path: root/SrcShared/Patches/EmPatchMgr.cpp
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1 files changed, 1203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SrcShared/Patches/EmPatchMgr.cpp b/SrcShared/Patches/EmPatchMgr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a8f844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SrcShared/Patches/EmPatchMgr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1203 @@
+/* -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4 -*- */
+/* ===================================================================== *\
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Palm, Inc. or its subsidiaries.
+ Copyright (c) 2001 PocketPyro, Inc.
+ All rights reserved.
+ This file is part of the Palm OS Emulator.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+\* ===================================================================== */
+#include "EmCommon.h"
+#include "EmPatchMgr.h"
+#include "EmPatchModule.h"
+#include "EmPatchModuleMap.h"
+#include "EmPatchState.h"
+#include "EmPatchLoader.h"
+#include "CGremlinsStubs.h" // StubAppEnqueueKey
+#include "DebugMgr.h" // Debug::ConnectedToTCPDebugger
+#include "EmEventPlayback.h" // EmEventPlayback::ReplayingEvents
+#include "EmHAL.h" // EmHAL::GetLineDriverState
+#include "EmLowMem.h" // EmLowMem::GetEvtMgrIdle, EmLowMem::TrapExists, EmLowMem_SetGlobal, EmLowMem_GetGlobal
+#include "EmPalmFunction.h" // IsSystemTrap
+#include "EmRPC.h" // RPC::SignalWaiters
+#include "EmSession.h" // GetDevice
+#include "Hordes.h" // Hordes::IsOn, Hordes::PostFakeEvent, Hordes::CanSwitchToApp
+#include "Logging.h" // LogEvtAddEventToQueue, etc.
+#include "MetaMemory.h" // MetaMemory mark functions
+#include "PreferenceMgr.h" // Preference (kPrefKeyUserName)
+#include "Profiling.h" // StDisableAllProfiling
+#include "ROMStubs.h" // FtrSet, FtrUnregister, EvtWakeup, ...
+#include "SessionFile.h" // SessionFile
+#include "UAE.h" // gRegs, m68k_dreg, etc.
+#pragma mark -
+// ===========================================================================
+// ¥ EmPatchMgr
+// ===========================================================================
+// ======================================================================
+// Global Interfaces
+// ======================================================================
+//Interface to THE collection of all patch modules:
+extern IEmPatchModuleMap* gPatchMapIP;
+extern IEmPatchLoader* gTheLoaderIP;
+// ======================================================================
+// Private globals and constants
+// ======================================================================
+//Table of currently Patched shared libraries
+static PatchedLibIndex gPatchedLibs;
+//Table of currently installed tail patches
+static TailPatchIndex gInstalledTailpatches;
+// Magic number used to identify Htal patch
+// See comments in HtalLibSendReply.
+const UInt16 kMagicRefNum = 0x666;
+// ======================================================================
+// Private functions
+// ======================================================================
+void PrvAutoload (void);
+void PrvSetCurrentDate (void);
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::Initialize
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Standard initialization function. Responsible for
+ * initializing this sub-system when a new session is
+ * created. Will be followed by at least one call to
+ * Reset or Load.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: none
+ *
+ * RETURNED: nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmPatchMgr::Initialize (void)
+ EmAssert (gSession);
+ gTheLoaderIP->InitializePL ();
+ gTheLoaderIP->LoadAllModules ();
+ gSession->AddInstructionBreakHandlers (
+ InstallInstructionBreaks,
+ RemoveInstructionBreaks,
+ HandleInstructionBreak);
+ if (gPatchMapIP != NULL)
+ {
+ gPatchMapIP->ClearAll ();
+ gPatchMapIP->LoadAll ();
+ }
+ EmPatchState::Initialize ();
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::Reset
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Standard reset function. Sets the sub-system to a
+ * default state. This occurs not only on a Reset (as
+ * from the menu item), but also when the sub-system
+ * is first initialized (Reset is called after Initialize)
+ * as well as when the system is re-loaded from an
+ * insufficient session file.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: none
+ *
+ * RETURNED: nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmPatchMgr::Reset (void)
+ gInstalledTailpatches.clear ();
+ // Clear the installed lib patches (for "loaded" libraries)
+ //
+ gPatchedLibs.clear ();
+ EmPatchState::Reset ();
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::Save
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Standard save function. Saves any sub-system state to
+ * the given session file.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: none
+ *
+ * RETURNED: nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmPatchMgr::Save (SessionFile& f)
+ const long kCurrentVersion = 5;
+ Chunk chunk;
+ EmStreamChunk s (chunk);
+ s << kCurrentVersion;
+ EmPatchState::Save (s, kCurrentVersion, EmPatchState::PSPersistStep1);
+// s << gSysPatchModule;
+// s << gNetLibPatchModule;
+// s << gPatchedLibs;
+ s << (long) gInstalledTailpatches.size ();
+ TailPatchIndex::iterator iter2;
+ for (iter2 = gInstalledTailpatches.begin (); iter2 != gInstalledTailpatches.end (); ++iter2)
+ {
+ s << iter2->fContext.fDestPC1; // !!! Need to support fDestPC2, too. But since only fNextPC seems to be used, it doesn't really matter.
