path: root/SrcShared/EmEventOutput.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'SrcShared/EmEventOutput.cpp')
1 files changed, 2012 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SrcShared/EmEventOutput.cpp b/SrcShared/EmEventOutput.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b173321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SrcShared/EmEventOutput.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2012 @@
+/* -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4 -*- */
+/* ===================================================================== *\
+ Copyright (c) 2001 Palm, Inc. or its subsidiaries.
+ All rights reserved.
+ This file is part of the Palm OS Emulator.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+\* ===================================================================== */
+#include "EmCommon.h"
+#include "EmEventOutput.h"
+#include "EmMemory.h" // EmMem_strcpy
+#include "EmPalmOS.h" // GenerateStackCrawl
+#include "EmPalmStructs.h" // EmAliasControlType
+#include "EmPatchState.h" // EmPatchState::GetCurrentAppInfo
+#include "EmSession.h" // gSession
+#include "ErrorHandling.h" // Errors::GetAppName, GetAppVersion
+#include "Miscellaneous.h" // StackCrawlStrings
+#include "PreferenceMgr.h" // Preference, gEmuPrefs
+#include "ROMStubs.h" // FtrGet
+// Special rank positions:
+#define kObjectRank_None -2
+#define kObjectRank_Last -1
+// PalmOS table font:
+#define tableFont boldFont
+// WindowFlagsType modal flag bit:
+#define WindowTypeFlags_modal 0x2000
+// Useful macros:
+static inline Bool PrvIsPenEvent (const EmRecordedEvent& event)
+ return event.eType == kRecordedPenEvent;
+static inline Bool PrvIsPenUp (const PointType& pt)
+ return pt.x == -1 && pt.y == -1;
+static inline Bool PrvIsPenDown (const PointType& pt)
+ return !::PrvIsPenUp (pt);
+static inline Bool PrvIsPenUp (const EmRecordedEvent& event)
+ return ::PrvIsPenEvent (event) && ::PrvIsPenUp (event.penEvent.coords);
+static inline Bool PrvIsPenDown (const EmRecordedEvent& event)
+ return ::PrvIsPenEvent (event) && ::PrvIsPenDown (event.penEvent.coords);
+#define POINT_IN_RECT(X,Y,R) (X >= R.topLeft.x && \
+ Y >= R.topLeft.y && \
+ X <= R.topLeft.x + R.extent.x && \
+ Y <= R.topLeft.y + R.extent.y)
+#define IS_EXTENDED(chrcode) (chrcode >= 0x0080 && chrcode <= 0x00FF)
+// Global state variables:
+EmEventInfoList EmEventOutput::fgEventInfo;
+Bool EmEventOutput::fgIsGatheringInfo;
+int EmEventOutput::fgCounter;
+UInt16 EmEventOutput::fgPreviousFormID;
+Bool EmEventOutput::fgEventAwaitingInfo; // Set if tapped on field or list; cleared when we get the awaited information.
+Bool EmEventOutput::fgWaitForPenUp;
+#pragma mark -
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmEventOutput::StartGatheringInfo
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Reset our state in preparation to start gathering info.
+ * This should be called each time we start replaying an
+ * event list.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmEventOutput::StartGatheringInfo (void)
+ fgEventInfo.clear ();
+ fgCounter = 0;
+ fgPreviousFormID = 0;
+ fgEventAwaitingInfo = false;
+ fgWaitForPenUp = false;
+ EmEventOutput::GatherInfo (true);
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmEventOutput::IsGatheringInfo
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Return whether or not we are currently gathering information.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: True if we are currently gathering info.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+Bool EmEventOutput::IsGatheringInfo (void)
+ return fgIsGatheringInfo;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmEventOutput::GatherInfo
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Turn information gathering on or off.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: gatherInfo - whether or not we're turning on
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmEventOutput::GatherInfo (Bool gatherInfo)
+ fgIsGatheringInfo = gatherInfo;
+#pragma mark -
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: PrvGetStringFromEmuMemory
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Retrieve a string from emulator memory and store it in
+ * a string object.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: emustr - pointer to the string in emulator memory
+ *
+ * RETURNED: The string object.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+static string PrvGetStringFromEmuMemory (emuptr emustr)
+ string str;
+ if (!emustr)
+ return str;
+ size_t len = EmMem_strlen (emustr);
+ if (len)
+ {
+ char* temp = new char [len + 1];
+ if (temp == NULL)
+ {
+ // Failed to allocate space for temporary buffer.
+ return str;
+ }
+ EmMem_strcpy (temp, emustr);
+ str = temp;
+ delete [] temp;
+ }
+ return str;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: PrvClearEventData
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Clear out information gathered and stored in an event
+ * without disturbing the event itself.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: event - event to clear
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+static void PrvClearEventData (EmEventInfo& eventInfo)
+ eventInfo.text.empty ();
+ eventInfo.newFormText.empty ();
+ eventInfo.stackCrawl.clear ();
+ eventInfo.objKind = (FormObjectKind) -1;
+ eventInfo.objID = 0;
+ eventInfo.rank = kObjectRank_None;
+ eventInfo.row = -1;
+ eventInfo.column = -1;
+ eventInfo.style = (ControlStyleType) -1;
+ eventInfo.asciiCode = 0;
+ eventInfo.keyCode = 0;
+ eventInfo.modifiers = 0;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmEventOutput::GetEventInfo
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Master function for retrieving information from the
+ * emulator related to gremlin events being posted.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: event - the current event being replayed.
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmEventOutput::GetEventInfo (const EmRecordedEvent& event)
+ if (!fgIsGatheringInfo)
+ return;
+ CEnableFullAccess munge; // Direct access to form.window.windowFlags.flags.
+ // Clear current event data.
+ EmEventInfo eventInfo;
+ ::PrvClearEventData (eventInfo);
+ eventInfo.event = event;
+ // Get the active form and form id.
+ // This may be incorrect for popup dialogs.
