path: root/SrcShared/Palm/Platform/Incs/Core/System/DLServer.h
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+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Palm Computing, Inc. or its subsidiaries.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * File: DLServer.h
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Desktop Link Protocol(DLP) Server implementation definitions.
+ *
+ * History:
+ * vmk 7/12/95 Created by Vitaly Marty Kruglikov
+ * vmk 7/12/96 Converted to HTAL architecture
+ * jmp 12/23/99 Fix <> vs. "" problem.
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __DL_SERVER_H__
+#define __DL_SERVER_H__
+// Pilot common definitions
+#include <PalmTypes.h>
+#include <DataMgr.h> // for DmOpenRef
+#include <PalmOptErrorCheckLevel.h>
+ * DLK result codes
+ * (dlkErrorClass is defined in SystemMgr.h)
+ *************************************************************/
+#pragma mark *Error Codes*
+#define dlkErrParam (dlkErrorClass | 1) // invalid parameter
+#define dlkErrMemory (dlkErrorClass | 2) // memory allocation error
+#define dlkErrNoSession (dlkErrorClass | 3) // could not establish a session
+#define dlkErrSizeErr (dlkErrorClass | 4) // reply length was too big
+#define dlkErrLostConnection (dlkErrorClass | 5) // lost connection
+#define dlkErrInterrupted (dlkErrorClass | 6) // sync was interrupted (see sync state)
+#define dlkErrUserCan (dlkErrorClass | 7) // cancelled by user
+ * Desktop Link system preferences resource for user info
+ * id = sysResIDDlkUserInfo, defined in SystemResources.h
+ ********************************************************************/
+#pragma mark *User Info Preference*
+#define dlkMaxUserNameLength 40
+#define dlkUserNameBufSize (dlkMaxUserNameLength + 1)
+#define dlkMaxLogSize (20 * 1024)
+#define dlkMaxLogSize (2 * 1024)
+typedef enum DlkSyncStateType {
+ dlkSyncStateNeverSynced = 0, // never synced
+ dlkSyncStateInProgress, // sync is in progress
+ dlkSyncStateLostConnection, // connection lost during sync
+ dlkSyncStateLocalCan, // cancelled by local user on handheld
+ dlkSyncStateRemoteCan, // cancelled by user from desktop
+ dlkSyncStateLowMemoryOnTD, // sync ended due to low memory on handheld
+ dlkSyncStateAborted, // sync was aborted for some other reason
+ dlkSyncStateCompleted, // sync completed normally
+ // Added in PalmOS v3.0:
+ dlkSyncStateIncompatibleProducts // sync ended because desktop HotSync product
+ // is incompatible with this version
+ // of the handheld HotSync
+ } DlkSyncStateType;
+#define dlkUserInfoPrefVersion 0x0102 // current user info pref version: 1.2
+typedef struct DlkUserInfoHdrType {
+ UInt16 version; // pref version number
+ UInt32 userID; // user id
+ UInt32 viewerID; // id assigned to viewer by the desktop
+ UInt32 lastSyncPC; // last sync PC id
+ UInt32 succSyncDate; // last successful sync date
+ UInt32 lastSyncDate; // last sync date
+ DlkSyncStateType lastSyncState; // last sync status
+ UInt8 reserved1; // Explicitly account for 16-bit alignment padding
+ UInt16 lanSyncEnabled;// if non-zero, LAN Sync is enabled
+ UInt32 hsTcpPortNum; // TCP/IP port number of Desktop HotSync
+ UInt32 dwReserved1; // RESERVED -- set to NULL!
+ UInt32 dwReserved2; // RESERVED -- set to NULL!
