path: root/SrcShared/Hardware/EmCPU68K.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'SrcShared/Hardware/EmCPU68K.h')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SrcShared/Hardware/EmCPU68K.h b/SrcShared/Hardware/EmCPU68K.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cdfa08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SrcShared/Hardware/EmCPU68K.h
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+/* -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4 -*- */
+/* ===================================================================== *\
+ Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Palm, Inc. or its subsidiaries.
+ All rights reserved.
+ This file is part of the Palm OS Emulator.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+\* ===================================================================== */
+#ifndef EmCPU68K_h
+#define EmCPU68K_h
+#include "EmCPU.h" // EmCPU
+#include <vector> // vector
+#include "UAE.h" // regstruct
+struct regstruct;
+const uint16 kATrapReturnTrapNum = 0x0C;
+ * Register numbering for 68K. Each register must have a unique
+ * non-zero register number.
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+enum EmCPU68KRegID
+ e68KRegID_Invalid = 0, /* Zero is an invalid register number */
+ e68KRegID_D0 = 1,
+ e68KRegID_D1 = 2,
+ e68KRegID_D2 = 3,
+ e68KRegID_D3 = 4,
+ e68KRegID_D4 = 5,
+ e68KRegID_D5 = 6,
+ e68KRegID_D6 = 7,
+ e68KRegID_D7 = 8,
+ e68KRegID_A0 = 9,
+ e68KRegID_A1 = 10,
+ e68KRegID_A2 = 11,
+ e68KRegID_A3 = 12,
+ e68KRegID_A4 = 13,
+ e68KRegID_A5 = 14,
+ e68KRegID_A6 = 15,
+ e68KRegID_USP = 16,
+ e68KRegID_SSP = 17,
+ e68KRegID_PC = 18,
+ e68KRegID_SR = 19
+enum ExceptionNumber
+ kException_BusErr = 2, // 08 / 2
+ kException_AddressErr, // 0C / 3
+ kException_IllegalInstr, // 10 / 4
+ kException_DivideByZero, // 14 / 5
+ kException_Chk, // 18 / 6
+ kException_Trap, // 1C / 7
+ kException_Privilege, // 20 / 8
+ kException_Trace, // 24 / 9
+ kException_ATrap, // 28 / A
+ kException_FTrap, // 2C / B
+ kException_Reseved12, // 30 / C
+ kException_Coproc, // 34 / D
+ kException_FormatErr, // 38 / E
+ kException_UninitializedInt, // 3C / F
+ kException_Reserved0, // 40-5C / 10-17
+ kException_Reserved1,
+ kException_Reserved2,
+ kException_Reserved3,
+ kException_Reserved4,
+ kException_Reserved5,
+ kException_Reserved6,
+ kException_Reserved7,
+ kException_SpuriousInt, // 60 / 18
+ kException_AutoVec1, // 64 / 19
+ kException_AutoVec2, // 68 / 1A
+ kException_AutoVec3, // 6C / 1B
+ kException_AutoVec4, // 70 / 1C
+ kException_AutoVec5, // 74 / 1D
+ kException_AutoVec6, // 78 / 1E
+ kException_AutoVec7, // 7C / 1F
+ kException_Trap0, // 80 - BC / 20 - 2F // For soft breakpoints
+ kException_Trap1,
+ kException_Trap2,
+ kException_Trap3,
+ kException_Trap4,
+ kException_Trap5,
+ kException_Trap6,
+ kException_Trap7,
+ kException_Trap8, // For compiled breakpoints
+ kException_Trap9,
+ kException_Trap10,
+ kException_Trap11,
+ kException_Trap12,
+ kException_Trap13, // ATrap returns (emulator convention)
+ kException_Trap14,
+ kException_Trap15, // Trap dispatcher
+ kException_Unassigned0, // C0 - FC / 30 - 3F
+ kException_Unassigned1,
+ kException_Unassigned2,
+ kException_Unassigned3,
+ kException_Unassigned4,
+ kException_Unassigned5,
+ kException_Unassigned6,
+ kException_Unassigned7,
+ kException_Unassigned8,
+ kException_Unassigned9,
+ kException_Unassigned10,
+ kException_Unassigned11,
+ kException_Unassigned12,
+ kException_Unassigned13,
+ kException_Unassigned14,
+ kException_Unassigned15,
+ kException_LastException,
+ kException_SoftBreak = kException_Trap0 + sysDbgBreakpointTrapNum,
+ kException_HardBreak = kException_Trap0 + sysDbgTrapNum,
+ kException_SysCall = kException_Trap0 + sysDispatchTrapNum,
+ kException_ATrapReturn = kException_Trap0 + kATrapReturnTrapNum
+ Grr...this function doesn't appear to be "seen" by VC++. Even in its
+ presence, an expression involving an ExceptionNumber and an int
+ results in the message "error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert
+ from 'const int' to 'const enum ExceptionNumber'"
+inline ExceptionNumber operator+ (ExceptionNumber left, int right)
+ // NB: cast "left" to an integer, or this routine will recurse!