+ FormType* frmP = ::FrmGetActiveForm ();
+ UInt16 currentFormID = 0;
+ if (frmP)
+ {
+ currentFormID = ::FrmGetFormId (frmP);
+ }
+ // If the active form has changed since last event:
+ if ((currentFormID != fgPreviousFormID) && currentFormID)
+ {
+ // Cancel the event awaiting info, because it is no longer possible to get info.
+ fgEventAwaitingInfo = false;
+ if (currentFormID)
+ {
+ // If there was a previous event, associate the form change with it.
+ if (fgEventInfo.size () > 0)
+ {
+ EmEventInfo& prevEvent = fgEventInfo.back ();
+ EmAliasFormType<PAS> form ((emuptr) frmP);
+ // Get the new form's title.
+ emuptr emuTitle = (emuptr)::FrmGetTitle (frmP);
+ if (emuTitle)
+ {
+ string title = ::PrvGetStringFromEmuMemory (emuTitle);
+ if (!title.empty ())
+ {
+ if (form.window.windowFlags.flags & WindowTypeFlags_modal)
+ {
+ prevEvent.newFormText = string("open the \"") + title + string("\" dialog");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ prevEvent.newFormText = string("go to the \"") + title + string("\" view");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If there is no title:
+ if (prevEvent.newFormText.empty ())
+ {
+ if (form.window.windowFlags.flags & WindowTypeFlags_modal)
+ {
+ prevEvent.newFormText = "go to a new dialog";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ prevEvent.newFormText += "go to a new view";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // A previous pen down event may have set the fgEventAwaitingInfo flag.
+ // This flag means that we want to scope out the state of the system
+ // later to find out what the pen event caused to happen. We gather
+ // that information on the next event after the ensuing pen up event.
+ //
+ // This will not work 100% of the time, because the event's target object
+ // may have disappeared, the active form may have changed, or the
+ // application may have done something to the object.
+ if (fgEventAwaitingInfo)
+ {
+ // If we're waiting for a pen-up event, see if we found it.
+ if (fgWaitForPenUp)
+ {
+ if (::PrvIsPenUp (eventInfo.event))
+ {
+ fgWaitForPenUp = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EmEventOutput::GetAwaitedEventInfo ();
+ fgEventAwaitingInfo = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get information about current event.
+ // Skip pen up events.
+ if (!::PrvIsPenUp (eventInfo.event))
+ {
+ switch (eventInfo.event.eType)
+ {
+ case kRecordedPenEvent:
+ EmEventOutput::GetPenEventInfo (eventInfo);
+ break;
+ case kRecordedAppSwitchEvent:
+ EmEventOutput::GetAppSwitchEventInfo (eventInfo);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ fgPreviousFormID = currentFormID;
+ // For some reason, I sometimes see *two* sets of instructions
+ // in the output -- one a duplicate of the other. However, they
+ // are all number consecutively, which implies that OutputEvents
+ // is called just once, and that the doubling effect is because
+ // two sets of events are in fgEventInfo. Put a check here to
+ // see if that's the case.
+ if (fgEventInfo.size () > 0)
+ {
+ EmAssert (fgEventInfo.back ().event.eType != kRecordedErrorEvent);
+ }
+ fgEventInfo.push_back (eventInfo);
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmEventOutput::PoppingUpForm
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Called by the FrmPopupForm headpatch to tell us that
+ * the application is popping up a dialog.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmEventOutput::PoppingUpForm (void)
+ if (!fgIsGatheringInfo)
+ return;
+ // If there was a previous event, associate the form change with it.
+ if (fgEventInfo.size () > 0)
+ {
+ fgEventInfo.back ().newFormText = "popup a dialog";
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmEventOutput::ErrorOccurred
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Called by Errors::HandleDialog to tell us the text of
+ * the error that occurred.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmEventOutput::ErrorOccurred (const string& msg)
+ if (!fgIsGatheringInfo)
+ return;
+ // Create a new event recording the information.
+ EmEventInfo eventInfo;
+ eventInfo.event.eType = kRecordedErrorEvent;
+ eventInfo.text = msg;
+ // Capture the stack crawl.
+ EmStackFrameList stackCrawl;
+ EmPalmOS::GenerateStackCrawl (stackCrawl);
+ // Generate a full stack crawl.
+ ::StackCrawlStrings (stackCrawl, eventInfo.stackCrawl);
+ // Save this information at the end of our collection.
+ fgEventInfo.push_back (eventInfo);
+#pragma mark -
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: PrvObjectIsHigherRank
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Determine if an object is ranked higher inside a form
+ * than another object. Ranking is top to bottom, then
+ * left to right.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: r1 - bounds of object in question
+ *
+ * r2 - bounds of object we're comparing to
+ *
+ * RETURNED: True if object (r1) is higher-ranked.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+static Bool PrvObjectIsHigherRank (RectangleType& r1, RectangleType& r2)
+ if (r2.topLeft.y < r1.topLeft.y)
+ return true;
+ if (r2.topLeft.y == r1.topLeft.y)
+ {
+ if (r2.topLeft.x < r1.topLeft.x)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: PrvFindObjectRank
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Find the rank number of an object inside a form.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: frmP - pointer to form containing the object
+ *
+ * objectIndices - vector array of object indexes in form
+ *
+ * object1 - index of the object to rank
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Rank value of the object.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+static int16 PrvFindObjectRank (FormPtr frmP, vector<uint16>& objectIndices, uint16 object1)
+ EmAssert (frmP);
+ RectangleType r1;
+ ::FrmGetObjectBounds (frmP, object1, &r1);
+ FormObjectKind objectKind1 = ::FrmGetObjectType (frmP, object1);
+ int rank = 0;
+ uint16 siblingCount = 0;
+ vector<uint16>::iterator iter = objectIndices.begin ();
+ while (iter != objectIndices.end ())
+ {
+ // Make sure object is not ourself
+ if (*iter != object1)
+ {
+ // Make sure object is the same kind
+ FormObjectKind objectKind2 = ::FrmGetObjectType (frmP, *iter);
+ if (objectKind2 == objectKind1)
+ {
+ siblingCount++;
+ RectangleType r2;
+ ::FrmGetObjectBounds (frmP, *iter, &r2);
+ if (::PrvObjectIsHigherRank (r1, r2))
+ rank++;
+ }
+ }
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ // No ranking if we are all alone.