+ UInt8 userNameLen; // length of name field(including null)
+ UInt8 reserved2; // Explicitly account for 16-bit alignment padding
+ UInt16 syncLogLen; // length of sync log(including null)
+ } DlkUserInfoHdrType;
+typedef struct DlkUserInfoType {
+ DlkUserInfoHdrType header; // fixed size header
+ Char nameAndLog[2]; // user name, followed by sync log;
+ // both null-terminated(for debugging)
+ } DlkUserInfoType;
+typedef DlkUserInfoType* DlkUserInfoPtr; // user info pointer
+ * Desktop Link system preferences resource for the Conduit Filter Table
+ * id = sysResIDDlkCondFilterTab, defined in SystemResources.h
+ ********************************************************************/
+#pragma mark *Conduit Filter Preference*
+// Table for specifying conduits to "filter out" during HotSync
+// This table consists of DlkCondFilterTableHdrType header followed by a
+// variable number of DlkCondFilterEntryType entries
+typedef struct DlkCondFilterTableHdrType {
+ UInt16 entryCount;
+ } DlkCondFilterTableHdrType;
+typedef DlkCondFilterTableHdrType* DlkCondFilterTableHdrPtr;
+typedef struct DlkCondFilterEntryType {
+ UInt32 creator;
+ UInt32 type;
+ } DlkCondFilterEntryType;
+typedef DlkCondFilterEntryType* DlkCondFilterEntryPtr;
+typedef struct DlkCondFilterTableType {
+ DlkCondFilterTableHdrType
+ hdr; // table header
+ DlkCondFilterEntryType
+ entry[1]; // variable number of entries
+ } DlkCondFilterTableType;
+typedef DlkCondFilterTableType* DlkCondFilterTablePtr;
+ * DLK Session Structures
+ ********************************************************************/
+#pragma mark *Session Structures*
+// DesktopLink event notification callback. If non-zero is returned,
+// sync will be cancelled as soon as a safe point is reached.
+typedef enum {
+ dlkEventOpeningConduit = 1, // conduit is being opened -- paramP
+ // is null;
+ dlkEventDatabaseOpened, // client has opened a database -- paramP
+ // points to DlkEventDatabaseOpenedType;
+ dlkEventCleaningUp, // last stage of sync -- cleaning up (notifying apps, etc) --
+ // paramP is null
+ dlkEventSystemResetRequested // system reset was requested by the desktop client
+ // (the normal action is to delay the reset until
+ // end of sync) -- paramP is null
+ } DlkEventType;
+// Prototype for the event notification callback
+typedef Int16 (*DlkEventProcPtr)(UInt32 eventRef, DlkEventType dlkEvent,
+ void * paramP);
+// Parameter structure for dlkEventDatabaseOpened
+// Added new fields for Pilot v2.0 vmk 12/24/96
+typedef struct DlkEventDatabaseOpenedType {
+ DmOpenRef dbR; // open database ref (v2.0)
+ Char * dbNameP; // database name
+ UInt32 dbType; // databse type (v2.0)
+ UInt32 dbCreator; // database creator
+ } DlkEventDatabaseOpenedType;
+// Prototype for the "user cancel" check callback function
+typedef Int16 (*DlkUserCanProcPtr)(UInt32 canRef);
+// List of modified database creators maintained by DLP Server
+typedef struct DlkDBCreatorList {
+ UInt16 count; // number of entries in the list
+ MemHandle listH; // chunk MemHandle of the creators list
+ } DlkDBCreatorList;
+// Desktop Link Server state flags
+#define dlkStateFlagVerExchanged 0x8000
+#define dlkStateFlagSyncDateSet 0x4000
+// DLP Server session information
+typedef struct DlkServerSessionType {
+ UInt16 htalLibRefNum; // HTAL library reference number - the library has a live connection
+ UInt32 maxHtalXferSize; // Maximum transfer block size
+ // Information supplied by user
+ DlkEventProcPtr eventProcP; // ptr to DesktopLink event notification proc
+ UInt32 eventRef; // user reference value for event proc
+ DlkUserCanProcPtr canProcP; // ptr to user-cancel function
+ UInt32 canRef; // parameter for canProcP()
+ MemHandle condFilterH; // MemHandle of conduit filter table(DlkCondFilterTableHdrPtr) or 0 for none
+ // Current database information
+ UInt8 dlkDBID; // Desktop Link database MemHandle of the open database
+ UInt8 reserved1;
+ DmOpenRef dbR; // TouchDown database access pointer -- if null, no current db
+ UInt16 cardNo; // memory module number
+ UInt32 dbCreator; // creator id
+ Char dbName[dmDBNameLength]; // DB name
+ UInt16 dbOpenMode; // database open mode
+ Boolean created; // true if the current db was created
+ Boolean isResDB; // set to true if resource database
+ Boolean ramBased; // true if the db is in RAM storage
+ Boolean readOnly; // true if the db is read-only
+ LocalID dbLocalID; // TouchDown LocalID of the database
+ UInt32 initialModNum; // initial DB modification number
+ UInt32 curRecIndex; // current record index for enumeration functions
+ // (0=beginning)
+ // List of modified database creators maintained by DLP Server
+ DlkDBCreatorList creatorList;
+ // Session status information
+// DlkSyncStateType syncState; // current sync state;
+ UInt8 syncState; // current sync state;
+ Boolean complete; // set to true when completion request
+ // has been received
+ Boolean conduitOpened; // set to true after the first coduit
+ // is opened by remote
+ Boolean logCleared; // set to true after sync log has been
+ // cleared during the current session;
+ // The log will be cleared before any new entries are added or at
+ // the end of sync in case no new entries were added.
