path: root/SrcShared/Palm/Platform/Incs/Core/UI/Event.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'SrcShared/Palm/Platform/Incs/Core/UI/Event.h')
1 files changed, 347 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SrcShared/Palm/Platform/Incs/Core/UI/Event.h b/SrcShared/Palm/Platform/Incs/Core/UI/Event.h
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+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1994-1999 Palm Computing, Inc. or its subsidiaries.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * File: Event.h
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * This file defines UI event structures and routines.
+ *
+ * History:
+ * September 26, 1994 Created by Art Lamb
+ * 07/14/99 jesse Separated from Event.h
+ * 09/12/99 gap Add for new multi-tap implementation
+ * 09/14/99 gap Removed EvtGetTrapState.
+ * 10/28/99 kwk Added EvtKeydownIsVirtual macro.
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __EVENT_H__
+#define __EVENT_H__
+#include <PalmTypes.h>
+#include <CoreTraps.h>
+#include <Font.h>
+#include <Rect.h>
+#include <SysEvent.h>
+#include <Window.h>
+typedef enum {
+ nilEvent = 0, // system level
+ penDownEvent, // system level
+ penUpEvent, // system level
+ penMoveEvent, // system level
+ keyDownEvent, // system level
+ winEnterEvent, // system level
+ winExitEvent, // system level
+ ctlEnterEvent,
+ ctlExitEvent,
+ ctlSelectEvent,
+ ctlRepeatEvent,
+ lstEnterEvent,
+ lstSelectEvent,
+ lstExitEvent,
+ popSelectEvent,
+ fldEnterEvent,
+ fldHeightChangedEvent,
+ fldChangedEvent,
+ tblEnterEvent,
+ tblSelectEvent,
+ daySelectEvent,
+ menuEvent,
+ appStopEvent = 22, // system level
+ frmLoadEvent,
+ frmOpenEvent,
+ frmGotoEvent,
+ frmUpdateEvent,
+ frmSaveEvent,
+ frmCloseEvent,
+ frmTitleEnterEvent,
+ frmTitleSelectEvent,
+ tblExitEvent,
+ sclEnterEvent,
+ sclExitEvent,
+ sclRepeatEvent,
+ tsmConfirmEvent = 35, // system level
+ tsmFepButtonEvent, // system level
+ tsmFepModeEvent, // system level
+//DOLATER - peter: remove this: frmTitleChangedEvent, // system level
+ attnIndicatorEnterEvent, // for attention manager's indicator
+ attnIndicatorSelectEvent, // for attention manager's indicator
+ // add future UI level events in this numeric space
+ // to save room for new system level events
+ menuCmdBarOpenEvent = 0x0800,
+ menuOpenEvent,
+ menuCloseEvent,
+ frmGadgetEnterEvent,
+ frmGadgetMiscEvent,
+ // <chg 2-25-98 RM> Equates added for library events
+ firstINetLibEvent = 0x1000,
+ firstWebLibEvent = 0x1100,
+ // <chg 10/9/98 SCL> Changed firstUserEvent from 32767 (0x7FFF) to 0x6000
+ // Enums are signed ints, so 32767 technically only allowed for ONE event.
+ firstUserEvent = 0x6000
+} eventsEnum;
+// The event record.
+typedef struct EventType {
+// eventsEnum eType;
+ Int16 eType;
+ Boolean penDown;
+ UInt8 tapCount;
+ Int16 screenX;
+ Int16 screenY;
+ union {
+ struct _GenericEventType generic;
+ struct _PenUpEventType penUp;
+ struct _KeyDownEventType keyDown;
+ struct _WinEnterEventType winEnter;
+ struct _WinExitEventType winExit;
+ struct _TSMConfirmType tsmConfirm;
+ struct _TSMFepButtonType tsmFepButton;
+ struct _TSMFepModeEventType tsmFepMode;
+ struct ctlEnter {
+ UInt16 controlID;
+ struct ControlType *pControl;
+ } ctlEnter;
+ struct ctlSelect {
+ UInt16 controlID;
+ struct ControlType *pControl;
+ Boolean on;
+ UInt8 reserved1;
+ UInt16 value; // used for slider controls only
+ } ctlSelect;
+ struct ctlRepeat {
+ UInt16 controlID;
+ struct ControlType *pControl;
+ UInt32 time;
+ UInt16 value; // used for slider controls only
+ } ctlRepeat;
+ struct ctlExit {
+ UInt16 controlID;
+ struct ControlType *pControl;
+ } ctlExit;
+ struct fldEnter {
+ UInt16 fieldID;
+ struct FieldType *pField;
+ } fldEnter;
+ struct fldHeightChanged {
+ UInt16 fieldID;
+ struct FieldType *pField;
+ Int16 newHeight;
+ UInt16 currentPos;
+ } fldHeightChanged;
+ struct fldChanged {
+ UInt16 fieldID;
+ struct FieldType *pField;
+ } fldChanged;
+ struct fldExit {
+ UInt16 fieldID;
+ struct FieldType *pField;
+ } fldExit;
+ struct lstEnter {
+ UInt16 listID;
+ struct ListType *pList;
+ Int16 selection;
+ } lstEnter;
+ struct lstExit {
+ UInt16 listID;
+ struct ListType *pList;
+ } lstExit;
+ struct lstSelect {
+ UInt16 listID;
+ struct ListType *pList;
+ Int16 selection;
+ } lstSelect;
+ struct tblEnter {
+ UInt16 tableID;
+ struct TableType *pTable;
+ Int16 row;
+ Int16 column;
+ } tblEnter;
+ struct tblExit {
+ UInt16 tableID;
+ struct TableType *pTable;
+ Int16 row;
+ Int16 column;
+ } tblExit;
+ struct tblSelect {
+ UInt16 tableID;
+ struct TableType *pTable;
+ Int16 row;
+ Int16 column;
+ } tblSelect;
+ struct frmLoad {
+ UInt16 formID;
+ } frmLoad;
+ struct frmOpen {
+ UInt16 formID;
+ } frmOpen;
+ struct frmGoto {
+ UInt16 formID;
+ UInt16 recordNum; // index of record that contain a match
+ UInt16 matchPos; // postion in record of the match.