+ if (siblingCount == 0)
+ return kObjectRank_None;
+ // Special case for the last object in the form.
+ else if (rank == siblingCount)
+ return kObjectRank_Last;
+ // Else just use the rank number.
+ return rank;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: PrvPointInTableItem
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: This routine computes which row, column a point is in.
+ * It was adapted from the function 'PointInTableItem' in
+ * UI/src/Table.cpp by art and peter.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: tableP - pointer to a table object
+ *
+ * x - point's x coordinate
+ *
+ * y - point's y coordinate
+ *
+ * rrow - return the row
+ *
+ * rcol - return the column
+ *
+ * RETURNED: True if the point is in at item.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+static Boolean PrvPointInTableItem (TableType* tableP, Coord x, Coord y, Int16& rrow, Int16& rcol)
+ EmAssert (tableP);
+ CEnableFullAccess munge;
+ Int16 row, col;
+ Int16 numRows, numCols;
+ RectangleType r;
+ EmAliasTableType<PAS> table ((emuptr)tableP);
+ RectangleType bounds;
+ bounds.topLeft.x = table.bounds.topLeft.x;
+ bounds.topLeft.y = table.bounds.topLeft.y;
+ bounds.extent.x = table.bounds.extent.x;
+ bounds.extent.y = table.bounds.extent.y;
+ if (!POINT_IN_RECT(x, y, bounds))
+ return false;
+ r.topLeft.x = table.bounds.topLeft.x;
+ r.topLeft.y = table.bounds.topLeft.y;
+ numRows = table.numRows;
+ for (row = table.topRow; row < numRows; row++)
+ {
+ // Is the point within the bounds of the row.
+ r.extent.x = table.bounds.extent.x;
+ r.extent.y = ::TblGetRowHeight (tableP, row);
+ if (POINT_IN_RECT(x, y, r))
+ {
+ numCols = table.numColumns;
+ for (col = 0; col < numCols; col++)
+ {
+ // Is the point within the bounds of the column
+ r.extent.x = ::TblGetColumnWidth (tableP, col);
+ r.extent.y = ::TblGetRowHeight (tableP, row);
+ if (POINT_IN_RECT(x, y, r))
+ {
+ rrow = row;
+ rcol = col;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Move to the next column.
+ r.topLeft.x += r.extent.x + ::TblGetColumnSpacing (tableP, col);
+ }
+ // We were in a useable row, but we were not in any of the columns.
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Move to next row.
+ r.topLeft.x = table.bounds.topLeft.x;
+ r.topLeft.y += ::TblGetRowHeight (tableP, row);
+ }
+ return false;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmEventOutput::GetPenEventInfo
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Get information about the current pen event. EventAwaitingInfo
+ * is set for events that need to retrieve info a little later.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: event - the current event being replayed
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmEventOutput::GetPenEventInfo (EmEventInfo& eventInfo)
+ EmAssert (eventInfo.event.eType == kRecordedPenEvent);
+ EmAssert (fgIsGatheringInfo);
+ CEnableFullAccess munge;
+ // Get the pen location in display coordinates.
+ EmPoint displayPt (eventInfo.event.penEvent.coords);
+ Int16 displayX = displayPt.fX;
+ Int16 displayY = displayPt.fY;
+ EmPoint localPt = displayPt;
+ Int16 localX = displayX;
+ Int16 localY = displayY;
+ // Get the active form.
+ FormPtr frmP = ::FrmGetActiveForm ();
+ // Get the objects in that form.
+ vector<uint16> objectIndices;
+ ::CollectOKObjects (frmP, objectIndices);
+ // Convert the pen location to local form coordinates.
+ if (frmP)
+ {
+ WinHandle oldDrawWin = ::WinSetDrawWindow (::FrmGetWindowHandle (frmP));
+ ::WinDisplayToWindowPt (&localX, &localY);
+ ::WinSetDrawWindow (oldDrawWin);
+ localPt = EmPoint (localX, localY);
+ }
+ // Iterate over the objects, finding one we hit.
+ vector<uint16>::iterator iter = objectIndices.begin ();
+ while (iter != objectIndices.end ())
+ {
+ RectangleType r;
+ ::FrmGetObjectBounds (frmP, *iter, &r);
+ EmRect bounds (r);
+ // Must expand bounds a little to match what PalmOS detects as tapping inside an object.
+ bounds.fBottom += 2;
+ bounds.fRight += 2;
+ if (bounds.Contains (localPt))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ ++iter;
+ };
+ // If we found a hit on a form object...
+ if (iter != objectIndices.end ())
+ {
+ eventInfo.objID = *iter;
+ // Get its type.
+ eventInfo.objKind = ::FrmGetObjectType (frmP, *iter);
+ // Get its rank.
+ eventInfo.rank = ::PrvFindObjectRank (frmP, objectIndices, *iter);
+ // Get special info for object type.
+ switch (eventInfo.objKind)
+ {
+ case frmFieldObj:
+ {
+ // Set up to retrieve info during the next event.
+ eventInfo.text.empty ();
+ fgEventAwaitingInfo = true;
+ fgWaitForPenUp = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ case frmControlObj:
+ {
+ emuptr ctlP = (emuptr) ::FrmGetObjectPtr (frmP, *iter);
+ if (ctlP)
+ {
+ EmAliasControlType<PAS> control (ctlP);
+ // Store control style.
+ eventInfo.style = control.style;
+ // Store text label if it exists.