+ s << iter2->fContext.fExtra;
+ s << iter2->fContext.fNextPC;
+ s << iter2->fContext.fPC;
+ s << iter2->fContext.fTrapIndex;
+ s << iter2->fContext.fTrapWord;
+ s << iter2->fCount;
+// s << iter2->fTailpatch; // Patched up in ::Load
+ }
+ EmPatchState::Save (s, kCurrentVersion, EmPatchState::PSPersistStep2);
+ f.WritePatchInfo (chunk);
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::Load
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Standard load function. Loads any sub-system state
+ * from the given session file.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: none
+ *
+ * RETURNED: nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmPatchMgr::Load (SessionFile& f)
+ Chunk chunk;
+ if (f.ReadPatchInfo (chunk))
+ {
+ long version;
+ EmStreamChunk s (chunk);
+ s >> version;
+ if (version >= 1)
+ {
+ EmPatchState::Load (s, version, EmPatchState::PSPersistStep1);
+ gPatchedLibs.clear ();
+ gInstalledTailpatches.clear ();
+ long numTailpatches;
+ s >> numTailpatches;
+ int ii;
+ for (ii = 0; ii < numTailpatches; ++ii)
+ {
+ TailpatchType patch;
+ s >> patch.fContext.fDestPC1; // !!! Need to support fDestPC2, too. But since only fNextPC seems to be used, it doesn't really matter.
+ patch.fContext.fDestPC2 = patch.fContext.fDestPC1;
+ s >> patch.fContext.fExtra;
+ s >> patch.fContext.fNextPC;
+ s >> patch.fContext.fPC;
+ s >> patch.fContext.fTrapIndex;
+ s >> patch.fContext.fTrapWord;
+ s >> patch.fCount;
+ // Patch up the tailpatch proc.
+ HeadpatchProc dummy;
+ GetPatches (patch.fContext, dummy, patch.fTailpatch);
+ gInstalledTailpatches.push_back (patch);
+ }
+ }
+ EmPatchState::Load (s, version, EmPatchState::PSPersistStep2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ f.SetCanReload (false);
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::Dispose
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Standard dispose function. Completely release any
+ * resources acquired or allocated in Initialize and/or
+ * Load.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: none
+ *
+ * RETURNED: nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmPatchMgr::Dispose (void)
+ gInstalledTailpatches.clear ();
+ gPatchedLibs.clear ();
+ EmPatchState::Dispose ();
+ if (gPatchMapIP != NULL)
+ {
+ gPatchMapIP->ClearAll ();
+ }
+ if (gTheLoaderIP)
+ {
+ gTheLoaderIP->ClearPL ();
+ }
+Err EmPatchMgr::GetGlobalMemBanks (void** membanksPP)
+ if (membanksPP != NULL)
+ *membanksPP = gEmMemBanks;
+ return 0;
+Err EmPatchMgr::GetGlobalRegs (void** regsPP)
+ if (regsPP != NULL)
+ *regsPP = &gRegs;
+ return 0;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::PostLoad
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Do some stuff that is normally taken care of during the
+ * process of resetting the device (autoloading
+ * applications, setting the device date, installing the
+ * HotSync user-name, and setting the 'gdbS' feature).
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: none
+ *
+ * RETURNED: nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmPatchMgr::PostLoad (void)
+ if (EmPatchState::UIInitialized ())
+ {
+ // If we're listening on a socket, install the 'gdbS' feature. The
+ // existance of this feature causes programs written with the prc tools
+ // to enter the debugger when they're launched.