+ return (ExceptionNumber) ((int) left + right);
+struct ExceptionHistoryType
+ const char* name;
+ uint32 pc;
+ uint32 sp;
+// Using uint32 instead of uint16 generates slightly better code.
+typedef uint32 EmOpcode68K;
+enum EmStackChangeType
+ kStackPointerChanged,
+ kStackPointerIncremented,
+ kStackPointerDecremented,
+ kStackPointerKernelStackHack
+class EmCPU68K;
+typedef Bool (*Hook68KException) (ExceptionNumber);
+typedef Bool (*Hook68KJSR) (emuptr oldPC, emuptr dest);
+typedef Bool (*Hook68KJSR_Ind) (emuptr oldPC, emuptr dest);
+typedef void (*Hook68KLINK) (int linkSize);
+typedef Bool (*Hook68KRTE) (emuptr dest);
+typedef Bool (*Hook68KRTS) (emuptr dest);
+typedef void (*Hook68KNewPC) (emuptr dest);
+typedef void (*Hook68KNewSP) (EmStackChangeType);
+typedef vector<Hook68KException> Hook68KExceptionList;
+typedef vector<Hook68KJSR> Hook68KJSRList;
+typedef vector<Hook68KJSR_Ind> Hook68KJSR_IndList;
+typedef vector<Hook68KLINK> Hook68KLINKList;
+typedef vector<Hook68KRTE> Hook68KRTEList;
+typedef vector<Hook68KRTS> Hook68KRTSList;
+typedef vector<Hook68KNewPC> Hook68KNewPCList;
+typedef vector<Hook68KNewSP> Hook68KNewSPList;
+class EmCPU68K;
+extern EmCPU68K* gCPU68K;
+// These variables should strictly be in a sub-system that implements
+// the stack overflow checking, etc. However, for performance reasons,
+// we need to expose them to UAE (see the CHECK_STACK_POINTER_ASSIGNMENT,
+// et al macros), so define them here.
+// Similar comments for the CheckKernelStack function.
+extern "C" uint32 gStackHigh;
+extern "C" uint32 gStackLowWarn;
+extern "C" uint32 gStackLow;
+extern "C" uint32 gKernelStackOverflowed;
+class EmCPU68K : public EmCPU
+ public:
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // constructor / destructor
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ EmCPU68K (EmSession*);
+ virtual ~EmCPU68K (void);
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // public methods
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Standard sub-system methods:
+ // Reset: Resets the state. Called on hardware resets or on
+ // calls to SysReset. Also called from constructor.
+ // Save: Saves the state to the given file.
+ // Load: Loads the state from the given file. Can assume that
+ // Reset has been called first.
