extern EmulatorPreferences* gEmuPrefs;
+ The FOR_EACH_PREF macro is used to manage the preferences keys. Preferences
+ are accessed via keys passed to the Preference constructor. These keys have
+ the symbolic form:
+ kPrefKey<Label>
+ The macro below is used to declare the keys used to access the settings, define
+ the keys, initialize the settings to default values.
+ DO_TO_PREF(WindowLocation, unused, unused) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(GCWLocation, unused, unused) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(MPWLocation, unused, unused) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(BackgroundColor, unused, unused) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(HighlightColor, unused, unused)
+ DO_TO_PREF(RedirectNetLib, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(EnableSounds, bool, (false)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(CloseAction, CloseActionType, (kSaveAsk)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(UserName, string, ("Palm OS Emulator")) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(PortSerial, EmTransportDescriptor, (kTransportNull)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(PortIR, EmTransportDescriptor, (kTransportNull)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(PortMystery, EmTransportDescriptor, (kTransportNull)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(PortDownload, EmTransportDescriptor, (kTransportNull)) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(PortSerialSocket, string, ("")) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(PortIRSocket, string, ("")) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportFreeChunkAccess, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportHardwareRegisterAccess, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportLowMemoryAccess, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportLowStackAccess, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportMemMgrDataAccess, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportMemMgrLeaks, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportMemMgrSemaphore, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportOffscreenObject, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportOverlayErrors, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportProscribedFunction, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportROMAccess, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportScreenAccess, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportSizelessObject, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportStackAlmostOverflow, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportStrictIntlChecks, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportSystemGlobalAccess, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportUIMgrDataAccess, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportUnlockedChunkAccess, bool, (true)) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportLockedRecords, bool, (false)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ReportSysFatalAlert, bool, (true)) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(InterceptSysFatalAlert, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(DialogBeep, bool, (false)) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogErrorMessages, uint8, (2)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogWarningMessages, uint8, (2)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogGremlins, uint8, (0)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogCPUOpcodes, uint8, (0)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogEnqueuedEvents, uint8, (0)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogDequeuedEvents, uint8, (0)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogSystemCalls, uint8, (0)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogApplicationCalls, uint8, (0)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogSerial, uint8, (0)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogSerialData, uint8, (0)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogNetLib, uint8, (0)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogNetLibData, uint8, (0)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogExgMgr, uint8, (0)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogExgMgrData, uint8, (0)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogHLDebugger, uint8, (0)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogHLDebuggerData, uint8, (0)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogLLDebugger, uint8, (0)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogLLDebuggerData, uint8, (0)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogRPC, uint8, (0)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogRPCData, uint8, (0)) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogFileSize, long, (1 * 1024L * 1024L)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LogDefaultDir, EmDirRef, ()) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(DebuggerSocketPort, long, (6414)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(RPCSocketPort, long, (6415)) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(WarnAboutSkinsDir, bool, (true)) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(AskAboutStartMenu, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(StartMenuItem, EmFileRef, ()) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(FillNewBlocks, bool, (false)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(FillResizedBlocks, bool, (false)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(FillDisposedBlocks, bool, (false)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(FillStack, bool, (false)) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LastConfiguration, Configuration, (EmDevice ("PalmIII"), 1024, EmFileRef())) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(GremlinInfo, GremlinInfo, ()) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(HordeInfo, HordeInfo, ()) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LastPSF, EmFileRef, ()) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ROM_MRU, EmFileRefList, ()) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(PRC_MRU, EmFileRefList, ()) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(PSF_MRU, EmFileRefList, ()) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(Skins, SkinNameList, ()) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(Scale, ScaleType, (2)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(DimWhenInactive, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ShowDebugMode, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ShowGremlinMode, bool, (true)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(StayOnTop, bool, (false)) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(WarningOff, EmErrorHandlingOption, (kShow)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ErrorOff, EmErrorHandlingOption, (kShow)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(WarningOn, EmErrorHandlingOption, (kShow)) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(ErrorOn, EmErrorHandlingOption, (kShow)) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(LastTracerType, string, ("")) \
+ DO_TO_PREF(TracerTypes, string, ("")) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(FfsHome, string, ("")) \
+ \
+ DO_TO_PREF(SlotList, SlotInfoList, ()) \
+// Declare all the keys
+#define DECLARE_PREF_KEYS(name, type, init) extern PrefKeyType kPrefKey##name;
+#endif // _PREFERENCEMGR_H_