+ if (Debug::ConnectedToTCPDebugger ())
+ {
+ FtrSet ('gdbS', 0, 0x12BEEF34);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FtrUnregister ('gdbS', 0);
+ }
+ // Reconfirm the strict intl checks setting, whether on or off.
+ Preference<Bool> intlPref (kPrefKeyReportStrictIntlChecks);
+ if (EmPatchMgr::IntlMgrAvailable ())
+ {
+ ::IntlSetStrictChecks (*intlPref);
+ }
+ // Reconfirm the overlay checks setting, whether on or off.
+ Preference<Bool> overlayPref (kPrefKeyReportOverlayErrors);
+ (void) ::FtrSet (omFtrCreator, omFtrShowErrorsFlag, *overlayPref);
+ // Install the HotSync user-name.
+ // Actually, let's not do that. From Scott Maxwell:
+ //
+ // Would it be possible to save the HotSync user name with each session? This
+ // would be very convenient for working on multiple projects because each
+ // session could have a different user name.
+ //
+ // To which I said:
+ // I think that what you're seeing is Poser (re-)establishing the user preference
+ // from the Properties/Preferences dialog box after the session is reloaded. I
+ // could see this way of working as being valuable, too, so I'm not sure which way
+ // to go: keep things the way they are or change them.
+ //
+ // To which he said:
+ //
+ // How about having the preferences dialog grab the name from the Palm RAM?
+ // That way you could easily maintain it per session.
+ //
+ // Sounds good to me...
+// Preference<string> userNamePref (kPrefKeyUserName);
+// ::SetHotSyncUserName (userNamePref->c_str ());
+ CEnableFullAccess munge;
+ if (EmLowMem::TrapExists (sysTrapDlkGetSyncInfo))
+ {
+ char userName[dlkUserNameBufSize];
+ Err err = ::DlkGetSyncInfo (NULL, NULL, NULL, userName, NULL, NULL);
+ if (!err)
+ {
+ Preference<string> userNamePref (kPrefKeyUserName);
+ userNamePref = string (userName);
+ }
+ }
+ // Auto-load any files in the Autoload[Foo] directories.
+ ::PrvAutoload ();
+ // Install the current date.
+ ::PrvSetCurrentDate ();
+ // Wake up any current application so that they can respond
+ // to events we pump in at EvtGetEvent time.
+ ::EvtWakeup ();
+ }
+ // Re-open any needed transports. This could probably be done
+ // at the time the session file is loaded, but we put it here
+ // with the rest of the (deferred) post-load activities for
+ // consistancy.
+ for (EmUARTDeviceType ii = kUARTBegin; ii < kUARTEnd; ++ii)
+ {
+ if (EmHAL::GetLineDriverState (ii))
+ {
+ EmTransport* transport = gEmuPrefs->GetTransportForDevice (ii);
+ if (transport)
+ {
+ transport->Open ();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::GetLibPatchTable
+ *
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: none
+ *
+ * RETURNED: nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+IEmPatchModule* EmPatchMgr::GetLibPatchTable (uint16 refNum)
+ if (refNum >= gPatchedLibs.size ())
+ {
+ gPatchedLibs.resize (refNum + 1);
+ }
+ InstalledLibPatchEntry &libPtchEntry = gPatchedLibs[refNum];
+ if (libPtchEntry.IsDirty () == true)
+ {
+ string libName = ::GetLibraryName (refNum);
+ IEmPatchModule *patchModuleIP = NULL;
+ if (gPatchMapIP != NULL)
+ {
+ gPatchMapIP->GetModuleByName (libName, patchModuleIP);
+ }
+ libPtchEntry.SetPatchTableP (patchModuleIP);
+ libPtchEntry.SetDirty (false);
+ }
+ return libPtchEntry.GetPatchTableP ();
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::HandleSystemCall
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: If this is a trap we could possibly have head- or
+ * tail-patched, handle those cases.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: none
+ *
+ * RETURNED: nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+CallROMType EmPatchMgr::HandleSystemCall (const SystemCallContext& context)
+ EmAssert (gSession);
+ if (gSession->GetNeedPostLoad ())
+ {
+ gSession->SetNeedPostLoad (false);
+ EmPatchMgr::PostLoad ();
+ }
+ HeadpatchProc hp;
+ TailpatchProc tp;
+ EmPatchMgr::GetPatches (context, hp, tp);
+ CallROMType handled = EmPatchMgr::HandlePatches (context, hp, tp);
+ return handled;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::GetPatches
+ *
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: none
+ *
+ * RETURNED: nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmPatchMgr::GetPatches ( const SystemCallContext& context,
+ HeadpatchProc& hp,
+ TailpatchProc& tp)
+ IEmPatchModule* patchModuleIP = NULL;
+ // If this is in the system function range, check our table of
+ // system function patches.