+ // (we do not clear the log at the beginning of sync in case the
+ // user cancels during the "identifying user" phase; in this
+ // event, the spec calls for preserving the original log)
+ Boolean resetPending; // set to true if system reset is pending;
+ // the reset will be carried out at end
+ // of sync
+ // Current request information
+ Boolean gotCommand; // set to true when got a request
+ UInt8 cmdTID; // current transaction ID
+ UInt8 reserved2;
+ UInt16 cmdLen; // size of data in request buffer
+ void * cmdP; // pointer to command
+ MemHandle cmdH; // MemHandle of command buffer
+ // Fields added in PalmOS v3.0
+ UInt16 wStateFlags; // bitfield of dlkStateFlag... bits
+ DmSearchStateType dbSearchState; // database search state for iterative
+ // searches using DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator
+ } DlkServerSessionType;
+typedef DlkServerSessionType* DlkServerSessionPtr;
+ * DLK Function Parameter Structures
+ ********************************************************************/
+#pragma mark *Function Parameter Structures*
+// Parameter passed to DlkControl()
+typedef enum DlkCtlEnum {
+ dlkCtlFirst = 0, // reserve 0
+ //
+ // Pilot v2.0 control codes:
+ //
+ dlkCtlGetPCHostName, // param1P = ptr to text buffer; (can be null if *(UInt16 *)param2P is 0)
+ // param2P = ptr to buffer size(UInt16);
+ // returns actual length, including null, in *(UInt16 *)param2P which may be bigger than # of bytes copied.
+ dlkCtlSetPCHostName, // param1P = ptr to host name(zero-terminated) or NULL if *param2 is 0
+ // param2P = ptr to length(UInt16), including NULL (if length is 0, the current name is deleted)
+ dlkCtlGetCondFilterTable, // param1P = ptr to destination buffer for filter table, or NULL if *param2 is 0
+ // param2P = on entry, ptr to size of buffer(UInt16) (the size may be 0)
+ // on return, size, in bytes, of the actual filter table
+ dlkCtlSetCondFilterTable, // param1P = ptr to to conduit filter table, or NULL if *param2 is 0
+ // param2P = ptr to size of filter table(UInt16) (if size is 0, the current table will be deleted)
+ dlkCtlGetLANSync, // param1P = ptr to store for the LANSync setting(UInt16): 0 = off, otherwise on
+ // param2P = not used, set to NULL
+ dlkCtlSetLANSync, // param1P = ptr to the LANSync setting(UInt16): 0 = off, otherwise on
+ // param2P = not used, set to NULL
+ dlkCtlGetHSTCPPort, // param1P = ptr to store for the Desktop HotSync TCP/IP port number(UInt32) -- zero if not set
+ // param2P = not used, set to NULL
+ dlkCtlSetHSTCPPort, // param1P = ptr to the Desktop HotSync TCP/IP port number(UInt32)
+ // param2P = not used, set to NULL
+ dlkCtlSendCallAppReply, // param1P = ptr to DlkCallAppReplyParamType structure
+ // param2P = not used, set to NULL
+ //
+ // RETURNS: send error code; use this error code
+ // as return value from the action code handler
+ dlkCtlGetPCHostAddr, // param1P = ptr to text buffer; (can be null if *(UInt16 *)param2P is 0)
+ // param2P = ptr to buffer size(UInt16);
+ // returns actual length, including null, in *(UInt16 *)param2P which may be bigger than # of bytes copied.