+ UInt16 matchLen; // length of match.
+ UInt16 matchFieldNum; // field number string was found int
+ UInt32 matchCustom; // application specific info
+ } frmGoto;
+ struct frmClose {
+ UInt16 formID;
+ } frmClose;
+ struct frmUpdate {
+ UInt16 formID;
+ UInt16 updateCode; // Application specific
+ } frmUpdate;
+ struct frmTitleEnter {
+ UInt16 formID;
+ } frmTitleEnter;
+ struct frmTitleSelect {
+ UInt16 formID;
+ } frmTitleSelect;
+ struct attnIndicatorEnter {
+ UInt16 formID;
+ } attnIndicatorEnter;
+ struct attnIndicatorSelect {
+ UInt16 formID;
+ } attnIndicatorSelect;
+ struct daySelect {
+ struct DaySelectorType *pSelector;
+ Int16 selection;
+ Boolean useThisDate;
+ UInt8 reserved1;
+ } daySelect;
+ struct menu {
+ UInt16 itemID;
+ } menu;
+ struct popSelect {
+ UInt16 controlID;
+ struct ControlType *controlP;
+ UInt16 listID;
+ struct ListType *listP;
+ Int16 selection;
+ Int16 priorSelection;
+ } popSelect;
+ struct sclEnter {
+ UInt16 scrollBarID;
+ struct ScrollBarType *pScrollBar;
+ } sclEnter;
+ struct sclExit {
+ UInt16 scrollBarID;
+ struct ScrollBarType *pScrollBar;
+ Int16 value;
+ Int16 newValue;
+ } sclExit;
+ struct sclRepeat {
+ UInt16 scrollBarID;
+ struct ScrollBarType *pScrollBar;
+ Int16 value;
+ Int16 newValue;
+ Int32 time;
+ } sclRepeat;
+ struct menuCmdBarOpen {
+ Boolean preventFieldButtons; // set to stop the field from automatically adding cut/copy/paste
+ UInt8 reserved; // alignment padding
+ } menuCmdBarOpen;
+ struct menuOpen {
+ UInt16 menuRscID;
+ //struct MenuBarType *pMenu;
+ Int16 cause;
+ } menuOpen;
+ struct gadgetEnter {
+ UInt16 gadgetID; // must be same as gadgetMisc
+ struct FormGadgetType * gadgetP; // must be same as gadgetMisc
+ } gadgetEnter;
+ struct gadgetMisc {
+ UInt16 gadgetID; // must be same as gadgetEnter
+ struct FormGadgetType * gadgetP; // must be same as gadgetEnter
+ UInt16 selector;
+ void * dataP;
+ } gadgetMisc;
+ } data;
+} EventType;
+typedef EventType *EventPtr;
+// Evaluate to true if <eventP> is a pointer to a virtual character key-
+// down event. We assume that the caller has already determined the event
+// is a keydown. WARNING!!! This macro is only safe to use on Palm OS 3.5
+// or later. With earlier versions of the OS, use TxtGlueCharIsVirtual()
+// in PalmOSGlue.lib
+#define EvtKeydownIsVirtual(eventP) (((eventP)->data.keyDown.modifiers & virtualKeyMask) != 0)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+// Event Functions
+void EvtAddEventToQueue (const EventType *event)
+ SYS_TRAP(sysTrapEvtAddEventToQueue);
+void EvtAddUniqueEventToQueue(const EventType *eventP, UInt32 id,
+ Boolean inPlace)
+ SYS_TRAP(sysTrapEvtAddUniqueEventToQueue);
+void EvtCopyEvent (const EventType *source, EventType *dest)
+ SYS_TRAP(sysTrapEvtCopyEvent);
+void EvtGetEvent (EventType *event, Int32 timeout)
+ SYS_TRAP(sysTrapEvtGetEvent);
+Boolean EvtEventAvail (void)
+ SYS_TRAP(sysTrapEvtEventAvail);
+void EvtGetPen(Int16 *pScreenX, Int16 *pScreenY, Boolean *pPenDown)
+ SYS_TRAP(sysTrapEvtGetPen);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // __EVENT_H__