+ if (::IsSystemTrap (context.fTrapWord))
+ {
+ static IEmPatchModule *sysPatchModuleIP = NULL;
+ if (sysPatchModuleIP == NULL && gPatchMapIP != NULL)
+ {
+ gPatchMapIP->GetModuleByName (string ("~system"), sysPatchModuleIP);
+ }
+ patchModuleIP = sysPatchModuleIP;
+ }
+ else if (context.fExtra == kMagicRefNum) // See comments in HtalLibSendReply.
+ {
+ static IEmPatchModule *htalPatchModuleIP = NULL;
+ if (htalPatchModuleIP == NULL && gPatchMapIP != NULL)
+ {
+ gPatchMapIP->GetModuleByName (string ("~Htal"), htalPatchModuleIP);
+ }
+ patchModuleIP = htalPatchModuleIP;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, see if this is a call to a patched library
+ else
+ {
+ patchModuleIP = GetLibPatchTable (context.fExtra);
+ }
+ // Now that we've got the right patch table for this module, see if
+ // that patch table has head- or tailpatches for this function.
+ if (patchModuleIP != NULL)
+ {
+ patchModuleIP->GetHeadpatch (context.fTrapIndex, hp);
+ patchModuleIP->GetTailpatch (context.fTrapIndex, tp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hp = NULL;
+ tp = NULL;
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::HandlePatches
+ *
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: none
+ *
+ * RETURNED: nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+CallROMType EmPatchMgr::HandlePatches (const SystemCallContext& context,
+ HeadpatchProc hp,
+ TailpatchProc tp)
+ CallROMType handled = kExecuteROM;
+ // First, see if we have a SysHeadpatch for this function. If so, call
+ // it. If it returns true, then that means that the head patch
+ // completely handled the function.
+ // !!! May have to mess with PC here in case patches do something
+ // to enter the debugger.
+ if (hp)
+ {
+ handled = CallHeadpatch (hp);
+ }
+ // Next, see if there's a SysTailpatch function for this trap. If
+ // so, install the TRAP that will cause us to regain control
+ // after the trap function has executed.
+ if (tp)
+ {
+ if (handled == kExecuteROM)
+ {
+ SetupForTailpatch (tp, context);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CallTailpatch (tp);
+ }
+ }
+ return handled;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::HandleInstructionBreak
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Handle a tail patch, if any is registered for this
+ * memory location.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: none
+ *
+ * RETURNED: nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmPatchMgr::HandleInstructionBreak (void)
+ // Get the address of the tailpatch to call. May return NULL if
+ // there is no tailpatch for this memory location.
+ TailpatchProc tp = RecoverFromTailpatch (gCPU->GetPC ());
+ // Call the tailpatch handler for the trap that just returned.
+ CallTailpatch (tp);
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::InstallInstructionBreaks
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Set the MetaMemory bit that tells the CPU loop to stop
+ * when we get to the desired locations.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: none
+ *
+ * RETURNED: nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmPatchMgr::InstallInstructionBreaks (void)
+ TailPatchIndex::iterator iter = gInstalledTailpatches.begin ();
+ while (iter != gInstalledTailpatches.end ())
+ {
+ MetaMemory::MarkInstructionBreak (iter->fContext.fNextPC);
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::RemoveInstructionBreaks
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Clear the MetaMemory bit that tells the CPU loop to stop
+ * when we get to the desired locations.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: none
+ *
+ * RETURNED: nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmPatchMgr::RemoveInstructionBreaks (void)
+ TailPatchIndex::iterator iter = gInstalledTailpatches.begin ();
+ while (iter != gInstalledTailpatches.end ())
+ {
+ MetaMemory::UnmarkInstructionBreak (iter->fContext.fNextPC);
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::SetupForTailpatch
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Set up the pending TRAP $F call to be tailpatched.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: none
+ *
+ * RETURNED: nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmPatchMgr::SetupForTailpatch (TailpatchProc tp, const SystemCallContext& context)
+ // See if this function is already tailpatched. If so, merely increment
+ // the use-count field.