+ eventInfo.text = ::PrvGetStringFromEmuMemory (control.text);
+ if (!eventInfo.text.empty ())
+ {
+ // Check if label is unique. If so, no need for rank.
+ eventInfo.rank = kObjectRank_None;
+ // TODO: Else rank it amongst peers with same label.
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case frmListObj:
+ {
+ // Set up to retrieve info during the next event.
+ eventInfo.text.empty ();
+ eventInfo.row = -1;
+ fgEventAwaitingInfo = true;
+ fgWaitForPenUp = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ case frmTableObj:
+ {
+ TableType* tableP = (TableType*)::FrmGetObjectPtr (frmP, *iter);
+ if (tableP)
+ {
+ ::PrvPointInTableItem (tableP, localX, localY,
+ eventInfo.row, eventInfo.column);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case frmLabelObj:
+// my ($label_id) = FrmGetObjectId ($form, $ii);
+// my ($address, $label) = FrmGetLabel($form, $label_id);
+// $line .= " \"$label\"";
+// event.text = "labeltext";
+ break;
+ case frmTitleObj:
+// my ($address, $title) = FrmGetTitle($form,);
+// $line .= " \"$title\"";
+// event.text = "titletext";
+ break;
+ default:
+ break; // Handle all other cases to keep gcc happy.
+ }
+ }
+ // Otherwise, see if we hit in the silkscreen area.
+ else
+ {
+ UInt16 numButtons;
+ const PenBtnInfoType* buttonListP = EvtGetPenBtnList(&numButtons);
+ EmAliasPenBtnInfoType<PAS> buttonList ((emuptr) buttonListP);
+ for (UInt16 buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < numButtons; ++buttonIndex)
+ {
+ EmAliasPenBtnInfoType<PAS> button = buttonList[buttonIndex];
+ RectangleType buttonBounds;
+ buttonBounds.topLeft.x = button.boundsR.topLeft.x;
+ buttonBounds.topLeft.y = button.boundsR.topLeft.y;
+ buttonBounds.extent.x = button.boundsR.extent.x;
+ buttonBounds.extent.y = button.boundsR.extent.y;
+ if (POINT_IN_RECT(displayX, displayY, buttonBounds))
+ {
+ eventInfo.asciiCode = button.asciiCode;
+ eventInfo.keyCode = button.keyCode;
+ eventInfo.modifiers = button.modifiers;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmEventOutput::GetAppSwitchEventInfo
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Get information about the current app switch event.
+ * In particular, any recorded "from application"
+ * information recorded in it is probably incorrect now,
+ * so let's generate some new information.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: event - the current event being replayed
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmEventOutput::GetAppSwitchEventInfo (EmEventInfo& eventInfo)
+ EmuAppInfo currentApp = EmPatchState::GetCurrentAppInfo ();
+ eventInfo.event.appSwitchEvent.oldCardNo = currentApp.fCardNo;
+ eventInfo.event.appSwitchEvent.oldDbID = currentApp.fDBID;
+#pragma mark -
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: PrvFindInsertionPointString
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Create a string that identifies where a field was tapped,
+ * using the position insertion point. Currently we just
+ * copy the contents of the field up to the insertion point.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: emustr - contents of the field in emulator memory
+ *
+ * pos - position of the insertion point
+ *
+ * RETURNED: String identifying where the field was tapped.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+static string PrvFindInsertionPointString (emuptr emustr, UInt16 pos)
+ EmAssert (emustr);
+ // Copy the text before pos from emulator memory into local temp buffer.
+ char* temp = new char [pos + 1];
+ if (temp == NULL)
+ {
+ // Failed to create temp buffer.
+ return string ();
+ }
+ ::EmMem_strncpy (temp, emustr, (size_t) pos);
+ // Perhaps.. Scan backwards from pos until string up to pos is unique inside entire field string.
+ // For now we'll just use the entire string up to pos.
+ temp[pos] = 0;
+ // Return result.
+ string finalString = temp;
+ delete [] temp;
+ return finalString;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmEventOutput::GetAwaitedEventInfo
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Master function to get information from the emulator about
+ * an event that has been waiting for information. This
+ * mechanism is used to give the running application or OS
+ * enough time to respond to a gremlin event before we try to
+ * get information about it. This is used for finding where we
+ * tapped inside a field, a list, or a table. After the gremlin
+ * taps inside the target object, FldHandleEvent, LstHandleEvent,
+ * or TblHandleEvent will compute the new insertion point or
+ * selection due to that pen event. We then try to retrieve the
+ * results of that computation. This method won't work if the
+ * application changes the target object before we have a chance
+ * to retrieve its info, or the object gets destroyed.
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmEventOutput::GetAwaitedEventInfo (void)
+ EmAssert (fgEventAwaitingInfo);
+ EmAssert (fgIsGatheringInfo);
+ CEnableFullAccess munge; // Remove blocks on memory access.
+ // It is entirely possible that the active form has been destroyed or changed.
+ FormType* frmP = ::FrmGetActiveForm ();
+ if (frmP == NULL)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Look for an event that needs completing.
+ Bool foundAwaitedEvent = false;
+ EmEventInfoList::reverse_iterator iter = fgEventInfo.rbegin ();
+ while (!foundAwaitedEvent && iter != fgEventInfo.rend ())
+ {
+ EmEventInfo& awaitingEvent = *iter++;
+ switch (awaitingEvent.event.eType)
+ {
+ case kRecordedPenEvent:
+ {
+ switch (awaitingEvent.objKind)
+ {
+ case frmFieldObj:
+ {
+ // Find the field text to tap after.
+ FieldType* fldP = (FieldType*) ::FrmGetObjectPtr (frmP, awaitingEvent.objID);
+ if (fldP)
+ {
+ emuptr txtP = (emuptr) ::FldGetTextPtr (fldP);
+ if (txtP)
+ {
+ UInt16 pos = ::FldGetInsPtPosition (fldP);
+ if (pos == 0)
+ {
+ // Tap at the beginning.