+ virtual void Reset (Bool hardwareReset);
+ virtual void Save (SessionFile&);
+ virtual void Load (SessionFile&);
+ // Execute the main CPU loop until asked to stop.
+ virtual void Execute (void);
+ virtual void CheckAfterCycle (void);
+ // Low-level access to CPU state.
+ virtual emuptr GetPC (void);
+ virtual emuptr GetSP (void);
+ virtual uint32 GetRegister (int);
+ virtual void SetPC (emuptr);
+ virtual void SetSP (emuptr);
+ virtual void SetRegister (int, uint32);
+ virtual Bool Stopped (void);
+ // Called from routines in EmUAEGlue.cpp
+ void ProcessException (ExceptionNumber);
+ void ProcessIllegalInstruction (EmOpcode68K opcode);
+ int ProcessJSR (emuptr oldPC, emuptr dest);
+ int ProcessJSR_Ind (emuptr oldPC, emuptr dest);
+ void ProcessLINK (int linkSize);
+ int ProcessRTE (emuptr dest);
+ int ProcessRTS (emuptr dest);
+ void CheckNewPC (emuptr dest);
+ void CheckNewSP (EmStackChangeType);
+ // Called by CPU clients who need to be notified when certain
+ // actions occur.
+ void InstallHookException (ExceptionNumber,
+ Hook68KException);
+ void InstallHookJSR (Hook68KJSR);
+ void InstallHookJSR_Ind (Hook68KJSR_Ind);
+ void InstallHookLINK (Hook68KLINK);
+ void InstallHookRTS (Hook68KRTE);
+ void InstallHookRTE (Hook68KRTS);
+ void InstallHookNewPC (Hook68KNewPC);
+ void InstallHookNewSP (Hook68KNewSP);
+ void RemoveHookException (ExceptionNumber,
+ Hook68KException);
+ void RemoveHookJSR (Hook68KJSR);
+ void RemoveHookJSR_Ind (Hook68KJSR_Ind);
+ void RemoveHookLINK (Hook68KLINK);
+ void RemoveHookRTS (Hook68KRTE);
+ void RemoveHookRTE (Hook68KRTS);
+ void RemoveHookNewPC (Hook68KNewPC);
+ void RemoveHookNewSP (Hook68KNewSP);
+ // Register management. Clients should call Get/SetRegisters for
+ // the most part. UpdateXFromY are here so that MakeSR and
+ // MakeFromSR (UAE glue functions) can call them.
+ void GetRegisters (regstruct& registers);
+ void SetRegisters (regstruct& registers);
+ void UpdateSRFromRegisters (void);
+ void UpdateRegistersFromSR (void);
+ uint32 GetCycleCount (void);
+ void BusError (emuptr address, long size, Bool forRead);
+ void AddressError (emuptr address, long size, Bool forRead);
+ private:
+ Bool ExecuteSpecial (void);
+ Bool ExecuteStoppedLoop (void);
+ void CycleSlowly (Bool sleeping);
+ Bool CheckForBreak (void);
+ void ProcessInterrupt (int32 interrupt);
+ void InitializeUAETables (void);
+ private:
+ emuptr fLastTraceAddress;
+ uint32 fCycleCount;
+ Hook68KExceptionList fExceptionHandlers[kException_LastException];
+ Hook68KJSRList fHookJSR;
+ Hook68KJSR_IndList fHookJSR_Ind;
+ Hook68KLINKList fHookLINK;
+ Hook68KRTEList fHookRTE;
+ Hook68KRTSList fHookRTS;
+ Hook68KNewPCList fHookNewPC;
+ Hook68KNewSPList fHookNewSP;
+ #define kRegHistorySize 512
+ long fRegHistoryIndex;
+ struct regstruct fRegHistory[kRegHistorySize];
+ #define kExceptionHistorySize 512
+ long fExceptionHistoryIndex;
+ struct ExceptionHistoryType fExceptionHistory[kExceptionHistorySize];
+#endif // EmCPU68K_h