+ TailPatchIndex::iterator iter = gInstalledTailpatches.begin ();
+ while (iter != gInstalledTailpatches.end ())
+ {
+ if (iter->fContext.fNextPC == context.fNextPC)
+ {
+ ++(iter->fCount);
+ return;
+ }
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ // This function is not already tailpatched, so add a new entry
+ // for the the PC/opcode we want to save.
+ EmAssert (gSession);
+ gSession->RemoveInstructionBreaks ();
+ TailpatchType newTailpatch;
+ newTailpatch.fContext = context;
+ newTailpatch.fCount = 1;
+ newTailpatch.fTailpatch = tp;
+ gInstalledTailpatches.push_back (newTailpatch);
+ gSession->InstallInstructionBreaks ();
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::RecoverFromTailpatch
+ *
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: none
+ *
+ * RETURNED: nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+TailpatchProc EmPatchMgr::RecoverFromTailpatch (emuptr startPC)
+ // Get the current PC so that we can find the record for this tailpatch.
+ emuptr patchPC = startPC;
+ // Find the PC.
+ TailPatchIndex::iterator iter = gInstalledTailpatches.begin ();
+ while (iter != gInstalledTailpatches.end ())
+ {
+ if (iter->fContext.fNextPC == patchPC)
+ {
+ TailpatchProc result = iter->fTailpatch;
+ // Decrement the use-count. If it reaches zero, remove the
+ // patch from our list.
+ if (--(iter->fCount) == 0)
+ {
+ EmAssert (gSession);
+ gSession->RemoveInstructionBreaks ();
+ gInstalledTailpatches.erase (iter);
+ gSession->InstallInstructionBreaks ();
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::CallHeadpatch
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: If the given system function is head patched, then call
+ * the headpatch. Return "handled" (which means whether
+ * or not to call the ROM function after this one).
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: none
+ *
+ * RETURNED: nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+CallROMType EmPatchMgr::CallHeadpatch (HeadpatchProc hp, bool /* noProfiling */)
+ CallROMType handled = kExecuteROM;
+ if (hp)
+ {
+ // If (noProfiling == true) then stop all profiling activities.
+ // Stop cycle counting and stop the recording of function entries
+ // and exits. We want our trap patches to be as transparent as possible.
+ StDisableAllProfiling stopper (/*noProfiling*/);
+ handled = hp ();
+ }
+ return handled;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::CallTailpatch
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: If the given function is tail patched, then call the
+ * tailpatch.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: none
+ *
+ * RETURNED: nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmPatchMgr::CallTailpatch (TailpatchProc tp, bool /* noProfiling */)
+ if (tp)
+ {
+ // Stop all profiling activities. Stop cycle counting and stop the
+ // recording of function entries and exits. We want our trap patches
+ // to be as transparent as possible.
+ StDisableAllProfiling stopper (/*noProfiling*/);
+ tp ();
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::PuppetString
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Puppet stringing function for inserting events into
+ * the system. We want to insert events when:
+ *
+ * - Gremlins is running
+ * - The user types characters
+ * - The user clicks with the mouse
+ * - We need to trigger a switch another application
+ *
+ * This function is called from headpatches to
+ * SysEvGroupWait and SysSemaphoreWait. When the Palm OS
+ * needs an event, it calls EvtGetEvent. EvtGetEvent
+ * looks in all the usual places for events to return. If
+ * it doesn't find any, it puts the system to sleep by
+ * calling SysEvGroupWait (or SysSemaphoreWait on 1.0
+ * systems). SysEvGroupWait will wake up and return when
+ * an event is posted via something like EvtEnqueuePenPoint,
+ * EvtEnqueueKey, or KeyHandleInterrupt.
+ *
+ * To puppet-string Palm OS, we therefore patch those
+ * functions and post events, preventing them from actually
+ * going to sleep.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: callROM - return here whether or not the original ROM
+ * function still needs to be called. Normally, the
+ * answer is "yes".