+ awaitingEvent.text = " at the beginning";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Tap after the text 'blah'.
+ string aftertext =
+ ::PrvFindInsertionPointString (txtP, pos);
+ awaitingEvent.text = " after the text \"" + aftertext + "\"";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foundAwaitedEvent = true;
+ break;
+ } // case frmFieldObj
+ case frmListObj:
+ {
+ // Find the list item to tap on.
+ ListType* lstP = (ListType*)::FrmGetObjectPtr (frmP, awaitingEvent.objID);
+ if (lstP)
+ {
+ Int16 currentItem = ::LstGetSelection (lstP);
+ // If there is a selection:
+ if (currentItem != noListSelection)
+ {
+ // Use text if it exists, else use row number.
+ emuptr textP = (emuptr) ::LstGetSelectionText (lstP, currentItem);
+ if (textP && ::EmMem_strlen(textP) > 0)
+ {
+ // This may not be unique...
+ awaitingEvent.text = ::PrvGetStringFromEmuMemory (textP);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Should this be relative to topItem?
+ awaitingEvent.row = currentItem;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foundAwaitedEvent = true;
+ break;
+ } // case frmListObj
+ default:
+ {
+ // fgEventAwaitingInfo set inappropriately
+ EmAssert (false);
+ }
+ } // switch (objKind)
+ break;
+ } // case pen event
+ default:
+ {
+ // fgEventAwaitingInfo set inappropriately
+ EmAssert (false);
+ }
+ } // switch (eType)
+ } // while
+#pragma mark -
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmEventOutput::OutputEvents
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Master output function - write out a text description of
+ * a gremlin event list.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: events - list of events to output
+ *
+ * stream - string stream to write output into
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmEventOutput::OutputEvents (strstream& stream)
+ // Start step counter from one. The current step number is not necessarily
+ // the same as the current event index, because multiple events can go into
+ // a single step.
+ fgCounter = 1;
+ // Write out starting step.
+ EmEventOutput::OutputStartStep (stream);
+ // Iterate over all the events.
+ EmEventInfoList::iterator iter (fgEventInfo.begin ());
+ while (iter != fgEventInfo.end ())
+ {
+ switch (iter->event.eType)
+ {
+ case kRecordedKeyEvent:
+ EmEventOutput::OutputKeyEventStep (iter, stream);
+ break;
+ case kRecordedPenEvent:
+ EmEventOutput::OutputPenEventStep (*iter, stream);
+ break;
+ case kRecordedAppSwitchEvent:
+ EmEventOutput::OutputAppSwitchEventStep (*iter, stream);
+ break;
+ case kRecordedErrorEvent:
+ EmEventOutput::OutputErrorEvent (*iter, stream);
+ break;
+ case kRecordedNullEvent:
+ // No output for null events.
+ break;
+ default:
+ stream << "Unknown event" << endl;
+ EmAssert (false);
+ }
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmEventOutput::OutputStartStep
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Write out the description of the starting step,
+ * ie launching the application being exercised.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: stream - the output stream to write into
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmEventOutput::OutputStartStep (strstream& stream)
+ stream << endl;
+ stream << fgCounter << ". ";
+ // Get and write out application name and version.
+ string appNameUC;
+ string appNameLC;
+ string appVersion;
+ Errors::GetAppName (appNameUC, appNameLC);
+ Errors::GetAppVersion (appVersion);
+ stream << "Start \"" << appNameLC << "\" " << appVersion << "";
+ // Device name:
+ Preference<Configuration> pref (kPrefKeyLastConfiguration);
+ Configuration cfg = *pref;
+ EmDevice device = cfg.fDevice;
+ string deviceStr = device.GetMenuString ();
+ stream << " on a " << deviceStr;
+ // ROM version:
+ UInt32 romVersionData;
+ ::FtrGet (sysFileCSystem, sysFtrNumROMVersion, &romVersionData);
+ UInt32 romVersionMajor = sysGetROMVerMajor (romVersionData);
+ UInt32 romVersionMinor = sysGetROMVerMinor (romVersionData);
+ stream
+ << " running Palm OS "
+ << romVersionMajor << "." << romVersionMinor
+ << "." << endl;
+ fgCounter++;
+#pragma mark -
+enum KeyType
+ kKeyType_Writeable, // a normal character that can be entered by typing/graffiti
+ kKeyType_Button, // a button
+ kKeyType_Event // an event, not necessarily from user input
+struct KeyDescription
+ char * description;
+ uint16 chrcode;
+ KeyType type;
+// List of text descriptions for different kinds of character codes.
+// Palm OS chr and vchr defines are in Core/System/Chars.h.
+// Items followed by a '-' are not currently generated by gremlins.
+static KeyDescription gKeyDescription [] =
+ { "backspace", chrBackspace, kKeyType_Writeable }, // 0x0008
+ { "tab", chrHorizontalTabulation, kKeyType_Writeable }, // 0x0009
+ { "new line", chrLineFeed, kKeyType_Writeable }, // 0x000A
+ { "page up", vchrPageUp, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x000B
+ { "page down", vchrPageDown, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x000C
+ { "carriage return", chrCarriageReturn, kKeyType_Writeable }, // 0x000D
+ { "escape", chrEscape, kKeyType_Writeable }, // 0x001B -
+ { "left arrow", chrLeftArrow, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x001C
+ { "right arrow", chrRightArrow, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x001D
+ { "up arrow", chrUpArrow, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x001E
+ { "down arrow", chrDownArrow, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x001F
+// { " ", chrSpace, kKeyType_Writeable }, // 0x0020
+ // Everything here (0x0021 to 0x007E) is printable.
+ { "<delete>", chrDelete, kKeyType_Writeable }, // 0x007F
+ // extended characters from 0x0080 to 0x00FF
+ // Remaining are either commands or wide characters.