+ dlkCtlSetPCHostAddr, // param1P = ptr to host address string(zero-terminated) or NULL if *param2 is 0
+ // param2P = ptr to length(UInt16), including NULL (if length is 0, the current name is deleted)
+ dlkCtlGetPCHostMask, // param1P = ptr to text buffer; (can be null if *(UInt16 *)param2P is 0)
+ // param2P = ptr to buffer size(UInt16);
+ // returns actual length, including null, in *(UInt16 *)param2P which may be bigger than # of bytes copied.
+ dlkCtlSetPCHostMask, // param1P = ptr to subnet mask string(zero-terminated) or NULL if *param2 is 0
+ // param2P = ptr to length(UInt16), including NULL (if length is 0, the current name is deleted)
+} DlkCtlEnum;
+// Parameter passed to DlkStartServer()
+typedef struct DlkServerParamType {
+ UInt16 htalLibRefNum; // HTAL library reference number - the library has a live connection
+ DlkEventProcPtr eventProcP; // ptr to DesktopLink event notification proc
+ UInt32 eventRef; // user reference value for event proc
+ UInt32 reserved1; // reserved - set to NULL
+ UInt32 reserved2; // reserved - set to NULL
+ MemHandle condFilterH; // MemHandle of conduit filter table(DlkCondFilterTableHdrPtr) or 0 for none
+ } DlkServerParamType;
+typedef DlkServerParamType* DlkServerParamPtr;
+// Parameter passed with DlkControl()'s dlkCtlSendCallAppReply code
+typedef struct DlkCallAppReplyParamType {
+ UInt16 pbSize; // size of this parameter block (set to sizeof(DlkCallAppReplyParamType))
+ UInt32 dwResultCode; // result code to be returned to remote caller
+ void * resultP; // ptr to result data
+ UInt32 dwResultSize; // size of reply data in number of bytes
+ void * dlRefP; // DesktopLink reference pointer from
+ // SysAppLaunchCmdHandleSyncCallAppType
+ UInt32 dwReserved1; // RESERVED -- set to null!!!
+ } DlkCallAppReplyParamType;
+ * DesktopLink Server Routines
+ ********************************************************************/
+#pragma mark *Function Prototypes*
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+// * RETURNED: 0 if session ended successfully; otherwise: dlkErrParam,
+// * dlkErrNoSession, dlkErrLostConnection, dlkErrMemory,
+// * dlkErrUserCan
+extern Err DlkStartServer(DlkServerParamPtr paramP)
+ SYS_TRAP(sysTrapDlkStartServer);
+extern Err DlkGetSyncInfo(UInt32 * succSyncDateP, UInt32 * lastSyncDateP,
+ DlkSyncStateType* syncStateP, Char * nameBufP,
+ Char * logBufP, Int32 * logLenP)
+ SYS_TRAP(sysTrapDlkGetSyncInfo);
+// DOLATER... this is a temporary function for debugging modem manager.
+// remove it when done.
+extern void DlkSetLogEntry(const Char * textP, Int16 textLen, Boolean append)
+ SYS_TRAP(sysTrapDlkSetLogEntry);
+// Dispatch a DesktopLink request (exposed for patching)
+extern Err DlkDispatchRequest(DlkServerSessionPtr sessP)
+ SYS_TRAP(sysTrapDlkDispatchRequest);
+extern Err DlkControl(DlkCtlEnum op, void * param1P, void * param2P)
+ SYS_TRAP(sysTrapDlkControl);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ * DLK Macros
+ ********************************************************************/
+#endif // __DL_SERVER_H__