+ *
+ * clearTimeout - set to true if the "timeout" parameter
+ * of the function we've patched needs to be prevented
+ * from being "infinite".
+ *
+ * RETURNED: nothing
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+static void PrvForceNilEvent (void)
+ // No event was posted. What we'd like right now is to force
+ // EvtGetEvent to return a nil event. We can do that by returning
+ // a non-zero result code from SysEvGroupWait. EvtGetEvent doesn't
+ // look too closely at the result, but let's try to be as close to
+ // reality as possible. SysEvGroupWait currently returns "4"
+ // (CJ_WRTMOUT) to indicate a timeout condition. It should
+ // probably get turned into sysErrTimeout somewhere along the way,
+ // but that translation doesn't seem to occur.
+ m68k_dreg (gRegs, 0) = 4;
+void EmPatchMgr::PuppetString (CallROMType& callROM, Bool& clearTimeout)
+ callROM = kExecuteROM;
+ clearTimeout = false;
+ // Set the return value (Err) to zero in case we return
+ // "true" (saying that we handled the trap).
+ m68k_dreg (gRegs, 0) = 0;
+ // If the low-memory global "idle" is true, then we're being
+ // called from EvtGetEvent or EvtGetPen, in which case we
+ // need to check if we need to post some events.
+ if (EmLowMem::GetEvtMgrIdle ())
+ {
+ // If there's an RPC request waiting for a nilEvent,
+ // let it know that it happened.
+ if (EmPatchState::GetLastEvtTrap () == sysTrapEvtGetEvent)
+ {
+ RPC::SignalWaiters (hostSignalIdle);
+ }
+ // If we're in the middle of calling a Palm OS function ourself,
+ // and we are somehow at the point where the system is about to
+ // doze, then just return now. Don't let it doze! Interrupts are
+ // off, and HwrDoze will never return!
+ if (gSession->IsNested ())
+ {
+ ::PrvForceNilEvent ();
+ callROM = kSkipROM;
+ return;
+ }
+ EmAssert (gSession);
+ // Check if Minimization is going on.
+ if (EmEventPlayback::ReplayingEvents ())
+ {
+ if (EmPatchState::GetLastEvtTrap () == sysTrapEvtGetEvent)
+ {
+ if (!EmEventPlayback::ReplayGetEvent ())
+ {
+ ::PrvForceNilEvent ();
+ callROM = kSkipROM;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (EmPatchState::GetLastEvtTrap () == sysTrapEvtGetPen)
+ {
+ EmEventPlayback::ReplayGetPen ();
+ }
+ // Never let the timeout be infinite. If the above event-posting
+ // attempts failed (which could happen, for instance, if we attempted
+ // to post a pen event with the same coordinates as the previous
+ // pen event), we'd end up waiting forever.
+ clearTimeout = true;
+ }
+ // Check if Hords is going on.
+ else if (Hordes::IsOn ())
+ {
+ if (EmPatchState::GetLastEvtTrap () == sysTrapEvtGetEvent)
+ {
+ if (!Hordes::PostFakeEvent ())
+ {
+ if (LogEnqueuedEvents ())
+ {
+ LogAppendMsg ("Hordes::PostFakeEvent did not post an event.");
+ }
+ ::PrvForceNilEvent ();
+ callROM = kSkipROM;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (EmPatchState::GetLastEvtTrap () == sysTrapEvtGetPen)
+ {
+ Hordes::PostFakePenEvent ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (LogEnqueuedEvents ())
+ {
+ LogAppendMsg ("Last event was 0x%04X, so not posting event.", EmPatchState::GetLastEvtTrap ());
+ }
+ }
+ // Never let the timeout be infinite. If the above event-posting
+ // attempts failed (which could happen, for instance, if we attempted
+ // to post a pen event with the same coordinates as the previous
+ // pen event), we'd end up waiting forever.
+ clearTimeout = true;
+ }
+ // Gremlins aren't on; let's see if the user has typed some
+ // keys that we need to pass on to the Palm device.