+ { "low battery", vchrLowBattery, kKeyType_Event }, // 0x0101
+ { "next field", vchrNextField, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x0103
+ { "Menu", vchrMenu, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x0105
+ { "command", vchrCommand, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x0106
+ { "Home", vchrLaunch, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x0108
+ { "Keyboard", vchrKeyboard, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x0109
+ { "Find", vchrFind, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x010A
+ { "Calculator", vchrCalc, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x010B -
+ { "prev field", vchrPrevField, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x010C
+ // Currently, nothing beyond here is generated by gremlins.
+ { "Keyboard \"abc\"", vchrKeyboardAlpha, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x0110
+ { "Keyboard \"123\"", vchrKeyboardNumeric, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x0111
+ { "lock", vchrLock, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x0112
+ { "Backlight", vchrBacklight, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x0113
+ { "auto off", vchrAutoOff, kKeyType_Event }, // 0x0114 - This one is currently disabled.
+ // PalmOS 3.0
+ { "exgtest", vchrExgTest, kKeyType_Event }, // 0x0115
+ { "send data", vchrSendData, kKeyType_Event }, // 0x0116
+ { "ir receive", vchrIrReceive, kKeyType_Event }, // 0x0117
+ // PalmOS 3.1
+ { "tsm1", vchrTsm1, kKeyType_Event }, // 0x0118
+ { "tsm2", vchrTsm2, kKeyType_Event }, // 0x0119
+ { "tsm3", vchrTsm3, kKeyType_Event }, // 0x011A
+ { "tsm4", vchrTsm4, kKeyType_Event }, // 0x011B
+ // PalmOS 3.2
+ { "radio coverage OK", vchrRadioCoverageOK, kKeyType_Event }, // 0x011C
+ { "radio coverage fail", vchrRadioCoverageFail, kKeyType_Event }, // 0x011D
+ { "power off", vchrPowerOff, kKeyType_Event }, // 0x011E
+ // PalmOS 3.5
+ { "resume sleep", vchrResumeSleep, kKeyType_Event }, // 0x011F
+ { "late wakeup", vchrLateWakeup, kKeyType_Event }, // 0x0120
+ { "tsm mode", vchrTsmMode, kKeyType_Event }, // 0x0121
+ { "Brightness", vchrBrightness, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x0122
+ { "Contrast", vchrContrast, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x0123
+ { "exg int data", vchrExgIntData, kKeyType_Event }, // 0x01FF
+ { "hard 1 (Date Book)", vchrHard1, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x0204
+ { "hard 2 (Address Book)", vchrHard2, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x0205
+ { "hard 3 (ToDo List)", vchrHard3, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x0206
+ { "hard 4 (Note Pad)", vchrHard4, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x0207
+ { "hard power", vchrHardPower, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x0208
+ { "hard cradle", vchrHardCradle, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x0209
+ { "hard cradle 2", vchrHardCradle2, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x020A
+ { "hard contrast", vchrHardContrast, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x020B
+ { "hard antenna", vchrHardAntenna, kKeyType_Event }, // 0x020C
+ { "hard brightness", vchrHardBrightness, kKeyType_Button }, // 0x020D
+ { NULL, 0, (KeyType) 0 }
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: PrvFindKeyDescription
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Search for the text description of a character code
+ * recieved in event.data.keyDown.ascii.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: chrcode - the character code value to search for
+ *
+ * RETURNED: pointer to a KeyDescription structure that describes
+ * the character code, or null if no description found.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+static KeyDescription* PrvFindKeyDescription (uint16 chrcode)
+ // Iterate over the key description list and find an element with
+ // the same key code.
+ for (KeyDescription* kd = gKeyDescription; kd->description != NULL; kd++)
+ {
+ if (kd->chrcode == chrcode)
+ return kd;
+ }
+ // Failed to find description.
+ return NULL;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: PrvIsKeyWriteable
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Determine whether a key event is writeable or not. By
+ * 'writeable' we mean that the key event can be reproduced
+ * by a user by typing or graffiti, as in a normal printable
+ * text character. This routine is used to determine whether
+ * multiple key events can be merged together into a single
+ * string.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: kd - the key description structure for this event, if it exists
+ *
+ * chrcode - the character code, ie from event.data.keyDown.ascii
+ *
+ * modifiers - the modifiers for this event
+ *
+ * RETURNED: True if the key event is writeable.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+static Bool PrvIsKeyWriteable (KeyDescription* kd, uint16 chrcode, uint16 modifiers)
+ // If commandKeyMask is set, can't be writeable.
+ if (modifiers & commandKeyMask)
+ return false;
+ // Everything above 0x0100 without commandKeyMask set is a writeable wide character..?
+ if (chrcode >= 0x100)
+ return true;
+ // Remaining values are below 0x100 without commandKeyMask set.
+ // If the key has a description, use it to determine writeability.
+ if (kd)
+ {
+ return kd->type == kKeyType_Writeable;
+ }
+ // If the key's character code is printable, we'll assume it's writeable.
+ if (isprint (chrcode))
+ return true;
+ // If the key's character code is in the extended ascii range, we'll assume it's
+ // writeable. Problem with this is that it's not easy to enter an extended character
+ // into a Palm device..
+ if (IS_EXTENDED(chrcode))
+ return true;
+ // Anything else (meaning values below 0x0080 without commandKeyMask set and
+ // no key description specified) assumed to be unwriteable.
+ return false;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmEventOutput::OutputKeyEventStep
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Write out the description of a key event. This routine
+ * handles key events that look like button presses or special
+ * event notifications (like LowBattery), as well as writeable
+ * characters. Successive writeable characters are merged
+ * together into a single string if possible.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: events - the entire event list
+ *
+ * iter - an iterator over the events list, currently
+ * located at a key event
+ *
+ * stream - the output stream to write into
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmEventOutput::OutputKeyEventStep (EmEventInfoList::iterator& eventInfoIter, strstream& stream)
+ EmAssert (eventInfoIter->event.eType == kRecordedKeyEvent);
+ stream << fgCounter << ". ";
+ KeyDescription* kd = ::PrvFindKeyDescription (eventInfoIter->event.keyEvent.ascii);
+ // If this key event is writeable, then build up a string
+ // of characters to write.
+ if (::PrvIsKeyWriteable (kd, eventInfoIter->event.keyEvent.ascii, eventInfoIter->event.keyEvent.modifiers))
+ {
+ string charString;
+ // Scan forward until we find an event that doesn't involve writing,
+ // or we hit the end of the list.
+ do
+ {
+ // Add character onto string: Use description if available, else just
+ // use the character itself.
+ if (kd)
+ {
+ charString += string ("<") + kd->description + string (">");
+ }
+ else if (IS_EXTENDED (eventInfoIter->event.keyEvent.ascii))
+ {
+ // Put brackets around extended character number
+ char temp[16];
+ sprintf (temp, "<%3d>", (int) eventInfoIter->event.keyEvent.ascii);
+ charString += temp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ charString += eventInfoIter->event.keyEvent.ascii;
+ }
+ ++eventInfoIter;
+ // Stop if this event is not a key event.
+ if (eventInfoIter->event.eType != kRecordedKeyEvent)
+ break;
+ // Stop if this key event is not writeable.
+ kd = ::PrvFindKeyDescription (eventInfoIter->event.keyEvent.ascii);
+ if (!::PrvIsKeyWriteable (kd, eventInfoIter->event.keyEvent.ascii, eventInfoIter->event.keyEvent.modifiers))
+ break;
+ } while (eventInfoIter != fgEventInfo.end ());
+ // Undigest the event that caused us to break.
+ --eventInfoIter;
+ // Output the string.
+ stream << "Write \"" << charString << "\"." << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (kd)
+ {
+ // Check if it's a button.
+ if (kd->type == kKeyType_Button)
+ {
+ stream << "Tap the " << kd->description << " button." << endl;
+ }
+ // Check if it's an event.
+ else if (kd->type == kKeyType_Event)
+ {
+ stream
+ << "Application receives a "
+ << kd->description << " event." << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stream
+ << "Write character "
+ << eventInfoIter->event.keyEvent.ascii << "." << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ fgCounter++;
+#pragma mark -
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: PrvGetRankString
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Return a text string to describe a rank number.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: rank - the rank number to describe
+ *
+ * RETURNED: String containing the rank description.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+static string PrvGetRankString (int rank)
+ string rankString;
+ // Special cases:
+ if (rank == kObjectRank_Last) rankString = "last";
+ else if (rank == 0) rankString = "first";
+ else if (rank == 1) rankString = "second";
+ else if (rank == 2) rankString = "third";
+ else
+ {
+ // Just use 'nth'.
+ char temp[16];
+ sprintf (temp, "%d", rank);
+ rankString = temp + string("th");
+ }
+ return rankString;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: PrvGetObjectKindString
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Return a string describing the type of a form object.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: objKind - the type of the object
+ *
+ * style - the style (for control objects)
+ *
+ * RETURNED: A string describing the object's type.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+static string PrvGetObjectKindString (FormObjectKind objKind, ControlStyleType style)
+ string kindString;
+ switch (objKind)
+ {
+ case frmFieldObj:
+ kindString = "field";
+ break;
+ case frmControlObj:
+ switch (style)
+ {
+ case buttonCtl:
+ kindString = "button";
+ break;
+ case pushButtonCtl:
+ kindString = "pushbutton";
+ break;
+ case checkboxCtl:
+ kindString = "checkbox";
+ break;
+ case popupTriggerCtl:
+ kindString = "popup trigger";
+ break;
+ case selectorTriggerCtl:
+ kindString = "selector trigger";
+ break;
+ case repeatingButtonCtl:
+ kindString = "repeating button";
+ break;
+ case sliderCtl:
+ kindString = "slider";
+ break;
+ case feedbackSliderCtl:
+ kindString = "feedback slider";
+ break;
+ default:
+ kindString = "control";
+ }
+ break;
+ case frmListObj:
+ kindString = "list";
+ break;
+ case frmTableObj:
+ kindString = "table";
+ break;
+ case frmBitmapObj:
+ kindString = "bitmap";
+ break;
+// case frmLineObj:
+// case frmFrameObj:
+// case frmRectangleObj:
+ case frmLabelObj:
+ kindString = "label";
+ break;
+ case frmTitleObj:
+ kindString = "title";
+ break;
+ case frmPopupObj:
+ kindString = "popup";
+ break;
+ case frmGraffitiStateObj:
+ kindString = "graffiti shift indicator";
+ break;
+ case frmGadgetObj:
+ kindString = "gadget";
+ break;
+ case frmScrollBarObj:
+ kindString = "scrollbar";
+ break;
+ default:
+ kindString = "(unknown object type)";
+ }
+ return kindString;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmEventOutput::OutputPenEventStep
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Write out the description of a pen event. 'Lift stylus'
+ * events are ignored for now.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: event - the pen event to describe
+ *
+ * stream - the output stream to write into
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmEventOutput::OutputPenEventStep (const EmEventInfo& eventInfo, strstream& stream)
+ EmAssert (eventInfo.event.eType == kRecordedPenEvent);
+ PointType pen = eventInfo.event.penEvent.coords;
+ string text = eventInfo.text;
+ FormObjectKind kind = eventInfo.objKind;
+ Int16 rank = eventInfo.rank;
+ if (::PrvIsPenUp (pen))
+ {
+ // Skip lift stylus events.
+ // stream << "Lift stylus." << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stream << fgCounter << ". ";
+ // Tap on silkscreen
+ KeyDescription* kd;
+ if (eventInfo.asciiCode != 0 &&
+ (kd = ::PrvFindKeyDescription (eventInfo.asciiCode)) != NULL)
+ {
+ // Check if it's a button.