+ else if (gSession->HasKeyEvent ())
+ {
+ EmKeyEvent event = gSession->GetKeyEvent ();
+ UInt16 modifiers = 0;
+ if (event.fShiftDown)
+ modifiers |= shiftKeyMask;
+ if (event.fCapsLockDown)
+ modifiers |= capsLockMask;
+ if (event.fNumLockDown)
+ modifiers |= numLockMask;
+ // We don't really want to set this one. commandKeyMask
+ // means something special in Palm OS
+// if (event.fCommandDown)
+// modifiers |= commandKeyMask;
+ if (event.fOptionDown)
+ modifiers |= optionKeyMask;
+ if (event.fControlDown)
+ modifiers |= controlKeyMask;
+ if (event.fAltDown)
+ modifiers |= 0; // no bit defined for this
+ if (event.fWindowsDown)
+ modifiers |= 0; // no bit defined for this
+ ::StubAppEnqueueKey (event.fKey, 0, modifiers);
+ }
+ // No key events, let's see if there are pen events.
+ else if (gSession->HasPenEvent ())
+ {
+ EmPoint pen (-1, -1);
+ EmPenEvent event = gSession->GetPenEvent ();
+ if (event.fPenIsDown)
+ {
+ pen = event.fPenPoint;
+ }
+ PointType palmPen = pen;
+ StubAppEnqueuePt (&palmPen);
+ }
+ // E. None of the above. Let's see if there's an app
+ // we're itching to switch to.
+ else if (EmPatchState::GetNextAppDbID () != 0)
+ {
+ /*Err err =*/ SwitchToApp (EmPatchState::GetNextAppCardNo (), EmPatchState::GetNextAppDbID ());
+ EmPatchState::SetNextAppCardNo (0);
+ EmPatchState::SetNextAppDbID (0);
+ clearTimeout = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (Hordes::IsOn () && LogEnqueuedEvents ())
+ {
+ LogAppendMsg ("Event Manager not idle, so not posting an event.");
+ }
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::IntlMgrAvailable
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Indicates whether the international manager is available.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: True if it is (OS > 4.0), false otherwise.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+Bool EmPatchMgr::IntlMgrAvailable (void)
+ UInt32 romVersionData;
+ FtrGet (sysFileCSystem, sysFtrNumROMVersion, &romVersionData);
+ UInt32 romVersionMajor = sysGetROMVerMajor (romVersionData);
+ return (romVersionMajor >= 4);
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmPatchMgr::SwitchToApp
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Switches to the given application or launchable document.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: cardNo - the card number of the app to switch to.
+ *
+ * dbID - the database id of the app to switch to.
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Err number of any errors that occur
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+Err EmPatchMgr::SwitchToApp (UInt16 cardNo, LocalID dbID)
+ UInt16 dbAttrs;
+ UInt32 type, creator;
+ Err err = ::DmDatabaseInfo (
+ cardNo,
+ dbID,
+ NULL, /*name*/
+ &dbAttrs,
+ NULL, /*version*/
+ NULL, /*create date*/
+ NULL, /*modDate*/
+ NULL, /*backup date*/
+ NULL, /*modNum*/
+ NULL, /*appInfoID*/
+ NULL, /*sortInfoID*/
+ &type,
+ &creator);
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // If this is an executable, call SysUIAppSwitch
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (::IsExecutable (type, creator, dbAttrs))
+ {
+ err = ::SysUIAppSwitch (cardNo, dbID,
+ sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch, NULL);
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // else, this must be a launchable data database. Find it's owner app
+ // and launch it with a pointer to the data database name.
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ else
+ {
+ DmSearchStateType searchState;
+ UInt16 appCardNo;
+ LocalID appDbID;
+ err = ::DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator (true, &searchState,
+ sysFileTApplication, creator,
+ true, &appCardNo, &appDbID);
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+ // Create the param block
+ emuptr cmdPBP = (emuptr) ::MemPtrNew (sizeof (SysAppLaunchCmdOpenDBType));
+ if (cmdPBP == EmMemNULL)
+ return memErrNotEnoughSpace;
+ // Fill it in
+ ::MemPtrSetOwner ((MemPtr) cmdPBP, 0);
+ EmMemPut16 (cmdPBP + offsetof (SysAppLaunchCmdOpenDBType, cardNo), cardNo);
+ EmMemPut32 (cmdPBP + offsetof (SysAppLaunchCmdOpenDBType, dbID), dbID);
+ // Switch now
+ err = ::SysUIAppSwitch (appCardNo, appDbID, sysAppLaunchCmdOpenDB, (MemPtr) cmdPBP);
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+ }
+ return errNone;