+ if (kd->type == kKeyType_Button)
+ {
+ stream << "Tap the " << kd->description << " button";
+ }
+ // Check if it's an event.
+ else if (kd->type == kKeyType_Event)
+ {
+ stream << "Application receives a " << kd->description << " event";
+ }
+ }
+ // Tap somewhere.
+ else if (kind == -1)
+ {
+ // Just output location to tap at.
+ stream << "Tap at " << pen.x << ", " << pen.y;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Command.
+ if ( (kind == frmFieldObj)
+ || (kind == frmTitleObj)
+ || (kind == frmTableObj))
+ {
+ stream << "Tap in the ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stream << "Tap the ";
+ }
+ // Ranking.
+ Bool needRankPostfix = false;
+ if (rank == kObjectRank_None)
+ {
+ // Output control label or nothing.
+ if (!text.empty () && (kind == frmControlObj))
+ {
+ stream << "\"" << text << "\" ";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Output ranking.
+ stream << ::PrvGetRankString (rank) << " ";
+ if (rank > 1)
+ needRankPostfix = true;
+ }
+ // Object kind.
+ // Skip this for the special 'nth list item' case.
+ if (!(kind == frmListObj &&
+ rank == kObjectRank_None &&
+ text.empty() &&
+ eventInfo.row != -1))
+ {
+ stream
+ << ::PrvGetObjectKindString (kind, eventInfo.style);
+ }
+ // Remainder of ranking.
+ if (needRankPostfix)
+ stream << " from the top";
+ // Special object data.
+ switch (kind)
+ {
+ case frmFieldObj:
+ if (!text.empty ())
+ {
+ // After the text 'blah'.
+ stream << text;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Shouldn't need this because if event.text is empty then
+ // the field is empty so it doesn't matter where you tap.
+ // stream << " at " << pen.x << ", " << pen.y;
+ }
+ break;
+ case frmListObj:
+ // Output item text if we have it, else try the item number.
+ if (!text.empty ())
+ {
+ if (rank == kObjectRank_None)
+ {
+ // Special case for forms with only one list.
+ stream << " item \"" << text << "\"";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stream << ", in the \"" << text << "\" item";
+ }
+ }
+ else if (eventInfo.row != -1)
+ {
+ if (rank == kObjectRank_None)
+ {
+ // Special case for forms with only one list.
+ stream << ::PrvGetRankString (eventInfo.row) << " list item";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stream << ", in the " << ::PrvGetRankString (eventInfo.row) << " item";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stream << " at " << pen.x << ", " << pen.y;
+ }
+ break;
+ case frmTableObj:
+ // Output column, row if we have it, else use x, y pixel position.
+ if (eventInfo.row != -1)
+ {
+ stream
+ << " at column " << eventInfo.column
+ << " row " << eventInfo.row;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stream << " at " << pen.x << ", " << pen.y;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break; // Handle all other cases to keep gcc happy.
+ }
+ }
+ // Form change.
+ if (!eventInfo.newFormText.empty ())
+ {
+ // "To go to the 'A' dialog" or "To open the 'B' view".
+ stream << " to " << eventInfo.newFormText;
+ }
+ stream << "." << endl;
+ fgCounter++;
+ }
+#pragma mark -
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmEventOutput::OutputAppSwitchEventStep
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Write out the description of an appSwitch event.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: event - the appSwitch event to describe
+ *
+ * stream - the output stream to write into
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmEventOutput::OutputAppSwitchEventStep (const EmEventInfo& eventInfo, strstream& stream)
+ EmAssert (eventInfo.event.eType == kRecordedAppSwitchEvent);
+ stream << fgCounter << ". ";
+ uint16 cardNo = eventInfo.event.appSwitchEvent.cardNo;
+ uint32 dbID = eventInfo.event.appSwitchEvent.dbID;
+ uint16 oldCardNo = eventInfo.event.appSwitchEvent.oldCardNo;
+ uint32 oldDbID = eventInfo.event.appSwitchEvent.oldDbID;
+ char name [dmDBNameLength] = { 0 };
+ char oldName [dmDBNameLength] = { 0 };
+ uint16 version;
+ uint16 oldVersion;
+ ::DmDatabaseInfo (cardNo, dbID, GET_NAME(name, &version));
+ ::DmDatabaseInfo (oldCardNo, oldDbID, GET_NAME(oldName, &oldVersion));
+ if (strcmp (name, oldName) != 0)
+ {
+ stream << "Switch to \"" << name << "\" from \"" << oldName << "\"." << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stream << "Relaunch \"" << name << "\"." << endl;
+ }
+ fgCounter++;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION: EmEventOutput::OutputErrorEvent
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Write out the description of an error event.
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS: event - the error event to describe
+ *
+ * stream - the output stream to write into
+ *
+ * RETURNED: Nothing.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+void EmEventOutput::OutputErrorEvent (const EmEventInfo& eventInfo, strstream& stream)
+ EmAssert (eventInfo.event.eType == kRecordedErrorEvent);
+ // Output error description. Do this a character at
+ // a time in order to convert line endings.
+ stream << endl;
+ stream << "Crash with error:" << endl << endl;
+ {
+ string::const_iterator iter = eventInfo.text.begin ();
+ while (iter != eventInfo.text.end ())
+ {
+ if (*iter == '\r' || *iter == '\n')
+ {
+ stream << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stream << *iter;
+ }
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ stream << endl << endl;
+ }
+ // Output the stack crawl.
+ stream << "Function call stack:" << endl;
+ EmEventOutput::OutputStack (stream, eventInfo.stackCrawl);
+ stream << endl;
+void EmEventOutput::OutputStack (strstream& stream, const StringList& stackCrawl)
+ StringList::const_iterator iter = stackCrawl.begin ();
+ while (iter != stackCrawl.end ())
+ {
+ stream << "\t" << *iter << endl;
+ ++iter;
+ }